Fig. 17 Righting the form together with the hull will assure that the hull will not distort. However, if the form is detached before righting, care must be taken to assure that the hull will not flex or change shape. This is especially critical along the sheer area, and this area should be reinforced with temporary outer sheer members if righting is done after the form is detached from the hull. When the form is left in the hull, it is easy to level-up and align the righted hull for the balance of the construction.
Fig. 18 Before removing the form from the hull, be sure that all reference marks such as those noting bulkhead locations, sole levels, centerline, etc., have been marked to the inside of the hull surfaces as applicable. With the form in the hull right side up, it can then be lifted from the hull intact. Of course, on larger boats this will require some mechanical hoisting equipment, or the form members can be dismantled piece by piece. Spreaders spaced as required to hold the sheer in position are advised on larger designs. Continue |