From: Ken Muenster Enclosed are pictures of my Power Skiff 14 that I have been enjoying for the past month. So far I have been in the area lakes in Alabama and the coastal waters in Florida. I started the project in Oct 2003 and completed and launched it in April 2004 by working weekends and nights. I started out with the original plans as an open hull design, but with some modifications I designed my boat after that of a 17' Console Skiff built by David Ogden, as seen in your Customer Photos, and another 14' Power Skiff built by Tom Schroder. The deck and reinforcement were added to give me access to fly fishing in the area lakes and rivers and shrimping off the coast in the inter-coastal waterways. The boat is very stable and handles the addition very well. The boat is powered by a 15 HP Johnson tiller and will plane out quickly, reaching a top end speed of approximately 23 MPH. The 6-gallon gas tank is located in the middle bulkhead compartment and adds some weight and balance to the front of the boat. The cockpit design is very comfortable and accommodates two fishermen easily and is easily handled by one person when launching and retrieving at the boat ramps. Plenty of storage areas were incorporated into the design in the bow, cockpit storage area and rear deck compartments. This is my first Glen-L pattern and I am thoroughly enjoying every minute in my first boat. A special thanks to my wife Gail who was there when I needed that extra hand and support. Also, to David and Tom for there endless help and my endless emails and phone calls. And to the guys at work when it came time to flip the boat over, several times. |