![]() WebLetter 27An Occasional Publication for the Home Boat BuilderGlen-L Marine Designs - 9152 Rosecrans Ave. - Bellflower, CA 90706 In this issue
GLEN-L Update
Barry Witt The Honker is here, the Honker is here!What... you didn't know it was coming? Then you haven't been checking the NEW section... On the Drawing Board.
The Honker is a 15' duck boat; the newest addition to our duck boat collection. The Honker offers more room for dog, decoys and you. See the NEW section for more information. Only a limited number of Frame Kits were made in the first run, so don't wait or you may miss the season. On the Mark: Notes on the Riviera Engine Compartmentby Mark BronkallaThe ChallengeTwo of the things that give the boatbuilder nightmares are what to do when you MUST modify the plans to suit your specific needs and also the "joy" of cutting big holes into your beautiful creation. The next few columns cover both of these topics. My first "big hole" was the angled hole prop shaft which kept me up nights worrying about it. The other one that caused lost sleep was the engine hatch. The hatch and its framing is what I cover this month in some detail. This column is specific to the Riviera and Monaco, but is applicable to any of the other inboards where a hatch must be cut in the deck. The method used results in a beautifully fair and perfectly matched hatch. The downside is the traumatic step of taking a circular saw and sawing it out of the finished deck. As a further point, not everything went smoothly. I made some mistakes, but was able to recover and cover my tracks. It did cost a few evenings of time in the process. The 5.7 L engine is the common choice for this boat. Unfortunately, it does not fit the plans. It is too tall and depending on the transmission, it may be much too tall. To minimize the height, I went with the PCM 1.23:1 transmission. This provides an 8 degree down angle, so the engine only needs to be mounted at an 8 degree angle, to provide the final 16 degree prop shaft angle used with the recommended strut. In addition, the MPI (Multi-port Injected) version is shorter than either the carbureted or throttle body injected versions. Now the deck must be raised to be able to enclose the engine. One of the other Riviera builders, Bill Yonescu, cleverly used a single hatch opening. This has a couple of benefits: Easier access to the engine, and reduced deck height due to not having center hatch edge braces running over the top of the engine. The lack of center braces allows the deck to be ~2-3" lower than using the traditional two hatches. After looking things over, I decided on this approach as well. Install the engineThe center frame was cut to allow engine installation. The initial cuts are only large enough to fit the engine through. The ends are re-cut once the final hatch opening framing is figured out. Get the engine into final alignment and verify that the engine mounts are roughly centered in their adjustment range. This is your last chance to do it the easy way. Later, once the deck framing is in place it gets MUCH harder to do the alignment. Do not start the engine hatch area framing until the entire drive train installation is complete. I was lacking a transmission shaft flange and proceeded ahead anyway - and paid the price. (I thought it looked close.)
How I make models from Glen-L plansby John HurdI have used the plans supplied by Glen-L. The plans come with views of all frames drawn to scale (1 in. to 1 ft.). I trace each frame view. Frames that are attached to bulkheads are traced in one piece. I decided that the critical area was the boat bottom and/or keel arrangement. The keel needs to be longer than to scale, to assure the bottom shape and/or rocker. The keel and stem should be cut as one piece. If the boat in question is a double ender, the keel, and fore and aft stems should be cut as one piece. If the boat has an external keel, the external keel can be used to define the rocker of the bottom. Once the frames, bulkheads and keel are cut out, you can assemble them. This assembly can be accomplished in one of several ways, depending on the design and desired result. You need to decide whether you want to spoil the interior with an out of scale keel running throughout the boat. If the keel will not be visible, you can simply notch the keel and frames so they fit together. If this internal keel poses a problem and the design has an external keel, you can define the bottom shape by gluing the planking to an external keel and establishing a centerline on the inside bottom. This only works on designs with fairly straight lines from chine to chine. (Such as the Chessie Flyer - my first model.) You can now locate the frames along this line and glue them in place. With the frames and keel glued up, you can begin planking. You will want to finish the interior before adding decks and cabin. Materials:
