![]() Boat Project Registry How to submit registry information
SABOTEER / Francois Frigon / San Antonio, Texas / / 2-1-2011: Started in mid-December 2010. Next step is fairing and plywood installation.
SABOTINA / Erich Marse / Whittier, CA /
/ 5-25-2009: I ordered plans for the Sabotina several years
ago, and my sons and I started building two weeks ago
(5/10/2009). So far, we have the strongback and temporary
frames built. I'm looking forward to building something
that will actually be part of a boat. ;-) None of us are
woodworkers, but I'm confident that we can do this. Then
we can move on to building something bigger and more complex
that we know we can't do... My name is D. Erich
"Mouse" Marse and I live in Whittier, CA. Pix are
available at my myspace page, under the Boat Build album.
TTYL and God Bless - The Mouse on the Motorcycle - www.myspace.com/mouseonamotorcycle SABOTINA / Tim Hanson / Roseville, California / / 2-20-2011: I started the Sabotina in mid-December 2010. I am currently waiting for the air to warm a bit to finish the fiberglass application on the hull. My goal is to set sail in early spring, 2011. SCOOTER / Dick Koepp / / 8-17-98: Completed and launched. SCOOTER / Ellis Bryan / email address not valid 4-10-03 / 1-6-2000: Currently fastening the cross braces to the tunnel sides and assembled frames. 7-26-00: Hello there everyone, I love this boat. I'm finished with the hull and the bottom of the boat. I would like to hear from anyone who has built a Scooter. SCOOTER / Russ Ware / Houston, TX / / 10-8-04: Completed and launched 5-15-04.
SCRAMBLER / Richard Herrick / Northwest Washington /
/ 1-17-08: Just finished gluing the side planking. 1-30-08:
The side planking is finished, the 1st layer on bottom is
finished , and just a few more for the 2nd layer and after
some sanding it will be ready for fiberglass/epoxy. SCULL BOAT / John Cottenham / / 8-1-98: start, floating test 8-25-98 , hunted Geese with boat on 9-1-98, love it so far on small waters. Few construction problems. Looking at another project now. 4-10-03: Address is good and the scull has been hunting for 3 years. Also built Sneak Box. (see Customer Photos) SCULL BOAT / Dan Lins / / 9-24-99: Putting on planking now. 10-11-99: Finished plywood; all woodwork is done, ready to fiberglass and paint. Here is a picture of framework. 4-10-03: Yes the E-mail address is still good but the boat project has been completed for a couple of years now. (see Customer Photos) SCULL BOAT / Scott Dover / / 7-15-00: Finishing the frame work and preparing for addition of plywood. Started 7-8-00. Should be adding decking the week of 7-16-00. 11-19-01: I have now completed the scull boat and hunted from it on a couple of occasions. It worked very well as a layout boat in a low level marsh and glides like a gator on larger lakes. Easy to hide and very sea worthy. I am working on "learning how to scull" and may build a light version of the boat solely dedicated to marsh hunting. 4-17-03: My project is complete and I hunted out of it for the first time this past fall. I was successfull in trying to scull but will need alot more practice. The boat is very stable and I took it thru some rough waters with breakers going over the bow just past the port hole on occasion :(. It held tough and I did not have far to go. I punished it in the ice and it was great. A well designed boat. SCULL BOAT / Mike Guymon / Lake shore, Utah / / 6-20-03: Started the project 1/20/02. Took my time. But am almost done. Am applying the last coat of epoxy tonight. Then 3 coats of oil base paint, then take it down and throw it in the drink(with ballast). And mark the water line. And check for any leaks.....there wont be any! Then install the Oar hole from Lock Stock & Barrel. And it should be done. And ready to start the process of learning to scull. Was a real nice project. Am going to miss it. Maybe I'll need to build another boat. There will be pics posted on the "Sculling For Waterfowl" web site when I'm done. 7-23-03: Finished the boat in June. Have had it out learning to scull all of July. The boat handles great. A good sturdy, sea worthy, float. Been fiddling with ballast in the bow.So Im not getting bow slap on the water. Getting closer to having it right. Now just practice...practice. It's pretty cool how the single oar out the transom gets the boat