![]() Boat Project Registry How to submit registry information
GENTRY / Danny Winters / Tampa, FL / / 1-3-07: I have finished the making the frames and mounting them to the stringers. I am using white oak for the frames and doulas-fir for my stringers. I am currently working on setting the battens in as well as the chine and sheer. I foresee a lot of sanding in the near future prior to placing the plywood. Oh and one other thing, I am building it in my garage which is just big enough for the boat to fit diagonally, not much working room around it. GENTRY / John Azzinaro / Westerly, Rhode Island / / 8-19-07: I've started cutting and assembling the frames [using philippine mahogany], purchased the transom kit from you. Got the building frame made-up and motor stringers ready to set-up. This is going to be my retirement project [haven't retired yet]. I'm very interested in using polymere nails instead of staples [when I get that far].
GENTRY / Chip Morrow / Acworth, GA /
/ 1-14-08: I started actual construction December 29, 2007.
To date I have all frames drawn full size, and the detail
components made for several frames and have the transom 80%
completed. I have chosen to use Quarter Sawn white Oak for
the framing. There is a great lumber yard close to my home
and all the Quarter Sawn White Oak I can use. I am also using
Resorcinol Glue. I have done considerable research on the
resorcinol glue and although it is a little more time
consuming I believe it is worth the extra effort. 1-16-08: I
now have frames 1 and 4 completed, the stem completed and the
transom frame work completed.
GERONIMO / Kirk Bellamy / Stratford, Prince Edward
Island, Canada /
/ 6-18-03: I am currently planking my Geronimo. I hope to
have it completed next summer. I am planning on making some
changes to the design once I start finishing the top-side.
I'd like to hear from any others who have built this
boat. GERONIMO / Jim Pesci / Sterling, VA / / 8-6-03: Fitting last hull planking, getting ready for fiberglass and paint. I've done almost everything myself, it takes 4 guys to screw and glue some of the 3/8 plywood. 2 for pushing, 1 for fastening, 1 for spotting the angle. I offer free food and beer as a bribe, plus the promise a ride. Future: turning the hull, throwing it on a trailer and completing it. 11-4-03: I have taped the joints with fiberglass and expoxy. My arms are sore from sanding. I'm going to paint the hull Navy and the deck/cockpit white, there will be some visible wood. 12-9-03: I turned the hull last Saturday 12/06/04. I rounded up 6 guys to help, the whole thing took 2 hours. Most of the time was spent in logistics, removing an 8 ft section of the shadowbox fence, installing the tongue jack, adjusting the bunks, installing a keel roller on the back of the trailer, adjusting the winch stand, etc. I will change the bow roller to a 4 inch bow stop as the roller that was standard doesn't fit right. Fortunately, it had just snowed 8 inches, this provided ample cushion for the hull when it was righted. Unfortunately the temperature was 27 F which made working without gloves chilly. The actual turning took about 45 seconds with 2 guys on the transom, 2 on P&S and I was at the bow. The 2 guys on the down side didn't have to work that hard, but it was nice to have more than we needed. the building form was easily removed with a few careful strokes of a claw hammer. The keel roller was an indispensable item; with it, the hull moved effortlessly on. It works only during launch and load and is clear of the skeg by the time the bunks take the load. So far, the decision to buy the Venture VB-2000 trailer was a good one, I'm sure more adjustments will be needed come springtime. Future.... building the motor well, foredeck and windshield. 04-23-04: I'm finishing up "painting" the inside of the hull with epoxy. I will put on a coat of gray bilgecoat paint as soon as that is done. I re-wrote some of the directions for clarification. Good news, I found a cheaper place to park the boat, $75/mo in a nearby apartment complex. It is illegal to park a boat/camper on the street in Loudoun county! I decided to improvise on a few logistical items. I built a 72x28x24 platform/stage with 8 legs and lockable caster wheels to make working on the boat easier. Also, I had a 6ft folding table and put stilts on it by using 2 inch PVC pipe cut to 30" lengths for each leg. Now I can use the table at the same height as the sheer for tools, etc. 5-9-04: Installed the Intermediate Deck Beam, a few tricky angles. The carlings are in. Some of the joints might have to be chiseled out so they will lay flat on the frames. This problem is from inaccurate cuts or fastening a while back. Motorwell has been designed to hold the small fuel and oil tanks, plus one battery, the second battery will be in a seat box or under the foredeck. GLEN-L 10 / James Sachs / / 11-5-98: Started as school proj., Dec 77. Nearly finished, need rigging. GLEN-L 10 / Miss Tesch and Mark Tesch / Address not valid: 11-18-02 / 8-17-99: keel laid, as of 5-25-00 working on the last 2 items, rudder and mast. Note: for our 1st big project as an average woodworker. My 13 year old daughter and I are having a great time. She now can use power drills, miter saw, sanders, and table saw with supervision. Also we decided to fiberglass the boat. She now can repair just about anything in the house. Epoxy is the best thing made according to her. She wanted the boat but dad is showing her what to do, although she has to do it. We're best friends now. GLEN-L 10 / Lukas Lhotsky / Toronto, Ontario / / 2-10-03: The hull is finished with several coats of paint and epoxy sealant. The daggerboard is shaped, as is the rudder. I expect to finish shaping the wooden mast shortly, which has been enjoyable, and then only the rigging remains to be set up. Had her in the water this past fall with just a paddle. Great project! 4-24-03: The project is coming along well. In fact I recently bought the material for the mast, the last thing to be done as I already have the sail, which I bought from you guys a while ago. Should be in the water this summer!
