![]() ![]() A place to share YOUR boat building storyGlen-L Marine Designs - 9152 Rosecrans Ave. - Bellflower, CA 90706 ![]() In this issue
GLEN-L Update
I wish you had...I wish you had a 17' electric boat... ![]() Picture yourself in this little beauty, gliding alone with the whisper of the electric motor, guiding her course with an outboard rudder, and a great cabin for camping... Builders often ask for the boat we haven't got, without realizing that with a few minor changes, their perfect boat is right there before them. Most sailboats are displacement hulls, just what you want in an electric boat, an efficient hull. The "electric" boat pictured above is the Glen-L 17 sailboat, sans centerboard, mast and rigging. You could use "wheel" steering if you wanted, but my choice would be the outboard rudder. It's cheaper and looks really cool. If you intend to use a sailboat as a power boat, the hulls can usually be extended up to 10%. We do not recommend extending them if they are used as sailboats. The Whitehall (rowing boat) would also be ideal for electric power. We do not have details for this application in the plans, but the hulls are there for the innovative builder. ![]() ![]() Center console... Look at the Key West center console... Look at the Monsoon cabin cruiser... do they look similar? They are the same hull. Eliminating the cabin and making an open "utility" hull is something that can easily be done. If you look through customer photos, you will find that cabins are often modified, and even eliminated. So maybe that perfect boat you wish we had is right there on our site. The hull is the critical part, reasonable changes above the sheer are almost always possible.
How much does a set of plans cost?How much does it cost... really? You bought the Plans and Patterns for the Malahini: $76.00. Before ordering, you called and talked to someone at Glen-L, asking questions about the design (5 minutes). After getting the plans, you call and ask questions about how the planking contour is determined (5 minutes). During the construction, you call with questions. Some of these require our getting the patterns out and spreading them on the floor so that we can see what you are talking about... (5, 10, 15, even 20 minutes? Not uncommon.) Someone recently called with questions about the Console Skiff and I didn't know the answer, so I asked Allyn to talk to the builder. After he hung up, 25 minutes later, Allyn remarked that it has been years since he built the Console Skiff and he had to get out the patterns and instructions to remind himself how it was done. Different designs, different building methods... why something is notched or not notched or whether the floor timber is 1/2" or 3/4" plywood, usually requires spreading out the plans and patterns to check. How much are we paying this "expert" per hour? Remember, the plans cost $76. And someone was paid to process and ship the order. The only way this scenario works is if we have a lot of people who never call or we sell other stuff. We like what we do, but it is labor intensive, and no one is going to get rich doing it. These musings started after reading comments on the Boatbuilder Connection regarding Ken Hankinson's abrupt retirement. So why did Ken retire so abruptly? Ken loved designing boats. But every day many of the same questions come in and like us, Ken offered free support. Ours is a business that doesn't leave much "away time". How should he have left... I don't know. It would be nice if we had his designs available for all those who had book marked pages on Ken's site... Maybe we'll talk to him about it next time he passes this way... we don't have a way to contact him either.
Carved Canoe Paddleby Uncle Don of AlaskaThis is My First attempt carving a Bird. You have
No Idea of the time it takes to Carve and Burn this little Sucker into an Old
Canoe Paddle. I really need a softer Wood to work with. At any rate, this is
what I ended up with. It's supposed to be a Black Capped Chickadee. I had
to fill My Bird Feeder twice to get them close enough to view. This is what I
do when there is No Snow and the Temperature is 42 above Zero! Holy Cow,
We're warmer up here than most of You?? "What's the
Shop Talk: QuestionsQUESTION:And, with your plans using fore and aft bulkheads, what about filling them with foam for flotation and eliminating the plugs? ANSWER: Skip the flotation. It adds weight and offers less flotation value than a sealed compartment. Glen proofed this and said, "that's not exactly true...". I should have labeled it, "opinion". The Coast Guard prefers foam. Why?Let's assume you have a sealed, non-foamed, chamber. It does have more flotation value, but should you hit something that pokes a hole in the hull and there was a leak in the compartment, it could conceivably fill with water and the hull would eventually sink. The hull breach could also breach the chamber... If this is a small sailboat (as in this case), sailing in the bay, can you imagine a realistic condition in which this might occur? Neither can I, short of being run over by a much larger boat, in which case you've probably got more to worry about than a breach in the hull. If this were a boat going out to the Channel Islands (30 miles), I might look at it differently. ...brw QUESTION: I have some questions about weight of engines. When some of your older designs were first introduced, most engines were two strokes and weighed within 10% to 15% of each other. Today's engines are heavier, especially the four strokes. It is possible to put a "40HP" on a boat that is 100 lbs+ more than an older Merc 40. Is there any rule of thumb? Also, it seems common for people to put more power on a design than your recommendations. So, if you took a design that had a 50HP rec. and wanted to put a 75-85 on it, you could be more than doubling the weight...??? ANSWER: The maximum hp on outboards is based upon the US Boating and Safety Act. The act uses a formula based solely on dimensions of the boat. If you exceed these recommendations, you may not be able to get insurance. The heavier motors may cause balance problems that can often be addressed by shifting weight forward. Excess weight at the transom can also cause porpoising, which can be addressed with cavitaion plates or hydrofoils on the motor. However, not all boats are meant to go 60 mph. Small boats in particular are almost completely out of the water at high speeds, a sudden bump in the road can cause you to lose control. Small increases in horsepower are usually possible, but discretion should be used. In particular, it is unwise to have excessive power on boats that will be operated by children. I would add that the limitations in the Act referenced above does not apply to race