Re: Motorwell???

[ Boatbuilder Connection ]

Posted by Dan on August 07, 19103 at 07:07:18:

In Reply to: Motorwell??? posted by Jeff Brunot on August 04, 19103 at 16:06:17:


The motorwell serves two functions. Structurally, the motorwell sides, the transom knees, and the aft frame are there to provide support for the transom. The transom must be strong enough to handle all of the forces put on it. When skiing, the transom is exposed to extreme forces from the outboard (weight, stopping, starting, and turning torque) and pulling the skier.

Secondly, the motorwell can handle most of the water that may wash over the transom when stopping or backing up.

The motorwell structure is very important. Don't make any changes that will lessen the strength that the engineers developed.

My two cents.


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