![]() Boat Project Registry How to submit registry information
DUCK BOAT TOO / Mark Newman / / 3-18-00: Working on frames. 3-28-03: Finshed the boat in '98 or 99' ... I sent you pictures.. now in your 'archives' under 'duck boat,too'... by me... I also built a 'console skiff' also in your archives with a story an lots of pics... DUCK BOAT TOO / Al Storey / / 8-3-00: Finished in 1998. Love it and will be hunting from it again in about four weeks here in Alaska. DUCK BOAT TOO / Dan Martens / / 1-29-01: I have the plans, bronze fastenings, the epoxy to encapsulate the entire boat. Last week I purchased the mahogany timber and mahogany plywood. This week I have purchased the transfer paper. The use for this boat is for sight seeing and fishing, should be ideal for a roof top carrier and that will end the dilemma on what to take on the weekends, camper or boat. 5-16-01: Got the frames together and getting ready set up on the floor and start with the keel and other stringers. A note on the stem, borrowed a power makita planer from the neighbor and had the stem shaped to the 60 deg. angle in about 15 min. worked so well that I may borrow it again. Also laminated mahogany plywood to the inside and outside of the transom, will not paint this boat epoxy inside and out. 3-27-03: Almost done! Just a few very tiny details I want to add yet only had it in the water once I have gotten a lot of satisfaction from the project despite friends and neighbors jokes ... Gilligan, Noah etc. have a little work to do on the 1953 merc. then plan on using it for years looking at the catalog and thinking about the next project. (see Customer Photos) DUCK BOAT TOO / R. E. Pennington / / 9-5-01: Just received the shipment with the fastenings, covering kit and frame kit. Am setting up the frames and just purchased the material. This will be a busy weekend. DUCK BOAT TOO / Dan Marsh / Chesapeake, VA / / 1-18-05: I'm at work on Duck Boat, the power version. I have completed the transom, knee, and stem. I've been away alot as I work on ships, but hope to have the boat done within a few months. With all the shallow waters around here it will actually be used by my daughter on the Nansemond River to get to her friend's house. Of course dad will use it in season next year. I think a power dory will be next.
DUCK BOAT TOO / Craig Larson / N.W. Manitoba, Canada /
/ 11-13-10: Today I lay the keel for the Duck Boat Too from
plans that I bought from you earlier in the year. I am
blogging my progress at http://sisipisis.blogspot.com I will use
this boat both for duck hunting as well as for a tender to
the Glen-L Eagle I am putting together.
DYNO JET / Andy Marks / Holden, Massachusetts /
/ 6-12-05: Panels cut and stiched, encapuslated inside of
panels, sheers installed, chines/stem have initial coating of
Epoxy/filler, breasthook installed - so far I guess I would
be at Day number 7. DYNO JET / Frank Green / Las Vegas, Nevada / / 5-26-08: I'm at the point of installing the battons. I've not started to cut up my JS-550 yet as it was not running when I bought it and I think it will be easier to troubleshoot the problems in the Jet Ski configuration. (see Customer Photos) DYNO MITE / Pete & T.J. Bratten / / 11-19-04: We have just started cutting out plywood pieces and are getting ready to do the butt joints, epoxy the wood, and start stitching the panels together. Hope it's as easy as the video makes it look! DYNO MITE / Daniel Campbell / Mission Viejo, CA / / 11-22-04: Started the DynoMite project this week (11-20-04). I first built an 8' foot rolling cradle (dry dock) to support the boat to make things easier during contruction over the next couple months. Now I have started cutting out the sides and bottom pieces. I purchased the frame kit to make things easier. I am looking forward to talking with other builders of this design. I'll send photos when I have made a bit more progress. DYNO MITE / Randy Hough / Port Moody, BC, Canada / / 9-21-05: I started building August 23 and I've got the basic hull complete, keel lams, battens, and longi's in. I'm filleting the longi's and fitting deck beams. 4 weeks of weekends and a couple of hours most nights so far. Power will be a 15HP Merc. Its a short shaft so I trimmed the transom 5". I'm watching the weight and hope to get 30 MPH+ out of it (if I can find the right prop). I'm thinking about putting a permanent gas tank behind the seat and sealing the areas between beam 11, the outside of the motor well, and the transom for flotation. I'll probably seal the area forward of beam 7 also. Haven't decided on what to do with the deck. I'm thinking 1/16 veneer "planking" over top of the 1/4 ply if I can keep the weight down around 125#. This is a great little boat. Several neighbours check in to chat and watch it take shape. Great Fun! DYNO MITE / Dennis Kirby / Portland, Ontario, Canada / / 6-22-08: I have built other designs but never a stitch and glue format. I am just starting to cut the sides and bottoms from ply. I look forward to communicating with others who are building this boat.
