Hope you're all enjoying your summer. Whether
you're building, boating, traveling, relaxing, or just
dreaming about the next boat you're going to build,
it's our sincere desire that you enjoy this wonderful
time of the year with your family and friends.
Congratulations to Howard Katzman of West Bloomfield,
Michigan. Howard's gorgeous Zip "Sea
Biscuit" was pictured in the July/August issue of
WoodenBoat magazine. Way to go, Howard!
Ed and Pat Skulski, who have built a truly beautiful
Glen-L Cabin Skiff, were kind enough to write us a report
(see below) on this year's Mystic Seaport Wooden Boat
Show. Ed and Pat not only attended the show, but they also
displayed their Cabin Skiff to the assembled throngs. It
sounds like Ed and Pat had a great time - next year maybe
you can join them at the show with your boat too?!
On a personal note, since I haven't heard any
criticisms from anyone about the WebLetters, I guess
you're all copacetic with what I've been producing
. . . but please realize that I crave your thoughts on how
I can better serve your needs. Don't be afraid to tell
me "how it is" and what I can do to make the
WebLetter more fun, interesting and valuable to you all!
What a country! - God Bless America!
Until next month . . .
Report from the Mystic Seaport Wooden Boat Show
by Ed Skulski
My wife Pat & I had the good
fortune to display our boat (a Glen-L Cabin Skiff design) at the "I built
it myself" exhibit at the Mystic Seaport Wooden Boat
Show this past weekend. The show was amazing, the
craftsmanship shown on the "IBIM" boats was unbelievable and really
humbled me. There were all types of boats there, ranging from
sailing canoes and dingys to a 23-ft. sailboat. On an
interesting note, many people recognized my boat as a Glen-L
Cabin Skiff and many others said they liked the design
because of the protection that the cabin gives in a boat of
her size. Showing our boat and discussing construction
details was great fun.
The photos attached are some of the many boats in the
exhibit. Also enclosed are a couple of photos of three of the
larger boats there. The tall ship is the Charles W. Morgan, a
whaling ship built in 1841. This year it will be hauled out
and a 3 1/2 year restoration of the vessel will begin. Mystic
Seaport has the capabilities in equipment and craftsmen to
handle this huge project (see Video below).
My favorite boat (after my own
Cabin Skiff, of course) at the show was the Aphrodite. This
is a 42-ft. fast commuter boat built in the 1920's for a
tycoon who lived on Long Island and commuted to his office in
NY City everyday. I have read about and seen photos of the
boat for years but never thought I would get to see it close
up. A crew member even invited my wife & I aboard to tour
the entire boat. It is amazing and just the most beautiful
man-made thing I have ever seen.
Mystic Seaport is a fantastic place to visit for anyone would
loves boats and maritime history. I have included only a very
small number of photos; you have to view their website to get
an idea of the size of their boat and marine exhibit
As many of you are
already aware, our master craftsman Allyn retired some time
ago. At that time, knowing that replacing him with someone of
like skill and talent would be nearly impossible, we made a
considered decision to discontinue producing frame kits for
our boat designs.
Upon making the announcement that we would be selling the
frame kits still in stock and that once that supply was
depleted there would be no more frame kits available, many of
our builders took advantage of getting one (or more)
"while the getting was good."
Gayle asked me to make the Dragonfly our "Design of the
Month" in this WebLetter, because we discovered that
'way in the back of our warehouse, we have four frame
kits for this exceptional design, already completed and
crated up, ready to "kick-start" a few lucky
builders' dreams!
The Dragonfly is a great boat that you'll
find easy to build and a pure joy to use. It provides a very
stable platform for fishing, duck hunting, or just cruising.
It is much roomier than appears on paper, with hearty depth;
the efficient hull gives excellent speed using modest
The hull bottom of the Dragonfly is flat in the aft section
going into a moderate vee forward. This provides maximum
buoyancy, and this boat can get to those shallow areas in the
backwaters and slither over areas that most vee bottoms
can't navigate. These hulls are remarkably stable; no
severe rocking from side to side when moving across the boat.
Plus, a stable casting platform allows the angler to
concentrate on casting rather than on balancing.
