![]() Boat Project Registry How to submit registry information
RAMPAGE / Donald Marriott / Bideford, N Devon, England / / 1-15-02: Many thanks for the delivery of the Frame units for the Rampage. I have formed the Building Jig; timber and ply being delivered in about two weeks. I have ordered the Jet unit and the intake plate and am going to the London Boat show next week and hope that I might get a contact for a Cherolet 350 and the Bob Tail Conversion ..The Jet pump I am using is the Hamilton 213. 4-10-02: I have now reached the stage of fitting the Lifting Strakes and will be painting the hull before turning, I hope to fit the Jet pump within four weeks, [Hamilton 312] I am now starting to look for a Chevy 350 engine and see if I can get a new one with 'Bobtail Units' already fitted on as I have not tried my hand at being a mechanic. 12-1-02: To update my Rampage project... I have now completed the boat up to fitting out. The Hamilton 213 Jet pump is fully installed and the decking is fitted and has had four coats of varnish to date. I am consulting about an engine, a Chevy 350 fully fitted with a Bobtail conversion. I came on line to place an order for sundry fittings such as cleats etc... I have to say that I am very pleased with the boat. It is sleek looking and I am not ashamed to open the shed door... Seating.. I have decided that it will be a bench seat as shown on the drawings but omitting the rear facing ones thus making it a three seater, plus the dog Biggles can't miss him out, the wife would kill me!!!... I only started the boat March 2002 but I did have a push forward as I had the Frames made up by Glen-L and shipped over. The construction went well in relation to the plan the only ambiguity I came accross was where the Dash lined up with the bow decking, however this has worked out well as I have raised it slightly. I am going to fit a Tonnea cover over the whole cockpit area once the engine is fitted... also a sympathetic windscreen, which I think if care is taken will add sleeknes to the boat. I can't get a porformance figure out of the numbers just yet so I think it is a matter of suck and see, with care.. I hope to put a photo on shortly. Is anyone out there building a rampage? I know of one chap in Canada who has one and has kindly contacted me some months ago. RAMPAGE / Shane / / 2-17-03: This is such a great project, and can't wait until I am done. I have just completed the ribs, transom, stem, and breasthook, all in a matter of 5 weekends, between high school and a 3 day a week job(money funds). I plan to put a jet pump on it, which will be powered by a Chevy 350, rebuilt and converted for marine use. Will keep you posted. RAMPAGE / Don, Doug, Jeff, Dad / / 3-23-03: My name is Don, and along with my brother Doug, nephew Jeff, and my Dad, we decided to build the Rampage. We picked the jet version, as we remember back in the 70's, watching the Taylor SS and various other jet boats run down the river near where we live. We ordered the frame kit, which was delivered 3/11/03. Construction begun on 3/18/03. We cut the wood for the building form, cut and laminated the motor stringers, and cut the notches in the stringers. Today, Sunday the 23rd of March, we mocked up the boat using two saw horses, dry fitting the frames, stem and breasthook. Next week we will mount the building form on the garage floor and begin setting up. 5-18-03: We have the Rampage set up on the garage floor, all the frames are mounted. Today we mounted the stem, completing the basic framework. Next step is getting the keel milled at our local lumberyard, and installing it. We are leaning towards a 454 Chevy engine, coupled to a jet pump. We are looking at several manufacturers for the pump, and will make that decision soon. We also have decided on Hooker over the transom water injected headers for the exhaust, and a foot controlled throttle. RAMPAGE / Ben Born / Sydney Australia / / 7-6-03: I have been working on and off for the past six months building the Rampage. The frames were constructed of joiners grade Douglass-fir (Oregon). I have found the plans to be accurate and easy to follow, although I have raised the transom giving it 1 inch extra freeboard. The ply I am using is Fijian Cedar marine ply. I am currently having a 351 Cleveland built, using custom pistons, cam, tunnel ram and ported heads. I have opted to use a Haines and Hellyer V-Drive with 3 percent step up. When the project is completed I am hoping to use it for skiing and social racing. I aim to post more photos as the construction progresses. I am keen to hear from anyone else in Australia who has built this boat. (see Customer Photos) RAVEN / Pete VanVorst / / 8-25-99: Completed and launched in 1991. REBEL / Dale Mogk / 5-26-01: Launched May, 1984, runs great, pulls slolom skiers just as well as the big boys, if not better. 