Building the Sea Knight 3


7. After the bottom battens have been installed, the longitudinals must be "faired", or beveled, so the the planking will have a flat landing surface. The builder is using a strip of plywood to determine where additional fairing is required. Note the line down the center of the keel; the keel will be faired on both sides to the centerline. At the chine, the builder initially made notches using a straight edge across the bottom to detemine depth, every 6 to 8 inches. He then planed the remaining wood to the level of the notches with a "sharp" plane.

8. The most forward framee is also faired to insure that the planking lays flat and no corner is causing a stress point on the planking.

9. The planking for the first side is being fitted. Note the number of clamps used. This is a good view of the bottom battens and other longitudinals. The battens should never end on a frame, but project past them. If the builder were not able to extend the battens farther forward, it would be better to cut them just short of the frame. The forward ends of the battens have not yet been faired.