From the standpoint of easy construction the garvey hull
form has the advantage of simplicity. Its curves are all
easy, ideal for Stitch & Glue plywood building with
extremely little waste of material. From bottom to deck the
building of the Dragonfly is an uncomplicated and very
rewarding project.
I spoke with several Dragonfly builders to prepare for this
article, and without exception each one of them gave very
high marks to the ease of construction, the excellent design
and performance of the boat, and the tremendous amount of fun
they've been having, both building and using their
Consider building and enjoying your own Dragonfly today,
before all the frame kits are gone forever.
Good morning, John. I thought you
and the rest of the gang would like to know that we launched
yesterday morning, at Lake Piru.
Another ZIP is on the water! It was a little more
windy than I would have liked, but we got in a couple hours
of running and on one pass I saw 5,000 RPM. With the wind and
the chop, I got the prop out of the water a couple of times.
We couldn't get full RPM with the 13"-pitch prop,
but the 11" really woke things up.
The attention we paid to getting the bottom straight must
have paid off, because the boat jumped up on the plane with
absolutely no porpoising. She does ride a little bow-high, so
I suspect we need to re-trim the outboard. After we deal with
some issues with the motor (unreliable idle), we'll head
out again, hopefully under calmer conditions.
Motor troubles aside, it was a very successful day. We were
the subject of a lot of attention from other boaters and all
were amazed that we'd built the boat from plans.
There's just something about a wood boat that seems to
attract folks nowadays.
This was my first-ever drive at speed in a wood boat and I
was amazed at the sound made by the water against the hull. I
would describe it as the sound an acoustic guitar would make
if someone were compelled to beat it on the water! It's
definitely a smooth-water boat.
We should have our motor troubles licked pretty quickly and
we'll get back out there again. I can see myself using up
all my comp time at work this summer!
I have to say that this has been one of the most rewarding
projects I've undertaken. Start to finish for everything
(boat, trailer, motor) has been 14 months. Cost-wise, I think
we have about $6,000 in this project, including the trailer
materials and motor. This makes me feel really good, as a
friend is about to dump $18K on a new Bayliner! As a bonus, I
think I have enough scrap lumber to get most of the way
through something smaller, so I just bought a set of "Imp" plans. It never
Anyway, many thanks to you guys for all the support and for
posting almost all of my craziness in the Project Registry. Thanks especially to
Glen for a really nice design. We've had compliments from
everyone who's stopped by, and while we like to think
it's our craftsmanship, none of our efforts would matter
if the design hadn't been right to begin with.
The other day we received
a phone call that has stayed in our thoughts.
A customer phoned and stated he had purchased our
plans some time back but he couldn't understand
them. He then went on to state that he worked with
blueprints all the time but our patterns were
"not clear." He kept repeating one
particular point; he was "not an idiot" .
. . we shouldn't think he was "an
idiot," etc.
After listening to this monologue for a few minutes
we suggested he expound on exactly what was his
problem; he said it was with the patterns. More than
one was on the same sheet and he couldn't tell
which line was which. He had the pattern in front of
him and we suggested he start off with any line and
find the number or call-out for that part then
continue along the line to identify the outline of
the part. We further suggested he review the
instructions for use of the patterns and possibly
use a colored pencil (as stated in the instructions)
to outline the particular pattern he wished to
identify. He seemed to understand that phase but
still couldn't understand the bottom planking
pattern. Since that part was in two halves we
suggested he look at the "Plywood Layout"
sketch to get a reduced scale concept as to the
shape of the part. Again he launched into a tirade
that he was "not an idiot" and that WE
made a huge MISTAKE. In an attempt to inspire
confidence, we stated that literally hundreds of
this popular stitch and glue design had been built
by others just like him. That did it. He exclaimed
"You are calling me an idiot" and hung up
the phone.
We have never called a boatbuilder an idiot;
primarily because we've never found one that
fits the category. Everyone has questions and
problems during construction. That's par for the
course, and one of the pleasures of boatbuilding is
overcoming small problems. But, boatbuilding is a
new venture for many and a learning curve must
occur. If this customer had read the "How to
use Patterns" and the written instructions
under "Bottom Planking" his questions
would probably have been answered. It's human
nature, however, for most of us to jump in without a
complete review of the written text.
