Re: Outboard Controls

[ Boatbuilder Connection ]

Posted by JimM on July 28, 19103 at 06:00:48:

In Reply to: Outboard Controls posted by Tom Boyle on July 24, 19103 at 16:00:37:

You might run into problems with the steering, since the cable needs to approach the engine from the side. In order to do what you're suggesting, you'd have to put an extra bend in the cable, which would make the steering stiffer and have more free-play. A great solution would be to use hydraulic steering which is expensive but superb. As for all the other controls, my biggest concern is that water would collect in your PVC pipe (you'll never completely block it - it'll always find its way in) and corrode the control cables & wires. Also, they would not be accessible for servicing. I think I'd stick to the time-honored practice of running everything under the gunwales.

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