EAGLE-FG / Ray Kelly /
/ Kinsale, Ireland / 1-19-04: Foam core construction, main
glassing of hull complete - starting on bulkheads now.
I'll send some pictures in the next week or so. EAGLE-WD / Craig Kuhn / / 5-27-04: I started cutting wood for the Eagle boat design on 5/24/04. I have a hud-son bandsaw mill and all of the trees have been cut close by, some dead (cherry,oak,yellow pine). I built a solar kiln and it will take a month before the wood is dry. Most of the boat will be yellow pine, and I am going to extend by 10%. I will just paint the wood and not FG the outside. The pattern for the frames will be started in a few days. EAGLE-WD / Jose Reis / S. J. Campos, Sao Paulo, Brazil / / 7-18-04: I am building my EAGLE since March/2004. All frames and bulkheads are already finished, including the Transom. The next steps will be the building form, set up the frames and bulkheads in place and begin building the hull. I will start working on this building form next week. I decided to modify the Transom: instead of using a flat 3/4" plywood, as explained on your plans, I decided to build a curved Transom, like the traditional lobsterboat Transoms, much more beautiful. Instead of using 3/4" plywood, I covered the Transom with the same "strip-planking" method of the hull. The result was very good, as you can check on the attached photos.
EAGLE - WD / Craig Larson / Swan River, Manitoba,
Canada /
/ 5-15-08: I hope that this is not too premature to
register, but I started taking pics for a record as I prep
for my build. Then I thought why not just blog it? That way
if I'm making a goof someone can say 'Whoa!'...or
a newbie can see what it takes from beginning to end. As you
can see, I am learning from the ground up. Thanks for all
your help on here so far...there will be more questions in
the forum. With spring my work outside is
all-consuming...spent the last week solid in my orchard and
now my sights turn to forages. But on my breaks I will put in
a few mintues here and there in prep for the build this
fall. EIGHT BALL / Darrell Sisson / / 3-5-00: Started 2-4-00... have all parts cut from plywood. Need to plane and rip hardwood. 3-28-00: Have everything put together, next will put on bottom and sides. 5-11-00: Planking installed and coated with resin. 10-9-00: I have completed my eightball it great fun to sail. Thanks EIGHT BALL / Brad Wiebe / Surrey, B.C.,Canada / / 8-3-00: Bought spruce wood in the form of 2x4's and 1x6 boards and have just finished cutting to the true sizes asked for. It was alot of work but all my wood is clear now. I also picked up glue and screws. I hope to get the plywood soon! 8-00-00: I bought two 1/4" sheets of Mahog exterior grade good one side plywood and one 1/2" sheet of Exterior Fir sanded both sides cost of $18.95 Cnd on the 1/4" and $29.95 for the 1/2" total $78.00. With my Lee Valley Tool "Pounce wheels" (pen like tool that has a cowboy type spur on it's end). It took me about two hours inculding my screw up on part #1 to lay out the two 1/4" sheets...it's nice to feel I am on the move. I'm about to go out and cut out the 1/4" parts. EIGHT BALL / Michael Syamken / Costa Rica / / 8-4-00 ready to spring keel. using local rainforest woods of laurel and an unknown type of marine plywood. EIGHT BALL / Eric Webster / Address not valid: 11-18-02 / 10-6-00: Received plans and fastening kit today. Transom half framed. Intend to shorten dingy to 7 feet for reasons that I don't really want to explain yet (might later fit on my "DREAM" cruiser, ok!). Contacted Glen-L staff about proposed change in plans, and although they don't totally agree with the proposed change, they were supportive. Hope to finish Sailing version for spring launching. 12-2-00: All sub-assemblies set up on building form. Ready for keel. As stated earlier, I shortened the dingy ten inches to seven feet. I left the beam the same, so it looks a little boxy so far. We will see. So far, a good design, and fun to build! 12-9-00: Keel installed. Ready for Chines. One other point. I don't have a table saw so I can't pre-bevel the keel. It will all have to be done by hand. After the chines are on it might take awhile before I make much more progress with all the hand beveling I have to do. Starting to look like a real boat! EIGHT BALL / Brian Amato / Traverse City, MI / / Back in 1974, I built an Eight Ball. I towed that thing behind my Pearson-26 all over the Great Lakes, rowed it out to the mooring, year after year, and sailed it day in and day out. I finally traded it, 15 years later, for a metal lathe and I think it's still going strong. Now, March, 2001, I'm building two more Eight Balls, at the same time. All frame ups were glued with Weldwood powder glue and the actual construction and planking used West System epoxy (which I really like). I am using an air nailer rather than pounding all those ringed nails. Went to Sears and bought 5/8" GALVANIZED nails for my nail gun. I've soaked some in water for weeks and they have never rusted. Both boats will be in the water by the time the ice is gone. Feel free to e-mail me or call me any time if you want to "talk 8-Balls". 