GLEN-L 10 / Sean & Michael Carter / Fresno,
California /
/ 1-11-10: Our stage of construction - The mahogany has been
cut, some of the plywood has been cut, and a few frames are
assembled. GLEN-L 12 / John Farmer / email address not valid 4-7-03 / 10-15-99: Built in the garage by my dad and I approx. 25 years ago. Currently refinishing the boat. Amazing durability and fun to sail. GLEN-L 12 / Arthur J. Haecker / / 8-8-00: Project started this spring in Marietta, GA. Frames, keel, transom installed. Having a problem locating 13 foot 1" x 2" fir for carling logs. GLEN-L 12 / Will Autrey / / 2-4-02: Just started, have building form, transom, and 1st frame finished. 6-14-02: Wow! It is starting to look a little like a boat. Have the side planking installed. The bottom is next. Hope to turn the boat over and start on the decking by the end of next week! 6-25-02: The hull has been righted. Everything looks good. The deck beams and deck battens are in place. Next the strongback and then the carlings for the seats. Hope to have the deck planked by end of the week or so.. 4-7-03: I have completed my Glen-L 12 and have made two good weekend trips to Panama City, FL. She handles great. She is very responsive to her rudder and has a suprisingly large amount of speed capabilities when sailing both up and down wind. The boat sails particularly well wing and wing on a downwind run, You can set the jib to the desired position and then gybe the main over and away she goes. I really appreciate all of the help that you at Glen-L provided for me through-out the building process. Thanks GLEN-L 12 / Karl Almquist / Phoenix, AZ / / 2-26-02: Ready to launch. 4-10-03: The boat was launched just over a year ago. I was extremely pleased with the outcome and I have enjoyed many hours of pleasant sailing. GLEN-L 12 / Richard Desir / Westerlo, NY / / 7-18-03: Small Change was launched this spring. It took almost 5 years. Long periods (whole years) went by during which I was unable to work on it because of other commitments. But that's boat building. Very satisfying outcome. Sails wonderfully, very lively, even in a light breeze. When the wind picks up, she flies. I used Bruynzeel Regina mahogany plywood, so of course I finished it bright with Z-Spar flagship varnish. It gets many admiring comments. I'll forward pictures when I get some. GLEN-L 12 / Chris Meyer / Southern Idaho / / 8-10-04: I have currently cut the wood and started gluing the frames. 1-1-05: I have finished the hull and have started to fiberglass the bottom while it is still upside down. I still need to right the boat and then build the deck. GLEN-L 12 / Kyle Kearney / Auburn, WA / / 5-04-05: I began building the boat as a sophomore in high school and am now a senior. The hull is completed and all the trim pieces are put on. Currently I am puting Varnish and Paint on the boat. I hope to get it in the water before school is out in June. It has been a huge learning experience, but has been fun to build. Photos of the boat will be sent in as soon as the boat is in the water, until then good luck to everyone building boats out there!!!
GLEN-L 12 / Bill Haines / Summit, NJ /
/ 8-20-07: The Genesis of the project was a phone call from
a friend who is the Tech Ed (Shop) teacher at the local high
school. He told me that the school was replacing the
bleachers in the gym and the old wood was in and near a
dumpster behind the school. I was able to collect a number of
boards up to 16’x9”x1 1/8” of well seasoned
mahogany. I had no idea what I was to do with the lumber.
Several years later, I ordered the plans and began my version
of the GlenL 12. I have never built a boat or attempted any
project like this. The bleachers made excellent material for
the frames, chine logs, sheer clamps and battens. I started
in Feb 2006, assembling the frames, transom and building
form. Working a little from time-to-time, I got most of the
frame assembled on the form before the summer of 2006. Here
it is a year-and-a-half later and I have started work on the
boat again. I learned the hard way that the fastening
schedule is there for a reason. It is much more difficult to
attach the chine log to the stem if it is already screwed and
glued to the frames and the transom. I got it right on the
starboard side but cut it too short on the port. So, the
project sat for several months while I mulled over how to fix
this. Ultimately, I shaped a block to attach to the stem at
the attachment point for the chine log. The block was sized
and shaped to mate with the stem and the angle cut into the
chine log. All was glued and screwed and I was able to move
forward. The frame was completed in late July. Planing of all
the angles on the chine logs, sheers, keel and stem were not
as arduous as I anticipated. Planking and fairing are
complete and the seal coat of epoxy has been applied. GLEN-L 12 / Brad Eisold and Captain Patrick Hughes / Mazatlan, Mexico / / I and Captain Patrick Hughes of the 82' schooner Patricia Belle (that I crew on) are building the Glen-L 12 named the "Sea Rose". We started on May 18, 2007 and are building it in Mazatlan, Mexico. We are using the local pine, which is excellent. We have the frames, transom, and stem built and up on the building form; stringers and fairing is complete. We started planking it today and got aft sides and aft bottom done. We expect to complete in a week or two. It has been a great project. Patrick has built many boats including the schooner Patricia Belle, as for me it is my first build. Needless to say, it has been very helpful having Patrick as a building partner. Thank you and good luck to all building their dreams. GLEN-L 13 / Mike Keers / email address not valid 4-6-03 / 9-10-99: I built the GL-13 a few years ago. Still have it and love it. GLEN-L 13 / Jeffery Mackie / Canada / Address not valid: 11-18-02 / 2-16-00: Started building in May 1999 and completed in Aug 1999. I took a picture of every step of the way and hope to post them online soon. It was fun to build and satisfying to complete and sail. (Will list URL here when pics posted.) GLEN-L 13 / Thomas A Messner / San Mateo, CA / / 2-13-04: Building frames. 