"I have enclosed a picture that includes my surrounding work area/garage. I have done this because so many of the photos show a nice, clean, decked out wood shop in the background. I'm proof that with a 9th grade wood shop class, a messy garage, and a little (lot) of time and patience, anybody can build a boat!!"

"...and I still have more to do!"

18 Dec 2005

Hi, just a "shorty" note to show you the Sea Knight as it sat on the water for the first time in October. Had it out a second time in November (in Minneapolis!!) and put 108 miles on the Mississippi River. (Next summer maybe I'll motor down and see Ray Macke and his Cabin Skiff!) GPS'd at 45 mph upstream with a '93 Mariner 100 on it. I'll detail more and send more pictures, and I still have to finish up the painting (waterline up front) and add the flybridge windshield, but so far, so good!!! I'm in the project registry but haven't updated for quite a while. Thanks for a great design.
Bob Maskel

Sea Knight