moving. SCULL BOAT / John McGovern / Freeland, WA / / 8-13-04: I got the plans for your scull boat on July 16, 2004. Today is August 13 and the boat is finished. Less than a month. I was really pleased with the plans and patterns. All went well and it was a lot of fun to do. I did not do the camoflage paint job because I don't hunt anymore, but I just liked the boat and will put a Yamaha 2 stroke on it for power. (see Customer Photos) SCULLING SKIFF / Jeff Gill / Brightlingsea, Essex, UK / / 6-26-99: Building Sculling Skiffs. We have three on the go at the moment. Hulls virtually complete. Outriggers partially done. Should be on the water by August for Brightlinsea Regatta weekend. (see Customer Photos) SCULLING SKIFF / Luis Reis / S. J. Campos, São Paulo, Brazil / / 9-22-04: I've finished in 2002 my Skulling Skiff which took me around 7 months to finish it. It was built in Plywood (Pinewood) fully covered with Fiberglass (Epoxi). It was painted with PU varnish. All skulling gear was acquired locally. It has given me a lot of pleasure, I've cruised several times the Ilhabela Channel (6 k) in São Paulo. (see Customer Photos) SCULLING SKIFF / Mike Flynn / Gravois Mills, MO / / 5-16-06: Hull done, installing sliding seat. 5-21-06: Ready for launch. (see Customer Photos) SCULLING SKIFF / Mike Van Susteren / Verona, Wisconsin / / 9-1-06: The hull is filleted and taped in the inside. I do not have the bow or stern tops made yet. Currently I'm working on the chine edge getting ready to epoxy the outside. The plan is to build the seat this winter and christen it in 2007.
SCULLING SKIFF / Dan Marsh / Virginia Beach, VA /
/ 11-22-06: I bought the Scull plans in October and have
started construction in the garage. I've attached a few
pics. As of today I am taping the outer chine. I intend to
use the scull on the Nansemond river mainly. This is my 3rd
Glen L boat. The first was the Eight Ball rowing version. The
second was Duck Boat Two. Next one will probably be a shoal
draft sharpie for cruising the back water system. SCULLING SKIFF / Neil Jefferson / Covington, IN / / 6-28-08: Completed 06/26/2008 - Built hull, sliding seat rigging and oars. Hull is 1/8" marine ply and redwood. Oars are redwood, pine, and Kubota crate mahogany. Rigging is laminated marine ply and pine. We launched the boat today, 06/28/2008, and it looks beautiful in the water. Others mention the instability and I can confirm that this is going to take time to master. I plan on lowering the seat as much as possible in the coming week to get the center of gravity down and this will hopefully improve things. My kids had fewer balance problems and I put this down to their light weight and lower cg. Construction photos are here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nj_22/ SCULLING SKIFF / Tom Heywood / Belmont, North Carolina / / 11-22-09: Laying out Hull on plywood. SCULLING SKIFF / Andy Guzik, Jr. / Delran, New Jersey / / 7-11-10: The side planking is stitched to the bottom. I will be installing the inner shear, the forward and aft frame today. Should be filleting the inside chine this week. Follow the directions and this boat is easy to build. SEA KAYAK / Kim Brooks / / 8-7-99: Began construction 8-1-99, stitching of hull complete. SEA KAYAK / Frank Cassianna / Bonanza, Oregon / / 1-29-01: I have completed all stiching and glueing and am preparing to fiberglass. Thanks for all your help. SEA KAYAK / Bill Quigley / / 03-21-01: New and updated web site for Foamee and Sea Kayaks: http://www.quigs.org/ 4-10-03: email valid SEA KAYAK / Richard Baim / Edmond, OK / / 4-12-02: The 17' sea kayak is complete with 9 coats of marine varnish on the deck and red urethane paint on the hull. 4-10-03: This email address still works and my project is finished. SEA KAYAK / Cliff Harvey / Warren, Rhode Island / / 11-7-02: I have the hull taped together and am getting ready to tape the chines before installing the decks. This boat has great lines! SEA KAYAK / Kenneth Perry / Rochester, NY / / 3-26-04: I am currently building two Glen-L Sea Kayaks. I began building in late January or early Febuary of 2004. The project has been a fun and easy one. I am currently nearly done with one of them, and fast catching up with the second one. I should have both complete in about five weeks for a 60 mile kayak trip through the Adirondaks. Check