      Construction Pictorial 9

Fig 41: Plywood side well members attach to the carlings and motor board. The builder has used blocking on either side to provide bearing for the motorwell tray.

Fig 42: The deck battens and strongback are notched into the deck beams. Here the builder is fitting the strongback into a notch in the breasthook. The strongback must form a clean, even sweep to the tip of the stem.

Fig 43: The decking is clamped into position at the centerline and a line scribed around the hull extremities. Use scrap for the cowl.

Fig 44: A butt block is used at the junction of the forward decking and aft decking.

Fig 45: The tumble-home at the transom will require that the side decking be butt-joined to the side planking. This will again require a transition point from the forward lap-joint. Here the builder is using a backsaw to cut a positive fit for the decking.
