Jimbo by Larry Wilson
2 November 2007
Deck beam and battens are in place as are the partial side deck
beams. The Samson post is only temporarily installed at this
point to facilitate its proper alignment.
24 December 2007
Carlings have been installed. The space between the carling and
the inner sheer has been filled with scrap 1-inch wood to
facilitate later installations of step pads, rod holders,
cleats, etc. without having to back them up with wood blocking
later. It is just easier to do it now. Notice that I have
started some of the painting. I am painting those parts that
would be difficult after construction is finished.
9 & 10 January 2008
Just installed the knee.
I have just installed the longitudinal uprights. Notice the
cross-braces to maintain the uprights in a vertical position
until the glue dries.
15 April 2008
My 7-yr. old daughter is helping to cut and sand part of the