"This shot is me during a race last year... my summer job is racing Unlimited hydros."

This shot is coming back in after the first time the boat has been in the water for nearly 20 years! Notice I am looking back wondering where the ensign went. I lost it the first time out. I guess it could have been worse. It only cost me $35 that day... I was also lucky that I did not putt around too much, for the key on the cam that drives the water pump was a short one and it did not engage the pump. I never noticed this during test runs on the trailer because the hose pressure kept it cool just fine. At speed, the water pickup where I have it worked great but boy did the temperature go up fast when I putted around. Thanks goodness I watched the working gauges. I found the proper longer drive key and its all fixed now. The motor is as smooth as a new one and I am impressed how nice the tri-power works on the boat. The motor mounts are new and came from Glenwood Marine. I did not like the band sawed plates that the boat came with.