Most of the interior components can be cut from
solid stock and glued in place. Minimax MemoriesWilliam Jackson... probably not a household name, but many people know his work. ![]() Circa 1960, boat plans were published in "handbooks" marketed by different major publishers on a semi-annual or "sometime" basis. The plans for MINIMAX appeared in the "Boat Builder's Handbook" several times. The publishers sold larger scale drawings and reported MINIMAX to be the most popular plan they ever published. The plans were of a printed type with, in those days, a minimum press run of one thousand. According to an editor, "many" reprints had been made. How many were built is unknown, but selling plans in the thousands means many liked the concept of the little MINIMAX. We've been in business quite some time and people keep asking about one boat time and again. You guessed it, MINIMAX. So we have decided to "re-do" MINIMAX. We're changing a few things, refining others and bringing it up to date; but MINIMAX is essentially the same boat that grandfathers tell their offspring about. We will keep you up to date on how we are progressing in the NEW section of our web site. It's regrettable that William Jackson never received the credit he deserved. He was a builder/designer who designed and built a tremendous number of boats. Most were in the under 20' range, but the variety was unbelievable. My collection of old handbooks has information on a 27' 6" sheet plywood auxiliary sloop that he built shortly after WW II. Mr. Jackson's designs included hydros, runabouts, ice boats, rowboats, canoes, kayaks, sleds, hydrofoils, and most types in between. Some were very unusual, perhaps weird, to many. However, he built the boats and tested them. He also worked on a very limited budget and used low cost materials; AC plywood was a common building material. According to one editor, Bill Jackson was paid very poorly and never did make more than a meager living. The plans became the property of the publisher and to the best of my knowledge, he never received a royalty. I've never seen his drawings, but was told that they were primarily sketches. The magazines did a nice job in their art department to present workable plans for his many offerings. In his era, Bill Jackson probably had more of his boats built than most of the name designers combined, and we still hear from builders who are constructing one or are trying to locate one of his designs. It's a shame that someone doesn't research the man and write an article about his many accomplishments.
The Connection: What do I really need to build a boat?by Shawn AumanShawn is a frequent contributor to the Boatbuilder Connection. His column is based on the questions that are asked there. "Your reward is based on how you handle the challenge."Building a boat is both a rewarding project and a big challenge. The plans, terms, procedures, and materials are different from the typical home project. You will be taking standard dimension lumber, cutting it to approximate size with different angles, then cutting a new angle by hand as it is installed. Visualizing and building a three dimensional hull with complex angles and curves from a set of two-dimensional plans is a challenge. But don't get cold feet now, there is hope. It is important to bring some knowledge to the project. Knowing the basics in any project is important. Expecting instructions or plans to give everything you need to know is foolish. Think about the time and money you are about to spend. Unless you are building a small dingy you will spend at least $500-$1000. When is the last time you spent that amount on a home project without doing some investigation first? If you do electrical work in your home, knowing the difference between 120V, single-phase, and 220 would be wise. Even though there are simple instructions and easy diagrams on the back of a dimmer switch, you could burn the house down if you wire it into a 220 line. Boat building has its own special terms. Get a good book and read it from cover to cover. Even if it covers things you don't think you will be doing, read it anyway. The more aspects you know about, the better off you will be. I would actually recommend getting a couple of books to get different perspectives. The first ones I read were actually found at the local library. However, I ended up purchasing them because they were useful to have around during my building projects. Even if you do not build a boat, you will notice your carpentry skills increasing. Nautical terms are one thing; boat-building terms are almost another language. Learning the terminology is key to understanding the plans. Then when the plans say take a 5/16" batten and make a fair arch to build your jig, it will be done with confidence because you know what it means. Feedback: Jimbo - AluminumThe following is from the Project Registry JIMBO-ALUM / Brian Burton / bburton@csnewfrontiers.qc.ca /
