Squirt by Greg & Brad RoyMay 14, 2008 My last project was building the Barrelback “Bootlegger.” Now I and my 11 year old son Brad are building the Squirt as a father and son project. We commenced last year and in the weekend just gone, we turned the hull over. We plan to finish the boat over the winter in time for our Summer (starts in December down under) The frames are “Kauri” a great local boatbuilding timber.
November 13, 2008 Here are the latest photos of the squirt I am building with my son Brad. I have made changes to the detail of the deck construction to allow for a fully varnished timber deck with Walnut sides (laminated squares) and walnut king-plank with stripes of Mahogany and white oak veneers over the ply deck. This raises the deck height a small amount but gives the desired effect. It also allows for more space for a belting. I will send further photos through as I proceed with the veneers and hull painting. The plan is to have it complete for Christmas – that’s summertime here downunder.
December 7, 2008 First rough sanding of the deck completed, just a bit more fine sanding and then varnish. We may yet make it by Christmas.
January 9, 2009 Latest photo of the Squirt – taken about 6 hours ago after varnishing the deck – didn’t quite make Christmas but we will be launching any day.