The Rob Roy as built by
Larry "Rehd" Brown, Fresno, Calif

12 Sep 04
56. I finished the sanding the other evening and it didn't look good... I
got a little aggressive and used the Random Orbital Sander. It had 60 grit
paper on it and I should have gone with no lower than 80 or 100 grit. At any
rate, I sanded into glass and made a fuzzy mess in most of the areas I worked
and I doubt that a simple coat of varnish would have covered it to my
satisfaction. So, tonight I wiped down the outer hull and cleaned off all the
dust, then recoated the entire outer hull so I would get a good even coat. I
spread out 4 oz. over the entire outer hull, so it will not be too thick, not
will it look like patches. ( Approx. 30 min. )


58. Sanded the rough texture off the hull from resin fill coat with 80 grit
paper on fairing board. I got the fuzzies taken care of... however, I
didn't stick with it and the epoxy got a ton of little runs and dust specks
in it... Tomorrow I will go over again with 120 grit on ROS to get it down
smooth again. Then it's time to turn it back over and add Gunnal strips. (
approx. 45 min. )