Does that make such a person an "idiot?"
Hardly; after contemplation on this call the
"idiot" was us. We should have kept on
progressively taking from this boatbuilder each
point in question. Our statement on previous
builders was out of line; it did the opposite of
what was intended.
We'd like to have this builder on the line
again. Perhaps we could make it clear that our
objective is to enable him to build a boat and have
fun during the process. The many builders who have
used our designs prove we succeed most of the
When we don't, we must be the
Ahab was the well-known
Of a whaling ship of yore
His story is a classic sea-going tale
I guarantee it's not a bore
He set out upon a long sea journey
To seek a great white whale
He traveled half way round the world
His ship powered only by a sail
He desired most to catch that whale
Who had taken off his leg
Leaving him with one less limb
And a whalebone leg of peg
Ahab drove his ship real hard
To find that animal who maimed him
Through all manner of seas and storms
After Moby Dick as he had named him
The crew found that whale all right
And went out in smaller boats
But Moby Dick did smash them all
Soon none were left afloat
Yet Ahab killed the great white whale
Though it passed not easily
First it rammed and sank his ship
All, save one, drowned in that dark sea
The lesson of this story, please note
What sent Capt. Ahab down to Hell
The ship and boats he chose were not
Designs from our Glen-L
Photos sent in since the last WebLetter...
Why Do Dogs Love Boats?
by Robert Stephens
You'd skip breakfast, run
through the unmown grass and figuratively leap at any
opportunity to go boating. But would you literally jump at
the chance? Would you chew on a doorknob and drool all over
yourself, just for a ride?
Bo would. "As soon as he sees the bag packed with
towels, he runs around the house, crying," says Amber
McCrocklin, owner of the 100-pound yellow lab. Once Bo is on
board McCrocklin's 22-foot Four Winns along Tampa Bay, he
runs to the front of the bow, sticks his head up in the air
and slaps everything in range with his tail. "I
didn't teach him to like it," says McCrocklin.
"For some reason boating is just fun for
Like Tosca. The toy poodle is all of 14
pounds soaking wet, which is precisely her condition when she
frantically swims to her owners' MasterCraft as it idles
into Lake Bell near Orlando. "She has to be the first
one in the boat," says Renae Burtrum of the family
pooch. "If she sees one of us wearing a swimsuit, she
starts jumping straight up in the air."
Sounds like Pepper. The
2-year-old black lab impressed onlookers at the Boat Show Dog
Trials in Seattle last September by jumping over a boat hook,
weaving through six oars and bounding into a dock cart, among
other tricks. Pepper didn't win the 32-dog competition,
but she trotted off with something much better than the Pup
Cup: a coveted ride aboard her owners' 35-foot Chris
Craft, no doubt with nose held high.
Dogs are so wound up over boats that a new canine economy
has sprung up. McCrocklin started making Paws
Aboard dog ladders four
years ago so dog owners wouldn't get scratched up trying
to haul Otis over the transom. The business was so good that
she started selling Paws Aboard dog vests in
July 2005, and last year sold a whopping 25,000 of them.
There's also the Pup-Head (a portable patch of fake grass
for dogs who can't contain their excitement), Paw Pads
(nonskid stick-ons so dogs won't slip on boats), Doggles
(because no man lets his best friend get scorched retinas)
and dog sunscreen (we may be headed overboard here, folks).
So why is an open-air ride, such as the one at the bow of a
boat, the most exciting event to happen to Rufus and friends
since hounds drove convertibles in the book Go, Dog. Go! ?
When posed this question, Julie Corcoran, who assists with
the Boat Yard Dog Trials for Maine
Boats, Homes and Harbors, says, "Why do any of
us like to ride boats? It's fun."
"Yes," I sniff, "but I have yet to see my
wife scratch at the window or piddle on the carpet at the
mere whiff of a boat shoe."
If anyone could give
a good answer for why dogs dream of becoming hood ornaments
and flag burgees, it's Dr. Stanley Coren, author of Why Does My Dog Act That Way?.