3-27-03: I finished the eighball. Is a wonderful little boat. ...I built my first one back in the mid 70s. I got so good with it I could come up into the wind.......reach out and hold the boom out........let the wind fill the sail from the front and BACK the boat into the slip along side the Bigger sailboat. People would just stare!! I cut out two of everything so I could build TWO Eight-Balls at the same time. But you really cant cuz you can only use the jig to build one at a time. I'll start the second one in a week or two. 3-27-03: Email address still ok. EIGHT BALL / Mike D. / / 1-12-03: I am very surprised how inexpensive it has been to build my Eight Ball. When the boat is finished, the total cost will be from $250-$300. I was able to find an old sail that I had been storing for the past 15 years in case I decided to build a sailboat. For those who are on a strict budget, I can recommend a few websites that are selling white tarps (approximately $9) which can be cut down to make a cheap sail. I purchased all my lumber from a local lumber yard and handpicked each piece according to Aircraft/Marine Standards (for more information go to www.eaa.org). The plywood is exterior grade and not of the quality that I would have liked, but it will work fine for my quick n' dirty boat. I've used Glen-l Poxy-Grip exclusively as it is very similar to the T-88 epoxy I've used in my feable attempts at homebuilt aircraft construction. Plus it's hypoallergenic and much safer than other Marine Epoxies, in my opinion. As of 1-12-2003, I have all the seats cut out and beveled, the transom is finished and beveled, the bow is almost complete, and all the other parts have been drawn on the ply and need to be cut out. I've performed 95% of all my cutting on my cheap little 10" Craftsman table saw. There are a number of bevel cuts on this design and the table saw has proven invaluable. One thing that is missing from the Eight Ball plans is the ubiquitous Table Of Offsets!!! I have difficulty getting full-size patterns to transfer accurately, so I prefer to loft my own work. Other than that feeble complaint, I'd recommend the Eight Ball to just about anyone who wants a quick n' easy sailboat to build. And whoever heard of building a new sailboat for under $300? Anyone who has questions about my Eight Ball or would like to just "talk sailboats", please feel free to email me. 3-27-03: As my shop is unheated, I haven't been able to perform much work on my Eight Ball until this week as the weather has warmed somewhat. I am currently varnishing the inside of the centerboard case. This weekend I plan on final assembly of the centerboard case. All the other major parts are assembled, epoxied, and beveled. 4-29-03: The pieces are assembled on the building jig. I installed the keel this morning and will be installing the chine stringers this week. I hope to start planking her up this weekend. EIGHT BALL / Curtis Petruzzelli / Ashland, MA / / 5-19-05: I decided to start on a small boat to gain experience first before building something big. I must have sent you guys a lot of questions on it, do you remember me? LOL. I have made some modifications to the design, making the boat ridiculously heavy but it can hold more weight and is much more rigid. I started by building the original model I decided I was unhappy with the flat face using it as a sailboat. I remedied that by applying an exo skeleton made with 3/4" X 1 1/2" pine strips with angles matching the hull. Instead of ending at the original hull I brought everything to a point at the front and covered it with a skin of 1/4" AC Plywood with the A side facing out. It came out really good only now having a hull a 1 1/4" thick. Other modifications include making a larger rudder and getting rid of the kick up rudder option. I thought the rudder size was way too small to make any kind of quick turns. Do you remember me sending you an email about fiberglassing the rudder? Well I decided to try it and it worked really well. I radiused the 1/2" plywood with a 1/4" round bit on my router. I cut strips about 3 inches wide and wrapped them around the edges. It took forever because of all the molding and keeping the air bubbles out of it. The rudder right now is the best looking and cosmetically most durable piece of the boat. With the sock type sail that I bought from you it works great but I am having trouble docking it without scratching the heck out of the hull. With the changes I made the length changed for 8 feet to 9'-6". I will try to send you pictures as soon as possible. Plans for this summer include fiber-glassing the hull, re-trimming and re-painting. EIGHT BALL / Joe Livingston / Swainsboro, GA / / 1-22-07: I started on the Eight Ball today by ripping the stock on my new table saw (put the saw together yesterday). 4-11-07: Have cut most of the parts out; transom and bow together. Now working on seat supports. I have learned how to use a jigsaw on this project. Have renewed energy after a couple of months away from the project.
EIGHT BALL / Karl Ellshoff / Marshall, IL /
/ 3-16-09: I would like to register my Eight Ball project.