4-10-03: All-in-all it was a very satisfying project. My brother has the boat now. REBEL / Dominik Papa / Germany / / 10-01-01: Bought the plans, lumber, epoxy and different woodmachines, cleaned up a cowshed to build the boat there. 10-07-01: framing complete. 4-22-02: It s time to update the status of my project. Plywood planking finished in Jan. 02. Mahogany planking started in April. Thanks for your great plans, it is always a pleasure to build this boat! 7-30-02: It's done! The boat is floats and the district administration gave its ok. REBEL / Brian H. Wilmers / Michigan / / 12-17-06: I built a Rebel from scratch in 1970 while in 12th Grade of High School, which makes it 37 years old in 2007! The year before I had built a Glen L MiniMaxed. I started the rebel in Wood Shop class and finished it in the summer of 1970 and launched it in July of that year. I still have it with a 1972 50 HP Johnson on it. It stills runs great and pulls a skier or two without trouble. Calm water is best with the fairly flat hull design. It is a real conversation piece and has given us alot of fun over the years. I purchased the plans and galvanized fastener kit from Glen L. I believe the plans were $14.00 at that time! I used an electric teakettle with a funnel on top to steam bend the chines. If anyone is building a Rebel I can answer questions--I remember the process like it was yesterday. (see Customer Photos) REBEL / Jon Bennett / Blue Mountains of NSW, Australia / 2-9-07: I started building the Rebel in 11-06. My plan is to have it finished by 11-07. I'm using Hoop Pine for the Frames and imported Maple Marine Ply, all encapsulated with Bote Cote epoxy. I'm fitting the final sheer lamination. REBEL / Duane Wood / Carrying Place, Ontario, Canada / 1-16-08: I started the Rebel on the 7th of January 2008. I'm currently working on making templates from the full size patterns. When that is complete I will use the templates and a router to make the various frame pieces. We're hoping to have the Rebel in the water sometime during the summer of 2008. Hopefully it's not too ambitious of a goal. So far we have roughly 10 hours invested. REBEL TUG / Dave Serrahn / Sturgeon bay, Wisconsin / 5-10-09: I bought the lumber for the building form, and got it erected today. I will be ordering the aluminum for the frames and transom this week. (See Customer Photos) RELIANT / Jim Benge / / 12-7-98: All lofted, patterns cut, bulkheads cut and assembled and the keel is built, shaped and fiberglassed. Ready to be sent out to be cast for ballast. 5-7-99: All bulkheads standing, braced and backbone attached. White oak floor timbers installed and epoxied to bulkheads and notched for wh oak stringers. Hope to be upright by October. 2-25-00: First layer (of four) of the luan plywood laminate almost complete. 4-18-02: Starting work on the interior. Coming along, slowly but surely. 10-17-02: I work on it almost every day. Starting plumbing. Fiberglassing the deck. Installed bowsprit yesterday, etc. I will have a website up in a couple of weeks with about 60 photos of the progress. 11-22-02: My web site is up: http://www.whitmar.org 3-03: Installing the Toe rail / Rub rail along the sheer line. The deck is complete forward of the main cabin including 9 oz. fiberglass cloth with two coats of epoxy, skimmed with marine compound, two coats of primer and now has the first finish coat of paint. The final coats of paint for the deck and hull and all other stain work will be done at the last phase of construction. Traditional hatch is installed. 