my progress at http://home.rochester.rr.com/kayakbuilding/. When all is said and done, I expect it will have taken about 2 1/2 months to build two of your sea kayaks. SEA KAYAK / Kent George / Humble, TX / / 1-27-06: I have recently begun construction on a Glen-L "Sea Kayak". I have just completed stitching the keel halves together and installed the bulkheads. I am extremely excited about my Glen-L project, and I am amazed at how quick and easy this project is. I really enjoy working with the "Poly-Shield Encapsulation System" and find it extremely strong and forgiving. (see Customer Photos) SEA KAYAK / David V. Lott / Branson West, MO / / 3-1-07 Started cutting out lower and side panels. Using ¼ in mahogany exterior grade plywood. This will add a little extra weight but I need the extra weight since most of time I will be paddling around Table Rock Lake which can be choppy at times. I am substituting the plywood deck with cedar strips thus this will take a little more time. The strips have been ordered and waiting on arrival. As soon as I finish with the project, I will be starting my dream project – Riviera. Talk about out of the frying pan and into the fire. 4-2-07. Hull completed without deck. Epoxy fillet, interior and exterior fiberglass tape completed. Since I am changing the deck from plywood to strips I changed the shape to a radius with 4 ½ in loft in the bow and 2 loft in stern. This required that I stitch up the lower hull using the forms with the plans and then replacing the forms and bulkheads with ones having the radius. I found a very nice 20 ft piece of clear grain redwood which I cut down to ¼ in wide strips. This will let me run 2 strips down each side and 3 down the center. I will fill in the balance with strips cut from a clear piece of white pine. I am planning to paint the hull black which should set off the red and white strips on the deck nicely. This has been an interesting experience learning how to work with epoxy and fiberglass and glad I did this project before the big one. SEA KAYAK II / Steve Wood / / 11-5-98: Attaching mid deck, putty and tape outside next. 4-16-99: Completed construction; conducted sea trials 4-6-99. 6-10-99: Painted hull, installed rudder; paddle technique continues to improve, rudder is great, considering a sail rig. SEA KAYAK II / Christian + Franz Kosnar / / 5-30-00: Taped and sealed inside of hull, added sheer clamps,cambered deck, beginning to install coaming. SEA KAYAK II / Roy Gambino / New Jersey / / 8-11-03: Starting to assembling parts. I started to cut out parts in January 1996. TIP for anyone, always start with the best Marine Plywood you can get. If it looks like a bargain RUN as fast as you can. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Had to stop project for reasons beyond my control. Restarted project 7/25/03, now beginning to assemble kayak. Have been slightly delayed due to the forever rain. 12-22-03: Have most of kayak assembled at this time. Need to epoxy deck on yet, and then paint. SEA KNIGHT / Bob and Jer Maskel / Minneapolis, MN / / 7-14-98: fairing chine, sheer, bottom. 10-25-98: applying planking, going smoothly. 1-17-00: After several months wothout working on the boat, the hull is planked, ready to prepare for fiberglassing when weather warms. 1-25-01: Not a lot of spare time to work last summer. Hull fiberglassed, bottom sanded and primed. Suggestions/info regarding paint would be welcome. Have heard everything from latex barn paint to multi-part epoxy... 5-30-01: Holy cow, no spare time to work now that the weather finally warmed. Bottom sanded, primed, and in the process of getting its final coat of paint. Will be turning it over in the next week or so, then the fun begins! 7-20-01: Hull turned over, deck beams/hatch frame done, coating the inside with epoxy and filleting the joints. Weather 90 degrees+ makes the epoxy gel way too fast! V-berth, cabinets and deck on in the next few weeks. 4-10-03: I have the forward deck on and the cabin sides and roof and of course the windshield framing. I am currently building the motor well to fit the 100 HP Mariner (yee ha!) I bought for it last fall. I am beefing up the transom to 3" thick within the motor well and have 2 X 3 1/2 mahogany uprights and transom brace. I also have to figure out where to put the gas tank. I'd like to put a 20-28 gallon tank on it but think that might be too much weight in the back with the 315 pound motor. With some time and some decent weather it should be on the water mid-summer. 