![]() ![]() An Occasional Publication for the Home Boat BuilderGlen-L Marine Designs - 9152 Rosecrans Ave. - Bellflower, CA 90706![]() In this issue
GLEN-L Update
Newest design... An RC ModelGlen and Allyn have been working on this for a
couple of months. I forgot to put information about RC Model X-1 in the More about Featured Design: V-DoryWhen the Hunky Dory was first designed, it quickly
became one of our most popular designs. For several years, it was Today, the sales of the V-Dory and Hunky Dory are
about equal. I asked Glen if he were to redesign the Hunky Dory, would he
design it with a vee. State laws governing the maximum trailerable width have gradually been shifting from 8' to 8 1/2'. The V-Dory takes advantage of this to add the extra work space at a beam of 8' 5". The V-Dory is an ideal workboat, great for fishing and diving or just carrying a lot of "stuff". The Dory Cabin Plans include several cabin options for the V-Dory to add to its versatility, whether shrimping off the Louisiana coast, fishing for salmon in the Pacific northwest or spending the night anchored in a sheltered bay of an off-shore island, the V-Dory may be just the design you have been looking for. V-Dory Links: Feedback: V-DoryDate: Fri, 16 Jan 2004 I've really worked this boat - it's had a ton of shrimp and flounder dumped in it during summers, and has offered my grandkids a deep stable platform while they learned and honed their boat-driving skills. I don't think you can turn this thing over. On our second engine now - a 90 hp. Suggestion for builders... watch the width of the motor well. Anticipating using an old Mercury - a fast, narrow, propped motor - led me to make the well too narrow. A newer, slower-geared, bigger propped motor like a Yamaha can hit the sides when tilted if I didn't put stops on the steering bar. Only a potentially big problem the first time - after that, you get really careful. Great boat!!!!! I mistreat it like crazy but its never let me down. Jack Lavallet, Daphne, Alabama Other comments from Jack: 18 Jan 2004 Here are some pictures of the Completed V-dory. I launched her in October of 2003 and I love the boat. It's put away for the winter now but I will use it for commercial fishing for Striped Bass, Fluke and Tuna as well as tending my Aquaculture grant here in Massachusetts. I added an extra frame to the boat so she's 25' long overall. I also installed deck beams under the cockpit sole and put scuppers in the transom to make the boat self bailing. The hull is covered with 2 layers of 6 oz. cloth and epoxy resin on the outside. I covered the foredeck, rails and inside of the cockpit with fiberglass mat and polyester resin and then gelcoated it for durability and ease of maintenance. The boat is powered with a 90 H.P. Honda outboard and tops out at 25 kts. The wheelhouse is my own design but it is a common type found on many center console type workboats around here. The boat is solid, stable and seaworthy and it turned quite a few heads the day I launched her. Thanks for the great plans and I hope to someday build another one. Alex Carlson Feedback: SneakboxFred DoblerI thought I would send you a few photos of my Sneakbox. I started building it in September of 2003 and it was almost completed by the start of early duck season in October. It was a good project, but there are a few things I will do differently next time. The plans didn't tell me how to fix a painter to the bow, and after it was done it was clear that I wanted it. I found a way to carefully drill through the bow just a bit aft of the leading edge and epoxied what amounts to a ferrule big enough to slip a 3/8 rope through. This works fine but there may be a nicer way to do it. Fiberglassing the Bottom Trailing Edge of a Power BoatThis article appeared in our first WebLetter. It is being repeated because it is something that often is the answer to a common question... "Why is my boat porpoising?"The well radiused corner required for proper
application of fiberglass cloth is not desirable on some areas. For example,
the bottom edge along the transom ![]() Darla's cornerby Darla SchoolerI welcome your contributions One man's fir is another man's pseudotsugaI have tried to be very diligent, re-spelling Douglas fir to Douglas-fir wherever I have found it. Douglas-fir is properly hyphenated because it is not, in fact, a fir. It is a pseudotsuga, or false hemlock (tsuga). Botanists take names very seriously, which allows botanists all over the world to speak the same language. The common names for plants are names that the rest of us remember and can easily pronounce. But these names vary for the same plant, from place to place and language to language. There are other woods commonly used in boatbuilding that are properly hyphenated or spelled differently to distinguish them from "what they seem to be". These would include the following, but are certainly not limited to this list.
