WebLetter 52
An Occasional Publication for the Home Boat Builder
Glen-L Marine Designs - 9152 Rosecrans Ave. - Bellflower, CA 90706
In this issue
GLEN-L Update
Web site:
This is a somewhat abbreviated WebLetter. We have had less feedback
than usual and much time was taken installing the new Boatbuilder
Connection. We have had a variety of reactions to the new board,
mostly favorable, but there have also been negative reactions...
"Why in the name of heaven did you change the boat builder
connection? IT WAS FINE THE WAY IT WAS!!!!!!!!!"
I was also skeptical about the new format. I do not have a lot of
experience with other boards and really liked the old format. However,
as I have become used to the new board, I can see a lot of advantages.
It should be easier to find information about specific topics. As new
messages are added, the string moves to the top of the list, making it
easier to find the latest additions. I would suggest that if you start
a new string, that you give it a title that will make it easier for
others to find.
There have been comments about the fact that passwords are not
"required". I wanted to keep the board as user friendly as
possible, so do not intend to make the password mandatory unless the
board is abused. I would suggest that if you intend to visit on a
regular basis that you do register. This allows the program to display
a list of posts since your visit and a few other features that are
only operational if the program knows who you are.
If anyone has suggestions for new topic headings, I would be happy to
add them.
Thanks for the feedback about the WebLetter. A few of the suggestions
have been added to this WebLetter and more will be incorporated into
future issues. The WebLetter is meant to be of help and to give
encouragement to our builders, so your input is critical. If the
weather has slowed your project, this might be a good time to write an
article to share your experiences with your fellow builders.
Another purpose of the WebLetter is, of course, to familiarize you
with our products and to encourage you to buy them... it's what
keeps us in business.
As always we would like to thank all those who contributed to the
WebLetter, especially Mark Bronkalla who is a regular contributor and
who graciously shares his knowledge here and on the Boatbuilder
Connection. Several other builders have indicated that they intend to
write articles. They may feel that since so much time has passed since
the offer to write, that we are no longer interested... not so. We
always welcome your input.
I do not know if we will post another letter
before Christmas and New Year, so all of us at Glen-L would like to take
this opportunity to wish you happy holidays. Slow down and enjoy your
family, be patient, and share the joy of the season.
...Glen, Allyn, Darla, Alfredo, Gayle, Barry
Featured design: Audeen
The Audeen was named in honor of Audry Green...
a friend of Glen's at the time the boat was designed. The original
test model was built by Warren
Trombly behind a shop where he had a business building water skis.
Warren also built the Sea Knight that was featured in five issues of
Popular Mechanics magazine. At the time it was designed, we called her
"modern". Today we call her a "classic".
Audeen, Mist Miss sister ships
The Audeen and Mist Miss were designed in 1955. Both designs were meant
to evoke the feeling of the classic mahogany runabouts of earlier years,
but incorporated a bottom shape that allowed them to take advantage of
the larger automotive engines that were becoming available. The most
common power source today is a small block Chevy.
The Mist Miss is a larger version of the Audeen and cannot be extended.
See the story of Larry Grable's Audeen in this
On the Mark: Spraying clear 2-part polyurethane
by Mark Bronkalla
The 2-part polyurethane finishes, also known as
Linear Polyurethanes, have some very interesting characteristics. These
characteristics are why they are so widely used in automotive
applications, trucks and on airplanes. Positive points include:
Inherent UV absorption due to the molecular structure of the linear
(aliphatic) polyurethanes.
Extremely hard finish.
High, wet look gloss.
Excellent buffing characteristics.
Recoating windows of up to 3 days without sanding (see manufacturers
directions for details).
Negative points include:
Extreme toxicity. Forced air respirator, skin and eye protection are a
MUST. There are NO approved cartridge respirators - the isocyanates are
10-25% chance of developing chemical induced asthma which is permanent
from exposure to the isocyanate hardeners.
Relatively high "buy-in cost". Need appropriate thinners,
reducers, hardeners, forced air respirator and HVLP spray gun.
Not for the casual user. These are designated as "professional use
only" products. In some areas it may be hard to purchase as an
amateur. Local dealer started to get worried with my questions. They are
very concerned with safety and potential liability. Freely available,
published info is sketchy. It took a bit of digging to find the links
listed. The Dupont information is in a sign-in only area of their web
An excellent alternative to doing your own
spraying, is to prep the boat and have a body shop spray on the finish.
a great way to do your last minute gift shopping
Designer's Notebook: Cold-molded history
Many feel that building a boat by the
cold-molded method is new and revolutionary. The cold-molding process
as used in this dissertation is using thin multiple laminations of
relatively narrow (about 6") wood or plywood, bent over a form
and progressively glued together. The laminations generally cross one
another at oblique angles with a minimum of two or more layers. The
process lends itself especially to round bilge boats so the
laminations can extend from keel to sheer without a seam. However, the
use of cold-molding on vee bottom boats with a reinforcing chine is
also widely used.
