Hankinson Designs Now Available
Exclusively from Glen-L
Gayle and Ken discussing his history in boat design.
After Ken Hankinson’s sudden retirement from the plan business in 2005, many were left disappointed that they never got that Hankinson design they had been dreaming about…but, now you can.
At last, Glen-L has obtained EXCLUSIVE rights to Ken’s design collection so you can stop dreaming and start building! Now you can get that Hankinson Barrelback design you were drooling over or that power cat you have been longing for…or, how about a 19 high performance tug or classic mahogany runabout?
Ken worked for Glen-L for over 22 years from 1965 until 1987 when he ventured out on his own and formed Hankinson Associates. Since we know Ken’s design work…Glen was Ken’s mentor for those 22 years…we feel very comfortable with his expertise and commitment to detail that is a part of the Glen-L philosophy.
As a result, we are happy to provide you with Ken’s designs…this is not something we usually do…we do not broker plans, we have always provided only our own designs that we are familiar with and confident of the quality. However, we feel that Hankinson designs will fit right in…let us know what you think!
ANNOUNCING: Get the exclusive interview of Ken Hankinson available only from Glen-L! This hour long interview takes you inside the mind of this respected Naval Architect. Get your DVD today!