4-23-04: Frames completed, starting building form. GLEN-L 13 / Jim Morris / Morehead City, NC / / 5-25-04: Finished my Glen-L in October, 2003, but didn't get a sail for it until January, 2004. I wanted a sail that could be easily reefed, so I had one made locally. Have sailed the boat a couple of times so far, and it is a delight out on Bogue Sound. 9-1-04: I have sail my Glen-L 13 about a dozen times so far. It gets more enjoyable each time. Thanks for such a reliable and delightful design. (see Customer Photos) GLEN-L 13 / Gus Edwards / Savannah, GA / / 8-21-06: Started to cut out frame parts, transom, transon knee, rudder, center board, and stem, and have built building form. GLEN-L 14 / Ian R. Campbell / / 9-16-98: Frames on form, fitting keel. 11-30-98: Installing chine logs. 8-11-99: Fairing done, ready to install side planking. Scarfed 1/4" plywood sides. Hope to sail next spring. 12-17-99: Have finished planking and fairing the hull. I am waiting for dry weather to glass the bottom. Looks good. 2-16-00: Now finishing deck battens and carling; next the deck. 8-5-01: Hull is now complete and painted. Fitting out this winter and hope to sail next spring. Looks very good and appears to be a strong boat. 4-2-02: Boat is complete!!! Looks very good and trust it will sail just as well. 4-7-03: I have finished my 14 and love it. The boat gets looks everywhere it goes and sails well. GLEN-L 14 / Tsvi Katz-Hyman / / 12-30-98: Started construction using Frame Kit. Fiberglassing centerboard trunk under heat lamps. GLEN-L 14 / Michael Worobiec / / 1-5-1999: Purchased a frame kit, on form, chine logs and sheers roughly faired, notching fwd frame for bed logs. GLEN-L 14 / Doug Toby / / 7-1-99: Hanging frame members and fiberglassing centerboard trunk. 11-14-01: Fairing almost completed - should start planking next week. GLEN-L 14 / Neal DeGeus / Langley, BC, Canada / kndegeus@shaw.ca 11-18-02 / 11-9-00: I built the frames for my Glen-l 14 more than 10 years ago and have worked on it each summer for the past 5. At this point I have the first layer of high build epoxy primer on the bottom. All the deck beams are also in place and yet require fairing for plywood decking. I have enjoyed this project immensely and am looking forward to building a James Cook in wood.
GLEN-L 14 / Terry Hagell / Canada /
/ 6-1-01: frames, bow-breasthook,transom, centerboard case
completed. Above items attached to building platform.
7-16-01: installed chine logs, sheer clamps, and battens.
Fairing completed. 11-1-01: Hull planking installed and
fiberglassed. Carlings, and deck framing completed. Inside
hull encapsulated. 4-13-03: Worked on boat last spring and
fall, spent most of summer building a cottage. Didn't get
much done this winter as it was so gosh darn cold. Back at it
this spring though and hope to be sailing by May long
weekend. Here's what is left: GLEN-L 14 / Doug Haydon / Chandler, AZ / / 4-20-03: I started with the frame kit about three weeks ago. Things are progressing nicely. I have completed the fairing and I'm just about ready to start with the plywood. It's hard finding good plywood in the Phoenix area. GLEN-L 14 / Dan and Pat Porter / Canton, OH / / 6-12-03: Started at the beginning of March 2003, Finished begining of June 2003 GLEN-L 14 / Pete Haak / Chambly, Quebec, Canada / / 12-23-04: Bought the plans and have started building the frames. Full size patterns are a great help here. I am using oak for the frames. Plan to be sailing late summer 2005 in Chambly basin. Will keep you posted with pictures. GLEN-L 14 / John Bawduniak / Galveston, TX / / 11-8-05: I have built the frames (mahogany) and centerboard trunk and am now mounting them on the setup members. 4-22-06: I have finished the structure, planked/fiberglassed, and rolled the boat. Am now sanding the inside and going to start on the topsides. many thanks to the forum. 9-12-06: Have built deck, fiberglassed interior, painted outside of hull. Bought fir for mast, will tackle that next week. Have milled walnut for finishing board and mahogany for strip planked deck. Prepared trailer for flipping hull tomorrow. GLEN-L 14 / Markus Tessmann / Salt Spring Island B.C. Canada / / I intercepted my Glen-L 14 on it's way to the scrap yard! It had been donated to the local Sea Scouts, but turned out to be too small, and in need of too much repair to make it worth their while. I wasn't sure about taking it on either, but was convinced by the aluminium mast and boom, and the two almost brand new sails! Last summer (04) I removed all the rotten decking, seats and flooring and sanded the hull down through all the paint. I coated the hull with epoxy, and put new fibreglass on the keel and chines, dealing with the really bad spots with extra fibreglass and epoxy. I built a new deck, new seats and new flooring, beefed up the transom and added floatation as well. The Glen-L web site was very helpful for this, my first boat building project. We launched her this spring (named Samgita) and my wife, 2 sons and I have sailed her almost every weekend (and often I'll go mid-week)! We've gone camping in her too and look forward to many years of fun on this boat! She is moored in the ocean about 2 blocks from my home on Salt Spring Island (near Victoria, British Columbia) from about May to October. I scrape the hull about every two weeks, to keep the barnacles and seaweed in check! I love this boat. (see Customer Photos) GLEN-L 14 / Bill Dezen / Penfield, New York / / 9-10-06: Completed construction and launched last month, after working on this boat part time for the past 6 summers.