The cold-molded method is essentially making
plywood over a form with the advantage that some compound curves can
be introduced. It also provides a smooth, leak proof, monocoque
structure that is incredibly strong for its weight. The possibility of
leaking between seams is virtually eliminated as each junction is
backed with another laminate.
When and who first started building
cold-molded boats is unknown. During WW II the method was used on PT
boats, and many were built. During this same era the British built the
cold-mold process de Havilland "Mosquito" twin engine
bomber. And the famous "Spruce Goose" was built by Hughes
Aircraft under the leadership of Howard Hughes by the cold-mold
method. True, the amphibious airplane only flew once for a short
distance, but the structure remains solid.
About the mid-forties, many cold molded hulls
were commercially produced. The process was somewhat involved and
tooling costs were high. This was not for the "mom and pop"
The typical cold-molded hull was usually
under 20' to cover the more popular range. Typically five to seven
laminations of 1/16" mahogany or spruce veneers in 3" to
6" widths were used. These strips were coated with phenolic resin
type glue and allowed to dry. The strips were applied over a mandrel
the shape of the boat and stapled in place. The structure was then
placed in an airtight bag and a vacuum applied to force the
laminations together; then rolled into a large oven or autoclave and
baked under high steam and heat to cure the adhesive. The hull was
then removed and the exterior staples removed and a filler forced into
seams to cover minor imperfections. The formed hull was then placed in
a fixture to keep it in alignment while the transom and other members
were installed. Interior reinforcement was minimal and the interior
clear of any obstructions; quite unusual for the time.
Due to the tooling cost, U S Molded Shapes,
Inc. and a few others produced stock hulls to 20' and sold them to
other companies to finish out and market.
Early in the fifties these boats were
available, on a limited scale, to the home builder to finish. Mass
production of this type of construction virtually ended with the
advent of fiberglass boats. However, the durability of these hulls was
never questioned and many are still in use today.
Cold-mold construction of a somewhat
different type was used to build the popular mahogany runabouts such
as Chris Craft, Century, Hacker, and others. These boats, when planked
with solid planks with batten seam construction, leaked until they
were in the water long enough to swell the seams. Transporting the
boat to varying locations was a chore as the boats dried out while on
the trailer and might take a day or so after launching to become
watertight. The glues of the day were not actual adhesives; they were
more of a caulking mastic and could be pulled apart with little
effort. In an effort to solve the problem and possibly to make the
final longitudinal planking thinner and easier to bend, the bottoms
were diagonal planked followed with the typical longitudinal planks.
The boats still leaked. Some tried canvas between the lamination, but
after a time the canvas deteriorated and the old problem still
Today most of the runabout mahogany boats
built use a diagonal underlayment, but with at least two laminations,
typically plywood, followed by thinner longitudinal solid wood planks.
Plywood has been used for the final planks of these runabouts, but the
outer veneer is very thin and the general appearance is not as
appealing. These hulls don't leak due primarily to the epoxy
adhesive, usually with thickeners used between the laminations.
Encapsulation of each piece and final epoxy coating has eliminated
most of the older problems.
Building cold-molded round bilge boats as
were manufactured yesteryear has been modified; expensive mandrels,
air bags and autoclaves are eliminated and building a single boat is
practical. The diagonal laminations are bent over a hull framework to
provide the hull shape and progressively stapled in place with
thickened epoxy between each lamination. Epoxy with thickeners fills
minor voids and still maintains structural integrity. It's a
simple way to build and is thought by most to be easier to do but
requires more time. The vacuum airbag is often used to assure a
positive bond between the laminations.
As is often the case, the old timers had the
right idea. The problem was that the adhesives of the day were complex
and costly to use. Epoxy adhesives and modern methods have popularized
cold-molding, which is now thought of as a new procedure by many
If you are considering building a boat,
consider the cold-molding method. It's not the total answer for
many boats, but well worth considering for many.
Darla's corner
by Darla Schooler
I welcome your contributions
Animal facts...
A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.
A shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes.
An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why.*
* If you can think of a reason, please send it and I will post your
answer in the next WebLetter.
The Legend of the Lake
by Larry Grable
Nineteen hundred and sixty was a good year to
begin building a family ski boat for the families of Dean DuVal and
Dwight Davis of Riverside California. Both men wanted quality and
durability built into the boat for the "many ski trips to
come". Little did they know, that their attention to craftsmanship
and detail would lead to a boat that is still performing well over forty
years later!