As I wander through the more than 6000 pages on the Glen-L site, I will be updating the spelling of these woods in addition to Douglas-fir. I would add that in the wood world, the specificity of the hyphenated names is only just being adapted and the "non-botanic" names are still most commonly used. Shop Talk: MetricBecause the US is still in the Dark Ages when in comes to measurements, we frequently get inquiries from builders in other countries asking if our plans are in metric measurements, or "what is a gross?", or about the mysteries of lumber sizes. This information is all on our site, but is somewhat scattered, so we have pulled it all into one page for our non-US builders. Bending chines and sheersBending chines and sheers can be difficult, particularly if the wood is over-dried or has diagonal grain across the thickness. Some designs detail these members with multiple laminations to make bending easier. This is more work but is always an option on any design. Steaming is another option, although we have never had to do this on any of our designs. In the shop we have used boiling water and tension to facilitate bending. A description of the procedure is given below. When selecting lumber for chines and sheers, look closely at the lumber, choose the best material for the members that will have the most stress and put the best end forward. Be sure that the frame notches are faired so that the longitudinals will lie on a flat surface and not on a corner. Clamp the chine or sheer to the frames, bend toward the stem until you reach your discomfort level and tie in position. Put a C-clamp on the end and tie to that. Next, wrap the bend with a towel, pour boiling water over the towels and allow to sit overnight. The following day, continue bending to final position. If necessary, this procedure can be repeated, but is usually not necessary. See links below for further information about chines and sheers. Feedback: Flying SaucerHere is my Flying Saucer that I launched today in the Salton Sea. Weather was beautiful and no wind. It's been a "Snowbird" project for me during my winters in California. It was a solo launch so no action photos, but take it from me, the boat and engine ran beautifully! It registered 32mph, I might of liked a bit more, and I might re-prop, but at 12' you know you're moving! I have no, nada, adjustments to make to this boat!!! A comment about the Flying Saucer. After reading comments in Project Registry and looking at the early design, porpoising was a concern of mine. As a result, I did make some minor changes during construction. First I extended the stem to the next frame aft, and then added vertical members to the floor battens in the aft area to assure straightness. It paid off. Today I sat in the back; I put the gas tank in the back and not a hint of porpoising. I guess I forgot; the engine is a 1992 30hp Evinrude with probably less than 50 hours. It was on my Glen-L Sweet Caroline dory. It needed a home , and I think it found the perfect one with the Saucer! Regards, Bob Ellis For additional information about Bob's Flying Saucer, see Recent Email, belowFeedback: Tiny Titan![]() My son and I put together a Tiny Titan when he was 12 as I wished my Dad had done with me. My daughter, however, has enjoyed our Tiny Titan the most these last 7 years. The stock Evinrude 15HP pushes her along at 32mph. My son made the whale's tail (hydrofoil) out of 1/8 inch scrap aluminum. I highly recommend the tail as it helps the Tiny Titan to plane off flat AND settle off a plane flat. When running, the tail flies 3/4 inches above the surface. I also recommend using a control box and Glen-L's steering kit to control the boat running a 15HP motor. The adjustable seat not only contributes to control, it adds considerably to comfort. Great design and little boat! Alfred Marshall ![]() Recent email:Subject: Flying Saucer boat Bob, Thanks much for your time! Pete Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2004 Hi Pete, I notice you're a Seattlelite! That too is my home. I live on Whidbey Island, but spend my winters in California. I'll try to answer your questions. My costs are a little tough to determine. A lot of the materials; resin, some fiberglass and fasteners, I already had as leftovers from my last project; the Glen-L Bojest. Without fiberglass, I would think $500 bucks would be a reasonable estimate. My only source for lumber and plywood down here is Home Depot or Lowe's. Not exactly marine grade, but adequate. But by going this way almost necessitates a fiberglass covering! You definitely have sufficient power tools for this project. Not power, but you will need a good hand plane to fair the framework before installing the plywood. I built this one over a six-month period. Manhours? Maybe 200? You can put the steering fwd, or aft. I wanted it at the stern for three reasons. First I wanted the weight aft for higher speeds; second, I needed access to start the engine,( my engine's a manual start); and third, so that I could shift gears without a cable system. If you look at pictures of Glen-L's Zip, it's just a stretched Saucer, and most of those have front steering. You mentioned Project Registry; have you checked out Customer Photos? My Saucer is included on the Picture Board. The Bojest, where my spare parts came from, is also there. I really enjoyed building the Flying Saucer and on the first time out it performed great! A fun boat! This is the 7th Glen-L boat I've built. That should tell you something. Go for it!!! Cheers, Bob Other designs built Subject: Re: Store hours I just wanted to drop you a note of thanks. I visited your store Friday morning and bought some epoxy and hardware. Everyone was very kind and helpful. The service was excellent. Although your website does not explicitly say it, I think visiting your store is the best way to do business with Glen L. Later as my project progresses I will be needing some glass fabric. Count on another visit from me! Sincerely, Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted on Friday,
February 6, 2004 Name: Thaxter Tewksbury Comments: My father, Hamilton Tewksbury, and I built the IMP many years ago.
Construction stretched out over many weekends with interruptions from other
activities, but when completed she was a beauty. She is still going strong
today. Subject: Project Update for Registry IMP Rowboat, Mitch Rohrbach, 1 Feb 04. Project complete!! Had great fun. Four months building time. Bright yellow hull, red stripe down the sides. Light blue non skid deck. Natural Sheers and seats. Used all 100% Acrylic latex. LOOKS GREAT! $620 total cost. Will send pictures eventually. Thanks for the great plan and your assistance. Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted on Tuesday,
January 27, 2004 name: Berle Maxey Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2004 23:07:31 EST > Dear Glen L ANSWER: I am not sure what restrictions you may have... For endurance, it is best to avoid "fast boats" as the speed portion of the competition is usually only a small percentage of the points and planing boats consume much more power. Solar Splash has different levels of competition. At the college level, speed seems to be given more importance. So a careful review of previous years is probably a good idea to see where the emphasis lies. We get inquiries from the high school level competition that uses a single boat design for all entries. The endurance portion measures who gets the farthest in 90 min, but with no measure of the power remaining; as a test of efficiency, it is flawed. For more information see: http://www.solarsplash.com Other links: Subject: Poxy-Shield All, Last fall I ordered a gallon of Poxy-Shield to re-encapsulate the bottom of an 11-foot B&H hydroplane I plan to race in the coming year. I also used it to repair some delaminated plywood (the boat had been out in the weather for several seasons) and to install a fiberglass cowling in place of a dilapidated Masonite cowl. Just wanted to let you know I was thoroughly and positively impressed with the ease with which Poxy-Shield can be applied. The directions were super! The results excellent. Thanks. Dan Crummett Overall, this is a tremendous product, and one that I will use in the future. Subject: Riviera > I am building the Riviera all mahogany cold molded runabout. My
question ANSWER If you have a good bond with all layers, you don't need
the screws. The designer does not like to assume that all bonds are good, so
prefers screwing through all layers. -- GLEN-L boats, of course |