5-22-06: The web site is all new and shows the video of turning the boat upright. (See Customer Photos - Archives) RENEGADE / James Nikolai / / 9-22-99: Hull completed, working on interior. Started 11-98, been working every second Saturday since. Frames white oak, other wood, mahogany. The hull was built with a 6" pipe sticking out of transom which was used on a tripod to pivot the boat. Dash and coaming modified, converted into a bow rider. Will use 350 Mercruiser with Hamilton Jet. 4-10-03: Just about ready to get into boating season so time to get the boat ship shape and back in the water. RENEGADE / Sammy Rayes / Beirut, Lebanon / / 4-14-00: One boat is completed and I am starting the next one. RENEGADE / Steve & Robert Jamieson / / 4-20-00: Our project is complete. We launched on 1 July 99. Would like to hear from builders to compare notes on techniques and performance. 4-10-03: The renegade project has been completed for several years, and has performed great as a ski boat. We have not had to do any updates, but should change from a 13x13 prop to a 14 pitch, as we are revving a little high for a 350ci chev engine. RENEGADE / Gregory Ball / / 1-17-05: I have started the frame members for the Renegade. I am finding that when you use the tracing method from the full-size plans, it really isn't that hard yet. The guys that have pictures posted on your site - Fred Foreman, Robt. Jamieson, the guy from Canada, etc.- sure did great jobs; they have inspired me. RENEGADE / Dennis Hicks / / 5-3-06: Hi, my name is Dennis Hicks. Over the last four years I've been hard at work building the Renegade from the plans bought from Glen-L. As you can see from the photo, alot of work has gone into producing what I think is a nice bit of boating machinery. Inside the hatch is a Yamaha 350 stern drive. Any inquiries as to the manufacture of this boat, please do not hesitate to contact me. (see Customer Photos)
RENEGADE / Ian Bell /
/ 4-12-07: I have just received the plans and am collecting
lumber for construction. RIVER RAT-Alum / Bill Zubko / / 1-27-04: On 1-24-04 I started cutting frames out of 1/4" 5086 aluminum, and welded the two halves of the frames together. Instead of wood, I'm making a steel fixture to mount the frames on. That's it so far. 4-03-04: I made a steel fixture and bolted it to the floor. Then I put the frames,keel and stem on it. 4-10-04 welded t's to the frames. 4-13-04: Scribed lines on a 3/16" x 4' x 12' 5086 plate, cut 2 of them and tacked them to the back 12' of the frames. 5-20-04: Last week the outside of the hull including the chines was welded and the hull was turned. The inside of the hull is welded out and I am getting ready to do the deck. RIVIERA / Wayne Cox / New Zealand / / 6-29-98: Third lamination on cold moulded hull. 2-15-01: WOW! Its great! At last my boat is finished and I can enjoy it. To catch up for you I started building my Riviera about 3 years ago and you have photos in webletter no. 8 and owing to lack of money has taken this long to complete. The building was the easy and cheap bit. Not so the mechanicals. But anyway the boat has a Chev V8 350 with about 325 hp and a Borg Warner gearbox driving a 13 x 12 prop. The boat does about 50 mph and gets there real quick so I think I should play with the pitch.(See Customer Photos)
RIVIERA / Mark Bronkalla /
/ 9-2-99: Cutting out frames. 10-3-99: Frames completed and
coated with epoxy. Motor stringers on building form, now
leveling and fastening frames to stringers. 65 hours so far
(48 hrs to completion of frames). 11-5-99: Chines and bottom
battens on. Notches for side battens and sheer cut... 160
hours so far. 12-10-99: Starting plywood laminations. Frames
complete, faired, coated. Approx 200 hrs fo far. 3-8-00
Laminations complete, now sanding for finishing of hull.
6-28-00: On the water. Lots of compliments. Top speed 46 mph.
744 hours so far. The boat has been fun to build and I have
received a lot of support from family, friends and new boat
building acquaintances. Thank you for your help in answering
questions and getting the parts I needed. We launched the
boat for the first time on June 23rd on Pewaukee Lake. The
Riviera runs well as the family ski boat. Lots of room and
plenty of power. It can pull a skier at only 2500-3000rpm.
