Stiletto Construction Pictorial ...Page 8

Fig 22: The entire bottom is in place, screw holes filled and overhangs trimmed. The putty used to fill the holes is sanded smooth, but sanding should be kept to a minimum to avoid dishing out the soft grain of the plywood.
At this point the hull would normally be fiberglassed. Although not required, fiberglassing is highly recommended. Before fiberglassing, drill holes for the bow eye, fin and any other appendages. Temporarily install these items and flatten mounting surfaces as required. Remove the hardware and apply fiberglass cloth. Holes will be redrilled after fiberglassing.

Fig 23: After righting the hull, it is securely blocked in place, leveled lengthwise and athwartship. The sheer is roughly trimmed to shape as the builder is illustrating.

Fig 24: The carlings extend from the transom to Frame #5. These longitudinals are arced to conform to the side decking contour as indicated by the side frame members.