boats. It is assumed that these drivers are professionals, who know what they are doing. Future Boat Buildersby Dave BlackWe like to publicize projects in schools that feature boatbuilding as a teaching tool. This project does not use Glen-L plans and uses methods that are closer to "production" methods than what the majority of our builders will be using, but we do agree with Dave's contention that more attention should be given to wood shop and other vocational classes at the high school level. ...brwI am new to teaching, having come from being a network designer of 25 years to my hobby of wood working as a shop teacher. This is now my second year. For the first time I think I have time to plan and reflect rather than just react. I had originally envisioned students building projects such as china closets or furniture, but when I asked how much money they had to spend on projects, it wasn't much. They had the money for the Lab fees, but not much more. So I decided to start a class project, something labor intensive that would involve many students, yet didn't cost too much to build. The decision on what the project would be was made when I looked in my garage and saw 600 pounds of fiberglass and knew that I had to use it up in some way. The project would be a boat mold in which I could use up my fiberglass... to build a boat. Boat building is something that can fire the imagination in a way that making a bread board can't. Once the mold is made, future students could use the fiberglass to build a boat based on the labors of this year (05,06). As yet we don't know how much it will cost, but hopefully it will be within the budget of the students. Two students in the current class are fishermen and have plans for a partnership in a single boat. It's 13 feet long and 42 inches at the widest point. It should hold 1000 pounds. ![]() Recent email:Subject: Minnesota Messabout Several people who have built boats from your plans are from Minnesota and Wisconsin. I'd like to invite them to the 2006 Minnesota Messabout at Lake Pepin on June 2-4. Any suggestions on how I can reach them by email? Here's a link to the event website: http://www.paxtonconsulting.com/2006_MN_Messabout.html That site contains a link to the DuckWorks Magazine article about last year's event. It would sure be great to have some Glen-L boats at our messabout. Any help you can provide would be appreciated. Bill Paxton Subject: "Mist Miss" Fifty years ago, this coming December, two 20 year old farm boys started
building one of your "Mist Miss" boats from plans purchased from you.
I guess we had as much "fun" building this beautiful craft as
"enjoying" it over the next 35 years. Then, it began to leak very
badly, and got left sitting for 15 years. Now, I am determined to put it back
into "top" condition for the next 50 years. ( I was one of those farm
boys). We fibre-glassed the hull when new, dry and clean. We also sprayed the
inside dry wood with penta wood preserver before painting. It has never shown
any rot. ....Our original engine was a 1955 Chev. 265 V8, that is still in the
boat. However, I hope to place a much higher H.P. "Stroker Chev V8"
in it. I guess that one of the "high lights" of this adventure, was
to personally meet Mr. Glen Witt and his son, at your Bellflower office, back
in l978 while enjoying Disneyland. I was truly blessed in selecting a Glen L
plan (Mist Miss) for our project. For many years, back in the l960's it was
the finest boat in Southern Alberta (Waterton Lakes, Glacier Park). Date: 1 Jan 2006 MONACO / Rich Coey / Modesto, California / Subject: Update of Robert Zopp's Minuet "Sweet Pea" for
Product Registry Barry, I have been working slowly over the past several months, but the frames are
all cut out. I had to cut out Frame #1's floor frame twice because of a
measuring mistake. I was still able to get all the frames cut from the 35 bft.
of Mahogany. I have ordered a gallon of epoxy and silica fillers. Intending to
assemble frames soon. I have also ordered my first 1/3 of my silicon bronze
fasteners from Glen-L. Transferred the transom, stem, floor boards, and
breasthook to the 3/4" plywood. Also, the centerboard has been fabricated
and galvanized. I have put together a yahoo photo album and here is the
address: I intend to continue posting updated photos on the photo site, and have been active on the BoatBuilder Connection. A very interesting crowd in there. Thanks for the great service.Robert Subject: Tubby Hi Gayle, This last weekend I epoxied the bottom of Tubby and let it dry,
applied the cloth and three coats of epoxy, drying between coats. Everything
went great. Monday morning at 5:30 AM I applied another coat. It was nice out,
shirt sleeves in Florida, but a couple of hours later it went down in the 60s
got rainy and has been cool and damp ever since. It is under cover and never
got wet. It is now Wednesday and the resin is still a little bit tacky. If it
warms up will it harden properly? Do I need to get heat on the boat. Maybe I
need to get a heat lamp under the boat? Your advice will be very helpful. First, we must assume that the final coat had the proper mix of resin/hardener. You might check the mixing container, if it is still around. It should be set up. There is "tacky" and "oily". When there is high
humidity, the amine blush can be more pronounced (oily). This can be wiped off
with acetone, laquer thinner, denatured alcohol... Subject: Re: Boat Trailer Thanks Gayle: I just submitted my order. BTW: I found your book "How to Build a Boat Trailer" very useful. I no longer have any misgivings about making the trailer strong enough and safe to haul. Best,Rob Subject: Glen-L 19 project update Builder: Darrell Stotts Subject: Console Modification Hi Barry, I just finished building the console for the Console Skiff, I love
the style of it because it seems to go well with a wooden boat. One
modification I wish that I had made is shown below. The original design has the
front seating area at 90% to the seat itself which doesn’t make for a
very comfortable chair, especially when the head rest in installed. The new
modification allows you to lean back. Just providing feedback. Don't know if this makes any sense... The challenge would be in the details. ...brw Subject: Disappointment Reference Lyttle Industries Inc.; Subject: Have a Merry Christmas Please keep sending me newsletters. I enjoy them. My wife and I are going to start on a boat in 2006 but haven't made our mind up on which model. Please keep up the good work and you all have pulled quite the boating crowd together. Again may all of you there have a wonderful Christmas! Dana Crook Obviously, all of you who are reading this are the "boating crowd". Build more boats GLEN-L boats, of course WebLetter Index