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GLEN-L Update
Feedback: Glen-L 14 Restorationby Markus TessmannI intercepted my Glen-L 14 on its way to the scrap yard! It had been donated to the local Sea Scouts, but turned out to be too small, and in need of too much repair to make it worth their while. I wasn't sure about taking it on either, but was convinced by the aluminium mast and boom, and the two almost brand new sails! Last summer (04), I removed all the rotten
decking, seats and flooring and sanded the hull down through all the paint. I
coated the hull with epoxy, and put new fibreglass on the keel and chines,
dealing with the really bad spots with extra fibreglass and epoxy. I built a
new deck, new seats and new flooring, beefed up the transom and added We launched her this spring (named Samgita) and my wife, 2 sons and I have sailed her almost every weekend (and often I'll go mid-week)! We've gone camping in her too and look forward to many years of fun on this boat! She is moored in the ocean about 2 blocks from my home on Salt Spring Island (near Victoria, British Columbia) from about May to October. I scrape the hull about every two weeks, to keep the barnacles and seaweed in check! I love this boat.
Photos sent in since the last WebLetter...About Moderating Our Forum![]() by Dave GrasonHey guys. I wanted to say "Thank you very much" for all you folks that bring the spam posts to my attention. Usually, I find them myself but they do slip through my fingers from time to time and it's great to have some back-up. Here's a little insight on how I'm doing this and how it worksMy Internet service provider (ISP) is Comcast cable. My home computer stays on 24/7 and because my Internet service is a LAN network, I'm connected to the Internet 24/7. Anytime I walk through my office, it's an easy matter of clicking on a few icons and I'm on the forum. So I can check the boards in a matter of seconds and several times a day. That's one of the reasons that I volunteered to be a moderator. The other main reason is that being a moderator would keep me involved in this forum and thus my boatbuilding enthusiasm would stay higher. That has really turned out to be a blessing because I keep my boatbuilding on my mind. The third reason that I wanted to be a moderator is that I've been a member of numerous other forums and the moderators on some of those forums don't do what I would consider a very good job. Some allow themselves to be buffaloed by aggressive members, some play favorites, some are extremely anal and constantly split hairs, some are just plain over zealous and some are just plain lax in their responsibilities. I thought that being a moderator would give me some insight on how this job should really be done. I've found out that it doesn't have to be hard at all. In fact, it's as easy or as difficult as I choose to make it. My usual procedure is thisI have the Glen-L forum page bookmarked so that I don't have to go to Glen-L's homepage and then click on "Boatbuilder forum." But I do have to still log on. As soon as I log on, I always go to "View new posts since last visit." This is where I nail the spammers usually because if they've recently made a post, it'll be right here. I'm usually in and out enough times a day that if a spammer has posted, I'll immediately spot him. Then it's a simple matter of deleting the offending post. Next I'll click on every thread that has had a new post and I'll read the thread and the new post. I'm looking for folks using profanity, posts that are inflammatory or adversarial and show someone spoiling for any kind of conflict. So far that has never really happened here, which speaks volumes for the quality of our members. Finally, I'll go back and check any Private Messages (PM's) that I've gotten and I'll respond to them. Actually, I get quite a few PM's and I like that because it lets me know that our members are all very enthusiastic about this forum and about boatbuilding in general. So here's what I can doI have the ability to edit your posts. For example if you use a dirty word and it gets past the profanity filters, I can go change it. I can resize your photos and/or post your photos for you if you can't get it done. I'm able to move posts around and can even move entire threads from one board to another. I did this with Kerfunk's "How do you prepare Wood" thread. When it went way off topic, I just put it on the "miscellaneous" board so that folks could keep right on going off topic. Finally, I can completely delete posts. I do this quite often when Internet web trolls surf in and post links to porn sites or online pharmacies and such. At least on one occasion I recently deleted a post where the spammer had made a lame attempt to partake in the thread. At first I thought it was a judgment call on my part. The post definitely contained a link to a porno site but the spammer typed a single line sentence that made it appear as though he was participating in the discussion. But after a little study, it became obvious that he hadn't read the thread and knew neither what the thread was really about nor what he was talking about. But a good solid active member here replied to his post basically asking him what he was saying. I deleted BOTH