Malahini Scale Model by Ron Krueger, Wilmington, North Carolina20 January 2010My Malahini scale model. I had the plans reduced to 15% of full size. It turned out to be 29 in. long with a 12 in. beam. It was a fun project and maybe one day I might find someone who would like me to build a full size boat for them.
16 March 2010 Update I decided to display the model on a trailer I built instead of a cradle. The trailer is all wood except for the rear guide posts. The boat is now complete with a motor carved from wood and a prop with a wooden hub and sheet metal blades. The steering wheel and controls are also wooden.
First I turned the front face on my lathe and used a cutoff blade set to the wheel thickness and cut in about 1/2 " leaving the wheel still attached to the wood block.
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