![]() ![]() An Occasional Publication for the Home Boat BuilderGlen-L Marine Designs - 9152 Rosecrans Ave. - Bellflower, CA 90706 ![]() In this issue
GLEN-L Update
Featured Design: Trawlers, Part 1
Beyond the dictionary definition, trawler has come to mean a displacement or semi-displacement boat with a "traditional" look. Since this meaning is not shown in the dictionary, trawlers can be defined in many ways, but they tend to be very seaworthy, very economical to run and have a lot of room for accommodations. They are the ideal long-range cruising boat or live-aboard. The trawlers are the boats people dream of adventuring in. They are ideal for motoring to out-of-the-way places. The roominess and long range make them the ideal "dream boat". The Odyssea was the first of the Glen-L trawlers and was so popular that the Argosy and Klondike soon followed. The Vigilant is the workboat version of the Argosy. The Dauntless is the workboat version of the Odyssea. Follow the links below for more information about the Argosy, Hercules, Yukon, Jolly Roger, Vigilant and Klondike. The other trawlers will be featured in future WebLetters. Links: Hercules: Cover girl Future issues: Play 'N Jane, Jack Tar, Union Jack, Odyssea, Yukon and Corinthian. Feedback: Herculesby George RemingtonI built my Hercules, a stretch 26 footer, using the cold molded lamination technique, with stitch and glue frameless construction. I've had my boat in the water for two years now and I feel that the sea trials are over, and we now understand the boat. Overall I'm very pleased with it. Our 37.5 hp Kubota diesel with a 2:1 Twin Disc transmission works very well. We have a 16x12 prop, and just exactly reach the 3000 rpm rated on the engine, so it matches reasonably well. I believe we could improve the performance somewhat by using a 2.5:1 transmission and a 16x15 prop, but the torque on the 1 1/8" shaft would be close to the limits of safety at the length involved. We make a cruising speed of 6.5 knots at 2200 rpm, and can reach 8.0 knots at top end. All this at a fuel consumption of approx. 2 liters at 2200. That's a lot of range for a boat of this size. I initially found the boat to be very light (downright corky) and thought it was the result of the construction technique. Even with all tanks full (40 gal. fuel & 90 gal H2O), we were well above the water line. I found the motion unacceptable in any kind of chop, so I added 1000 lbs of lead in 20 lb. pigs along the keel inside, and the roll stability is now quite good. The period of the roll, however, is very fast, so I'm building a set of paravane stabilizers (they will be so small as to appear dainty, but should do the job) to use in the very few occasions when we get more than 2 ft. of chop, which seems to be her limit as-is. I've talked to some other Hercules owners who work in large open bays (Morro Bay, Chesapeake Bay, Long Island Sound, Toronto, etc.) and found their experience to be nearly the same. So perhaps ballasting should be considered for anyone using the boat in open water. I realize she's a coastal cruiser and not meant for open water, but it's nice to have a little safety margin in hand. I was surprised to find how tough the boat is. We had a problem with the fuel filtration system last summer, and wound up on some rocks before we could get an anchor down. The Serai beat on those rocks for about 20 minutes in 2 foot swells before we could get her off. We towed immediately to the lift, and examined her bottom. Not a scratch except on the very bottom of the skeg, which took about 3 oz. of epoxy fairing compound. Doesn't make a drop of water. Now that's a tough boat! We've had some very pleasant runs with her, and expect to start trailering and exploring the South (Gulf of Mexico, etc.) in about two more years. I won't live long enough to see the last of her, but my grandson might. ![]() Feedback: Yukonby Tom SchmidtI've been working on my Yukon for just about two years now and have the hull completed and turned over. I have just started on the inside. I'm having lots of fun learning how to cut compound angles! I am modifying the Yukon superstructure to that of the Argosy or nearly so. I've stretched the Yukon hull to 40 feet and am using the building methods