posts - the spam and the good member's post so that the thread would keep its flow. I came very close to accidentally deleting a member's post one day when I went to click on the "quote" button and hit the "delete" button instead. Fortunately, I got a message window that asked if I was sure I wanted to delete that post. "HECK NO" I don't want to delete it. So I was able to back up and do it right. (whew!) All of this involves walking a fine line between finding what I know is against the forum rules and making judgment calls that may offend someone who has totally honorable intentions. So folks, if you get something deleted, it may have been by accident or it might have been a misinterpretation. Either way, feel free to PM me and find out if you feel it shouldn't have been deleted. Here's what I cannot doI can't ban members. Barry can do that because this is his forum and he paid for the software to run it. I would like to be able to do this because if I could do it, I'd go through the member list and clean out all those members that have come in for the sole purpose of posting spam. That number grows every day and the more time passes, the longer the list gets and the harder it is to keep track of all the spammers. I think that one of the reasons that we're seeing this type of spam is that it's a little too easy to spam this forum. Spammers can surf in and be spamming in as little time as it takes me to log on and check the latest posts. Also, I can't lock or otherwise close down a thread. On other forums, I've seen a given thread turn into a huge argument and the moderators will just close and lock the thread so that the discussion ends then and there. Again, though, this has not been a problem because of the higher caliber of our members. Here's what I would like to change if I could and maybe you can help meThe "Miscellaneous" forum is for ANYTHING you want to talk about that is off topic from boatbuilding. You can talk about anything you want from current news events to your latest camping trip or a visit over the holidays from your grandkids. It doesn't matter. This is a community and it's how we become better acquainted and become better friends. I would personally like to see everyone completely fill out their member's profiles. Fill in something on every blank. Tell us where you're from. You don't have to name the exact city if you don't want to but at least name the state and/or country. List your type of secular work. Also, under interests, list your hobbies other than boat building. This makes for good conversation among friends. It's also something the spammers DO NOT do. Therefore, when I see a member I don't recognize, I'll click on his profile. If all these spaces are filled out, I can immediately see that he's a legitimate member and NOT a spammer. However, in the interest of filling in everything, please don't be silly with this. On another forum, one member put for his location: "Sitting at my computer keyboard ... DUH!!" So there you have it... a little insight into the tiny world of a forum moderator. Keep the posts coming, feel free to PM me and thanks again to you members that have brought spams to my attention. We thank Dave for being such an awesome moderator.
Holiday RecipeFor several years I have listened to National Public Radio's Susan Stamberg give the recipe for her mother-in-law's horseradish cranberry sauce. As I was putting this WebLetter together, I thought that a seasonal recipe might add "color", so I looked up "Susan Stamberg cranberry" in Google and found the following. I hope NPR doesn't mind my copying it.NPR.org, November 15, 2002 · Every year as Thanksgiving approaches, fans ask NPR's Susan Stamberg for her mother-in-law's recipe for cranberry relish. It’s a recipe that she has read on the air every year since 1971 -– and here, in Stamberg's own words, is how she came by it: "At the first Thanksgiving of my married life, in Allentown, Pa., my mother-in-law, Marjorie Stamberg, served a fabulous and fascinating cranberry relish. I asked for the recipe, which she kindly provided. I put the recipe for 'Mama Stamberg's Cranberry Relish' on the air every year a few weeks before Thanksgiving, first at WAMU-FM, the local public radio station where I did my earliest air work, and later at NPR for the immediate nation to enjoy." Years after she had begun sharing it, Stamberg learned the recipe had been clipped from the New York Times by her mother-in-law's sister-in-law Marie Salinger. When, on the air, Stamberg told Times food editor Craig Claiborne about mis-attributing his recipe to her mother-in-law, Claiborne said, "I've gotten more mileage out of that recipe through NPR than I have since it was first published in the Times in 1959!") Here, with Stamberg's footnotes, npr.org offers two recipes –- the on-air classic, and another dish that Stamberg confesses is her "truly favorite cranberry side dish." Mama Stamberg's Cranberry Relish
Grind the raw berries and onion together. ("I use an old-fashioned meat
grinder," says Stamberg. "I'm sure there's a setting on the
food processor that will give you a chunky grind -- not a puree.") Garlicky Cranberry Chutneyfrom Madhur Jaffrey's cookbook East/West Menus for Family and Friends (Harper & Row, 1987).
