![]() Boat Project Registry How to submit registry information
STEELAWAY / Paul Oliverio / 9-29-00: I have the project about 80% completed. The only deviation from the plans was to replace the plywood cabin with 10gauge steel and frame. The engine is a Perkins 108 and is in place with Aqua Drive CV on the shaft. Current tasks...Deck stepping the mast with hydraulic vang and backstay. Installing an electric windlass and Electric primay on the cabin top with lines led to the cabin top. All major interior bulkheads are in place and still have finishing work to do. I plan to paint most of the interior white with mahogony trim, keeping everything bright inside.... Still have to paint the hull, deck and cabin. I'm thinking green bull with red boot and white rub rail and white cabin top. It's been a great project, just doing in my spare time. 4-10-03: Still working on it... So many things and so little time... STILETTO / Parker McQuown / / 10-31-99: Received plans & patterns 9-23-99 and started building a week later. Now hull is almost done and ready to flip over. I have about 60 hrs invested in construction; she really has a nice shape! This has been a really fun boat to build. 11-14-99: Just finished side decks. Next, flip back over and fiberglass. 85 hrs invested at this point. 1-11-00: Hull fiberglassed, righted, decking on. Plan to build seats next. 130 hours so far... The boat is a blast to build. 4-9-00: I am very close to being done now.I was able to find a used 90hp Johnston,a 1989 motor,it came with a SS raptor prop. I built my own trailer last weekend.I ordered and installed a steering system from Glen-L and I am very impressed with your service! Prepping for paint and I am hoping to have it painted within one month. I figure I have about 300 hrs into the boat and trailer and just under $4000. Not to bad for building a boat in my garage! 6-25-00: You asked if I would finish my time line on my boat. As best that I can figure i now have about 400 to 450 hrs. The only thing I don't have done are the seat covers, I will be sewing them myself, so when I finish them i can say that I have completely done everything myself (the building of the boat,the trailer,all of the paint work and now the interior). My 90 hp Johnston turned out to be a real screamer. The boat turned out to be alot lighter than I expected... She sure is a pretty boat and people at the launch ramp have a hard time believing I built the boat myself. (See Customer Photos-Archives)
STILETTO / Alejandro Cárdenas y Resiere
Cárdenas / Valdivia, X Region, Chile /
/ 12-6-01: My Stiletto project was started in April 2001, my
father and I are now at the stage of coating, expect to begin
soon with the fiberglass cover. Will then send photos. STILETTO / Christopher Moore / / 3-11-03: I've been working on my Stiletto for a little over a year on & off on my days off. I'm getting ready to start on the fiberglassing process. 10-9-07: Well, alot has transpired with regards to my "Stiletto" project since I last reported. Since then I have finished fiberglassing the hull. I used West Systems epoxy resin, and yellow, dark gray carpet, and oak dash. I am currently finishing work on the steering wheel and throttle/drive controls which I have fabricated out of chain link and plan to have powder coated. I'll hopefully have pics soon. STRIPPER / Chris Ward / / 7-14-01: Just finished stripping the hull and started the beginning of a long sanding operation. I took the long route and made my own strips out of cypress and walnut. I bought rough cut lumber at a local saw mill and planned it down to 3/4", then cut it into 5/16" strips. Then back to the planner and planned all the strips to down to 1/4", then two passes through the router to get the bead and cove. Make sure you have a place to store all the strips since the glue up took me about two months to complete. I used Titebond II premium wood glue to glue the strips over the frame. Instead of using nails and staples to hold the strips together while the glue dried, I used another procedure I read about. I used 3" long pieces of 1/4" dowels and packing tape. Put the dowels in the cove about every 10 inches and pull the strips together and put the tape on to prevent the strip from moving while the glue dries. It worked really good and the hull didn't have any holes to fill in. This has been a real fun project thus far, and everyone drives by the house very slow when I'm out working on the boat. Its a dream come true to build or create a work of art. 3-13-03: I started the boat in March of 2000 and finished it in July 2002. It really only took about five months of work, but I had many other projects come up since I moved into a new home. I even had to build a workshop to build the boat in. I built the boat with strips of local cypress and did the gunwales and thwart out of ash and dark walnut. The boat came out a little heavier at 70 lbs, but I think it is because of my epoxying experience and using some heavy wood. The next one I'm sure will come out lighter. Yes, there will be another one built. I enlarged the deck and put in a vertical bulkheads with a six inch diameter access plate for some dry storage and flotation compartments for those times of unexpected rotations while canoeing. (see Customer Photos) STRIPPER / Dave Olson / Mesa, AZ / / 9-14-02: Just starting. 