outlined in Reuel Parkers' book "The New Cold-Molded Boatbuilding". The bottom thickness of the hull is 1-5/8" with 3/4" topsides and I have increased the size of the keel, carlings, deck beams and other structural members to the specs of the Argosy. I'm using number one vertical grain Douglas-fir full dimension air dried lumber for all structural members and Meranti Marine plywood for the hull and topsides. I have covered the hull with Xynole Polyester fabric with epoxy and painted the hull with epoxy primer and paint. To date I have around $22,000.00 invested in the boat and another $14,000.00 in two Perkins 4.236 engines. I rebuilt them from core engines and put Bower units on them for heat exchangers and water cooled manifolds. Ids.I have a web site that has a lot of pictures of how I'm doing everything and it is updated regularly. The address is http://home.att.net/~schmidttl/. Comments about Ken HankinsonOn the occasion of his retirement.Ken worked for Glen-L for over 22 years. While working here, he wrote "Fiberglass Boatbuilding for Amateurs" and "How to Fiberglass Boats" in consultation with the Glen-L staff. He also updated "Inboard Motor Installations", originally written by Glen L Witt. Although all designs are a collaborative effort, Ken was the project designer of many boats in the Glen-L catalog. When Ken started at Glen-L, he was pursuing a degree at Cal State Long Beach. He went on "leave" from Glen-L to serve in the US Navy. While working at Glen-L, Ken learned the "Glen-L way" of formatting boat plans, patterns and instructions. For this reason, Ken's plans have a similar look to the designs in the Glen-L catalog. When Ken left Glen-L, he moved from Southern California to Idaho, and became a competitor. I haven't mentioned Ken much in past WebLetters, because he was... well, a competitor. Those who have been following the Ken Hankinson saga in the Boatbuilder Connection, already know that he has retired. I have talked to him a few times since he retired and we bought his domain name (boatdesigns.com) in hope of directing his "advertising" to our site. We do not sell his plans and at this point, neither does anyone else. I consider Ken a friend and must admit that he is more of a businessman than I will ever be.
The Launch of the Ericaby Craig StrikeAnother beautiful RivieraOnce 'Erica' had come out of the spray booth my wife and I knew the time had come - we had to set a launch date. The town we live in approximately 450, people had watched in amazement (and amusement) for 2 years, and some believed that 'Erica' really was only a piece of furniture in my workshop. As the date drew closer, the enormity of what we had accomplished started to set in, and the fear and anxiety of 'will it go?' kept us awake at nights for the last week. I'm sure every boat builder reading this knows what I'm talking about!!! The day was scheduled for bad weather, however, it never came. Twenty invitations to close friends and family went out, but soon there were no fewer than 60 people at that ramp. Talk about pressure!! Some were amazed that I didn't take her for a quick dip beforehand, little did they know I was hammered for time right up until that morning. Everything takes 3 times longer than you expect. The engine is a 330hp 5.7 litre Chevy V8 with Vortec heads. Velvet Drive Transmission, and heat exchangers to help with the Aussie salt water. I made molds for the deck fittings out of pine and had them cast and chromed. My wife and I ended up doing the upholstery ourselves for the bench seats, and did not a bad job, particularly for the family / kid / dog rides. Put her in... turned the key... slowly put the foot down... Success! What an amazing feeling. Only encountered a very small water leak, but a plumber friend soon worked out the problem (never clamp your O rings on with the joins facing the same way). We zoomed around for about 4 hours that day - there were tears, laughter and champagne all round. Since that day Erica has run 30 hours. She has been in the local Newspaper, been shown off at boat festivals, taken enthusiasts out for a spin, made heads turn on the freeway. I have enjoyed every part of the process, from beginning to end. And yes, the frames have been cut for the next one!