Cut ginger into paperthin slices, stack them together and cut into really
thin slivers.
Shop Talk: MahoganyThere have been many questions about mahogany and discussions on the Boatbuilder Connection. The following may help to clarify the various "mahogany" options. Family: Meliaceae (mahogany family)
Some economically important species that belong to the Meliaceae family:
* Boatbuilding was listed as a use on US Forest Service website. True MahoganyTrue mahogany comes from three species of the genus Swietenia: mahagoni, humilis, and macrophylla. Although each has different leaves and flowers, their woods cannot be distinguished, even under a microscope. All three require an abundance of sunlight and generally only one tree will grow to maturity in any opening in the rain forest’s dense canopy. Consequently, it's common to find only one mature mahogany tree in every 2 acres of forest. When there's a strong demand for the wood of a relatively few slow-growing trees, overharvesting is the result. The mahogany Cortez’s shipwrights coveted, Swietenia mahagoni—commonly known as Cuban, Jamaican, West Indian, or simply Caribbean mahogany—fell victim to lumber exporters. This species is no longer commercially logged (although plantation-grown wood is available). Neither is Swietenia humilis, or Pacific mahogany, a tree found in Central and South America that yields far less desirable wood. Only Swietenia macrophylla—Honduran or big-leaf mahogany, which grows from Mexico to Brazil—is still harvested from its indigenous forests. However, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) lists Honduran mahogany as a tree at risk of being overexploited, and they require each shipment of the wood to be accompanied by export permits and documentation stating the country of origin. Honduran mahogany today retails for about $6.60* per board foot in the US. (Swietenia is a bit softer than longleaf pine.) Because of the wood's value and popularity, lumber brokers in other parts of the world have bestowed the name "mahogany" on other species of reddish wood as a way to burnish their appeal. African MahoganyThe name African Mahogany covers all species of Khaya, although their timbers vary somewhat in character, particularly in weight. The bulk of the timber shipped is produced by K. ivorensis and K. anthotheca each with moderately light-weight, pale to medium-red wood, and it is timber of this type which is accepted commercially as African mahogany; East African K. nyasica is generally similar. A small proportion of K. grandifoliola is moderately light in weight but much of its timber and that of K. senegalensis is darker and appreciably heavier than that normally accepted as African mahogany. It has been suggested that such heavy wood should be marketed separately, and the name heavy African mahogany is recommended. African mahogany generally refers to several different species of Khaya, a tree that grows throughout West Africa. Its reddish-brown wood is as dense and stable as true mahogany (they are in the same family) and has a beautiful ribbon figure when sawn. But because it's more fibrous, Khaya doesn’t carve as easily. It retails for about $4.25* a board foot. Philippine-mahoganyPhilippine-mahogany is the name given to some of the different species of Shorea that grow throughout the Philippine archipelago as well as in Malaysia and Indonesia. The dark red meranti is the closest in appearance to true mahogany, although it has a coarser texture, less stability, and only moderate rot resistance. Because of its hardness, durability, and relatively low retail price (about $2.82* a board foot), it's often used for exterior doors, windows, and decking. Yellow meranti, its far less durable cousin, is also sold as mahogany but is mainly used in plywood and paneling. * Prices from Reel Lumber, Anaheim, CA; 8 Dec 2005. Reel was chosen because they had all three varieties. ![]() Recent email:Subject: ? Help Your materials list suggests Philippine red mahogany! Is Santos mahogany
acceptable as well, is it the same? I don't know! Help!! ANSWER: I had never heard of Santos (Myroxylon balsamum, commonly called "balsamo")... until now. It is not mahogany; is a new world wood. It is rot resistant, but don't know if it has been used for boat building. The description on the US Forest Products Laboratory website says it is moderately difficult to work, but nothing about gluing. See www2.fpl.fs.fed.us/TechSheets/Chudnoff/TropAmerican/html_files/myroxy1new.html for more information. A general rule of thumb, is that if a wood is being successfully used for boatbuilding in your area, it is probably ok. That may be stating the obvious, but it is something we say when we don't really know the woods in a specific locality. ...brw WARNING We received the following message with an attachment. We did not open it; we know it is NOT from us, but you may not. We have gotten similar messages from banks and well known companies. I do not know how these things are generated or what the attachment is, but beware. This message is not from us. Subject: Your password has been successfully updated Dear user main, You have successfully updated the password of your Glen-l account. If you did not authorize this change or if you need assistance with your account, please contact Glen-l customer service at: administrator@glen-l.com Thank you for using Glen-l! Subject: Glossary addition Dear Sirs: A good word to add to your "Glossary of Terms" might be