4-10-03: I am in the midst of the project and am still putting on wood strips. Have run into a snag where I need to bend some wood and have to build a streamer for the wood strips. That will not be so hard, but building the form to clamp the wood strips in, is causing me to scratch my head. But I have not given up by any means. I am hoping to have the project completed by July 4. Please keep me on the registry as I am still working on the project and need all the support and help I can get. STRIPPER / Matthew Royds and Tony Edwards / Sydney, New South Wales, Australia / / 11-20-05: We started the project in July 05 with the intention of having it complete for summer (southern hemisphere). Building has been mostly occurring one day on the weekend which accounts for the rate of progress. We're mostly on track and should complete in January 06. We have chosen to build the canoe as a 17 foot version. The hull has been sanded and has the first layer of fibreglass. The hull is western red ceder with some pine highlights. The sheer will be Hoop Pine and the seats will be Ash. The breasthook and bulkheads will be made from leftover western red ceder and pine laminated together. It's been a great project so far. Fibreglassing was a bit of a challenge but got through it without any major mishaps. We're looking forward to removing the hull from the forms and commencing the interior detail work. 12-12-05: The project is progressing well. The exterior fibreglassing has been completed. The fibreglassing took a lot longer than I expected. We thought that we would have it done in two days. It took four. We have pulled the hull from the frame and have trimmed the sheer. We will be completeing the interior over Christmas, which will leave us the seats and detail work for Jan 06. New revised date for launch is Feb 06. Still enjoying the project. Glad to be over fibreglassing for the moment and back into woodwork. 7-13-06: The canoe is now finished. We plan on launching in the next week or so. Just have to finish the paddles! (see Customer Photos) STRIPPER / William Peakcock / Fleming Island, Florida / / 1-11-11: I have started on the 16’ Stripper canoe. Making good progress, a few mess-ups so far. Finished Set-Up and the 7 strips each side. Started on bottom. Quite a learning curve mating the angled strips to the sides. Had a bit of a problem – the 9/16 staples would not hold in the edges of the plywood form and kept coming out. Had to go to a 1” narrow crown staple. Some of the time I had to use 2 staples to keep the strip tight against the form - wow what a lot of holes to patch but it worked. I have finished the bottom and started down one side and have ran across a wonderful idea I saw on the internet. The builder used a “L” shaped scrap of wood to hold the strip up tight against the form. You can use it to hold as many as 4 strips in place while they dry. Reached the sheer point at form “0”. I stripped all the way to the end of the form, only to notice on the plans that the sheer point at form “0” ends before the end of the form. Oops. I am 70+ years old and free to enjoy building this canoe. I built a 17’ canoe last year but it turned out to be too heavy for a troop of boy scouts to lift. I used white oak 1/8” 4x8 sheets and cut 4 in strips and molded them with two layers. It must have weighed 200 lbs. I not sure it would even float. So much for that one…just move on. I have learned my lesson (I hope). SUPER HUCK / Geoffrey Burns / Perth, Western Australia / / 7-4-01: I have just commenced building a 32 foot Super Huck boat. It will consist of three hulls as per the plans with a beam of twelve feet and a custom (my own)design 16'x12' cabin including upper deck and dual controls. I have been working for 3 days and have completed 3 stem assemblies from laminated 3/4" plywood and have incorporated the bow spreader upright(slight mods)all in one member. I have also built 3 transoms, 3 'B' bulkheads, 6 'A' bulkheads and epoxy seal coated the stems. I am using an Australian Native hardwood called Tasmanian Oak for all bulkhead framing it is reasonably heavy but very strong and looks beautiful when epoxied. Total displacement will be around 7,000 lbs so a few extra pounds of wood will not be a big problem. This is my first boat-building experience so I thought I would start with