![]() ![]() An Occasional Publication for the Home Boat BuilderGlen-L Marine Designs - 9152 Rosecrans Ave. - Bellflower, CA 90706 ![]() In this issue
GLEN-L Update
Why I must build a BoatThe English writer Arthur Ransome, author of the wonderful Swallows and Amazons series of books for children, had a boat built in Latvia in the early 1920's. In "Racundra's First Cruise", his account of her, he wrote as follows: "Houses are but badly built boats so firmly aground that you cannot think of moving them. They are definitely inferior things, belonging to the vegetable not the animal world, rooted and stationary, incapable of gay transition. I admit, doubtfully, as exceptions, snail-shells and caravans. The desire to build a house is the tired wish of a man content thenceforward with but a single anchorage. The desire to build a boat is the desire of youth, unwilling yet to accept the idea of a final resting-place. It is for that reason, perhaps, that, when it comes, the desire to build a boat is one of those that cannot be resisted. It begins as a little cloud on a serene horizon. It ends by covering the whole sky, so that you can think of nothing else. You must build to regain your freedom. And always you comfort yourself with the thought that yours will be the perfect boat, the boat that you may search the harbours of the world for and not find." His words are as true today as they were in 1923, which is why this 60-year-old youth will shortly start building his retirement dream-ship. Mike Burch Feedback: Sherwood Queenby Jamie Zaroski![]() I started building the Sherwood Queen right after Christmas and launched it on June 15th. I live in Thunder Bay Ontario Canada on the Kaministiqua River, which flows into Lake Superior. I followed the plans for the hull but modified the cabin. I am using a 1968 Johnson 10 hp. Top speed is 7 1/2 miles per hour and uses 1 gallon of gas per hour at 3/4 throttle. I plan to use it for cruising and fishing on Lake Superior for lake trout and salmon. The boat handles 3 foot waves with ease. I have installed navigation lights, horn, bilge pump, fish finder, compass and vhf radio. The final cost was 4,000 cdn., not including trailer and motor. ![]() VisitorWe had the pleasure this last month of a visit from Wayne Armstrong, Queensland, Australia. Wayne is building the Quest.
Feedback: Glen-L 25by Jim DittyAbout 30 years ago, I built a Glen L 17 Sailboat. It was a fine boat, but I wanted one with more room, so about 1975 purchased a Glen L 25, previously built by another sailor. A photo of this boat, "Kestrel" once appeared in your catalogue. I did some modifications that may interest other
Glen L owners. Over the years, we have enjoyed sailing Kestrel in a number of lakes of Northern California and Oregon, as well as San Diego Bay and the San Juan and Canadian Islands in the Pacific Northwest. For a number of years now we have sailed Lake Tahoe all summer, keeping Kestrel in the aforementioned slip at Meeks Bay Marina. Now in our seventies, my wife and I still enjoy Kestrel immensely. Attached are five photos, showing most of the above mentioned modifications. I would be glad to furnish further details to you or other sailors!
Feedback: Geronimoby Jim PesciSaturday evening I went out for the first time at Gravelly Point on the Potomac river. I launched right across from the capitol and monuments in Washington DC. It was a great weekend. I had no real problems launching, it was a little hard getting the motor started but it only took a minute. Some of those guys are very fast at launching, like in 2 minutes total. I took note to improve my skills. The depth finder works great. I headed for the channel and went down stream toward Alexandria where they were having the harbor fest. 10,000 maniacs were playing. I was cruising along about 25 and the wakes from other boats made it very bouncy with the bow bobbing up and down with some minor slamming on the water. At one point it was a little scary as I didn’t cut the angle sharp enough over a large wake and the hull rolled to starboard quite a bit. Anyway, I now know the exact location of the no wake zone as I got nailed for speeding in it by the cops and got a warning. No fine, just minor humiliation as the anchored big boats watched. I was going to try to anchor but kept getting blown around and my neighbor who came along for the ride was not helpful. We decided to turn back and head for the launch ramp. Everything was going fine and thank God for GPS cuz it was getting dark and was hard to see. Before getting back to the ramp the motor began sputtering and then stalled while in the channel. The wind blew me around a bit and in a minute I got the fuel hose reconnected and restarted the motor. Only a minor spill of gas in the river, which might help kill the toxic fecal matter which pollutes it. We got back to the ramp and loaded and took her home. Total success for the first time. I noticed my RPM was reading very high like 5 and 6 thousand while at speed (25mph). I made the adjustment to the pitch after I got home but haven’t tried it yet. When we left the ramp initially, it seems like it could get on plane around 3500. I still haven’t mastered the trim control and just left it in the down position. The speed seemed slow for the rpm and I noticed that it was taking a little time to get a bite and the speed would rise gradually. On the way back to the ramp I was unable to get on plane as I had taken on some water in the bilge. My transom drain plugs are leaky, I'll be replacing them this week for a tighter seal. I still have things to do and will be deciding on some different seating. The first time out was great fun and I really enjoyed it.
