Building the Thunderbolt
by Mark Dietel
Page 4
Sfter turning the hull right side up, the carlings and
side decking were installed. The side decking makes a tight bend near the
stern. It required more force than I could hold to make this bend, so
chains and turnbuckles were used to pull the plywood down over the
carling (ref photo). The plans call out for a 1 x 1 deck batten to form
the edge of the side decking up front. Even this small member proved
difficult to clamp in place while making the stiff bend to the bow breast
plate. To solve this problem, I ripped the member in half and installed two 1/2 x 1
members laminated together instead of one 1 x 1. This made bending a lot
easier and worked nicely. This same technique could be used for any
member that needs to make a tight bend. If I had it to do again, I would
use it for the chine log.
My Thunderbolt probably won't be in the
water this season as the motor, V-Drive, and controls must still be
acquired and installed, but definitely next year. I'm not looking to
go 90mph or win races, so a stock Chevy 350 should meet my water ski
requirements with plenty to spare.
We hope to hear more from Mr. Dietel after the boat is
in the water....
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