Bo-Jest by Peter Tonkin4 November 2008
4 December 2008 Couple of more Photos of my Bo Jest - Sole and Deck timbers ( Flooded Gum 5mm laminate to 12mm ply ) pretty much set in place next job is a sand up and fill with black acrylic filler.What you can’t see is the hours spent under the floor on supports, plumbing and water tanks!
9 February 2009 Update on SheelyKeel.Decks 5mm Flooded Gum laminated to 12mm exterior structural ply. Front cabin New Guinea Rosewood.
I have started the main cabin walls and the windows but need to remove boat from shed before I can go to full height. 9 June 2009 It’s been the wet season here and its pretty much rained nonstop for 5 months … but winter is here, skies are now clear, temps in the 70’s and I can take the front off the shed to get the boat out to put the roof on… quite a drama getting the boat out that is!