Shop Talk: Mixing epoxyIn response to our last WebLetter, Dan Clark of Tallahassee, FL says that he marks the top of the containers before opening with the number of parts of each epoxy component that are required in the mix. In the case of Poxy-Shield, the resin would be marked with a "5" and the hardener with a "1", for the 5:1 mix. "This has really helped keep me from making big mistakes when I'm in a hurry or preoccupied." I read the e-mail from Don Kingsley regarding epoxy
that did not cure. I ran into this situation myself on a small scale. Don's
e-mail did not specify the brand of resin/hardener, but in addition to the
advice from Barry, epoxies vary greatly from one brand to the next as far as
mixing ratio's are concerned. Some are 1 to 1, some are 3 to 1, and some
are 5 to 1. It really gets interesting if mini pumps are used that are not the
same brand as the resin/hardener. I would suggest to Don that he mix a sample
batch by volume only, at the correct ratio, and see what happens. Mystery solved![]() In WebLetter 65 we showed pictures of a Hercules, "Kluane Explorer" that were found on a floppy disk in a desk drawer, with no name attached. These were pre-website photos, so there was no place to display them. In the process of collecting material for the Trawler feature, I found photos of this boat, printed on a dot matrix printer. The Kluane Explorer was built by Terry Challice of North Augusta, ON, Canada. Terry modified the plans to build the boat with aluminum. On the back of the photos was typed "Diving and Boat for Hire, June 1994". Feedback: Roustaboutby Fred & Judy Osborne
We built the ROUSTABOUT in our garage in Rochester, NY, taking 2 years to complete the boat. We finished her in the summer of 1979. We started with a Glen-L FRAME KIT (very wise decision). With propulsion guidance from Glen Witt - I purchased a good, used, Ford 289 small-block Marine V-8 2-barrel carb gas engine, based on Eaton Marine Inc. It was coupled with a Volvo I/O, Volvo transom bracket and all that. Maybe a bit on the "heavy" side - the 289 small block V-8 and Volvo I/O drive did not prove too heavy at all. Rather it was an excellenet propulsion selection for this boat. We used 1/4 and 3/8 AB Marine Plywood, Resorcinal Weldwood glue, and all Glen L "galvanized Dipped wood screws". We covered the hull with fiberglass cloth, and resin. Painted the finished boat with epoxy (70's) paint. Paint never was all that good - light blue. Paint continually oxidized and required yearly heavy waxing. We kept the ROUSTABOUT on a trailer, most often inside in a garage until we sold her, in 2003. At this time our ROUSTABOUT "Blue Boat", is somewhere in eastern NC, being refitted and probably re-painted. We skiied our 5 children for 23 years, never a single failure of hull, propulsion, frames or anything. Never a single glue joint failure. Amazing project. The fastest I ever had her up to was "51mph" on a quiet Sunday morning on Keuka Lake in central NY. She would have gone considerably faster - but I chickened out as the rear near transom started to wander a bit. The ROUSTABOUT proved to be a safer-water boat, not a rough open-seas boat by any means. She takes chop OK, with our V-8 - our version had more weight mid-hull, so probably handled better than an OB on stern version. Even with a 289 V-8 in back 1/2 of hull, with an I/O - the ROUSTABOUT was a bit "light" on the front end - very light. And we tried to cancel this by putting the 10-gallon gas tank under the front deck area. Our version of the ROUSTABOUT became a very successful family boat - primarily by the monthly assistance and consults I was able to have (by phone) with Glen Witt. He knew the plans, he knew the boat. Great company! Thanks, Why I must build a boat, a replyby Mike ScogginsI am sitting here in Israel on a work assignment
and took a few minutes break to catch up on the Newsletter. I only mention
where I am as it relates to Mike Skinner's article on Why I must build a
boat. I really identified with him. This two week project is another
barrier to getting to the boat. Seems like we all go through the same phases -
the dream cemented by finally landing on the Glen-L website, followed by the