The plans were a Christmas present from my Dad in 1980 when I
was thirteen. After looking at them for several years I
finally decided to start building. I bought some of the
lumber and started cutting in December of '97. I worked
on through the winter and in '98 life took off again and
I put the project in the attic. This winter I brought out
what I had done and have started back again. My goal is to
have in the water this summer. I have attached a picture
showing what is done to this point. I also have the center
seat and braces done. As you can see from the picture my
gluing was not the neatest. I am getting better. I just
finished fiberglassing one side of the centerboard trunk. I
have really enjoyed building. EIGHT BALL / Fletcher DeLap / Maple Valley, WA / / 6-3-09: Nearly all materials are purchased and I am looking forward to starting soon. EIGHT BALL-SG / John and Becky Knoll (Becky is my 12 year old daughter) / Longmont, CO / / 3-23-99: We have in just one weekend built a construction similar to the one seen in the Glen-L video and cut all of the plywood parts. 4-4-99: Completed stitching 6 main hull panels together, ready to assemble seat uprights and to apply resin putty fillets. So far everything has fit extremely well, the project is going great. 2-25-00: Have rejoined the project; just began filleting the daggerboard trunk in place. All FG lams inside are complete. Next step is to flip and FG the hull. Goal is to have it in water first of April 2000. Everything has gone "by the book". 4-4-03: The project went very well. My first association with Glen-L was when I was about 9 or ten years old ( I am now 54). My Dad and a friend of his built a ski boat from Glen-L plans called L Dorado. This whole process somehow imprinted on my mind and I have had the bug ever since. In 1974 I built a Glen-L 12 and taught myself how to sail with that boat. This too was a very successful project for me I owned this boat for about 10 years and had many, many compliments on how well it sailed and how great it looked. I now own a Catalina 27(1973 model, hull #902 of about 6600 built) and needed a dinghy as tender. I turned to a trusted resource, Glen-L Marine, and chose the stich and glue Eight Ball. I have had the boat in service for about two years now. The construction concept is great, I tried to do a very good job so I probably had more time invested than some might have used. I would estimate that I have the straight time equivalent of about 100 hours in the boat. I used all Glen-L epoxy and fiberglass supplies as well as the deluxe hardware kit. I cut my own sail from a blown out genoa on the Catalina. The Eight Ball performs well rowing, with 5 horse outboard, or with sail. I will be teaching my 4 year old son to sail this summer with this boat. Thanks again for a great and world class customer service.EIGHT BALL-SG / David and Peter Haile / Ft. Collins, Colorado / / 12-31-99: Plans purchased. Shop all ready to go. Plywood purchased. Just getting ready to make our first cuts, then we're off and running! I'm supervising my almost-11 year-old son in building the boat. The idea is that he'll do most of the work. We've had a couple of other father/son projects, but I always did the bulk of the work. This project will be different - he's older now and has some experience with power tools. 1-1-02: After leaving the stitched boat in the shop for 21 months, we've just restarted working on it. We are presently filleting and are having trouble getting smooth fillets. I also think we'll be 20% short on hardener at the present consumption rate. I'll have to call to get more when we FG the outside. Also may end up postponing to warmer weather. 3-27-03: The boat is stitched together and partially filleted in the basement shop. We have not worked on it in more than 2 years. We still plan to finish someday - maybe this summer. EIGHT BALL-SG / Garry and Sam Hall / / El Cajon, CA / 08-17-01: Over the past three weekends Sam (age 11) and I have transferred the patterns and cut the main parts from plywood. After sanding and rounding edges, Sam drilled all stitch holes in the main 6 sections. We epoxied all parts and now we are stitching. The video makes the stitching appear much easier than what we are experiencing. A block plane is a must to trim edges on plywood seams for a better fit. We also have Glen L 15 plans. Glad we started small as we are learning lots. EIGHT BALL-SG / James McLain / Mission Hills, CA / / 1-14-02: Well, I'm finally getting down to the wire, (I think). I just completed the external fiberglass covering. This was one of the hardest steps. So far I've put about 3 months into the project but it wouldn't have taken so long if the sun didn't go down before I even got home from work. I can only work on it on weekends for the time being. Another thing that slow you down is that you have to wait for each layer or fillet of resin to dry before you can sand and go to the next layer. I anticipate that putting the long shear running pieces is going to be the toughest part I have left. In fact I was testing the bendability of one of the sides that I had cut out and SNAP!!! Ooops. I'm still planning to use it but it will have to be in 2 pieces not one. Thank you for the excellent plans. 3-28-03: My Eight ball has been finished for almost a year now. I'm the guy who sent you the video of the chirstening that went oh so bad. Here is a photo of my eight ball tied up at Balboa lake, which is a beautiful man made lake in the middle of the San Fernando Valley. (see Customer Photos) EIGHT BALL-SG / Jose Reis / S. J. Campos, Sao Paulo, Brazil / / 4-12-02: On November-2001: Project finished, boat already sailing. I'm using a sail made by a local sail manufacturer, an outboard motor Johnson of 3.3 Hp, and oars. My boat is sailing very well, quite stable, mainly when using the sail. When using the outboard motor, small amounts of water eventually passes through the empty daggerboard case, into the boat. I will try to fix it by gluing two rubber "lips" at the bottom of the daggerboard opening. 3-27-03: Just purchased Eagle plans and patterns. EIGHT BALL-SG / Ray Boller / / 2-25-04: Transferring patterns to plywood. Built La Chatte in the 1970s. 9-5-04: This project turned out great - have been using it on Lake Michigan, between Milwaukee and Chicago. It is very satisfying to see how thin, floppy pieces of plywood can turn into a strong vessel. This boat attracts attention and smiles everywhere I go. The design is great - the construction went very well - and this boat handles well for its size. (see Customer Photos)
ESCAPADE / Bill Young /
/ 3-8-02: Cutting out frames.
