Fig. 13 Usually the Continue layer of fiberglass will be woven roving, or on smaller boats, a layer of cloth. Wetting out woven roving is more difficult than mat, and care should be taken to assure that the resin is sufficiently worked to completely saturate the material. If enough resin was applied to the mat underneath, this will aid in the saturation while more resin is applied to the surface.
Fig. 14 Squeegees are used to smooth out and saturate the woven roving or cloth. The resin is best worked from high areas to low areas pressing firmly onto the surface to eliminate air bubbles and entrapment, and to distribute the resin evenly. It is important to squeegee out all excessive resin to prevent a resin-rich laminate which will be brittle, lack strength, and have excessive weight. As with mat, joints between adjacent pieces of material should be butted and not lapped. Continue |