![]() ![]() A place to share YOUR boat building storyGlen-L Marine Designs - 9152 Rosecrans Ave. - Bellflower, CA 90706 ![]() In this issue
GLEN-L Update
If I Can Do It
Snow & Boat Buildinga view from the west coast
They say it’s snowing in New York
Where the winter is somewhat colder
I wonder if there are boats a-building
To all Eastern Glen-L boat builders
We would greatly like to hear them
-ArtDeco |
Photos sent in since the last WebLetter... |
by Ken Schott
our roving reporter
A while back I had to take a contract job in Hawaii. This took me away from my Double Eagle project, but I had to put beans on the table. On any off time I could find, I perused the boatyards and marinas around Oahu island. I found the Honolulu Maritime Museum had a steel hulled tall mast cutter. I took the tour and found it very interesting. I have enclosed some pics that I took of it, 'The Falls of Clyde'. One interesting thing that I never thought of about sailboats (large tall masts anyway) is that all the rigging is steel cable. In the case of this one, all the rigging you see is heavy steel cables about 1 ¼" maybe 1 3/8".
As a power boater, I find it amazing for all the weight of all that cable being so high above the decks. A sizable area below decks is dedicated to making/repairing the rigging for the masts. A special vice is mounted (in one of the pics) for sailors to squeeze the eyes onto the rigging and then wrap it for corrosion protection.
The steering gear was very huge, it looked like a giant worm gear arrangement to turn the tiller.
In one of the pics you can see a view looking over the bowsprit and a large bus passing by the waterfront, WELL below the bowsprit. This ship is floating, not drydocked. Another view was from a staircase 6 flights up to a small observation deck, and these flights of stairs were tall. I guess I was about 8 regular stories up and still the camera cannot see the top of the masts. (and to think that some poor sailor would get up there and hang a top sail!)
Notice the pic with the cruise ship in the next dock to get a sense of scale, and how tall a Tall Ship is!!
This ship was built in Scotland and ferried to USA for merchant shipping from mainland to Hawaii. At one point it was demasted and used as a oil tanker in Alaska. Some time later it found its way to Honolulu and masts were restored. Story has it that the oil tanker life (with all the spills and mess) did help preserve the steel hull to this day.
The anchor windlass is visible in several pics, you can see some tourists on the foredeck to see the size of the windlass.
Wikipedia: Falls of Clyde
Aloha Hawaii: Falls of Clyde
National Park Service: Falls of Clyde
Clyde Built Ships
Joined: 17 Aug 2004
Posted: 02 Feb 2007 04:16 am Post subject: Glen-L Fiberglassing Boats DVD (Best $35 I have spent yet..) All, I wanted to let everyone know that our sponsor's have given me the best and most inspirational tool for my boat yet. I recently ordered the $35 Glen-L DVD of "How to Fiberlass a Boat." I already own the Glen-L Boatbuilding with Plywood and Inboard Motor Installations books and the Building the Console Skiff VHS. However, this DVD was the best Glen-L purchase yet (behind my Minuet plans of coarse.) A little history follows first. I decided to order this after a rather trying experience at fiberglassing the centerboard trunk for my Minuet. I experienced all sorts of fiberglassing malidies. It was obviously my first experience with fiberglass and epoxy, and there was no way I was going to attempt to cover my beautiful hull without some serious training. Do not get me wrong, it is not that hard to use fiberglass and epoxy. I was just a fiberglass idiot. So, I just wanted to let everyone know that the Glen-L DVD is worth EVERY PENNY I paid for it. I no longer consider myself a fiberglass neophyte after practicing some of the techniques I observed in this GREAT DVD. To be fair the DVD quality is not High-Definition by any means, but it does a WONDERFUL job of covering the subject. It covers everything from tools, applications, epoxy and polyesters, and all kinds of hints and tips that I would never have thought of in my newbie state of boatbuilding. As a wonderful side benefit it helps keep my dream alive. I have been traveling so much lately for work that I cannot spend much time actually working on my boat, but I can definitely tell you this DVD helps to keep me motivated while I am away. I would encourage anyone wanting to learn more about this subject to buy this instructional DVD. It will no doubt save me hours of time and heart-ache teaching myself through the trial-and-error process. Thank you GLEN-L! Robert |
Back by popular demand, from WebLetter 54 - "Metric" and "Bending chines and sheers"
Subject: Web Order
Date: 14 March 2007
Just a quick note to let you know that my order was received 3-13-07. Thank you. The complete transaction was fast and equally as important...accurate. As a repeat customer, I appreciate the communications, follow through and ease of conducting business with Glen-L.
Keep up the great work!
Rodger Tate
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Subject: Re: Tom, Build your Dream Boat #3
Have started construction on 'Sweet Caroline' with the plans
from you. I found everything great so far. The building form will be
anchored this weekend I hope. Including the form in the drawings was a
terrific idea. Saved a lot of headwork which is not my strongpoint
Even though I'm not ready for it I had to try tracing and cutting
one of the REAL boat parts. You'll be happy to know that the
Breasthook actually LOOKS like a Breasthook. I will be needing the Glue
and Screws soon (not soon enough for me) so put some away for me.
Tom Hess
Subject:Subject: Re: Glen-L Family Information
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Thanks for the update. My wife Kathi and I were just out on the Indian
River Friday night for a star filled cruise. I built the Squirt two years
ago and we use it almost every weekend. I built it for my grandson's
4th birthday. However he has gotten so big and tall that it is difficult
for all 3 to fit into "PostMan" so either he or I go out or
"Nan" and I sneak it out now and then. We have permission! Love
the boat... can't go anywhere without comments and conversation.
Maybe another one bigger some day.
Thanks again. Bob Weems (Captian Weemo)
Subject: Audeen video
14 February 2007
Posted this on youtube for easier sharing. Have Fun,
Frank Tamanko
Subject: Swish Runabout pictures
Date: Monday, February 26, 2007
Barry, Find attached pictures of the Swish Runabout that my dad built in the basement in the winter of 1958-59. Hope you enjoy them.
Terry Chapman
Subject: Information
Date: 15 February 2007
Dear Glen-L people,
Thank you for taking care of my recent order. I wanted to let you know that I have built about 12 boats: a runabout, strip canoes, row boats and a 21 foot sloop. The first boat I built was from a Lugar boat kit when I was in high school. That was almost 50 years ago. We put a Scott-Atwater 40 horse power motor on it and it could go about 31 mph. My family really enjoyed that boat for many years. The other boats I have constructed have all been from scratch.
One year (1960) while we were camping at Eighth Lake in the Adirondack Mountains and we saw the Zip. It could really go and I have had an interest in that boat ever since. The Zip will probably be my last boat. I have ordered Mahogany plywood and framing lumber from Boulter Plywood of Boston. I am planning to put a 50 HP Evinrude motor on it. The boat should be beautiful and it will move. Thank you.
Jeff Chapple
Canajoharie, NY