A place to share YOUR boat building story
Glen-L Marine Designs - 9152 Rosecrans Ave. - Bellflower, CA
In this issue
The THIRD Annual Gathering of Glen-L
Boatbuilders is nearly upon us, and this year
there'll be a very special treat for everyone
attending - our recently-retired (from Glen-L) Shop
Foreman and Master Craftsman, Allyn
Perry, has agreed to join us!
Allyn is an amazing wood technician, who built all our
frame kits and test boats in the Glen-L shop for around 30
years until he moved to Colorado. This will be Allyn's
first time at the Gathering and we're ecstatic
…especially since he may let you all "pick his
brain" about his secret tips and techniques to make
your boatbuilding projects move forward quickly and ultra
As of the first of September, this year's Gathering is
shaping up to be a "can't miss" event, with
more than 60 people already committed to attend, bringing
18 boats and a Boy Scout troop, and, of course,
Allyn's technical information that money can't buy
- and it's all FREE!
I sincerely hope that every one of you will find a way to
make it to the Gathering 2009. Whether your boat is fully
complete, or is still in the "just a dream"
phase, you'll find the Gathering to be a wonderful,
fun-filled and enriching experience for the whole
See you in Guntersville!!!
Until next month . . .
Note: Gayle says "There is such a sense of
camaraderie each year and everyone is so eager and generous
to share their boat building know-how with each other. This
is a great place to network with other builders. Many have
even made friendships that go beyond the weekend--even
bringing them together to help with their boats! And, the
very best part is taking rides in the boats--what a
Be sure and fill out the Gathering Registration Form so that you don't
miss out on this exciting FREE event!
If you'd like to join in the planning here's a link
where you can participate on the Boatbuilder Forum: Gathering 2009 (if you aren't already
registered for the Forum, it only takes a minute to do and
will be well worth all the great info you'll get by being
part of this group)!"
Glen-L in Ireland
by Gayle Brantuk
Long, long ago, before computers
and the internet, Glen-L relied on Authorized Dealers to sell
our plans, kits and books. To qualify as a dealer, a company
would have to send us a request on their letterhead and then
we would provide them with our dealer pricing sheet. All of
this was done through snail mail. Dealers would order Glen-L
plans and books from us at a discount and then resell them at
retail, making a little profit. Some dealers would order
quite a few sets of various plans and books and keep them in
stock for their customers.
Because of our presence on the internet and ease of ordering
directly from us, we have only a few dealers left. Most are
book dealers since we are the publisher of all Glen-L
Last month John and I had the privilege of meeting long-time
Glen-L Dealer, George Hegarty and his daughter Karen. Since
1967, George has been our Dealer in Ireland and this is the
first time he has visited us. Karen came out many years back,
but I was out of the office at the time and didn't get to
meet her.
We had a wonderful visit with George and Karen. They are two
of the most gracious people I have met and I thoroughly
enjoyed getting to know them. Their company in Ireland is
"Glen Sun International Boats Company". In addition
to selling Glen-L plans and books, they also have boats and
inflatables for sale as well as motors and many other marine
related products. Plus, they provide boat storage and will
even provide assistance for building your Glen-L boat.
The first boat George built was the Glen-L Cruisette back in
1967 and since then has been involved in building literally
thousands of Glen-L designs. He is such a nice man and truly
loves everything having to do with boats and has always been
a loyal and out-spoken promoter of everything Glen-L.
For those of you in or near Ireland that need a place to
build or store your boat, or need anything marine related, we
hope you'll contact George. You can even pick up a
current Glen-L catalog while you're there! Visit his
website at www.glenmarine.com.
Glen-L Boatbuilder of the Month
Rod MacIntosh - Tuffy
While I only recently launched my
Tuffy runabout, to be honest, our family
has a long history and very intimate connection with Glen-L
In the early 1960s, my father and a close friend began by
building 2 identical versions of your outboard cruiser, the
15' Cruisette. My childhood memories begin
with them completing the two hulls during the long, cold
winter months here in New Brunswick - in the basement!! In
fact they actually dismantled part of the concrete block
foundation of the house to carry the completed hulls out as
spring came!
With warmer weather, work now moved to the main floor of our
old country barn where these two boats were lovingly
completed as summer progressed. They were both
beauties!! Father was so proud of his little cruiser!!
Our family keeps many cherished photos of our family cruising
the friendly Tobique and Saint John Rivers near our
A couple of winters later, Dad and his friend again ordered
more plans, bought materials and descended the basement
stairs to build a couple of mini speedsters, the 8' MiniMaxed. Painted bright red and yellow,
these "cuties" were proudly launched in the spring.