ESCORT / Rob Sutherland / Mount Vernon, Iowa /
/ 8-3-06: Completed frame set-up, laid keel, and attached
transom. Immediate task ahead: bending 1x2 strips of mahogany
for Sheer Clamps and Chine Log.
EUREKA / Ray Boller / Old Mill Creek, IL /
/ 6-25-07: Ordered plans Aug, 2005. As of June 2007, Approx.
60% complete. Plan to install engines Aug, 2007. Expected
Launch - Spring 08, Lake Michigan.
FANCY FREE / Ray Wulff / Long Island, NY /
/ 1-17-01: Currently I have all the frames and the center
board trunk built. I am located on Long Island NY so I am
waiting for warmer weather to set up the boat on the building
FANCY FREE / B. Watson / Idaho /
/ 4-25-02: I started construction of the Fancy Free in
January, 2002. Boat is being built in a large garage/shop
where I live in North Idaho. Presently getting ready to
fiberglass the hull.
FANCY FREE / Blaine Dymock / Hillsboro, OR /
/ 2-28-03: I have recently completed construction of all
frames, the transom and stem for this boat. I have cut all
the parts for the Centerboard case and will be putting that
together over the next few days. I hope to set all the frames
and the keel in the next few days. I have never built a boat
before, but I have done a lot of cabinet work. I'am
actually finding this to be a bit easier so far. The epoxy
work is new for me. Still puzzling through what mix and
fillers work best for certain jobs. I work in the lumber
business, so I have been able to get some really great wood,
at cost, from a number of my contacts. Hardel Mutual Plywood
produces some really high grade Doug Fir Marine AA Plywood,
for anyone who lives on the west coast. They operate out of
Chehalis, WA. FANCY FREE / Fatboy / Bayfield, Wisconsin / / 10-13-06: I have frames,stem and transom built. FANCY FREE / Derek Poinsette / Livingston, Montana / / 5-28-07: Frames and building form are complete, and I am in the process of putting together the centerboard trunk and scarfing boards for chine logs, sheer clamps, etc. I am also preparing to construct the keel out of two layers of 13/16" x 12' white oak laminated together. 10-2-07: Hull is complete. I am waiting for the bottom paint to dry before I buy a case of beer and have a hull-righting party. I am brainstorming over what to do about with the motor well. It is pretty small for my new Honda 5-hp 4-stroke. It seems like it would be nice to be able to lift the rudder and steer with the outboard, but this will require significant modificiation of the well and cockpit. I would love to hear from anyone out there who currently sails a Fancy Free. (see Customer Photos) FANCY FREE / Jim McManus / Appleton, Wisconsin / / 9-15-07: My son and I started building frames late last year. We now have all the frames built and are starting on the assy jig. We had to stop building last winter because we're in an unheated garage, so the next task is to make the garage winter proof. Simultaneously, we'll be building the centerboard box. I'm an avid modeler, so I'm familiar with epoxy work, but I've never built anything this large before. FANCY FREE / Dan Dreamingbear / Marina del Rey, CA / / 4-18-08: Purchased derelict boat; refurbishing. (See Customer Photos)
FANCY FREE / Charles Perkins / Reno, NV /
/ 5-20-08: Hi, my name is Chuck Perkins and I hail out of
Reno, NV. Recent earthquake swarms, a depressed real estate
market and a grown daughter that has recently fallen back
into the nest have all conspired to dash my midlife crisis
dream of retirement and floating/motoring off into the
sunset. Glen-L to the rescue. My garage is now my refuge and
a set of Fancy Free plans my sustinence. I am well into the
planning and learning phase. So well, in fact, that I am
about ready to flip a coin when it comes to crucial
decisions, some of which, if my research is correct, suggests
that blood has been spilled in defense of opposing
positions.... Doug Fir ply or Okueme? Doug Fir frames or
White Oak? Encapsulation or just fg the exterior hull and
deck? Cpes? 4 oz, 6 oz, 10 oz. or other? Scarf or block? Hull
insulation? And where do you find those cool Bronze ports
while only paying half of a king's ransom. Arrrrgh!