GLEN-L 14 / David Tolan (Rational Root) / Dublin,
Ireland /
/ 4-28-07: Started Tuesday, October 24, 2006, I have almost
finished cutting the frames. GLEN-L 14 / Doug Dringoli / Wallingford, CT / / 1-18-07: Started May 1, 2001. First Sail May 19, 2006
GLEN-L 14 / Ross Lovie / Longview, Washington /
/ 9-14-09: I have the boat in the upright position now.
Working on the upper decking and interior of the boat and
starting to locate the position of fittings. GLEN-L 15 / C. M. Cowan / Canada / / 9-1-98: Frames, CB trunk, keel, transom on building form, now installing chines, sheers. GLEN-L 15 / Greg Davis / / 1-27-99: Installing hardware. 7-2-99: Need to do some fine tuning to work into the wind better.
GLEN-L 15 / Jon Sonntag / Wood Dale, IL /
/ 8-9-99: Installing mast and rigging, sewing sails,
painting. 10-12-99: Ready to launch. 4-7-03: The project has
been completed for a while. The first outing went well right
up until I pulled the boat out of the water and hit a branch
and snapped the mast mount and all the rigging. It took most
of the summer to get it back up and running. Photos,
including my first boat, a Topper with TopHat sail, are
located at: http://www.thesonntags.com/ark2.html I
haven't actually taken any pictures under sail, but hope
to this summer. GLEN-L 15 / Walt Hessler / / 1-2-00: Started with a frame kit on Nov 27th. Currently have installed centerboard and keel and am installing the chine logs. 11-23-00: Took the summer off. Currently the hull is completed and the boat is on a trailer. The hull is epoxied and painted white with a mahogany deck. Need to complete and install rub rail, centerboard, rudder, flooring seats, rigging, sails and trim. 5-18-01: The Glen-L 15 was completed around the first of May 2001. The project took about 11 months over two 'Winter/Spring' seasons. ( I did not work on it through the Summer) The boat turned out nice for a first time project (I think). The hull is white with Mahogany deck, gunnels, seats and trim. Some of the trim is done in white oak. The boat has been in the water twice and sails nicely. All of the rigging, sails, and mast came from Glen-L. 4-8-03: We now live on a small lake in northern Indiana and the boat saw a fair amount of use last summer. I was not a "sailer" until I built the boat, so I don't have much to compare it to. The boat is very stable and is easy to sail. We get a lot of compliments since it is the only wooden sailboat on Loon Lake. This will be our third season and the boat is holding up well with a minimum of maintenance. I will probably re-finish the mahogany decking in the fall. We may look to repaint the hull which is white enamel next year. I am looking to build more boats, but with the move I do not have an appropriate building right now. GLEN-L 15 / Roger Carlson / / 4-1-01: Cutting out frames. 3-30-03: I have finished skinning the entire bottom side with plywood and will fiberglass and then turn over to start the top-side work. I want to build my own mast and trying to screw up my courage. Any helpful hints will be appreciated. GLEN-L 15 / Paul Burley / Whitby, Ontario, Canada / / 4-5-03: I started building from the plans in October of 2002. I have completed attaching the side and bottom plywood panels and am waiting for warmer weather to fiberglass. I have also finished building a wooden mast, a kick-up rudder and a centerboard this winter. Also bought the basic hardware from Glen-L and ordered the sails from a local sailmaker. Plan on sailing late this June. 7-14-04: The boat sides are already covered with marine ply, waiting for warmer weather to finish covering bottom etc. GLEN-L 15 / Bart Timmermans / Netherlands / / 11-1-03: Started frames. 11-16-03: completed all frames and centreboard trunk using plain sawn oak in panels of 17'x2'x11/4". The wood is hard to come by. Hardwood is generally only sold to carpentershops and cabinetmakers or in bulk, so I have to do a lot of sawing myself. The plywood used is Okoume marine for the frames and Mahogany for the hull, floorboards and seats. Now starting to set up the building frame. I spend on average 6 hours a day on this boat as I am retired. Imported bronze fastenings from Glen-L as local supplies are more expensive, if available in bronze. 1-2-04: Finished the hull on 01-01-2004. Owing to trouble in bending oak sheer/chine I reduced thickness to 5/8" and when fitted I used 2 laminates of 1/8" forward from frame 4#. I also used a breasthook for the chine as without it I couldn't get a good shape and twist on the chine. Bending of the last bottom planking at the stern took a lot of hot water and strutting down from the ceiling of the garage to hold all in place while putting in the screws. I will now start trimming and fibreglassing the outside of the hull in temp between 40-50 F using a low temperature epoxy and doing smallish sections at the time using heatlamps and cardboard covering.