Construction began with the purchase of Glen-L
Audeen plans and Frame Kit. State of the art fiberglass over wood was the
construction of choice. Mahogany plywood was used for the top deck and
transom for its inherent beauty. Providing the power, a Graymarine
Fireball V-8, 327 cu. in., 238 HP, direct drive engine with a Warner
Velvet Drive transmission. Many years later, Bennett hydraulic trim tabs
would be added for stability and control.
The project took eighteen months to complete and
included fabricating a custom trailer and even an addition to Dean's
garage, complete with overhead rail hoist. Completion in 1962 was
celebrated by a launching on Good Friday at Puddingstone Reservoir in San
Dimas California (near Los Angeles).
Regular trips to the waters of Southern
California proved her to be a reliable and strong hull and the drive
system worked even better than expected. Family trips soon became ski
trips for the guys. Four or five in a Buick Wildcat with boat in tow was
a way of life for many years. Lake Havasu on the Colorado River was a
favorite spot for weekend getaways. Other trips have taken the boat to
lakes and rivers in Nevada, Arizona, Utah and, of course, to the Pacific
It was on one of those Havasu trips in 1965 that
I began my association with the Glen-L Audeen. My brother, Lee, worked
with Dwight and became an inseparable ski buddy on every trip. Lee
invited me and paid my way on one of the ski weekends and I soon became a
By 1970, Dean had shown an interest in selling
his part of the boat, so Dwight, Lee and myself became co-owners.
The next pivotal year was 1974 when a large
section of fiberglass peeled from the bottom of the hull. I took on the
task of repair and inverted the boat in my garage for the re-glassing.
Working on the boat revealed to me the inherent strength and durability
in the design and construction. Not only was assembly technique strong,
but also the constant curves throughout add tremendous strength against
the ever-changing forces of the water in storm conditions that are no
stranger to our Audeen.
The work was progressing for re-launch in 1975
but was stopped with the tragic loss of my brother Don, in an industrial
accident. Nineteen seventy-five became the only year in its long history
the Audeen did not enter the water.
Work began again and the boat became wholly mine
when Dwight moved on to other areas with his family and Lee bought
another boat. The boat was back in the water the summer of 1976, our
200th anniversary as a nation.
I was now a married man with two small boys.
These two little guys took their first rides in the boat before they were
one year old. Officially now, the "family" boat was just that,
the men's trips had ended. Countless families and friends, youth
groups and college kids have gone boating and camping for the past 25
years with this Glen-L boat that began as a vision in 1960. These people
have used every towable from skis to wake boards, tubes to torpedoes in
crossing the waters behind the "Legend of the Lake".
The years of service, however, took their toll.
The winter of 1989 was a time of renewal for paint and upholstery. In
1996 a complete engine rebuild, with updated electronic ignition was
added, the final step for putting new life back into the
"Legend". It's in condition now to carry it well into the
21st century.
The Audeen shape, the natural mahogany, and the
excellent condition of a forty plus year old boat brings many people to
stop, look, and listen as the engine roars to life. Of course, the boat
is also an attraction on the trailer, I have told the story of its
history in parking lots, rest areas, gas stations, etc.
And the story continues, my two sons have become
masters at towing and operating "the boat", my grand children
are just beginning to sit on my lap and steer the boat just as their
fathers had done, nearly thirty years ago. It's truly a family boat
that has bonded us and still brings us together for some of our best
Larry Grable, Mission Viejo, CA
Shop Talk
I have heard from a few folks that built the TNT that like me had a
porpoising problem. Well, I set my cockpit a little farther back and had
the same problem so I fixed it by building a set of adjustable trim tabs.
I bought a 12" x 24" piece of stainless steel sheet (from MSC
Corp. @ about $18.00) and sheared it into shape. Then I bought a piano
hinge ($5.00) and a couple 1/2" bolts and coupling nuts ($3.00) and
assembled them as shown. They work great. Here is a picture.
Donald Slomke
TINY TITAN / Pat Larkin / Springfield, Pa /
started project: 8/03
hull completed: 11/03
I went with a Tele-Flex steering system and the stock OMC controls.