(Arrrrgh is a word that came from pirates who obviously built
their own boats). FANCY FREE / Matthew Trent / Tacoma, WA / / 2-17-09: I hope to name the boat after my mother in honor of what must have been the most stressful years of her life...my birth to graduation! I suppose the name is up to the powers that be. Perhaps I should invest in a sacrificial lamb and a really good bottle of rum! It couldn't hurt. I live in Tacoma, WA and sail weekly on the Pacific Northwest's biggest protected saltwater pond. That's right; the good ole Puget Sound. You could spend a lifetime gunkholing her shores and never see it all: Though it's a worthy enough mission objective to ensure many thousands of hours at the till. Har..Har! I recently retired from the Army and have chosen in sound body and mind, (if I can use the two statements in the same sentence!) to build a boat myself. I have owned many old Woodie's, but never delved any deeper than light restoration. This project promises to be a deeply fulfilling use of my newly acquired "freedom". I currently have the hull constructed, and am in the process of glassing the bottom. This Washington rain prolongs the cure rate, but I hope to have her painted and righted by the end of the month. It isn't a large percentage of the build, but having gotten this far in just six weeks I feel I'm well ahead of schedule. FEATHER / Bill Snyder / / 8-26-98: Frames built and assembled on building form. C-FLEX, mat and cloth applied. Ready for filler putty coat. Hope to right hull this weekend. 9-10-98: Righted, form removed, permanent forms bonded, deck beam installed, daggerboard case, daggerboard, tiller, rudder built. 9-27-98: Interior C-Flex installed, foredeck installed, cockpit mat and cloth applied. 10-12-98: Cockpit interior finished. To do: dagger board case installation, final sanding, paint and hardware. FIFE / Shawn Auman / WI / / Started 7-8-00: Purchased plywood and began cutting planking. 7-13-200 have glued butt jonits on all planking, ready stitch. 3-20-01: Finished 9-19-00: This boat was a very enjoyable boat to build. It turned out even better than I expected. I have included some photos of the construction and launch day. My 80-year-old grandparents also enjoyed a nice a trip around the lake. She handles very well and is very stable. 3-28-03: Just finished a KidRow. (See Customer Photos) FIFE / Jeff Brunot / / 3-7-01: Beginning the second coat of resin putty on the hull seams. 3-28-03: Thanks for writing... Yes, the Fife has been complete for two GREAT boating seasons!!! I have had it several local lakes and the Chatahoochee River which flows through Atlanta, Georgia. Makes a great fishing boat! - I put a 46# elec. trolling motor on her which I can get about 5 hrs of enjoyment on per charge... That rowing stuff is too much work...(See Customer Photos) FIFE / Tal Hopkins / Peterborough, ON, CANADA / / 9-13-02: Construction is just starting; have been studying and reading all I can on the subject. I have taken the 'scaled' plans and had them laminated. They now sit proudly in the workshop where I can plan and dream without fear of spilling coffee and ruining the sheets. The boat already has a name...the... 'MARY K' . Named after my bride of thirty years. Hopefully the building and eventual launch will be as successful as our marriage. FISHERMAN / Steve Schaible / email address no longer valid 3-27-03 / 7-28-98: Started. 8-5-98: Finished frames, keel, transom, transom knee, stem, breasthook, chine block, ripped all longitudinal stock, and finished building form. Starting assembly. 9-27-98: Exterior of hull planked and fiberglassed, 80% sanded. 10-5-98: Hull painted, turned over. Floor installed. 10-31-98: Interior joinery work complete, ready to varnish interior and deck. 11-30-98: Finished (Pics coming-will be put in Cust Photos) FISHERMAN / Randy Ciochon / / 5-8-01: Started building in September of 2000. Just completed planking and filling screw holes. Drilling hole for bow eye. Ready to fiberglass. 3-30-03: It's taken me longer then i would have liked (2 and a half years). I really only have time to work on in the winter months. And i also mixed in building a new house for the family. So I've had a few delays but am really excited at the thought of launching this spring. I purchased an 2000 25 horse mercury this winter, brand new out of the box. I plan on painting in the next couple of weeks w/latex house paint. I also installed the cable steering kit and a stereo. I've been waiting for the maiden voyage before i sent you my thankyou email for all the advice you've given me in the building process. FISHERMAN / Gary Angel / Perth, Western Australia / / 2-27-05: I have just planked one side of the hull. 4-25-05: I have finished planking the hull today, Anzac Day. It is a very satisfying thing to stand back and look at what I have created so far. Next step is to fill and sand, then fibreglass. I have purchased a Yamaha 25hp 4 stroke motor