GLEN-L 15 / Robin Edmondson / Rainier, Washington
/ 5-1-06: I purchased plans for the Glen-L 15 a little while
back and later purchased epoxy. I have cut out all my frame
pieces and am ready to begin assembly of the frames. GLEN-L 15 / Frank Leary / West Bloomfield, MI / / 5-5-06: I have completed the Jig to build the boat on and I am starting on the frames May 13. 10-26-06: I have just purchased the mahogany and a 1/4x4x8' sheet of okumme for the frames. I am ordering the tracing paper this week. GLEN-L 15 / Dave Chumley / Lavergne, TN / / 5-18-09: I started the Glen-L 15 the first week of April 2009 and currently have the frames assembled and sitting on the building form; center board and rudder are complete. (See Customer Photos) GLEN-L 15 / Phil Lieb / Ridgeland, Mississippi / / 6-13-09: My boat is a Glen-L 15. I've been working on it for 2 years on and off with my wife. We are both newly retired here in Mississippi. We are painting the 4th and last coat of Brightsides and hope to turn it over on Father's Day if the trailer gets here by then. Then we will begin working on the inside. We hope to get in the water this fall. GLEN-L 15 / Jim Bradford / Englewood, Colorado / / 2-16-10: Have built frames, stem and transom. Am now fitting together on the building form. GLEN-L 17 / Michael Brelle / / Santa Cruz, CA / 9-2-98: Began last month using a frame kit. Frames mounted on building form. Beginning to assemble CB trunk. 1-10-00: Installing chine, sheer logs, and battens, I plan to plank her by the end of this month. 4-10-03: At this point I have the hull finished and fiberglassed, however, it is currently on hold. I think about it all the time and can not wait to get started again. GLEN-L 17 / Joe McElroy, Mary Norton / / Launched: 9-4-98. 9-22-04: Our Glen-L 17 is now for sale. GLEN-L 17 / Mike Farina / email address not valid 4-6-03 / 10-5-98: Launched, been sailing happily ever after. (See Customer Photos) GLEN-L 17 / Jim Bennett / / 2-5-99: Started construction about 25 years ago. After a long "lay off", I am completing the project. Installing mast step. Finishing homemade wooden trailer. 8-6-00: I have now finished the boat and trailer. 4-8-03: Email address valid. GLEN-L 17 / Peter Hay / Thorndale, ON, Canada / / 4-27-00: Completed my Glen-L 17 in 1969. I sailed it for a few years, but went on to other projects. I am now restoring my boat and making improvements. Had deck and cabin deterioration because of the covering materials I used. I am usin epoxy to strengthen structure. GLEN-L 17 / Mike Palenchar / / 1-28-01: completed 1985. Used lots of mahogany trim on the topsides. The design and equipment have always operated perfectly. Wherever I go no matter on the trailer or in the water people & other boaters tell me they love the look and design. It took 3 years to build. Use a 3 hp Mercury outboard. 8-26-01: Just installed roller furling for the jib. It's such a help when I'm 'single-handed'. Just adds 'one more pleasure' to the '17'! 4-23-03: I really appreciate how you're always upgrading your website & keeping in contact (like your message to me)! Yes, my Email address is still good. The project, GL17 isn't completed (kidding) have been sailing her for 15 years. The reason 'it isn't completed' is because I'm always upgrading...or trying to. A few months ago I added roller furling to the jib...one of the best things I've ever done. Then, over the Holidays, added a 60 watt stereo system that is fabulous to listen to...especially downwind. I'm also, in the process of adding a battery cut-off switch because of the additional electronics added. New cushions are in the future as well. Thanks again for your question...and...I hope 'the project is never complete'! Peace & great sailing to all. (See Customer Photos) GLEN-L 17 / Chris Clarke / / 1-29-01: Started Feb. 2000 Hull and cabin completed, working on Boom and mast. Looking for sails. Hope to be sailing this spring. GLEN-L 17 / Eric Lardner / Plano, TX USA / / 11-16-01: I am in the process of assembling frames. My form is complete. GLEN-L 17 / Jim Moran / Indiana / / 4-27-03: I started last year (Sept. 02) gathering plans, tools, information, and wood. Currently frames, stem, transom, and centerboard trunk are assembled and mounted to form. Attached keel last week (4/21/03). Getting ready to work on chine and sheer. I really enjoy working on the boat. My wife thought I was nuts for building a boat, but now that it is actually taking shape, she's excited too. Your plans have been great. I also appreciate the patience of your staff listening to and answering my questions in regards to building the Glen-L 17. GLEN-L 17 / Dave Urbanic / Pittsburgh, Pa / / 5-30-03: Work began, May 23, 2003. I have completed the Building Form, Frames #1, #2, and the Stem. Averaging one frame ever other day, and using WestEpoxy. I hope to begin assembly by the second week of June. 2-2-05: It has been some time since I first posted my Glen-L 17 project. When I began the project I was making a lot of progress very quickly. The past year has been less than stellar in terms of progress, but it has taken shape nicely. It is winter here in Pittsburgh, Pa and the boat is in one, full, boat-size piece outdoors, so I am unable to make any real progress until spring. Basically the next step is to plank the hull with 3/8" plywood and then fiberglass it. I have the plywood ready to go at the first sign of warm weather. I look forward to this since at that point I can turn the boat over and have something that would at least float. No more rolling of eyes when I tell my friends I am building a boat. I have a new e-mail address if anyone needs any insight. I have been extremely pleased with Glen-L plans and instructions. They are extremely easy to follow, well written and designed, and a valuable learning tool for the novice builder. GLEN-L 19 / Ray Gasper / / 9-9-99: Frame kit and fastening kit received. Began construction 9-1-99. Drilled hole for centerboard pin and fiberglassed inside of CB trunk. 