Osmosis - with "See also Hull blisters". The absorbsion of water in a
glass fiber hull etc. etc. A better definition might be found in "In making a gel coat material, a polyester resin is used for the base. To obtain the color and the hiding power desired, a pigment powder is blended into the resin. The resin is thickened to prevent run off by the addition of extremely fine silica powder. Certain clays can also be added to help the flow properties. Finally, extenders or fillers can be added to reduce the amount of resin needed in the gel coat and which in some cases add strength." Subject: Old boat club registry Swish / Terry Chapman / Pickering,Ontario,Canada / 12/03/05: My dad built a
Swish Runabout in the basement of our house in the winter of 1958-59, after
seeing the boat on the cover of Popular Mechanics. Before he started building
the boat, he knew that he would have to remove the end wall of the basement to
get the boat out. This was quite a sight and we have a picture showing the boat
coming out. He took the boat to the cottage and used it until the summer of
1963, when it went into the boathouse and sits there to this day, 42 years
later. Last summer he gave me the boat and I plan on bringing it home next
summer and refinishing it. It will be great to get it back in the water after
all these years. Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted on Wednesday,
November 30, 2005 name: David Roberts Comments: Have been borrowing the blue book for some time. Got my own copy coming from you now. Too bad Ken Hankinson retired. I'm building his "Nor'wester". The more I think I understand boat design the more I like that particular boat. Between his excellent design, your very good book and my own personal boat building drill sergant/sensi, I seem to be producing a good boat for the AK Cook Inlet/Prince William sound area. Again thanks for producing such an excellent book. It has been as important as Mr. Hankinson’s design or my mentors’ help to keep me on the straight and narrow path. Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted on Thursday,
November 24, 2005 name: David Brown Comments: Built the Z Zip 25 years ago. Still moving along. Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted on Wednesday,
November 23, 2005 name: Lloyd Corliss Comments: Your plans are still as complete an they were when I was in
college, 1952, taking a boat building class at UCSB in Santa Barbara. The
project was a class "B" racing runabout with a Ford V8 60 for power.
I Got it finished before graduating in 1953. It was unforgettable. Thank you
for stirring up old memories. It was nice to see my letter in the "WebLetter". Who
knows, there may be a new inspiration just waiting to come forward. You will be
the first to know. Subject: Molly B Well, rats! I got really deep into the story about the Molly B, and then it ended! That ain’t no way to treat a fellow boatist! When will he finish the story??? It’s a great descriptive pictorial. I imagine that's a question Tom is asking himself. If we're lucky, maybe Tom will keep writing after the Molly B is finished and share his adventures. ...brwSubject: pumpkin boat design Hello – My name is Craig Fitzgerald, I’m looking for a rather
specialized boat design. This October I paddled my 396 pound giant pumpkin
across a pond Subject: Plywood Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2005 What do think about using 1/4" water resistant luan to build the
eightball dingy with? AB Exterior or Marine Plywood is hard to find in my
area. ANSWER: -- "By the way, are you ordained to 'preach the gospel of Glen-L'? LOL--We greatly appreciate your support!" ...Gayle, in response to comments in Questionnaire Subject: RE: Glen-L Questionnaire Gayle, You are most welcome. No, no official ordination (if that's even a word - ha) - I just like to spread the word about things I like and in dealing with your company I have found you all to be very nice and honest people - very refreshing. Also, and this may sound strange, but at times when I'm stressed out about something I sometimes go to the Glen-L website and spend a half-hour or so looking through all the recently posted customer pictures and browse once again through the various designs and I find it quite relaxing. I bet you didn't even know you all were in the therapy business did you? Thanks. We wish you the happiest of seasons WebLetter Index