![]() Feedback: Sweet Carolineby Name removed by requestThis boat handles beautifully. Last weekend was the first beach camping trip along Lake Michigan and I'm very satisfied with the capabilities and performance of this boat. There's ample room to stow camping gear. The bench seats covert nicely to a double berth. The boat floats in 3"-6" of water and the fuel consumption should give a respectable range (~1.2 gal./hr.). My only complaint is with the motor well. I built the motor well around a 15" shaft, but found that the new four strokes had a hard time swinging from stop to stop within the well. I added a 20" motor board to fit a Nissan 18 hp motor which drives the boat at 12 mph at half throttle and 15 mph at full throttle. The 25 hp 4 strokes just would not fit. I wish the motor would move the boat at 20+, but 12-15 is very comfortable. Slosh boards have taken care of most of the water that splashes in through the motor well. A pair of small bilge pumps take care of the rest. The next step is to add camping canvas and possibly floatation. I met another boater over the weekend with a similar homebuilt design that had a hinged door covering the outflow in the transom. He claimed to have run the boat in 10' seas and said that the small door swings shut with following seas. Thoughts anyone? Feedback: Dyno Jetby Gordon Scrim![]() Our Dyno-Jet is now finished and has been officially launched! The motor and pump is from a 1988 650SX Kawasaki Jet-Ski - one of the stand up types. It is a 650cc engine and should produce about 50 HP. The boat reaches a speed of 35mph with one person on board and is a real hoot to drive fast up smaller twisting rivers. We have also towed two big kids on knee boards with it. The boat is all marine ply with Tassie Oak (basically Gum trees) being used for the frames. The deck is made of 4mm thick planks of Tasmanian Blackwood with 6mm X 4mm Celery Top Pine strips in between. I have updated my web site of the boat showing some photos from on the water and on the land. I have also moved the web site to a new and larger home. It is now at www.ozsoft.com.au/splinter/default.htm. Also attached are some of the best photos of the finished boat that we have. I have lots of photos of the building process if anyone is interested. The best of them are one the web site. Tasmania Australia Marine Plywood: True or False?I was recently directed to a website selling Marine plywood. After reading the introduction, I wondered why they felt in necessary to exaggerate the qualities of what is, in fact, a superior product. The following are some of the statements made; the True/Flase replies are mine. The thing is, Marine plywood is always a better choice for hull construction, but it is important to understand why this is the case. It really is counter productive to make up reasons to use it. When people realize claims are false, they tend to doubt the legitimate reasons for using a product as well. Feedback: Tiny Mightby Bob HankinsWell, I finally finished my Tiny Might, as you can see by the pics. I used a Honda V-Tech, 125 hp. I had a hard time getting the computer in and working properly, and then getting the engine to run at the proper temperature. I finally went to a heat exchanger, closed cooling system and it works great. Although the Honda V-Tech was not an easy engine to install, it works very well. With a 10x15 2-blade steel prop, the top speed (that I was willing to push it to at the time) was 50 mph and still climbing. What a kick! While I spent 4 years on the boat (mostly in the spring and fall, because of the temp. in my garage), it was worth it. However, if I had to do it again, I would build the 15 footer (Cracker Box), because of parts availability and it could be used to ski with... but, I'm very happy with what I now have. It sure draws a lot of attention at the ramp. Even the park ranger took some pictures of it. ![]() Recent email:Subject: Malahini Completed the Malahini late spring, just under 2 years. Mahogany frames, marine plywood, mahogany decking and Interlux Brightsides paint on hull. Total lumber cost about $1900, assorted parts and hardware $2900. The windshield brackets were the greatest disappointment, very hard to find and poor quality, may replace then at some time in the future. Installed a "used" 50 Hp Suzuki 4-stroke, the largest expense. The boat handles great. Attached photos, still need photos on the water. Thanks for a great set of plans. Scott Means The story of this boat appeared in WebLetter 65. Subject: Sea Knight Hi Barry, The transom has now been modified... Also, we now have a cockpit. I just thought I'd send you some pictures. Best regards, Subject: Wasted Seaman Hello again from Bermuda, Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted on Sunday, July 3, 2005 --------------------------------------------------------------- name: William R. Bloodgood Comments: I finished building your Monsoon and promptly sold it. I think my next project is going to be the Glen-L 25 sail boat. I'll keep that one for myself. Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted on Tuesday, June
28, 2005 name: Tim Flack Comments: I have gone through every customer photograph that you have on your web site. Now I am working like heck to finish all my home projects so I can make room for a boat building project. I enjoy seeing others having fun with the building and using process. Subject: hello do you want know my boat Hello I'm Joe from China excuse my english is basic. I have built a pedal boat in this year. I want to try through east china sea but did not to do. I hope find same lover build a new boat to try again. Picture of my boat ... This has absolutely nothing to do with Glen-L, but I thought it was interesting. I think his message lost something in the translation, but the photos tell the story. Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted on Saturday,
June 18, 2005 name: Graham Hinton Comments: I enjoy spending time on your website. Aside from the wide range
of boats to choose from, there is so much back up information on the actual
construction as well as the ancillaries required to complete the project. From: "Andy Anderson" Hi Gayle,et al: Long time. Attached is pix of latest boat. This is a 9”
model and a far cry from my old favorites by Glen-L. Kinda too bad the old man
and his boats is relegated to this level but it beats no level at all. Build more boats GLEN-L boats, of course WebLetter Index