10-28-99: Have frames secured to building form, all members sealed with epoxy. 1-31-00: Keel installed; beginning chine and sheer clamps. Thought scarf joining would be difficult, but it is quite easy. Use a sharp jack plane and spend a little time, they come out beautifully. 4-5-00: Chine logs and sheer clamps in. Looks a lot like a boat now. Fairing and getting ready for bottom battens. 4-8-03: Still working on the project. Sorry I haven't updated my project lately, work on it really slowed because of a new house we bought. 3-13-04: The boat has been sitting on it's trailer so I've used that opportunity to sand the interior and epoxy coat the bilge. I'm in the process of filleting all the edges. Then I'll put on another coat of epoxy and bilge coat. After that I'll flip the hull again and fiberglass and paint. During my break I still checked the Glen-l web site everyday. Thanks for keeping me motivated. GLEN-L 19 / Darrell Stotts / Columbia, SC / / 1-18-00: Started construction on 1-9-00 with the cutting out of frame members. Looking forward to a labor of love. 6-19-02: After taking a 2 year break in project starting work again. Have frame members fixed to strongback. No real problems so far, except locating source of White Oak where in Columbia, South Carolina. Next on the to do list, build centerboard box and keel. 9-11-02: Installed keel laminations and chines. Centerboard trunk completed but not glassed yet. Currently installing bottom battens. It is starting to look like a sailboat. I am a little nervous about the planking process, but I was nervous about even starting the project so I think the planking process will go OK. Still loving every minute spent on the project. 5-1-03: All sheer clamps and chines installed. Fairing process started and 90% completed. Need to bend forward battens into place. Currently working on 16 foot long workbench to build side and bottom planking. I can not get 1 inch thick lumber for rudder so I will glue up a laminations for it, but that is also on my near future to do list. I will order lumber for the planking within the next month or so, as this is not something I can get locally. I have photos and will submit those in the near future. 1-30-04: Planking completed. Rudder and Tiller done. Progress is slow, but remember It's not how much progress you make, but how much fun you have making progress. I'll still love'n it. 4-29-04: Turned over hull on 4/24/04 with the help of 12 friends. No problems thus far. Next on the project list is barrier coat the inside of hull. After two years of work, still havin' fun. 12-20-05: A lot of progress made since last update on my project. Basically I am about completed, with the exception of the cabin interior. Wooden mast and boom is completed with hardware installed. All exterior hardware installed. Hull is painted with final coats. Cushions were made to order per my templates. Cabin windows installed, sliding hatch completed and installed (user modification from stock plans). I’ve even purchased the trailer on which she will rest. Everyone who has seem her is amazed and I must admit I spend a fair amount of time just looking at her. After 4 years of work she is finally going to see the water. I’ve kept record of every penny spent. Sometime in the near future I’ll publish the stats on what was spent. I think that I have about 2500 hours into the build process. I also have taken many photos of the entire build process, of which I will also submit in the future. Things left to do: Install electrical system and lights. Purchase rigging and sails. Have one big task yet. Transfer from building cradle to trailer and as I don’t know how to sail, take sailing lessons. Hey, if you can build a sailboat how hard can it be to learn to sail one? I’ll let you know how she sails in the coming spring, after the lessons. 5-29-07: It has been a long time in the making but she is done. Of course DONE is a relative term. Cabin is not completed, but it makes a nice space to store the floats and other water toys. We have been sailing on Lake Murray a number of times and we love it. We are powered by a 6 HP outboard just to get in and out of dockage. She is stored dry on the trailer, but at the lake. The rigging and sails (we purchased the kit) all performed wonderfully. I’ve already shed 100 pounds of ballast and it still tracks great. What a surrealist feeling sailing around in something that was just a pile of wood a few years ago. We get all kinds of folks who stop to admire her both in and out of the water. What a wonderful experience it was and is. There is no greater feeling, and it's paid for. Thanks to the folks at Glen-L for their help and support. GLEN-L 19 / Bill Tosh / Rusk, Tx, / Address not valid: 11-18-02 / 8-3-00: Began construction Nov 1999. Just finished the cabin sides/with portholes and windshield. Have already floated the hull to test for leaks.....all is well. Will start cabin top shortly and then begin mast and rigging and finish work inside cabin. GLEN-L 19 / Sean McRae / New Zealand / / 12-18-02: Bought plan 12/31/01, made tentative start, shifted house etc. Now starting in earnest. Completed stem & breasthook, almost finished first frame, frame "D". 