Many of our sail boat builders don’t realize that we have accessories for the boat they are building. In addition to fastening kits and fiberglass covering kits, we offer Hardware, Rigging and Sails for many of our sailboat designs. Kits that save you money and eliminate the effort and frustration of trying to find the right materials.
Hardware kits supply the blocks, gooseneck, eye straps, cleats, gudgeons and pintles, and many other hardware items you will need to make your boat work. Many of these items are difficult to find locally. This is why Glen-L has assembled kits.
The term rigging is often misunderstood by novice sailors. Standing rigging is what holds the spar (mast) up. Our standing rigging consists of high quality stainless steel wire rope with various stainless eyes, jaws, toggles or turnbuckles “swaged” on the ends as required by the design. Swaging is a very strong and clean method of attaching fittings to wire rope. Our Rigging Kits also include the running rigging, the finest polyester yacht braided line, used to control the sails and haul them up the mast.
Our sails come in “classic” white dacron with hand sewn detailing that sets them off from all but the most expensive custom sails. All sails include the Glen-L Logo and a special insignia specific to the Glen-L design as shown in the line drawing.  Why spend your valuable “building” time shopping for a sail maker, only to pay more, when you could order your sails from the people who know the most about your boat?
Visit our Online Catalog for more information.