12-30-03: Well, I just read my registry entry from April 03 and realized yet another summer slipped away. The ol' Sea Knight didn't see water again this year, but it BETTER next year! The motor well is in, fuel tanks located (2 - 18 gal tanks just aft of the cockpit bulkhead per Glen-L), as well as seating, controls, etc. Helm is made and being stained/varnished, cockpit sole is in, interior done. Sooo, I have the flybridge windshield to put on, the forward decking (finish boards on top of the ply), hatch, and finish work in the cockpit area and wiring to get in this spring. Spare time is not something I seem to have a lot of, and not having a heated garage/workshop limits the months available here in Mpls./St. Paul, MN. As always, thanks to all the folks at Glen-L for their fine products and great web site. I look forward to the webletters and have gotten many good tips from it. (see Customer Photos) SEA KNIGHT / Hugh Nicholson / / 7-22-99: Completed stem, keel, ribs, and installing transom. First time builder and going well so far. SEA KNIGHT / Tom Doyle / 1963 SEA KNIGHT (Restoration) / 6-15-00: The boat was in pretty good shape structurally, but had a terrible paint job and the fiberglass was badly cracked on the roof of the cabin. I am at present in the process of stripping and sanding all the paint off of the hull. The hull has quite a few small areas where the fiberglass has worn through to the wood that will have to be repaired. I have already stripped and sanded the deck and the roof of the cabin, and finished the fiberglass repairs on the roof. Once this is complete, I plan to re-sand and finish all the Mahogany. I also plan to spread a thin coat of marine bond dough on the hull, and newly repaired cabin roof, to smooth it out before I paint it with epoxy primer and paint. I'm also planning to modify the transom to handle a long shaft motor. 8-20-02: Well, after 2 years and a little change, I was able to finish the restoration project on the 1963 Sea Knight I purchased. The boat has been completely stripped and re-done. 4-10-03: Email address valid. (see Customer Photos) SEA KNIGHT / John / email address not valid 4-10-03 / 2-12-01: I bought the frame kit for the sea knight and started to put the jig together on monday, 2/5/01. I had to make corrections as I went along but everything seems to have turned out fine so far. My son, 13, and I have installed all the frames and the stem. We are waiting to receive the plywood before we fit the keel. Dixieline in Escondido, CA can get 4'x8'x 3/8" AA marine plywood for $56. 3-19-01: I have installed the side planking. The bottom of the stem was challenging. But with hot water and a little leverage (a 2x4 off the wall) we got the planking to bend around the stem. I figure we'll have to do the same for the final bottom planking. 3-15-02: I have completed the Sea Knight, but I'm still working on some small things here and there. It took 1 year and 18 days from start to getting her in the water. It was a great experience and I hope to build another boat someday. I stuck a 60 hp merc on it and so far I haven't had water smooth enough to go flat out, but 60 seems more than enough. (See Customer Photos) SEA KNIGHT / Charlie Bresette Jr. / Menomonee Falls, WI / Deceased / 1-19-03: I have finally retired as of this year and am officially started on my second Sea Knight as described in the text of pictures already posted in your Customer Photos-Archives. I will keep you up to date on my progress. Wish me Luck! 4-10-03: The Sea Knight is coming along very well. Since my retirement on January One I have been working on it on a continuous basis. At the present all frame pieces are cut and are being assembled. They are 15/16" Mahogany and will make a very strong hull. Planned power for this second Sea Knight is the 115 HP 4 stroke EFI Mercury 4 Cyl. I will keep you up to date on this project. 12-5-03: The seven month delay in this project is now over. This Dec. month marks the return to the project. Purchase of all plywood and Sitka Spruce will be completed and the construction form will be assembled. I anticipate the year 2004 will see the completion of this project. 