"It's the smells," says Dr. Coren. "We
have five million olfactory scent-detecting cells in our
noses. My little beagle has 225 million in his
But what's to smell at the front of a boat that's
doing 35 mph?
"We're unaware of most smells on the
water, but a dog can smell things underwater, even
plankton," says Dr. Coren. "Scents are rising to
the surface, one after another, like a video montage to us.
Not all are pleasant, but to the dog each one is a
And with that we begin to understand not only the dog's
love affair with boats, but also the reason Rusty has to jam
his nose into every crotch in sight. Wow!
Reprinted from
Boating Life, February, 2007.
"When you know what you want, and want it bad
enough, you will find a way to get
Shop Talk: Some Handy Tips
Power Tool
Besides providing storage for his
portable power tools, this simple shelf solves another of
Fred Nordby's (of Red Deer, Alberta, Canada) nagging
problems as well — keeping the power cords from getting
tangled up.
Each power cord fits in a separate compartment below the
tool (see photo). These compartments are formed by a number
of dividers that are sandwiched between a top and
The location of the dividers is determined by the amount of
space each tool requires. Note: To allow the base of the tool
to sit flat on the shelf, you may need to modify the top by
cutting slots or drilling holes to acommodate blades or
Since his lip balm is always handy,
Bill Johnson of Akron, Ohio, applies it to the screws'
threads to make it easier to drive in the screws.
Shop "Pencil
Peter Priestner's pencils used to
have a mysterious way of disappearing from his shop in
Chelmsford, Massachusetts — until he started using this
"pencil cushion." It's just a piece of pipe
insulation that fits onto a wall stud (see photo). Sticking
pencils in the cushion keeps them handy and keeps the tips from
Power-tool Belt
Clip Have you ever wanted to hold a
cordless screw driver, drill or other power tool on your tool
belt while working? Here's a rig that is easy to
assemble, doesn't get in the way and won't
accidentally come loose from the belt. And with the rig you
can remove a tool from your belt faster than Wyatt Earp could
have using just one hand.
As shown in the drawing, use a bentgate carabiner as a hook
to hang on a steel hammer loop. Carabiners are like a link of
chain that can be opened by way of a spring-loaded leg.
Rock-climbing stores and most hardware stores stock them.
Thread the carabiner onto a length of 1-in. webbing that is
then tied at the ends to make a loop. For this use a webbing
knot that is known variously as a water knot, a ring bend, or
an overhand bend (detail, bottom right of drawing). To secure
the carabiner to the tool, pass the loop of webbing around
the tool's handle and then through itself.
Recent email:
Subject: Just a Comment . . .
Date: 11 July 2008
Just a hello and a FYI. I stumbled on your page today; glad to
see you're still around. I started one of your little racing
designs in about 1967 or 68 when I was a 14 or 15 year old kid.
Yep - in my mother's living room as the glue needed
non-winter temperatures. She obliged, but was not very happy
about it!
I eventually gave it to my cousin who shared it with another
friend. Geeze that was a long time ago. I'm now 55. I used
some of the mahogany I'd bought for it a few years later to
replace the gunnels and deck on a plywood runabout I bought.
That boat I still have.
Might check out your displacement cruisers sometime, but right
now an older 27 ft. sailboat will have to do. I keep
Best of luck to you all,
-- Dave Mikkelson
Subject: Our Zip
Date: 17 July 2008
Here are a few pictures of my recently completed Zip. It was my first boat build and I
can't tell you how much fun it was building it.
Now that it is completed I am amazed how much attention and
comments I get. Everyone wants to know what year model it is ?
The older folks want to know if it is an old Yellow
Thanks for the great plans, the information, and great
products. I'm ready now to start another one, but having a
hard time making my mind up which one to build.
Thanks again,
-- J.R. Lindamood
Malakoff, Texas
In a later email, J.R.
"Here is a little more to the story about my building a
boat that you guys might find interesting. In 1957 my Dad had a
plywood boat factory here in Malakoff, Texas. It burned after
only a few boats were built and he and his brother never made it
back to full scale boat building. He did help some friends build
a few boats after the fire, but he went back to being a painter
and a bricklayer.