Yeah my garage looks just like Mike's. In there somewhere are the tools I have been slowly accumulating for the boat project. Yes, I have to use them to build a custom cabinet for the den. Now comes the intriguing dilemma. Washington state will be allowed to deduct sales tax on the federal return which means my wife is pushing real hard to get the new garage built this summer, so we have the write off next year. Not only does this give me a workshop, but I got the ok to build the boat out there instead of in the attached garage. My contractor is an ex-boat builder so we can collaborate on fitting out the garage. Not only that, but now I have an extra bay to keep the Squirt in when I finish. I tell ya this boat project is coming together really sweet. The wife and I are just like the Spy vs Spy. She was very supportive about buying the prebuilt frames for my first boat. But I know she agreed because it will keep me from ordering the plans until the garage is ready. No place to put them right now. Pretty clever that woman. She still can't figure out why I keep buying clamps at the estate sales. One more item is my new first mate. I rescued him at the animal shelter this weekend after he'd been Shanghaied by the dog control folks. He rides with me in the truck when I am running errands. This is a boat test of course. So far he has no signs of motion sickness! ...Unlike his other owner. It's always nice to have someone to talk to while out on the water. She thinks I got Spike to keep her company while I am working overseas. He will keep her company alright. While I am sanding the boat!!! Sweet. Dream on! and build with Glen-L. ![]() Recent email:Subject: 1957 Mist Miss Hello Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted on Friday, April
8, 2005 name: Harry Bond Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted on Saturday,
April 2, 2005 name: Jerry Boudreaux Comments: Been gone awhile and now I'm back. Looking forward to getting back to my dream of building "my live-aboard". Ya'll have a great web site and enjoy it much. Thanks for the never ending possibilities, only limited by one's imagination. Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted on Wednesday,
March 30, 2005 name: Robert E. Hulbert, Jr. Comments: As an amateur wood worker I have been searching the various web
sites looking for a boat design site that would have all the information that I
need to build a boat without having to access many different sites or go to a
lot of other stores or locations to find what I need. Then I remembered that
over 10 years ago I purchased a Glen-L catalog and thought that I would see if
there was a Glen-L web site. Subject: Airboat by Joe & Kyle Wahl Just to update the Air Boat built by Joe and Kyle is running just great...
gone fishing many a time and have caught hundreds of large mouth bass from it
on the lower Colorado River here in Arizona. Have a great day. Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted on Wednesday,
March 30, 2005 name: scottie davis Comments: Really interested in the Riviera. Gonna read everything I can on the site and possibly order the frame kit at the end of the summer. I was actually doing a search trying to get some info on wiring my fishing boat. Never knew it was possible to actually build a boat of the caliber as the Riviera. Subject: Re: Yukon Project Dear Barry, Subject: Ken Hankinson Gayle, Subject: Glen-L March Update Glen-L's Gayle Brantuk, Thanks for the March update. I enjoy reading the newsletter after being notified by your email of the current edition. I've got the study plans to look over the boat I'll be building during my retirement in Florida. I hope to order the plans as soon as I can convince the wife it would be fun to build the Vera Cruise together. Do you have any past articles on building a boat with the wife and the part she would play in the construction? I could print it off and then just kind of let it lie around so her inquisitive eyes would spy it and pique her interest. Regards, MikeOver the years there have been serveral wives actively involved in boatbuilding or who have been impacted by their husband's boat building project, who have said that they would write an article from a woman's point of view. It hasn't happened yet. Many would-be writers seem to feel that after time has passed since the initial statement of interest, that we are no longer interested in hearing their story. This is not the case. We want to hear your Glen-L boat building story, no matter how old. Your story has value for other builders. Subject: Re: TNT Thanks for the info. While it is not complete yet, I have run the boat on a borrowed 8hp engine and have ordered an 18 hp engine. Below is a link to the family website with the history of the boat. I will add the final pictures in April as the motor is installed and the floor and seats are installed. And you bet I'll send you some photos! This page is filled with photos. There is a link to a second page that shows the boat prior to paint and then completed painting. Subject: Building the Sherwood Queen This is a follow up on the building of a Sherwood Queen. The full process is
on the Internet kobernus.com/bobsboat/index.html It has been a project both
challenging and satisfying. Build more boats GLEN-L boats, of course |