someting simple. I would be interested in hearing from any-one else building pontoons. The full size patterns and detailed instructions are well above my expectations for the cost. 7-17-01: The building frame is now complete and the first bulkheads are ready to be notched for the longitudinals. To make things easier for later on all bulkheads and stems have been double coated with epoxy except on areas which need to be glued to something else. 7-23-01: Now just about have the first hull ready for sheeting. As in the instructions if the battens are projected to the stem it will tend to flatten the sheeting. This is the case with my hull but I have overcome this by forming a long double taper. I am really having a very good time doing this and now hope to be able to build a hull in four weeks total. The sheeting will have to be cut in some shorter lengths to start off as those available here are only 8 feet long and will fall on the bulkheads if not adjusted. I don't really fancy trying to butt-block a sheet between the 'B' and 'A' bulkhead. 8-21-01: The first hull has just today had the final coating of two-pack polyurethane on top of the 3 coats of two-pack epoxy undercoat as well as the boot top being undercoated in a high copper single pack undercoat on top of the epoxy undercoat to take the anti-fouling later on. All the 'paint' has been applied by roller and then sanded, the finish is not quite yacht quality but acceptable to me. I have only fitted top decking to the bow area as the cabin and deck module are to be a permanent fitting joined to the hull by the extra cleats fitted to the bulkheads rather than by bolts as in the plans. The cleats are made from 3/4" marine ply bolted and glued to the bulkhead and were also used to fit them to the building form which made it quite easy to square them up and hold in place. The tanks for water and grey water are being formed by the hulls being glassed in and this will help with the strength and allow access to plumbing as well as pumps. The second hull has three days work on it and is falling together at this stage. As in the first hull the sheers and the chine logs have both been constructed from laminated wood for greater strength and the flexibility to use hard-woods to bend. The use of the 8 foot sheets of ply ended up being quite OK but required some panels to be cut in odd lengths so as not to join at the bulkheads but no paneling was wasted as the off-cuts were used for the butt-blocks. SUPER HUCK (8' wide, 24' long) / Les Lampman / Whidbey Island, Washington / / 10-19-01: Construction started in earnest on 10/14. First hull is framed and ready for sheeting which should be done in the next 2 days. Then on to the second hull. SUPER HUCK (40' long) / John Wright / Lake Livingston (Coldspring, Texas) / / I am 55 years old and I am a lifelong "big" boater. (I consider "big" as anything large enough to contain a comfortable galley, head, lounge, stateroom and a half dozen good friends.) The most attractive idea about my decision to build my own boat is having the ability to customize it exactly as I want it to be. So, when I received the Glen L Super Huck plans in the mail (just two days after my order), I immediately began reviewing the blueprints and the patterns... and was impressed. I knew even I could follow these directions accurately. Soon enough, even with a full time job and a bit busy social life and terrible weather, I still managed to complete all bulkheads (A & B, plus the transom & stem. I completed the building forms and had a solid level foundation in my yard on which to begin the actual pontoon assembly. I decided to extend my Super Huck pontoons to 40' length and I plan on deck beam of 14'. With this in mind, I only had to make two minor changes to the pontoon plans, i.e.: 1.) Adding bulkheads to match a 40’ length. 2.) changing the bulkhead depth from 24" to 36". My pontoons are 12" higher than the one in the plans and my stem is a bit longer which actually makes each pontoon extend to 41'. I made this change to add a bit more buoyancy for a little extra weight. I used Glen L’s cabin plan as a reference, but customized my cabin to 10' x 24' with a 6' ceiling (I am a shorty & so are my kids). As of May 2005, I have completed the pontoons… My pontoons were encapsulated inside & out with epoxy and covered with fiberglass, and even at 40’ they are extremely rigid and strong. This summer, I hope to complete the cabin which is open, airy and lightweight. The cabin is nothing more than an enclosed head with a shower stall, and a closet under a 10’x 30’ ceiling. As far as it goes… I found the project to be pleasantly and surprisingly simple, and very inexpensive compared to buying pontoons. GlenL makes it easy, with easy to read and understand instructions. As for me, all I've needed is my little