Glen-L 13
      Construction Pictorial

Fig 11: The chine must be fitted to the side of the stem. Here the chine has been sprung around the framework and is using the side of the stem as a guide to saw the angle. Note how Don is using a clamp to give extra leverage to twist the chine to its proper position. Leave the chine long to overhang the transom. Trim after all fitting is done at the stem.

Fig 12: The chine log is set back on the stem to allow the continuation of the line of the chine to end on the centerline of the stem. Note the liberal use of glue and the two screws driven angularly into the stem to hold the chine log in position.

Fig 13: The sheer clamp is fitted to the stem similarly to the chine, with each of the notches in the frames being angled to provide a firm landing for the sheer.
