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How to submit photos

The easiest for us:
Send .JPG (JPEG) images as an email attachment. BMP or TIF files can be used (converted to .jpg on our end), but are four or five times the size of .JPG's and you should not send more than one or two in an email. It is helpful if the photos are attached in a logical order; construction before finished boat. It can sometimes be quite time consuming to sort the photos into order, particularly if there are a lot of photos.

Attach your photos to an email and send them to     Be sure to include your name, location, and which design your boat is.


  • When to send. Many builders submit photos as construction continues, keeping an online photo record. Others send photos of Glen-L designs that are complete. Either is fine. If this is a newer design or a design with few photos, construction photos are particularly appreciated. The purpose of the photo board is to show other builders what can be done and to provide a better idea of how the boat looks. Although we like to see any boat project, we do not post photos that are not Glen-L designs.
  • How big? If you use a digital camera, as they come out of the camera is fine. In order to show the boat at the most informative size, we generally edit out extraneous sky and water. If the photos are in a small format, the photo can be quite small after editing. We cannot post photos that are too large because of the increased load time required, which is one reason we often crop and reduce size.
    We have a DSL line and can handle most files, but you should limit the number of photos per email, to about 10. If you have a newer, higher resolution camera, five might be a better limit.

    Note: Many of the early photos posted on the board where much smaller and of less quality than those we are now posting. As more people are getting faster Internet connections, we have gradually been making them larger, but try to keep them within the screen, without scrolling. Even though as this is written, more people have larger monitors, we are still formatting for an 800 x 600 pixel screen. If you have previously submitted photos and the reprodution is not very good, you may re-submit and we will try to do better.
  • Captions. If you feel so inclined, add captions for photos. List them by photo file name. While not neccessary, captions are appreciated by your fellow builders. Do not get fancy and put captions on the photos themselves. Sometimes if the size has to be reduced, the captions are unreadable.
  • How are they posted? We format and post them by hand, so they may take a few days to post. The format varies depending on the Webmaster's mood and the size and quantity of photos. Some photos may be appropriate for a "Feedback" article in the WebLetter, especially if there are good captions. In such case, they may not be posted in the Customer Photos section until after the WebLetter has been posted. In some cases, those posted in Customer Photos may have abbreviated captions when they have appeared in the WebLetter.
  • WebLetter article. We are ALWAYS looking for content for the WebLetter that would be of interest to our readers. If you would like to write an article about your project, we have a place for it.

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