Re: drilling more holes

[ Boatbuilder Connection ]

Posted by JimM on July 22, 2002 at 06:41:43:

In Reply to: drilling more holes posted by Steve on July 20, 2002 at 20:38:44:

That's a new one! I'd be afraid of glass (silicate variety) because it's brittle. But if it's a very shallow draft boat, maybe it's no big deal. I'd go talk to your local glass people about glass vs lexan vs plexiglass. Figure out the water pressure at the expected depth and tell them that. You might have to go 1/2" or even more!

A lesson about tempered glass: Glass is "tempered" by specially controlled heat-treated which leaves the "core" in tension and the surfaces in compression. Then, when you bend a plate of tempered glass, it takes more "bend" before the surface (where the stress is normally highest) to relax from compression and then go into high enough tension to break. That's why you don't use a glass cutter on tempered glass: it would shatter almost explosively!

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