Over the years, our friends and family have spent literally
hundreds of hours zipping along the shorelines!!
Focus again switched to cruisers in the late
1960's…this time a bit larger - the 17' Sea Knight. The barn floor was again
"boatbuilding central" as Father assisted a couple
of close friends in building their dream boats. Again the
results were beautiful as traffic on the river increased with
Glen-L designs.
As the years progressed I
have always hoped to continue our father's traditions by
building my own special boat - and finally succeeded!! Plans
were again purchased - this time for the Tuffy runabout. As
detailed in your instructions, I decided to extend the
original 13' design to a bit over 14'. I made some
slight design alterations, clamped on an older model 40 HP
Merc. and headed for the river! She's a "real
I wish Dad could have seen her slide into the arms of the
Tobique River almost 47 years after his first launch. I know
that most boats are traditionally named "female" in
gender but right from the beginning I had this one pegged:
Say "hello" to the "MAC
1" in honor of my father Graeme MacIntosh who
left me with many fantastic memories - including a life-long
love of boatbuilding!
And thank you Glen-L Marine for being there and contributing
in a large part to our family's memories!! And don't
go away too soon . . . I feel another surge of
"boatbuilding adrenalin" coming on soon!!!
--- Rod MacIntosh, Tobique Narrows, New Brunswick,
Dear Gayle...
by Geoff Hambly
"So I am a new client, am I?
Read on..."
In the early 1980s I built a
modified Kingpin - modified by omission of the
upper deck. I've included three pictures of it; please
take a look. The four people in the first
picture are my family comprising one wife, one daughter, one
son, and me, seated in that order port to starboard. The
boat's propulsive effort came from a Ford 351
(USA/Australian) turning a Berkeley jet pump. The boat was in
constant recreational year-round use in Brunei waters, but
shortly before I retired in 1989 I hit a dead-sailor log one
midnight and sank the boat.
That, however, is not the end of the story, for a few days
ago, these NINETEEN YEARS later, I idly chanced to key
"Glen-L" into my PC to see what might come up, and
amazingly scrolled my way not into just any old Kingpin but
into MY Kingpin. Just like that! The person sitting in your
web-site's picture is the same daughter mentioned
I first encountered Glen-L in a small magazine booklet
called "How to Build 20 Boats" in which Glen-L was
well represented. I had found this booklet in a second-hand
bookstall in Hong Kong, where I lived from 1959 to 1965. In
those seven years I found three more of those booklets, and
became intrigued by the way Glen-L had over the years been
progressively coaxing slab sheets of ply to acquire far from
slab curves.
Meanwhile I had built two slab sided 16
footers to my own design, both in turn powered with the same
pair of Mercury 40s. Alas, the first hull was destroyed in a
typhoon. My twin powering was a Hong Kong first, and for a
while mine was the only boat there capable of towing not only
two bare-footers but also the then World Champion Water
In 1965 I was transferred to Brunei and took the boat with
me. By the time it began to fall apart I had amassed a stack
of USA's "Trailer Boat" magazines and had
become smitten by V8-powered jet propulsion. I duly ordered
Glen-L's catalog, discovered Kingpin
which looked just about right, and ordered its plans and
patterns. Unaided building followed for four swift years.
Only today has it occurred to me, after re-reading your web
page, that had I fitted the designed lift strakes - another
deliberate omission - the bottom might have withstood the
dead-sailor's impact.......
Many thanks for your "Boatbuilding 101" eBook. I
still have your three hard cover books on building with ply,
installing engines, and building trailers, and 101's
generous 79 pages complement them nicely.
There must be hundreds of better built
Kingpins, and hundreds which followed the design to the
letter, and I know that some day another builder's
picture will appear on your web page. But if you apply the
principle, as displayed on the book's page 53, where a
builder is pictured who must now be well over the hill like
me - I recognize him from my early acquaintance with Glen-L
literature - then "my" picture deserves a few more
years yet! I have no recollection of having sent you that
photo, but not only am I amazed at seeing it in such a
respected gallery but am fully aware of the honor which
Glen-L has accorded this happy builder.
With appreciative regards,
--- Geoff Hambly
Designer's Notebook: Heroes are Made… Not
Some people build boats
to save money. There are many who build to get just
the right type of boat for their personal boating
needs. For others it's simply the joy of
building a usable by-product of fun. There are many
more reasons why people have built their own boats,
but one major theme is repeated time and time again;
they built a boat as a family project, or the father
or grandpa (don't leave out the feminine gender)
built one for (or with) their child
The Glen-L files are full (check it out on the web)
of proud, happy people who when they were kids built
a boat with an elder's help. Now they, too, want
to build a boat with their offspring, because the
initial boatbuilding experience struck a strong
chord with them along with lasting, fond memories
that they want to pass down to the next
We were so impressed with
the absolute joy, happiness and fun that the
youngsters have in a boat which they had a part in
building that we produced a group of boat plans just
for kids - they can have their very own boat rather
than just ride along in the big family one.