4-08-03: Things are moving, just slowly. I am also studying part time and have a young son so time is at a premium. I am however, about to approach my employer about an unused warehouse on site and this could be a significant kick-start. 4-26-05: Having moved house, I am now making some good progress and have completed all components and set up stand. Busy mounting frame, stem and CB trunk onto set-up. Starting to look like something. Boatbuilding is like juggling 3 greased balls: time, space and money; and I only ever seem to have 2 out of 3 at anyone time. In a fit of impatience I have just purchased a wooden 10"6" "Flying Ant" class dinghy. However, it needs a restoration. 11-28-05: Set-up complete, trunk installed, keel, chines and sheers all on. About 2/3 of frame and bottom fairing completed. All I need is time. GLEN-L 19 / Charlie Man / / 11-1-07: I bought the boat from a man in Texas in 2004 and have steadily redone much of the boat. I think I saved this Glen L 19 from a chain saw. My wife insists that is all anybody else would have done with it. The boat had a rotten roof, a rotten deck on my initial inspection, but the big surprise was yet to come. It also had a rotten swing keel trunk. Although I didn't notice this when I bought it. Note: Double your efforts to find problems when there is water in the boat. I have a tip for boat builders: Do not use plain steel screws! It does not matter that the hull is covered on the outside with fiberglass and resin. Water gets on the inside from rain and condensation. Even Maranti plywood will rot with nail sickness; so does Cyprus. I think the Glen L 19 is a good sailing boat. It sails well into the wind and has enough mass to make turns into the wind without backwinding the jib, something a good Hobby Cat friend insists on doing, which reduces progress by over correcting for a problem that doesn't exist. The 19 has almost cavernous interior, as long as you are 4' tall, just sit there. The lack of the mast through the roof and the flat floor only adds to the roominess. (see Customer Photos) GLEN-L 21 C.B. / Ron Smith / / 7-23-99: Began construction '77, completed '79, major renovation '97/'98. 4-7-03: Right email address, Barry, but I finished the boat in 1979 and am still using it. 6-14-06: Please change my email address. The boat is still in use, in good condition, and is used on Hood Canal in Washington State. Modifications were made in the running rigging to allow single-handed sailing. GLEN-L 21 C.B. / Chris Phinney, Richmond Hill, ON, Canada / Address not valid: 11-18-02 / 3-27-00: Began construction 04/99. Now finishing sanding of hull and building rear seats. 6-11-01: Exterior all painted and spars finished. Interior sanded and ready for paint/marine carpet. Just need sails and a rudder and I can go out! GLEN-L 21 C.B. / Shaun A. Seymour / New Holland, PA / 11-22-02: Building GLEN-L21 CB Started late 2001 at our camp on Seneca Lake in New York State. Set up and constructed hull year 2002. Epoxy coat and glass in place as well as bottom finish. Expect to install the flooring and seats year 2003. This is the fourth boat I have built but the largest. 5-11-03: Turned the hull over april 1 2003. Have started installing the floors, bunks, and seats. Have fully foamed the area under the first two stations of frames. In the third section am installing a fresh water tank and a grey water tank. Lines are being directed forward to exit the port side. Have also placed watertite storage sections under the starboard bunk. Next project is to install the centerboard over memorial day weekend. Then on to finish the bunks and seats. 10-20-03: Finished installing bunks and cockpit seats. Centerboard is in. Cabin deck frame and front are in place, Deck is installed. Four coats of toplac on hull above waterline. Galley parts are done waiting to be installed, Some interior wiring and front port and starboard running light wiring is in place. Forward area of cabin under the deck has its headliner and lights in place. Seat cushions and cabin bunk cushions made, Galley table installed. Looking forward to next year. 12-23-04: Installed all floor boards, seats and built in bilge pump. Top sides finished along with cabin sides and port windows etc. Constructed galley top to install in 2005. Also built in portapotty is in place. Varnished cabin sides with 6 coats and expect to put two more on when finishing up all topside finishes. Construted headliner for main cabin to be put in 2005. Started working on access hatch and frame. Hope to have it ready to install 2005. Many small odds and ends to do. Expect to pull it out of my shop 2006 spring. Built a steel craddle on wheels to transport it to water. Assembled aluminum hoist at lake side to store boat in. 11-28-05: Due to a major fire to our cottage, I did not work on my boat this past summer. The summer was spent rebuilding the cottage. Looking forward to next year. GLEN-L 25 DUET / Jim Westwood / / 5-17-00 Started project. 5-24-00: Stem,breasthook and frame 1 finished. GLEN-L 25 DUET / Roger Lacoste / / 9-2-04: Project started 1997, finished 2002. (see Customer Photos) GLEN-L 25 SOLO / Dave and Ellney Beem / / 12-19-03: I am just starting to lay out the plans and start construction. This is one of the largest projects I have done. Plus the first boat I have ever built! This should be a kick in the pants. 12-23-03: All of the rough cutting of the frame members has been done (my back is killing me). I plan constructing all of the bulkheads in my garage/basement ( yes I am building a boat in the basement LOL ), then setting the jig in my dad's barn before Jan 2. 