Rollins College Glen L. Dear Sir; I have recently finished building the REBEL ski-boat, and I must say that it's quite a boat. I have taken the liberty to let you know how this little hull has pleased me. Here are a few facts-- Six months to build at a cost of $500.00. I received the frame kit in Jan.'62; by May '62 the boat was completed. Construction was fairly simple, the instruction book was excellent. I followed the instructions very carefully, only deviating in strengthening the hull. I laminated 1" mahogany onto the transom, doubling its thickness. I also had two stainless steel transom knees made for me, in addition to the wooden knee supplied in the kit. Consequently, the transom is extremely strong even though the boat is powered by an 80 HP Mercury. ![]() Instead of using screws to hold the bottom and side planking, I used Everdur hold-fast nails. So far I have not had any nails popping on me, although the boat is frequently used in rough ocean water. The bottom, sides, and transom are covered with fiberglass with epoxy coating. The decks are stained and varnished mahogany with red epoxy striping. All exterior hardware is stainless steel as the boat is operated in salt water. I have two Austin- Healey buckets with motor controls mounted between the seats. As to performance the REBEL is a winner! She is an excellent ski- boat, pulling skiers up quickly and holding on turns very well. She is no slowpoke! With just the driver and a 35 HP Evinrude, she went through the measured mile at 31 mph. With the present 80 HP Merc. with a 17" prop she flew through the traps for a two way average of 43 mph with the motor turning 5500 rpm. I believe with a 19" prop and some minor changes I could hit 45. She is one of the fastest boats in my area, only superceded by twin-powered catamarans. Although she is not a cruising boat, a buddy and myself took it from Jones Beach inlet through the ocean, past Manhattan island, up the Hudson river, and portaged it into Lake George- a trip of 300 miles. Small craft warnings were up when we started from Jones inlet, it took us 4 hours to go the 30 miles to Manhattan. Although the boat was loaded with 500 lbs of gear and fuel, it handled beautifully in the six foot seas. At times the seas were very confused and rough, but the REBEL stayed on top of them. Not once did we take any water. The round trip took 5 days, included a day to go through the twelve locks. At times we were getting 8 miles a gallon at half throttle. It was a very exciting trip. The boat has been through two summers of hard use and it's still in fine shape. The only trouble I've had was a broken frame, but with the tremendous stresses, it was inevitable. Friends with G- 3 Glassoar ski-boats have had them sink on them with cracked bottoms with less treatment than I put my boat through. Every place the REBEL goes, it's met with compliments. Several of my friends are seriously thinking of building one. I've owned several small boats and this is the best. People are always admiring it so that I dislike pulling up to a dock being hit by a barrage of questions. Enclosed are two pictures of the REBEL with my brother driving. I think that now you can see why I'm so enthusiastic. ![]() Right now I'm attending Rollins College in Fla. My home is in Long Island, New York. I would like to run the Rebel in the next Albany - New York Power Boat Race. With luck, I can be a winner. I must congratulate you on an excellent designed boat, it even impressed Henry Luhrs (Luhrs Sea Skiffs) when he saw it this summer on the Hudson River. It's a shame that such a fine boat is available only to the few who have the time and ability to build it. I'm sure that if mass-produced, the REBEL will meet with much success. I think of it as the Corvette or Jaguar of the water, which are successes in their own right. Keep up the good work! Sincerely, |