Construction Pictorial 4
Fig 16: From the notch at Frame 5, a line is drawn down the cine
centerline to the stem. Above this line will be faired for the bottom
planking, below this line, the side planking will attach.
Fig 17: Use a short length of plywood to check the amount of bevel
required on the sheer. Very little, if any, should need to be removed
from the chine in the forward area.
Fig 18: Observe the amount of material that has been removed along
the forward end of the sheer. This member will be a triangular shape and
at the stem area it will be necessary to fair some of the breasthook.
Fig 19: The transom capping member is installed, covering the ends
of the exposed chine, keel, and battens.
Fig 20: The capping piece must be beveled so that the planking
will mate firmly to it. Observe the drainage notches cut into the
battens. These allow bilge water to drain to the center of the boat where
it can be removed through drain plugs.