1-19-04: This week the building form is being assembled and will be ready for the already completed frames, transom, and stem. I have just purchased a 2004 Mercury 4 stroke EFI 115hp engine for this boat and as a result have decided to increase it's length the allowable 10%. (see Customer Photos) SEA KNIGHT / Catherine (Katie) Allen / Ellenton, FL / / 3-18-04: Currently all frame members are in place and am beginning the fairing. 6-14-04: Cockpit and cabin are underway now. SEA KNIGHT / Dale L. Smith / Indianapolis, IN / /12-30-05: I had purchased your plans a few weeks ago and am under construction. I have the building form completed and married to my shop floor, and have traced the frames to Mahogany. Date started 12-29-05. I have a heated shop 24 X 35, so winter is no problem. SEA KNIGHT / Derrick Sewell / Winchester, VA / / 11-25-06: In the process of building the frames and assembling them on the form. This is a project I am building with my son, so most of the work will be done the summer of 2007 when he is home again from college. For the time being though, I am slowly working on the frames and hope to be ready for bottom planking when he gets home, and that should allow us to at least finish the hull and begin on the cabin before he has to return to school. SEA KNIGHT / Rory J. Hamilton / Clinton, Tennessee / / 12-28-09: (NOTE: I am building a modified version of the Sea Knight omitting the cabin all together). I have just completed the building form (built Dec 26th & 27th). I will begin frame layout and assembly over the next couple of weeks. SHANGRI-LA / Jon Puttonen / / 8-25-98: Installing last plywood panel on hull. 12-25-01: Hull fiberglassed and painted. Hull flipped on some old tires with no problem. Built a cradle and the hull is now upright. Completing epoxy coating of interior. SHANGRI-LA / Leo Koornneef / Canada / / 4-7-01. Completed frame 'D' , bulkheads 'C' , and transom framing. 5-7-01: All bulkheads, frames, stem and breasthook completed. Starting building form. I have coated all components with Marine epoxy. 6-11-01: Sheer and chine are now in place, and fairing will be next. To date, no problems have been encountered, and the whole assembly is starting to look like a boat. 7-3-01: Side planking is now complete, and I have started fairing of the chine and keel for the bottom planking. 7-30-01: Bottom planking is now complete and hull is ready for sprayrail, liftstrakes, sanding and epoxy coating after which I will paint the bottom before turning the hull over. 8-28-01: Hull is now completed and the bottom below the spray rail has been coated with an epoxy moisture barrier and two coats of urethane paint. The sides will be treated later. The hull was turned over (right side up) after building a complete frame around the hull in order to protect the sides from collapsing due to the weight which would be put on one side while turning. Part of this frame was cut away once the hull was flipped, and the other part now forms a cradle in which the hull will remain until the whole boat is complete. I wish to stress the importance of proper support for the hull prior and during turning. It took the better part of two days to build the frame/cradle unit but it was well worth the effort. Five men turned the hull in less than two minutes without any problems or damage. The hull/frame combination is approx. 1000 Lb... 4-27-02: Cabin sides and frames are ready for installation. Front cabin outer sides and frames are now installed. Engine has been rebuilt and converted during the winter and is ready for installation. 6-12-02: Cabin is now installed and work is being done on the interior. I am leaving the main part of the main cabin roof off until fall this will provide ventilation while working inside. The roof can be completed in a few hours since all framing is in place and only the plywood panel have to be installed. Epoxy coating will not be done until the boat is nearly complete. 5-19-03: The exterior of the boat (hull, cabin, decking etc.) has now been completed and the two coats of epoxy will be applied next. The cabin interior is well under way and will be completed as soon as the hull has been painted. 7-18-03: The boat has now been completely painted, and work is being performed on the main cabin interior. A fibreglass ceiling has been installed in the main cabin. All elecrical wiring in the cabin has been completed. Most hardware has been installed, except for the railing. and most of the plumbing is complete. 