Dad died in '93 and ten years later I retired. I always
wanted to give boat building a try. I've had your catalog
since '93 and looked at it for all those years before
deciding to give it a try.
There were times when I felt that I had outside help, someone
looking over my shoulder; that is one reason I have to build
another one. I treasure that (outside help).
I have a few pictures of Dad's boats; if you would like to
see them, let me know."
Subject: Boat Plans
Date: 20 July 2008
I have a set of plans from the other boat plan store. Their
plans are hard to read and understand. They do not give any
finishing information as you put the boat together. All notes
and directions are hand written on the papers, and the drawings
are very small.
Are your plans better than this? The other company provides no
support; do you? I am a first time builder and need all the help
I can get.
-- Stephen Rouse
Gayle answers:
Thank you for contacting us. It's difficult to really
compare our plans with those from another unidentified company,
so I'll just tell you about our plans and support.
Depending upon which boat you select, you will get a full set
of plans, scaled to 1 inch = 1 foot, as well as full-sized
patterns for the frames. These patterns can be laid directly on
the wood and transferred to it to guide your cuts (instructions
for this are included). Also included is a set of printed
instructions which detail the sequential construction process.
Some designs come with additional booklets, depending upon the
type of construction for that particular boat. We believe that
the package of materials we supply is very complete, but as with
any new endeavor some terms may be unfamiliar to you so
we've provided a glossary of terms on our website.
As for support, we have our online Boatbuilder Forum where you can find answers
(from actual boatbuilders) to just about any question (almost
every possible question you have has likely been raised by
another builder before you), or you can even put questions to
them yourself. You'll find that our community of
boatbuilders is friendly, knowledgeable and eager to help. Of
course, you can always email or telephone us here at Glen-L
One more thing; you might consider getting a copy our book 'Boatbuilding with Plywood' - I know
that you'll find it is an excellent resource to help in
building your boat.
I hope this helps - please let me know if you have any other
Subject: Order
Date: 17 July 2008
I really like your website and your offerings are very
impressive!! You provide truly unique service.
-- Conn Barbour
Subject: July WebLetter
Date: 1 July 2008
I enjoy your newsletters and this one especially since it had a
tribute to the 4th of July! It's inspiring to see so many
involved in boat building and the variety of craft they
Keep those newsletters coming and thank you for such a fine
-- Bob Allison
Subject: Thank you
Date: 1 July 2008
Thank you for the nice trip back to memory lane in Gayle's
latest Glen-L email update. I too had similar past Fourth Of
July's. It was really nice to read your nostalgic comments,
and they brought back many fond memories.
Thank you so much and God Bless America !
-- Bob Roma
Subject: Designs and Instructions
Date: 25 July 2008
I think your designs and building instructions are just great. I
have built 2 of your kayaks and we are enjoying using
-- John & Jenny Kerkvliet
Burrum Heads, Queensland, Australia
Subject: TNT Project
Date: 11 July 2008
In 2002 I had a letter and photos posted after building my TNT. Now, after years of good use it was
time for me to put some work into it again. The interior
epoxy was worn down in spots, causing some stains. The deck
plywood was cracking and peeling badly, even though I had a
couple fiberglass layers on top of it (a note to anyone about
to build a Glen-L designed boat - use the highest quality
marine plywood or hardwood planks intended for boat
building). I used exterior grade plywood meant for home
construction, and mistakenly thought the fiberglass and epoxy
would work to keep it from coming apart.
This spring and summer I took off all the hardware on the
boat and sanded it down. I applied a couple coats of epoxy
over the interior and exterior, and used some fiberglass to
patch the deck. With a foam roller I put several coats of
epoxy paint, immediately following up with the tip of a foam
brush to smooth out the bubbles that were formed. I found
using the top of the line paint with the least expensive foam
applicators to work best. The engine was sanded and spray
painted with the manufacturer's touch-up paint. I used
automotive pin-striping over the worn stripes of the original
decals, which were still in good shape aside from that.
Thank you everyone at Glen-L and to all the boat builders
who posted your projects and inspired me to go ahead with my
projects. I now look forward to getting much more use out of
the boat in the beautiful Finger Lakes of New York
-- Luke Stryker
Penn Yan, New York
Editor's Note:
See the "before" and "after" photos
Luke's TNT in Customer Photos.