table saw, a hand saw, a huge carpenters' level, a hand rasp, and some cheap (use one day & throw away) plastic bowls to mix epoxy in. And although I do not mean for this to sound like a commercial, as it is not... be sure to follow Glen L's instructions and recommendations - as you progress with your project - you will see they have very good reasons for their advise. I am happy to respond to any questions or comments. SUPER HUCK / Peter Dickie / / 6-13-05: Status- Restored to good as new. (see Customer Photos) SUPER HUCK / Stephen Gumper / Hermann MO / / 7-6-06: A couple of pictures of the complete project. Details: 24 ft super huck hulls. Cabin 13ft with full galley, shower and toilet. Dinette converts to double bunk and two bunk beds. Fresh water tank 40 gal, gray water tank 30 gal, fuel 27 gal and gray water tanks in the pontoons. Battery with converters provide AC for refrigerator and other needs. On board generator recharges batteries. Power is a 15hp mercury 4 stroke ob. Speed is 6 mph 1600 rpm at about 1/3 gal per hour. Weight on this trip with water tank full, fuel 15 gals fuel and supplies for 4 days was 4260 lbs. She gives a very smooth ride, very stable. (see Customer Photos) SUPER HUCK / John Ingle / Phelan, CA / / 12-6-06: I am building an Super Huck 8x24. I built the frames 3 years ago & I have been waiting for a break so I would have the time to build it. But it hasn't happened & I decided that at 73 I'd just better do it while I can enjoy it. I have the frames set up & am installing the keel in the first pontoon. I built a Glen-l 14' runabout about 40 years ago & really enjoyed that boat so I thought I'd try it again. SUPER SPARTAN / Don Slomke / / 11-16-03: received my plans on 11-8-03 and began purchasing lumber right away. I have completed the bottom planking w/ battens, chine runners installation, and frames # 1 & # 2. I am in the process of cutting out the transom. 11-23-03 Transom installed, chines, sheer clamp and side planking done. Starting the bowpiece today. 11-25-03: Bow piece, sheer clamps, side planking installed. Going to buy lumber for carlings today. After they are in place, it's time to turn it over and start on the sponsons. Elapsed time: 17 days. 11-28-03: Hull is turned over and 1 sponson complete. 11-30-03: Bottom complete. Ready to turn back over and install decking, coaming, and dash. 12-8-03: Woodwork complete. I will have to wait 'til warmer weather to do the fiberglassing. That will give me time to make all the steering parts. 3-20-04: It's starting to warm up, and I have resumed work on my boat. At this point, the bottom is fiberglassed and I will turn it over this week and finish the glass work on the top. 6-5-04: I finally got my Super Spartan in the water. With a warmed over 9.9 Yamaha and a stock 12" pitch aluminum prop and a 160# driver, we saw 34 m.p.h. which exceeded my expectations. Now it's time to start tuning the motor and testing props.(see Customer Photos) SUPER SPARTAN / Don Slomke / / 6-14-05: Well here we go again. I am building another Super Spartan. This is my 6th boat. I have the bottom, battens, and chine runners complete. Transom is cut out and about half the frame work is done. I will send pics soon. SUPER SPARTAN / Nigel Wells / Christchurch, New Zealand / 3-2-08: Hi my name is Nigel Wells, I live in Christchurch, New Zealand. I ordred a set of plans for the SuperSparten and received them on the 30/1/08, I have sent a photo of work to date of what I have done so far. Exellent fun, will send some more photos as work progresses. Have also orded the steering set up as well should arrive in a few more days - can't wait. Thanks Glen L (See Customer Photos) SUPER SPARTAN / Mark Anderson / Toronto, Ontario, Canada / 9-8-08: Started project August 25, 2008. I have precut most of the components and have the bottom planking glued and nailed. I am beginning to prepare the frames for final assembly. So far, so good! While I am in the wood tooling industry selling custom tooling to the woodworking industry, I have never taken on a project like this. "Measure twice cut once." I will keep you updated - pictures when I have something to show. SUPER SPARTAN / Steve Bishop / Redmond, Washington / 1-29-2011: Just ordered plans. SWEET CAROLINE / Richard Barnes / / 6-24-99: Converting to stitch and glue construction. Bottom, transom, and motor well panels cut, frames built for finding planking shape. 11-19-00: My Sweet Caroline converted to stitch and glue is finished and made its first trip with seven aboard. Wonderfully steady boat, with good beaching and wave riding abilities. Got lots of nice comments from viewers and the grandkids loved it. Using a 9.9HP outboard, and 10 ft. oars. 12-9-01: The Sweet Caroline we built stitch and glue has proven to be a wonderful play boat for our family, fishing and island landing. Easy to come on and off the beaches. Needs more than 9.9 hp though. Gets some laughs from the people with smaller boats with bigger engines! Six gallons of gas is two days worth of fun, though. 