      Construction Pictorial 11

Fig 51: The dash beam and cowl beam are glued and fastened in place to blocks fastened to the coaming. Note the strongback notched into the beams. It should be notched only half-way through the dash beam or rested on blocking on the aft side.

Fig 52: The cowl covering butts to the foredeck and fits into a rabbets along the coaming and dash beam.

Fig 53: An upright member is used along the keel between Frames 2 and 3 and Frames 3 and 4 as a backing member to support the bottom of the seats. Note the 1" athwartship cleat on Frame 3 to support the seat bottoms.

Fig 54: The seat backs are formed by an athwartship cleat between #3 side frame members. The bottom of the seat backs will be supported by cleats on the bottom seat panels.

This is as far as the pictorial goes.
The hull is normally fiberglassed; the deck can be fiberglassed or not. It is painted, varnished, the seats are made, steering and motor installed and...

Our builder is showing off his project, inviting friends and family for a ride, pulling skiers and talking to the gawkers at every stop.