Subject: Young Captain
Date: 27 July 2008
This goes to show that you are never too young to take over
command. The little ones just love to cruise.
-- Mika Sato & Rick Klemm
Delta, BC, Canada
Subject: The USS New York Date: 17 July, 2008
The name "New York" has been borne by at least seven
different U.S. military ships, most recently the nuclear
submarine USS New York City, commissioned in 1979 and retired in
1997. Construction on another ship bearing that name, the
684-foot amphibious assault ship USS New York, began at a
Shipyard in Avondale, Louisiana, and on 1 March 2008 the new
vessel was christened there. It is expected to be commissioned
in 2009.
It is the fifth in a new class of warships - designed for
missions that include special operations against terrorists. It
will carry a crew of 360 sailors and 700 combat-ready Marines to
be delivered ashore by helicopters and assault craft.
The vessels bow stem is said to incorporate 7.5 tons of steel
from the World Trade Center which was melted down at a foundry
in Amite, Louisiana (a photo of employees pouring the molten
scrap steel can be viewed here).
When it was poured into the molds on Sept 9, 2003, "those
big rough steelworkers treated it with total reverence,"
recalled Navy Capt. Kevin Wensing, who was there.
"It was a spiritual moment for everybody
Junior Chavers, foundry operations manager, said that when the
trade center steel first arrived, he touched it with his hand
and the "hair on my neck stood up."
"It had a big meaning to it for all of us," he said.
"They knocked us down. They can't keep us down.
We're going to be back."
The ship's motto? --
"Never Forget"
Please keep this going so everyone can see what we are made of
in this country!
-- James Patroni
Cape May Court House, New Jersey
Editor's Note:
I invite you all to visit
the official USS New York web site to learn more
her construction and history, and to view more pictures
and videos.
Also, visit the USS San Antonio web site. This is one
of the USS New York's sister ships which is already in
action at sea. Scroll down to the thumbnails at the bottom
of her home page and you'll find some spectacular
Subject: I Love this Doctor!
Date: 21 July 2008
-- Sam Neely
Green Valley, California
eMail of the Month
Subject: Squirt
Date: 5 July 2008
I finished the boat (Glen-L Squirt) just in time to
enter her into my neighborhood's annual 4th of
July parade!!! It was a great day, partly cloudy
with an occasional breeze, perfect in the shade of
one of the many huge oak trees. My wife and son rode
in the boat during the parade; it was awesome. Best
float for the 59th continuous annual neighborhood
parade goes to.....THE BOAT!!! Pulling her during the
parade I heard several "WOWS, OOOOOs, look at
that boat, she's beautiful." I'm still
not sure if one guy was taking about the boat or my
wife... Anyway, it was a perfect way to finish the
build and a great conversation starter, not to
mention Glen-L will probably be getting some new
customers (I hope).
I did have to get a little creative during the
build. I used bricks, clamps, straps, screws,
whatever I could find in my garage to hold, bend,
etc. My garage is also small and detached from the
house so I didn't have much room to move around
the boat during the build. I made do and I'm
glad I did.
The BEST advice I can offer to someone looking at
these photos and who is debating as to whether or
not they can build a boat is to read and review the
Boatbuilder Forum. More often
than not, if I had a question, someone has already
had the same question...check it out.
Now I just have to put her into the water and check
everything out before trailering her over to Heber
Springs Arkansas or up to Paris Landing state park
in Tennessee close to Kentucky.
Hope to send more photos with the boat in action
and to tell the story of what has kept me on track
to complete the boat.
-- Chris Stamey
Memphis, TN
P.S. We plan on coming to the Gathering, boat included!
Editor's Note: With all the sadness and trauma going on
in the world at the moment, it is worth reflecting on the
death of a very important person, which almost went unnoticed
last week.
Larry LaPrise, the man who wrote "The Hokey Pokey"
died peacefully at the age of 93. The most traumatic part for
his family was getting him into the coffin. They put his left
leg in.... And then the trouble started.
Shut up. You know it's funny. Now send it on to someone
else and make them smile.