with forward controls, which I found on ebay. I am getting it transported from Melbourne to Perth next week. 7-28-05: The deck is now installed. I am ready to fit seating. The project is so enjoyable to work on and the boat looks fantastic. The design is excellent and the quality of construction is reasonable. I have made 2 or 3 significant mistakes due to lack of awareness of what I am doing but these will be corrected as I go along. The beam of the boat is one inch more than the plans say. Bonus. When I turn the hull back upside down I will add some layers of ply near the transom to build it up (to a flat bottom) because I have a problem with the bottom of the boat not being flat in this section. The weight of the transom pulled the keel downwards during construction and caused a warp in the bottom which I understand will lead to porpoising when I eventually get the boat on the water (refer Webletter 58, 11 Jun 2004 on this site). 2-24-06: Hull is glassed and painted, including some attractive striping (I think it's attractive anyway). She's now right-way-up and I am ready to glass and paint the deck and paint the interior. I am also getting near to completion with the Glen-L 650 Series trailer. I love working on this project! Some photos of us turning the hull are available at http://www.flickr.com/photos/gidgegary/show/ I am struggling to settle on a suitable name for the boat but will have to pin it down soon as it won't be long till launch day. Maybe 6 - 8 weeks away I estimate. 10-13-06: After 1 year and 9 months of build time, Fisherman was launched at Guildford on the Swan River on 2 October 2006. We had an official launch and naming ceremony and she was named RIFFRAFF. I am very pleased with how she goes. We put her into the Indian Ocean on 13 October and she pulled a ski tube without any problems. She is fast enough to get me frightened, that's all I need. What a fun boat. Versatile enough to enjoy ski-tubing with the kids as well as do some serious fishing. The fishing is what she was built for so I must get her to sea for a fishing trip soon. (see Customer Photos) FLATS FLYER / Doug Wehrly / Austin, Texas / / 1-10-2011: Installing chine logs & shear clamps. FLYING SAUCER / Dave Lewis / Akron, Ohio / / 9-25-02: Received plans last weekend and have finished constructing building form members. Now starting on the frames. 11-11-02: All frames complete. Starting on the Transom. Purchased mahogany lumber and Douglas-fir plywood from Homestead Hardwoods near Sandusky, OH. Traced frames using the carbon paper technique. Cut them out with band saw, and sanded to final shape with pedestal sander. Assembling frames with Epoxy Grip and Bronze Fasteners. Forgot about leaving stock on the transom frame bottom and had to cut a new one. Bought a 1977 25hp Johnson 20" outboard from Atwood Lake Boats, will need to raise transom accordingly. 1-31-03: Instead of raising transom for 20" shaft motor, I converted the outboard to a 15" length with used parts. The 1977 Johnsons are easily converted. I used huricane brackets to fasten the frames to the building form. A friend found a jet ski trailer which I will modify to trailer the "Saucer". Keel, chine blocks and shear are all now glued and fastened in place. I used twisted rope to hold the shears in place for fastening. I'm starting the fairing process now. 3-28-03: I'm still working in the evenings on my Flying Saucer. The fairing process is taking some time, but I'm not rushing this step either. I rented a hand electric planer to speed things up. I hope to start the planking in the next week or so. 10-15-04: After exactly 2-years, my Flying Saucer was launched last Sunday. The engine is a 25-hp, 1977 Johnson, and the boat really zooms even with two kids and two adults aboard. The entire project was very rewarding and we plan on spending a lot of time on the lake next Spring and Summer. Thanks for all your advice and support! Some of the material sources are as follows: Mahogany lumber and Douglas Fir Plywood - Homestead Hardwoods, Vickery, OH (near Sandusky) 419-684-9582; Epoxy Shield, bronze fasteners, fiberglass kit - Glen-L; Varnish - Petit Captains VarnishPrimer - Petit 6149 Easy Poxy; Paint - Petit 3175 Easy Poxy, both primer and paint were brushed on. Seat foam and vinyl: www.rochfordsupply.com (see Customer Photos) FLYING SAUCER / Bob Ellis / / 1-8-02: Started the Flying Saucer December '02. I Snowbird and needed a winter project in California. I chose this boat because I wanted an old classic, something like me, and it was just right for my like-new 30hp Evinrude. It was previously on my Glen-L Sweet Caroline. When I sold it, the buyer didn't want the engine. Anyway, the Saucer is framed up and I'm installing the chine logs, the toughest thing in boat building. I learned my lesson with the Bo-Jest and its chine, so this time I'm laminating it with two 1/2" thick pieces. Another change from the plan was to extend the stem back to frame four (4). I have built other boats where the plan shows bending the keel up forward, and invariably the boat will porpoise. This boat is fun, it looks just like the one my brother built over 50 years ago. He had an Evinrude, 22 hp opposing twin. 2-28-03: My "Flying Saucer" is fiberglassed and ready for roll-over. 4-10-03: The Flying Saucer is rolled-over, painted and all framed up. Plan to wait until next year for the deck so that I can get the steering installed etc. I'll need a next year project anyway! 