3-12-01: Started construction on the Jimbo Aluminum on March 12, 2001 with my
class of 8 students enrolled in a Welding Assembly course, purchased 5' x
16' aluminum sheets in order to eliminate as many seams as possible to
ensure structural integrity. Recent email:Subject: Hot Rod needs a home Hello- I called yesterday about a project boat I need to part with. The
project is a Glen-L Hot Rod. I am the third owner- The original owner passed
away years ago, and I bought the boat from his nephew. The hull and deck
carpentry is complete. The hull was fiberglassed (7oz S-glass with marine
epoxy) about 2 years ago. The cockpit area is completely empty. No signs of
rot, or delaminations. It's in pretty good shape and just needs someone to
finish it up. I do not have a trailer and it is currently stored upside down in
my carport. My wife and my checkbook will not allow completion of the boat and
I would like to see it to go to someone who will finish it. I have the complete
plans and some reference material for the boat. Anyone who is interested can
contact me at one of the following. If I seem slow to respond, I am probably
traveling for work and will respond as soon as I can. Thank You, Attention: Glen-L builders in
Minnesota Dear Mr. Witt, I'm sure you don't remember it but I stopped by your place of business back in '72 and you gave me a personalized tour of your organization. Since that time I have built one of your boats from scratch and have rebuilt one that was made by someone else. I have now located another older Glen-L boat that needs restoration. I know how hard it can be to 'guess', without having anyone there to ask as a boat is being built. I always get over cautious and then I don't get any work done..... My question is this: Is there such a thing as a Glen-L fan club in Minnesota? If there was then there would be more of your boats that would be built. I envision a Glen-L fan club as meeting monthly at the various sites that have Glen-L's under construction. I believe it would soon grow to dozens or even hundreds of members who all share the passion of this hobby. If there is no such club, then may I have your permission to start one? I'd call it the Viking Chapter of the Glen-L Fan Club. Please let me know what you think. If you are building in Minnesota, let Mr. Jacobsen know what you think. Subject: Celerity Finished the boat and got it in the water last week. The results were
terrific! Sincerely, Subject: "J" class Runabout Thought that you might be interested in these photos. I bought your "J" class runabout plans and have built a modified version of the boat as a gas powered inboard model. The hull is about 1/2 (48" x 24") sized but has a six degree deadrise and uses a modified 25ccHomelite engine. The attention getter is the driver--a 28" tall guy named Willie (will he win?). Here are a couple of pictures Subject: Guest Book entry Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted on Thursday,
April 12, 2001 at 13:51:10 name: Mike Fenton Comments: You are so helpful----I wish I had known about Glen-L before I built my first couple of boats------I learned--But the hard, and expensive way!!!! Mike Fenton Friday, April 13, 2001 at 00:26:01 name: Scott A. Ochocki Comments: Really pleased with the plans I bought, but even more pleased about the all the "Extras" offered by your web-site. The project registry and photos are a real plus. Now I'm in contact with a fellow in Dublin Ireland who is building the same boat, what a joy! April 19, 2001 at 19:51:25 name: John Grubb Comments: I am currently building the Minuet. I have been very impressed with the plans and instructions, they have been very thorough. I am not finished with this boat yet and am already looking at building another of your larger sail boats. Subject: Two-man sculling skiff These are photos of the Sculling Skiff. This boat is an alteration of the plans and patterns provided by Glen-L. We adjusted everything, extending the fair lines, to create a two-man Sculling Skiff. The boat was built over the last 8 months as part of the senior project for two graduating St. Mary's College of Maryland students. Local high school students also helped in all aspects of the design and construction, and now they are getting the chance to experience rowing in the boat they built. The pictures are taken on the St. Mary's River in southern Maryland. Clayton Culp Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted on Wednesday,
May 23, 2001 at 00:32:54 Comments: I have a set of plans for the Ski King that my brother and I purchased in high school and have promised myself it will be my next project. Great site with good stuff. Thanks kennyo The Ski King is no longer in our catalog, but is available through this web site. Click here for more information. Build more boats GLEN-L boats, of course WebLetter Index