Biscayne 22 by Bob Perkins 3

21. Here are the Chines in place, it really looks more like a boat now

22. Profile of Chine installed

23. Closeup of Left Side

24. The sheer clamps are laminated. Here is the second layer after clamping. 57 clamps on this side!

25. I decided to start with the sides as opposed to the bottom. They are a lot simpler in batten placement since the motor stringer blocking is everywhere on the bottom. I lined off the battens equally spaced along each frame. These are coming out perfect.

26. After a few weeks of spring slowdown, I was finally able to complete the battens on both sides.

27. All of the side battens in place. The bottom ones will be tougher because placement is not as simple as the sides.

28. Beside each batten is a limber hole, the little half round cutout for water to find its way to the deepest part of the boat so the bilge pump can do its work. Remember to seal these with epoxy before planking your boat.

29. Fairing laminated plywood is no easy task. I choose to do this with hand planes. If you have the opportunity to get a scrub plane - it makes fast material removal a snap.

30. I spent quite a bit of time on the bottom making sure I could get thin ply stock to lay down and make contact in all directions. Fairing a cage is not as easy as a solid surface. There are many places where the sanding board gets jammed or planes bang into things.
