Ski Tow by Ron Humphrey
April 24, 2008
The SKI TOW is finally started, it's 45 years since I built
the MISSILE in 1963, being 17 at that time, and have always
wanted to build more boats since then. So I find it a great
experience again, having retired from building houses. I think
boat building is the Ultimate in craftsmanship, & your plans
& patterns allow the amateur to fulfil the dream of any
would-be boat builder. The SKI TOW will be used for fishing.
All frame members cut ready for assembly
The outlines for the frames are set out on a used sheet of
Ready for the building jig
The jig is made from old door frames, scaffold planks, from the
building days, I never throw much away
I spread 2 old beach towels on the bottom planking & poured
on boiling water, it bent easily. Note, the biggest change in
the boatbuilding since the 'Missile' in 1963, is my
haircut, it was Elvis style back then! I don't feel any
The time spent fairing was very satisfying, & made the
sheeting easy, the lines true.
Took a couple months to get this far, I want to fibreglass the
hull, but it is already too late now as winter has set in, we
are near the only snow in Australia, so SKI TOW will sit like
this til about Sept.