Re: Transom repair on chris craft

[ Boatbuilder Connection ]

Posted by ken on August 04, 19103 at 14:33:06:

In Reply to: Transom repair on chris craft posted by Frederick on August 03, 19103 at 17:50:30:

: I am getting ready to replace a transom on a 26 foot chris craft. Anyone know how far apart to put boards to allow for swelling? This will be above the waterline.

Somewhere on the 'net I once ran into a site all about the Mahogany ChrisCrafts, and such. It is likely worth a search. There is a lot of interest in the old ChrisCrafts to support the presence on the internet.
What would prevent one from looking at a good area on the same hull and determine the original structure, from an area that was not weatherbeaten. Build it back to an original spec, if you can find an undamaged area to look at.

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