4-20-03: We're having fun with her. We have been using the boat in Mobile Bay and the Gulf of Mexico and fresh water lakes in Alabama. It has been on Moon Lake in North Alabama (the highest navigable water in AL and of course on the lowest at Mobile.) Still using a borrowed 9.9hp motor. Will probably buy a 20 or 25hp someday. Thanks for all the fun, Richard SWEET CAROLINE / Robert Ellis / / 7-14-99: Completed 1995, (see Boat Design Catalog). 4-13-03: I am now building the Bo-Jest and Flying Saucer. SWEET CAROLINE / Donald Hodges / Lynn Haven, FL / / 3-15-00: Frames, keel, transom, stem in place on strongback; putting on chine logs. Will add cabin ala "Cabin Skiff". 1-20-01: Being finished as a mini-cruiser, to be powered by transom-mounted longshaft 40 hp Yamaha or comparable (Transom angle changed to 12 degrees and cut down to match side panels). Virtually all carpentry complete, including an anchor rode locker, trunk cabin, hardtop bimini, helm seat, "outhouse", 24-gallon fuel tank, 16-gallon water capacity in two flat tanks under helm seat and outhouse. As of January 2001, most remaining work is fairing/painting. Scheduled for one week cruise in Florida Keys beginning 3/10/01, so launch date is mid-February. Progess photos and paint scheme sketch on website: http://www.ecoastlife.com. 2-28-01: Launched for engine break-in and trials. Very satisfactory at intended speeds (18-20 mph) but overpowered with 40 hp, tops out at 29-30 mph (didn't stay there very long). 25 hp would be sufficient, 9.9 if you are into displacement-speed loafing. This is my first light, narrow flat-bottom planing boat and it is a nice experience: smooth transition to plane,goes on up through 10,12,15, 20 mph like a fast electric boat. Engine (Yamaha 40 2-stroke) is quiet enough at these speeds for conversation. Minimal slapping/pounding in light chop. Upwards of 24 mph, starts hobby-horsing and getting "loose", scantlings probably too light for these speeds in chop. More on performance after correcting items from trials (raising swim steps added on stern to stop spray pattern on engine). 4-17-03: See http://www.ecoastlife.com/keys2001.html for photos and details of construction. SWEET CAROLINE / Sean Dawe / Canada / 5-2-00: Purchased plans in April 1999. Began construction April 28, 2000. Building form complete. Stem cut from one piece of laminated beam - no need to lay up three layers of 1/2 plywood. Frames cut and partially assembled. Will be modifying for long shaft - wish me luck as details for this modification are scanty! 6-13-00: Frames and stem attached to keel. Transom finished and mounted to building form. Sheer clamps, bottom chines and battens fastened. Motor well completed and in place. No major modifications required. Ready for fairing. 6-13-01: After almost a year, construction has resumed. Repaired minor damage to frame caused by record snowfall (building outdoors) Began planking sides. Going is easier than anticipated. 8-17-01: Finished sheathing with fibreglass. Hull sanded and ready for painting. Sheathing was less stressful than initially imagined. Looks really good. 9-14-01: Hull painted and flipped. Thwarts, gunwales capped, foward seat in, and rub rail on. All interior painted. Ready to load onto trailer and test run. 10-11-01: Launched on September 17, 2001. Very happy. Decided that a slosh cover was needed. Made a cover out of wood and neoprene rubber. 4-22-03: My e-mail is the same. I finished my boat almost two years ago but now I am thinking about building a control console and/or small cabin. Our snow is almost all gone not but it is still a bit too cold (daily average temps of 5 celsius) for trips on the bay. Maybe in a few weeks!! (see Customer Photos) SWEET CAROLINE / Charles Carter / Taylors, SC / / 1-8-01: This is going to be a one night a week and 1/2 day a weekend project. I have a very good friend helping with the building Allyn Moseley ( he builds custom staircases ). We have completed the form and are scheduled to build the frames this week. SWEET CAROLINE / Kit Lutgring / / Lafayette, Louisiana / 12-10-87: Purchased plans after completing Steve Redmens "Swift" in Corpus Chriti, Texas. 07/16/00: Found plans and started project. 03/01/01: 57 hours into project, hull is framed and first sheet of plywood is ready to be fastened. Did have a little trouble interpreting the fastening directions for the motor well as the drawings did not have any bolts or screws depicted. 