9-4-03: Both cabins are now complete, all plumbing is complete and all fixtures both electrical and plumbing are installed and tested. I will start preparations to install the engine and I/O this week. The transom will be 'beefed up' in order to accept the transom plate mounting studs, thus, instead of the 3/4 inch thickness the transom thickness will be increased to 1 1/2 inch. SHERWOOD QUEEN / Terry Dailey / / 8-22-01: I completed the frame last week. I have the stringer, stem, frame ribs and transom in place. I have temporarily fastened these parts and checked all my measurements. I hope to start connecting all the pieces this weekend. SHERWOOD QUEEN / Dan / Snohomish, WA / / 8-1-02: I have finally started to build sherwood queen. Being a mechanic by trade this should be a interesting project. I have the first frame together and mounted on the form. Started my vacation today, plan to put in some time on project. I am trying to take my time and do it right, you might call this project a form of therapy... 4-10-03: My sherwood Queen project is going pretty well. The hull is waiting for money for fiberglass, but other than that, all's well for my first boat, or for that matter, my first woodworking project. I enjoy it so much I started another boat. I call it scrappy... it's 7foot 6inch long and made with scraps from the queen project. Anyway, I've included my file of photos with this email. 10-14-03: My Queen project is coming along nicely or I should say nice and slow, but then again that's why I started this, to learn patience ! I recently finished covering her with cloth and epoxy and paint, turned it over this weekend and set it on the trailer. (see Customer Photos) SHERWOOD QUEEN / Clark Johnson / Laurel, MT / / 9-11-06: Nearly done with hull skin. Next comes faring and fibreglass. I'm using Marine okumoe 9 mm plywood over old growth Douglas fir frames. I stretched the length of the boat to approx. 17' by spacing an extra 10% between all frame members. Seems to be working out just fine. SHERWOOD QUEEN / Paul / Ontario Canada / / 3-13-07: Just started building frames and transom. Not in a big rush, just taking it slow being first timer and enjoying every minute that I work on it. More to follow as progress contiues. SHERWOOD QUEEN / Ernest E. Eaton / Punta Gorda, Florida / / 4-26-07: Plans Purchased, initial lumber on hand and wook area prepared. SISSY DO / Jim Acheson / email address not valid 4-10-03 / 3-31-99: Started cutting out parts 3-26-99, and I have completed making the ribs, stem, stem cap, and fairing chine logs and sheers. All parts have been epoxied and screwed with silicon-bronze fasteners. If I was not interrupted by the weather, this would be a one week project for one man. SISSY DO / Jan Reilly / Sherwood Park, AB Canada / / 01-09-03: Just started. 8-10-03: Well, I am finally finished with my Glen-L Sissy Do. I started in January 2003, moved the project outside in the spring, and finally finished it in July. Thanks for the fun. (web site: www.members.shaw.ca/brandonjohnson/boat/boat.htm) SISSY DO / George Maher / Fargo, ND / / 9-26-03: I actually started building my Sissy Do in August of 2003, with the building of the stem, transom, and frames, fastened with glue and brass wood screws. Next came the building form, made with ordinary construction lumber, fastened with deck screws. Last week I cut out and attached the chine logs, and the shear strips. Had to soak the chines and shears with towels soaked in very hot water to get nice, smooth bends. Quite a challenge getting them to mate up to the stem correctly! Last night I attached the battens to the boat frame. Next is the fairing of the chine strips in preparation for the plywood planking, that will be some precise work with the hand plane and a good straightedge. Thank goodness for my warm, heated garage! (See Customer Photos) SISSY DO / Nick DeChico / Langhorne, Pennsylvania / / 10-18-05: I am buiding the Sissy-Do for my graduation project at school; I am 16 years. I am building the Sissy-Do in my garage with my father's assistance. I received the plans in May of 2005 and started building it in August. At this point (October 17), the boat is completely framed with the battens