1-27-04: The boat is finished and launched. (see Customer Photos) FLYING SAUCER / Dick Sheffield / Centreville, MD / / 1-31-04: Have begun constuction in my garage in Centreville. FLYING SAUCER / Jeffrey Bell / Springhill, FL / / 8-9-04: Just completed the building form. I am building my Flying Saucer outside, under a 12ft x 20ft canopy. I had some 4x4 posts laying around, so I decided to use them. I cemented them in the ground and built the building form and attached them to the posts. Tomorrow I will start the frames. FLYING SAUCER / Michael Telep / Oshawa, Ontario, Canada / / 5-14-05: I've just received my frame kit. Starting on building form. FLYING SAUCER / Bob Beaudin / Grand Blanc, MI / / 5-28-05: I have just received the frame kit & starting the building form. FLYING SAUCER (Modified to single cockpit) / John Korte / Leesburg, AL / / 7-5-06: Mounting frames to the boat form. FLYING SAUCER / Derek Guerin / Bayou Pigeon, Louisiana / / 7-28-06: Building form is finished, I have all of the frames cut out and dry fit together. Cutting Battens, sheer, and chine out. This weekend I plan to put frames together, secure them to form and put keel and stem together. FLYING SAUCER / Michael Burgio / / 10-20-06: I started my Flying Saucer two months ago and have today epoxied on the second and final lamination for the starboard sheer. I am using all Phillipine mahoghany and was surprised --that I was able to make the bends without hot water towels. I spent a week slowly clamping the sheers tighter each day until the bends were complete. Somehow I got lucky. I am going to start the fairing process, before I cut in the four battens, tomorrow and am concerned about the process. I sure would like some extra experienced eyes to give me some hints. Thank you GlenL for all of your help, you guys and gals are the BEST. FLYING SAUCER / William Levien / / 2-1-07: It's been a year since I first saw your plans online and have not stopped thinking about building this boat. I did not have any space in a 1 bedroom apartment, so I got hooked on building scale boats in a corner of my living room. I just got married and moved into a house where my wife is kind enough to let me take over the garage. Now I have the plans, bought some lumber, and dove in with the help of some great people on the forum. I am hoping to get the boat in the water by late this summer. FLYING SAUCER / Michael Wright / Middle Ridge, Queensland, Australia / 9-21-10: Alright, so after reviewing the plans and measuring my shed I have now started work on my Flying Saucer. Work commenced with the building form which I have managed to manufacture out of old pallets to keep costs down. Then once the timber arrived I cut all of the frame pieces, stem, breasthook, transom knee and transom. I then realised that I had forgotten the 12 degree angle required on the transom and had to adjust accordingly. I have used Merbau for the frame and first grade marine ply for all plywood pieces. Construction ceased for one week while I waited for the epoxy to show up, but now it is here I plan to have all the pieces glued and setup on the form this weekend. More to follow. FOAMEE / Bill Quigley / / 03-21-01: New and updated web site for Foamee and Sea Kayaks: http://www.quigs.org/Boats FRANCIS DRAKE-PW / Anthony & Corissa Bailey / / 1-23-05: We have completed the hull planking and are fairing below the waterline to prepare to install the keel dead wood. We should be fiberglassing (sheathing) in April 2005. FRANCIS DRAKE-FG / Worrall, Mike E / / 1-21-06: The project is ongoing, with progress being made at a rate perhaps not inconsistent with one in mid-career, working 50 hours a week with a wife and family...! That is to say, I spend most of every weekend on "The Boat", but even with this, it's slow going. Hull is completed and righted. The partially primed bulkheads and floors that I'm now working on are not very photogenic. I would be more than happy to discuss the project with any other builders of the Cook/Drake/Nelson family, especially those contemplating C-Flex. I promise to share additional photos when She is in a more glamorous state. Any and all may contact me. (photos of turning the hull are on the Francis Drake design page) FRED MURPHY TUG / Randy Johnstun / Rainier, Oregon / 5-21-08: Today I cut my first frame member out of steel, oh what a thrill, and many more to come. Thanks for the great plans. G thru ZHome Page |