Zip by Amauri Cascapera, Sao Paulo, Brazil
9 January 2010 Update

Now I'll apply plywood on the deck, the edges will be
wider, I'm using plywwood, red cedar

The curves were cut using templates paper

See the veneer applied to both sides

After applying the central board, I applied a water-based
stain to darken these parts of the deck

Begining to aply the veneer in the center, thinner plates
are used, equal to 7.5 cm applied in the lateral sides,
allowing a space to fill with resin grout

Now you see the central deck, with the boards glued and
nailed, I used Spatula doctors and stapler (do not forget
that I am a pediatrician!)

The front sanded and sealed with resin. without fiberglass
cloths in the decks

Central deck

First view after grouting and varnish, not like the color of
the grout, it was not well enough white

I decided to apply strips of white vinyl on top of grout--

I think the boat almost finished, now I'll build a model
of support for the windshield, they will be sent to a
workshop steel to be built