attached. All frame material is mohagany and was purchased from a local lumberyard as was the 3/4" marine plywood for the transom. I could not find any 1/4" or 3/8" marine plywood locally so I ordered from it a lumberyard in Maryland and had it shipped to my house. Currently, I am in the process of fairing the chines, battens and sheers. As part of my project I am documenting the progress with pictures and a written report. (See Customer Photos) SISSY DO / Jim Newman / Richmond Hill, Georgia / / 4-28-09: My photos represent a 99% complete skiff, which I modified to a 15' pocket tunnel hull for power use. I used fir plywood, epoxy fiberglass and fir battens. The seats are mahogany, and as you can see from the photos, the interior is a natural finish. I have another project which is a 34', NC bow flare, express sportsfishing boat. I designed this boat myself and have been the sole builder for the past seven years. It is about 75-80% complete and should be done in a year or two. The skiff was a fast build in comparison to the large boat project which involves much more work. So, I really enjoyed completion of it in a couple of weeks, notwithstanding rainy, wet weather and cool weather. I used a single layer of biaxle on the bottom, with epoxy coating on the sides and interior. The pale blue finish on the sides is Interlux. The interior is natural cedar, fir and select pine. The shear and chime rails are a contrasting white composite. This project was a snap compared to my other long term project due to the very good line drawing and patterns. Thanks so much. (See Customer Photos) SKI BASS / Manfred Sawinski / Germany / / 2-20-03: I started the project 10 Jan 2003, will be finished for season April 2004. The frames, Transom and keel are ready. Now I am looking for wood for bottom and sides. 7-1-03: yesterday 6 mm plywood for bottom arrived. 8-22-03: Bottom closed. Nice weekend to install lift-strakes. 1-14-06: Excuse me for creative time out in this project. I must look for a working-place, the garage was too small. The level of ski bass project: working wood 95 %, painting 50%, technic/engine 0 %. I hope to complete the project with a friend this summer.(see Customer Photos) SKI BASS / Darryll Sollosy / Macklin, Sk, Canada / / 1-16-06: I've just started cutting/milling lumber for my frames and have plywood on order. SKI BASS / Louis F. Mauro / / 9-2-07: I purchased plans for a ski bass about 16 years ago. I converted it to an open bow and put a Mariner 150 on the back. Never got around to sending you guys a picture. Thought you might like to see it. Took me 6 summers to build. Been in the water for ten years. People still turn their heads and give me a thumbs up. Bennett Trim Tabs. Custom Stereo & power amps. Livewells double as coolers. Two people = 55mph. The hull design is remarkably similar to a Ski Nautique which is the reason I chose this design. This is a wonderful ski boat. I cannot emphasize that enough. Feel free to email if you have any questions. (see Customer Photos) SKI KING / Dwain Colton / Portland, OR / / 11-15-03: Just starting 15' Ski King inboard. Old design('53-'54?). Using Ash for frames, etc. Will use 140 hp Mercruiser engine amidships with 70c type trans. Had one in the 60's with a 70 hp Jeep in it and it would go 33 mph. I pulled 7 skiers with it once, 2 out of the water 5 off dock with staggered rope lengths. Almost unbelievable???? Anyone else building the Ski King? Let me hear form you. 12-11-03: Frames and transom complete and on building form. I added 3" between frames # 2 and # 3 and 3" between 3 and 4, just for a little more engine space.Chines installed, now installing sheers. Did this much in 2 weeks. Picked up a donor boat '62 Glen-L Miss Mist(needs new bottom and is for sale). I got prop, shaft, strut, log, rudder, steering, and controls. Actually if I'd found this boat 3 weeks ago, I most likely would have rebuilt it, as it is in good condition except for bottom. I'm in Portland, Or. area if anyone is interested. Would trade parts HAR! 1-23-04: I've made some progress after the 1st of the year, the planking is almost done. Will mount the strut and drill the hole then paint and roll 'er over. Still have some Ash left from the frames, so will use it for the deck edges and king plank with dark Mahog. in center with white calk stripes. 