1-13-04: There are a few tools that make life so much easier. While making the the trunk I found that my measurements weren't the best! ( go figure ) Anyway, I screwed the bedlogs together, squaring the pin, and then used a power planner! Not only does this save time but trues the bed logs up clean and fast! So far, this boat has been a blast to build and the plans from Glen-L are unreal with the step by step instructions. Hey as a first boat this is a blast. If you have any quesions please e-mail me I will help where I can. 2-9-04: After 2 weeks of playing with the centerboard trunk, it is assembled. So far this centerboard trunk has been the hardest to do. Mainly because of the alignment of the pin. 2-10-04: At this point I have finished all frames (ribs) and the set-up frame. Currently working on the boom and mast I have made a few changes to the plans ( ie mast ) so look at my photos and see if they will work for you and e-mail me. (see Customer Photos) GLEN-L 25 SOLO / Martin Pearson / Llanelli, South Wales , U.K. / / 8-17-05: Started project Jan 05, progress a little slow but ongoing. Have made breasthook and stem assembly. All frame members, deck beams, bed logs, centerboard case sides and some bulk heads cut out. Frame 6 and 4 are assembled with the others to follow over the next couple of weeks. Have used oak for members and sapele for bed logs, the plywood is Lloyds registered BS 1088. Materials here in the UK are quite expensive making progress slow but I hope to make a nice job of it. I have also made the ballast keels, yet to be filled with lead. This is my first attempt at building a boat although I have refurbished a dinghy a couple of years ago. GLEN-L 25 SOLO / Thomas I. Stuart / Cambridge Ontario Canada / / 8-23-05: Laying out transom and wood for keel and battens. 5-8-06: Frames are assembled and on building form. Now that the warm weather is back I can finish laying the keel, string the sheer and chine. After checking it, I will drill the fixed keel holes and prepare to lay the plywood shell. (see Customer Photos) GLEN-L 25 SOLO / Raymond Swindells / Manchester, England / /11-7-09: I have just commenced the build of my Glen-L 25 Solo. I have cut most of the frames and I am about to assemble them on the set-up frame. The frames are from Sapele and the chine, sheer clamps and battens will be from Douglas fir as this is the only timber available in the required lengths. I will keep you updated as work progresses. GLEN-L 30 / Serge Michaud / Breakeyville, Quebec, Canada / / 10-22-05: I started this project in May 2005. I have done quite a bit of work over this summer. I am presently at laying the first layer of plywood on this double-diagonally planked hull. This project is tons of fun, I can't set it aside... I have given myself 4 years to complete this project. Since I can only work on it summer time I have to move fast in the summer. I intend to fiberglass the hull next summer and to right it and install the ballast keel that I will make with stainless steel and lead. (see Customer Photos) GLEN-L 36 DELPHIN / Miguel Occttaviani / El Paso, TX / / 9-19-02: Started the Building form on 19 Sept 02, it is a BIG family project. 11-28-02: Building Form is complete and ground. I have started studying the pattern instructions. 12-9-02: I have started to cut the frames. 2-3-03: Sanding station 0. 2-25-03: Station 0 on building form. 8-25-03: Station Form O to 7 on the building form and set up level. Alignment all members braced and blocked to prevent movement. 8-13-04: I continue working in my Glen-L 36, but took a break to build the 8 ball for refreshing my sailing this summer. Is easy to build and give the opportunity to take experience in epoxy. (See Customer Photos) GLEN-L 36 DELPHIN / Miguel Abaunza Sr. & Miguel Abaunza III / El Paso, TX / / 3-7-03: After a long period of research, learning about boatbuilding purchasing tools and lots of clamps we finally purchased the GLEN-L 36 Delphin plans back in January 2003. After studying the plans and instructions we completed the building form on April 6 2003. (See Customer Photos) GLEN-L 6.9 / Gustavo Farias Oliva / Santiago, Chile / / 1-30-06: I started in August of 2005, hope to finish in 2 years. The forms are complete and on the building form. (See Customer Photos) GUNG HO / Sandy Bennett / Lance Cove, Bell Island, NF, Canada / / 2-27-04: I am building the Gung Ho. I have at present completed the hull with marine plywood and am about to start fiberglassing. GYPSY / Pete VanVorst / / 8-25-99: Just beginning. 8-3-01: The gypsy is now in the water. We love it. We added a half of a foot to the beam and duplicated an aft frame to add 30 inches to the length. Made the roof a sundeck with a railing. we power it with a 60 hp long shaft engine. Aft and forward cockpit are self-bailing. Aft cockpit is three feet, main cabin is 11 feet, and the bow seating area is 8 feet. Expoxy encapsulation and cloth was applied. Built inside of cabin to suit our needs. Can drive boat from inside and outside at front window. Love the boat. Planes well with a 60. Great in protected-calmer waters. We do go outside the inlet on calm days. Of hundreds of boats I have built, this is MY WIFE'S FAVORITE! Will forward pictures to Glen-L. Would love to hear from anyone else who has built the Gypsy. GYPSY / Patrick Hatfield / Salem, Oregon / / 9-26-01: I have just finished fashioning the frames and form. I'm beginning to layout the frames and lay the keel. GYPSY / Kurt Ayres / Avon, Illinois / 12-31-03: I began construction in March, 2003. The hull frames are completed. Since it will be assembled outdoors, I'm waiting for Spring to come to resume building! H thru ZHome Page |