Handy Hint #1 from 'Down Under'

[ Boatbuilder Connection ]

Posted by Mark Paterson on October 02, 2002 at 03:53:36:

G'day there.

While wrestling with the great full sized plans for my 'Fancy Free' I came upon a great idea!
To easily transfer your plan lines to timber just take a piece of carbon, coal, or even pinch your kids crayons, rub this along the bottom side of the plan over the lines you want to transfer, then just flip the plan over and trace the line with a firm carpenters pencil.
Bingo, you should have a perfect trace onto your timber(aus) lumber(us).

Just thought I would share this, it's probably not a new idea but I found it quick and acurate.

Happy boat building,
Mark (Banjo) Paterson

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