There is quite a variety of craft designed and
built specially for our group of kids. The first was
a little 6' rowboat (KID-ROW) that was used in a
swimming pool. As the tribe grew we designed more
boats especially for kids; the 9' KIDYAK, a 70" paddle-wheel
craft (KE-PAU) and of course, every
kid's dream, the 9' TUBBY TUG.
The family kids and friends learned
to kayak, row, and sail in boats that were built
both with and especially for them. All these boats
and projects had one big thing in common; they made
a lot of kids very happy.
Maybe part of it was telling their peers about the
boat they built with pops or grandpa. Whatever, the
only time the big smile was wiped off their face was
when they had to leave the boat so another could
have their fun.
Whatever your status,
dad/mom, grandpa/grandma, relative or friend of a
young one, become an instant HERO…build a
boat with them. You'll find the kids are great
helpers, they learn how things are built, and above
all they gain the "how-to" that will be
invaluable for them in later life.
The Runabout
As I gazed on used cars for
I noticed a boat upon that lot
A faded beauty of days gone by
A stylish boat that time forgot
Her stern was adorned
With high, upward curving fins
Her upholstery was bright red
As if blushing from secret sins
She was not a happy boat
Looking forlorn, lost and old
But in my eye and in my mind
There was a story to be told
I took her home with me that day
They sold her for just a song
My joy in her was just beginning
I knew that together, we belonged
Registration was a breeze
The DMV cared little for her fate
She had sat in a garage for 45 years
They said she was built in 1958
To move her she had a Flying Scott 60
No Mercury or Evinrude on HER transom
No chubby V4 or lanky in-line six
Not high nor wide, just handsome
I spent two years re-building her
From the keel up to her deck
I stripped her down to bare wood
Re-sealed, re-painted, check!
Now I take her to the boat shows
She can really draw a crowd
On the water, she runs with the best
I can be, I feel, justly proud
I wanted a classic for my next boat
In this, I surely got my wish
For, you see, I eventually discovered
This lovely hull is a Glen-L Swish
Why Do Cats Hate Water?
by Robert Stephens
Sufferers of aquaphobia fear water
so much that they'll find excuses to not go near boats.
But it can be worse. Behavior experts say some aquaphobics,
in their doggedness to avoid water, will find
"abnormal" ways to bathe.
Does it get any abnormaler than licking oneself clean?
This is how terrifying water is to
a cat: Mr. Bojangles will jump onto and off car hoods, and
balance on toilet seats and window sills, but get so much as
a drop of water on his paw and he'll react as if he were
just burned with a lit cigar. It's so bad that he'll
eat a mouse whole and still take no more than three reluctant
licks from a water dish throughout the course of a weekend,
lest there be an errant splash.
At PETCO, the Super Wal-Mart for animals, you can find
everything a cat could dream of, including the Pure Commotion
Electronic Toy (stand back everyone) and Big Mama's
Scratch-O-Rama (now this is kitty heaven). You will not find
a cat's worst nightmare: life vests.
"For boating? Nooo," says a PETCO clerk, standing
next to a cat clown wig.
It's a touchy subject. Dr. Jennifer Beaulieu, DVM, has
treated thousands of cats at her practice near the shores of
Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire, but not one for a
boating- or swimming-related accident.
"I'd never take a cat on a boat," she says,
pouncing on the topic. "A cat's fight-or-flight
response is really strong because of its sympathetic nervous
system. It's what releases stress hormones and
adrenaline. Around water it's easily

me and I forget.
Teach me and I remember.
Involve me and I learn."
--- Benjamin Franklin
Shop Talk: Saddle Square & Push Block
Saddle Square
Transferring a layout line or mark
from one side of a workpiece to another using a combination
square can be hit or miss. So to make the job more accurate
and easier, put together the saddle square shown in the
This saddle square is made for use on ¾"
plywood. It consists of a ¾" thick spacer
sandwiched between two ¼" plywood sides (use
different thickness spacers for use on ¼" or
½" plywood). The sides are attached square to the
spacer and the front edges are perfectly aligned with each
The saddle square will give you
pretty much foolproof results. Simply slide it over the
workpiece, align the reference edge with your layout mark,
and mark the opposite side.
Push Block
At first glance, the push block in the photo at right appears
to be rather simple. But don't let its appearance fool
you. The right push block not only makes working on a table
saw safer, it also improves the quality of your work.
