Tiny Titan Construction

Fig. 1: The runner chines are installed on the underside of the planking panel, while the #2 Frame is fastened directly to the inside surface.

Fig. 2: The three bottom battens are assembled to the bottom planking as shown. The sub-assembly of the side planking/chine and sheer clamp is then mounted to #1 Frame. The chine ends at Frame #2, while the sheer clamp is allowed to run wild for later trimming.

Fig. 3: The side planking sub-assemblies is now installed on the bottom sub-assembly. The transom shown in the foreground is mounted so that the inside surface butts to the battens, chine and sheer and is lapped by the bottom and side planking.

Fig. 4: The junction of the side planking with Frame #1 is shown in this view. Note the blocking for the side planking on the aft side of the #1 Frame.