It's a Tele-Flex safe-t- with an 11' cable. I made 1 twist under
the dash and ran it out and back. When it's all finished it will be
clamped down and pretty. I experimented with routing it inside, but that
would have left a visible twist next to the motor... -Pat Larkin-
Best of the Board:
You already have the section at the end of each
WebLetter that is "recent email", why not expand on this or open
a section for the "best of the board". Ken
Anybody got good
ideas for flotation/webletters? - ken 13:30:59 8/08/03 (10)
New Zip web site listed on the Boatbuilder Connection: http://members.home.nl/dawnz/diary.htm
Recent email:
Subject: Page correction
Date: Mon, 01 Dec 2003
> Just curious,
> I was wondering if this is a mistake. The Huck Finn page on your
> states that the 12' version can carry 1200lbs. and the 16'
version can
> only carry 1050lbs. This doesn't seem right since the pontoons
are the > same depth and width.
Although these figures are approximations, dependent on the weight of
materials, they are essentially correct.
The ends of the 16' and larger are tapered and have less buoyancy.
They rise both fore and aft, so that when displacement is given at the
same waterline on all, the swim platform has more buoyancy for its size.
The longer platform on the 16' also adds weight/reduces capacity.
Capacity can be increased by using lighter materials in the hulls.
Subject: Sis
Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2003
Don't remember if this was sent to you before this but attached is a
cute article someone at Carolyn's
residence put together recently.
That's Carolyn in the center and don't know who the other ol'
goats are... probably members of the "yacht club".
E. Anderson
Subject: Lofting
Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2003
Dear Mr. Witt,
Three months ago I decided to build a sailboat. This is a new
idea and challenge for me. I doubt you recall, but I asked your advice on
the type of boat that might be good for a novice builder and sailor. I
gave you 3 choices the Glen-L 17, the Glen-L 19 both of which I have
complete plans for and the Glen-L 13. In a very nice way you suggested
the 13 and I must say that after some musing, I can see your wisdom. Rest
assured that when I decide to embark on this project I shall be ordering
a set of plans. Sound advice is hard to come by and should be considered
when it is given. Thank you very much.
Now for the topic in the subject line.
Whenever I get involved in something new I try to assemble a
reference library on the topic. Over the past months I have been looking
at and purchasing various textbooks on boat building and sailmaking. I
have acquired four separate texts on boat building and have read selected
chapters in each. I am well versed in reading technical material
(medical) and have found the subject of lofting, although most critical
in the building of a boat, rather difficult to understand as it is
presented in 3 of the 4 books I now have. The book that has gotten it
across to me was copyrighted in 1962. The addition I have is the fifth
printing copyrighted in 1974 "Boat Building with Plywood" by
Glen L. Witt. I would guess this is either your father or grandfather.
At any rate, it is a first class work that has made a very complex topic
understandable and easy to apply and put into use in the real world. It
is well illustrated, has good photographs, and a writing style that flows
easily and covers the subject in a straight forward non-mystical
approach. I would recommend this text to anyone who is considering
building a boat. One cannot build what one does not understand. Your
families' contribution to shipwrighting is monumental in the
simplicity and quality of this work.
Most sincerely,
Gary K. Forshee
Note: Glen-L plans do not require lofting, but the
subject is covered in "Boatbuilding with Plywood".
Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted on Friday,
November 14, 2003
name: Laurie Gillmer
Comments: I am currently enrolled in the Marine Tech program at Skagit
Valley College in Oak Harbor, WA. A fellow student told me of your
web-site and it has proved to be very helpful in supplementing class
materials. Lots of information I can access on the weekend when an
instructor is not available! Thanks!
Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted on Thursday,
November 13, 2003
name: Henning Nilsen
Comments: I built a 16 FT dory several years ago from your plans. The
plans were quite good and I had fun building the boat. It was a fun
project and a good change of pace from my hectic daily schedule, a good
way to relax.
Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted on Sunday,
November 2, 2003
Comments: Hi! back in the 1980's I had purchased a set of plans for
the little hunk dory. It took approx. 21 months to complete and I had a
great experience doing it. I also caught a lot of fish with it and did
exploring to Catalina Island, trailering to Punta Chuvata in Mexico, etc.
Someday I was thinking of building another boat. Thanks for the memories
when I saw your web site. Sincerely, Chris Carter
Subject: Zip
Date: 30 Oct 2003
Hey guys THANKS!!!! I really appreciate that you have upgraded the web
site and are featuring new boats in the model photos. I'm really
happy that both my boat and Mr. Pinske's made your upgrade on the Zip page. I
know how much time and effort went into mine and I'm sure that others
who are featured are also happy. It's sort of a validation that you
can build a boat and it looks good. I make an effort to get back to
anyone that e-mails me with any questions about the Zip and try to help
them out. Now my challenge is to get my Malahini finished and hopefully
it'll make the web page also. Thanks again. Doug Hodder
PS I'm looking at plans for my first cruiser.
   
We wish you the happiest of seasons
   
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