04-04-02: I have made a lot of progress since last year. The skiff is finished, with a small bow deck that has a samson post and anchor rope well. I have added a cuddy cabin/binimi top. The roof of the cuddy cabin will be hinged to fold back and be a binimi-type top. No plans for this, so it is going a little slow. I want to be able to stand on the roof when it is in the cuddy cabin position, but I do not want it too heavy so that when it is in the binimi top position that it effects the CG. I will also have provisions to store my standbye oars on the roof as well. The roof will have a sliding hatch that will aid in getting into the low clearance cuddy cabin and also provide space to stand at the helm (30 hp tiller model) when in the binimi position. To date, I have 196 hours invested and $458.34. This is what I call a Home Depot boat, every part has been purchased from there, except the motor. The motor was purchased new in 1987, but only has a couple of hundred hours on it. From what I have read from other builders, I think the 30 hp will move me fast enough. I have added a bit more material, so I am guessing the max weight to be about 750 lbs. Will update after bayou trials. SWEET CAROLINE / Michael Kennedy / Milton , Ontario, Canada / / 9-2-02: I am currently building the Sweet Caroline and am at the stage where I am ready to fit the motor well. 4-25-03: My Sweet caroline project is still in progress. I just purchased a 20' X 10' shelter and am ready to start preparing it for Fiber-Glassing. (see Customer Photos) SWEET CAROLINE / Edward Valov / McFarland, CA / / 5-1-03: I am currently buiding the Sweet Caroline. SWEET CAROLINE / Name removed by request / 6-28-05: This boat handles beautifully. Last weekend was the first beach camping trip along Lake Michigan and I'm very satisfied with the capabilities and performance of this boat. There's ample room to stow camping gear. The bench seats covert nicely to a double berth. The boat floats in 3"-6" of water and the fuel consumption should give a respectable range (~1.2 gal./hr.). My only complaint is with the motor well. I built the motor well around a 15" shaft, but found that the new four strokes had a hard time swinging from stop to stop within the well. I added a 20" motor board to fit a Nissan 18 hp motor which drives the boat at 12 mph at half throttle and 15 mph at full throttle. The 25 hp 4 strokes just would not fit. I wish the motor would move the boat at 20+, but 12-15 is very comfortable. Slosh boards have taken care of most of the water that splashes in through the motor well. A pair of small bilge pumps take care of the rest. The next step is to add camping canvas and possibly floatation. I met another boater over the weekend with a similiar homebuilt design that had a hinged door covering the outflow in the transom. He claimed to have run the boat in 10' seas and said that the small door swings shut with following seas. (see Customer Photos) SWEET CAROLINE / Jeff Meinke / Long Island, NY / / 1-3-07: I have the frames built and set on the form. The stem and breasthook are assembled and dry fit. The transom is cut and dry fit with the lower interior frame not yet notched for keel or longitudinals. I am currently stressing out over the width and height of the motor well. I am anticipating using a 25 hp short shaft and am looking for input or suggestions.
/ 3-7-07: Have started construction on 'Sweet
Caroline' with the plans from you. I found everything
great so far. The building form will be anchored this weekend
I hope. Including the form in the drawings was a terrific
idea. Saved a lot of headwork which is not my strongpoint
anyhow. Even though I'm not ready for it I had to try
tracing and cutting one of the REAL boat parts. You'll be
happy to know that the Breasthook actually LOOKS like a
Breasthook. I will be needing the Glue and Screws soon (not
soon enough for me) so put some away for me. SWEET CAROLINE / Courtney Gust / Muskegon, MI / 4-24-08: I am getting ready to splash test my Sweet Caroline I have been building for the last year and a half. (See Customer Photos) SWISH / Todd G. Williams and Jim Cassidy / / 6-26-99: Not sure this qualifies, but we are restoring/rebuilding a Glen-L Swish, built in the late 1950's. The deck has been removed and some damaged beams replaced. Transom replaced, two floor timers sistered. Ready to start re-assembly of deck and sole. 12-10-00: After some delays, the project is back on track. The deck framing is now complete and some of the ornamental woodwork has been replaced. Cold weather will shut down the project for the winter soon, but will continue with earnest in the spring. Would like to hear from others with classic Glen-L boats. 4-17-03: The project is coming along very well. Left to do: have the seat cushions made, finish the seat pans, put on the final paint (turquoise boat paint is not easy to find) and assemble the whole thing. Weather, time and money aside, it should be ready the end of June. (see Customer Photos) T thru ZHome Page |