6-22-04: Planking complete, painted, working on deck. 2-14-05: The finished decking seems to look better in person. I'm not sure how it will go over with other people, but is a different approach. I still have to build the center deck piece, but will wait 'til the motor is in place, as it will have to removable if I ever have to remove the motor (God forbid!!!) I'd be interested with any input from any folks out there about the deck "design". Take all comers. (see Customer Photos) SKI KING / Gary Rule / Australia / / 9-25-04: Hi I'm building the Ski King and am very happy with the progress. I have developed some "excel" spreadsheets to help calculate the radius of curves required to keep this craft looking sleek. It would be great to hear from anyone else buliding a ski boat to share ideas. SKI KING / Richard / Norfolk, UK / / 8-18-05: I started building the Ski King this week. What a pain not to start with full size drawings, but have made good progress this week. First 3 frames glued up, should have all frames finished in the next 2 days. I am using American white oak for frames, Braz mahogany for the dash. More to follow. SKI KING / Marijn van Roode / Eindhoven, The Netherlands / / 12-21-09: Just started! All frame members are CNC cut. (See Customer Photos) SKI KING / Greg Phelan / Melbourne, Australia / / 12-21-09: Building the Ski King - extended by 10% with a curved transom. Building at The Wooden Boat Centre in the Docklands, Melbourne, Australia. I have just turned it over and will start on the engine install next. SKI TOW / Dan Crawford / / 6-05-00: Finished boat. Putting on hardware and hope to launch this weekend. I can't wait. I had fun building this boat. From Minnesota "Land of 10,000 Lakes". 4-15-03: I launched my Ski tow in July of 2000. I had a great time building it, and I think it looks great. I am very proud of it. I built the windsheild frame out of mahogony. The top decking is mahagony also. I wanted it to look like a older wooden runabout, and from the comments I get at the boat launch I think I succeeded. SKI TOW / Greg Morrell / / 6-14-02: Nearly done!. Having loads of fun building Skitow. 10-14-02: Well its finished!. It looks good and runs great. Some specs. 860 LBS. Ready to run less people. 1961 Mercury 700 full gear shift (70 h.p.).Planes at 18 knots with 3 adults, 1 kid & 2 small dogs. Tops out at 35 with same load. Cruises like a caddy at 25. Would probably run 40 with less people but there were always people wanting a ride or to go fishing. Took 1 1/2 years to build. Some late nites, long week ends & some tense moments, but when I took the cover off and put it in the water (and it floated) it was worth all the work. Thanks for the great plans, help & nice hardware. (see Customer Photos) SKI TOW / Mark Hudson / Hopkins, MN / / 10-14-04: Launched my Ski Tow in July 2003. Had a great time building it. Would be happy to have my address posted in the registry. The entire boat is laminated with 1/8th inch mahogany. The deck is 1/8 inch mahogany with thickened and tinted epoxy filling the spaces left between the boards. (see Customer Photos) SNEAK BOX / Curt Schoenrock / email address not valid 4-10-03 / 1-15-99: Completed construction of Sneak Box on 27 Dec 98. Powered by 9.5 Evinrude. SNEAK BOX / John Cottenham / / 9-24-99: Ordered Frame kit, fastening kit 8-2-99, completed early September 99. Built without any hitches and "look at the pics, it is stable". 4-10-03: The sneaker has hunted 4 years. Also built Scull Boat(See Customer Photos) SNEAK BOX / Larry Huggins / / 5-26-05: I have almost completed the Sneak Box. As soon as I attach the top decking, I'll cover the boat with fiberglass; attach the motor board, keel, and grassing rails; and paint it. It is the seventh boat I have built and was one of the easiest. I completed your Duck Boat in three weeks back in 1984 and have used it ever since.
SPIRIT / Stefan Storck / Germany /
/ 1-1-01: In 1998 we started work on the 39' feet cutter
"Spirit". The welding work is finished, the hull is
already PU-coated, rudder and engine are installed. At
present the interior structure, cabin superstructure and
cockpit are under construction. I'm interested in contact
with like-minded amateur-boatbilders worldwide. 5-20-03:
It's still at work and I hope to finish it in 2003. The
rig is ordered and joinery is almost completed. Sq thru ZHome Page |