Note that the push block shown in the photo has the handle
located in a "high-mounted" comfortable position.
It will keep fingers well above and away from a spinning saw
Best of all, it doesn't sacrifice any control. The
forward sweep of the handle lets you place constant downward
pressure on the work-piece for a steady, controlled feed into
the saw blade.
The body and cleat are going to get chewed up after passing
them over the blade a number of times, so this push block is
designed with replaceable parts. All that's needed is to
flip the body or cleat over when needing a new edge, or
simply replace them with new ones. Then you can quickly
attach the handle with a screw and get back to work again.
Recent email:
Subject: Glen-L WebLetter
Date: 21 August 2009
Hi Glen-L folks, I have to let you know how GOOD it is to get
your e-mail every time... It makes my day and starts me to
thinking on boats and the wonderful JOY it brings to family
members (ALL) and a great investment in these lean
Our 1961 Glen-L Mist Miss is still a big SMILE getter at
the docks and skis our kids and grand kids with the best of
-- Ted and Susan Horning and family (5 kids 11 grandkids)

See more photos of
the Hornings' Mist Miss here
Subject: Bootshaus
Date: 31 August 2009
Forgive me if my English isn't good. I'm looking for
boat plans. I will build boats in my little bootshaus
(boathouse) near Berlin, Germany.
It is an old boathouse, built since 1930 and I have it since
May of 2009.
-- Steven Karalus
Berlin, Germany
Subject: Boat Building 101
Date: 30 August 2009
Just received my free copy of Boat
Building 101.
I have recently purchased several books on small boat building
and this is better than any of them.
-- James McIntosh
Troy, North Carolina
Subject: Daddy/Daughter Project
Date: 31 August 2009
My ten year old daughter and I bought the Squirt plans in September of 2008. We did
not work much on the Squirt for December and January (we went
skiing) but we launched the second week of June.
It was a great daddy daughter project. We had a blast and
enjoyed it all summer.
I would like to send some pictures of our build for your
website. The plans were great and the help from the Boatbuilder Forum was priceless.
Thanks to everyone who helped us.
-- Brian and Brianna Weir
Lynnfield, Massachusetts
Subject: Having a Ball
Date: 14 August 2009
Just a quick note to let you know how much fun I'm having
building the Glen-L 13. I have the frame built and the
bench built and installed on the garage floor - so far so
I talked to you on the phone about 8 or 9 weeks ago and after
ordering the plans and signing up for the news letters I wanted
to let you know building this boat is a lot of fun. From the
information and emails I feel I know you and your company real
What a great company that sells and supports its products as
you guys do. I'm a first time boat builder but because of
your quality product and support I'm having a ball.
I have been taking pictures and when I get further along I will
send them to you. I have enjoyed looking at the other
customers' boat project pictures and they have given me some
good ideas as well.
-- Fred Lehman
Kingwood, Texas
Subject: Enjoyed the Teleseminar
Date: 12 August 2009
Gayle, I enjoyed the teleseminar yesterday. Thanks for taking a
proactive part in helping rookie boat builders like myself
better understand the tricks and how-to's in building
-- Chris Gaudet
Sulphur, Louisiana
Subject: I Didn't Know Where to Start Until...
Date: 21 August 2009
I am a newcomer to this huge world of wooden boat building and
did not know where to start until I stumbled upon your website.
Just want to let you know what a pleasure it's been
discovering all that your company (actually I find it to be more
like a family) has to offer. The Teleseminars, WebLetters, Boatbuilder Forum and Customer Photos have been so helpful and
I also want to thank you for the continual email contact. I
realize it's "marketing" but much more than that,
they always provide valuable content and direction, and
communicate a sincere interest in my personal boatbuilding
success. It also lets me know you'll be there for support
when I may need it.
I have yet to purchase my first set of plans. I'm still
working on the toughest choice, WHICH ONE? (time-money-space,
you know). I believe it may be the ZIP.
I plan to get on board soon.
Sincere thanks and success to you,
-- Don Schmidt
Snoqualmie, Washington
P.S. I visited a wood supplier you recommended on your
website, Edensaw Woods, in Kent, Washington. They were great.
They gave me a personal tour through their warehouse and showed
me all the good stuff!
I can't wait to get started!
How to Load a Boat onto
a Pickup Truck
Load up favorite beer, 2 - 3 ice chests full
Relax, have a beer
Hook up boat trailer to truck
Drink lots more beer
Drive really fast
Hit light pole (needs to be a solid one)
Boat will load itself onto truck
Relax, have another beer
Note: Fortunately no one was seriously hurt, this
Please don't try this yourself. We want to keep
you around for a long, long time.
Build more boats
GLEN-L boats, of course