Top speed at this time is 46mph at 5000 rpm. The boat drives
well and handling is excellent. It is amazing how many people
stop to ask about the "restoration". All are amazed
when they find out it is new construction. We started on the
boat Sept. 1 and it is now 95% complete. This was done in
approximately 20 hours per week (less than most people spend
watching TV). The major work left to do is the final
upholstery. We are riding on the bench seats and boat
cushions for the summer. RIVIERA / Terry Mortimore / Sault Ste Marie, ON, Canada / / 11-4-99: Frames completed, working on motor stringers and building form. 1-25-00: Frames on building form, keel, chines, sheers installed and faired. Starting to install battens. 5-28-00: The first three layers of plywood are finished leaving the last mahogany layer to go. I will be re-sawing some 12 quarter mahogany for the final layer. I could not be more pleased with the lines of the boat. 11-2-00: Roll over party took place towards the end of August. Since then all the mechanical work has been done, seats made, top plywood deck installed and I'm currently applying the mahogany deck. That will be about it for this year, we'll do the wiring and launching in the spring. 4-10-03: We've been using our Riviera for the past two seasons now, I had the upolstery work done last spring and I've been meaning to get some photo's of the seats to you. Still very pleased with the boat and I continue to get compliments on it even through the winter. There is a little bit of trim work I want to finish this spring as well as installing some instruments, then we can say it's finished. (See Customer Photos Archives/Riviera). RIVIERA / Bill Yonescu / email address not valid 4-10-03 / 12-30-99: Started both Monaco and Riviera in Nov 98. While there were some efficiencies in building two at a time, I left Monaco with one layer on its bottom and concentrated completely on Riviera. It was late Holloween Day when I finally got to try it out. WOW, is an understatement!! With the 350 cu. in. MAG MPI (315 hp) it does 30 mph at 2800 rpm. With a "RED Line" of 5100 rpm. I only got to run 2 hours before dark, can't wait until next spring. (See photos in Customer Photos)
RIVIERA / Mike Yelverton / Aldie, Va /
/ 9-24-02: Transom frame just about complete. Milling all
lumber. Preparing to set up building frame. Dusting off
custom built Smokey Yunick 300hp/300lb aluminum block engine
to be ready for installation hopefully by the spring,
assuming the shop stays warm this winter. Would like to hear
from those who have been there before me on this project. So
far I have no issues. RIVIERA / Varno Porovarde / Estonia / / 11-8-02: Frames on motor stringers. Installing chine and battens. 12-5-02: Frames are almost complete, only side battens are not installed. I have been working with my boatbuilding project about a year. Through this time I have received huge help and support from Mark Bronkalla. He helped me from choosing the right design to working tips and hints. Your plans are very complete and easy to understand, but I am a beginner in that field and felt much more confident with Mark's support. About 200 working hours so far, plus lots of research on the internet and books. 4-10-03: My Riviera project is in the same stage as it was in December because of an extraordinary long and cold winter. Hopefully I can proceed in May with full speed. (see Customer Photos) RIVIERA / Andrew Tainsh / Perth, Western Australia / / 12-17-02: Attached are some photos of my Riviera project which I have been working on for about 18 months. The frames and stringers have been made from Nyatoh, an Indonesian hardwood commonly utilised for boat building in this part of the world. The final planking laminate is Brazilian mahogany. Hopefully the planking will be completed over the Christmas holidays, followed by sheathing, painting and the long anticipated rollover. Looking forward to the deckwork and mechanicals. 4-13-03: My Riviera is coming along slowly but surely, the hull is now planked, faired and is undergoing surface prep for painting/varnishing and is having hull hardware fitted such as strut, fin, water pick-up and rudder tube. Hope to turn her over and start topside before too long. 2-13-04: Over the last 12 months the mahogany planking has been completed, the bottom painted royal blue with a gold boot top and the hull turned over. Since these photos were taken, the deck framing has been completed ready for covering with plywood. Teak was used for the cockpit coamings and instrument panel which gives a lovely rich look to the cockpits. Final deck laminations will be teak also.(see Customer Photos) RIVIERA / Greg Mills / Delta, BC, Canada / / 2-26-03: I have just started building the Riviera. I have the transom and frames 1 through 6 ready, frames 7, 8 & 9 have been cut out and are ready for gluing. 4-1-03: The frames are finished and are attached to the motor stringers, the stem and breathook are also finished and are attached. Tomorrow I'll start work on the keel and finish the limbers. 7-10-03: Spent most of yesterday and today planking the hull, it's coming along well and is now starting to look like a boat. RIVIERA / Vasilis Tziamouranis / Greece / / 9-2-02: Have ordered the materials required. Should get all hardware and glues etc together soon. 9-18-02: Got all the lumber together about 10 days ago and already have finished all frames. Now I have put together the frames on the motor stringers and managed to finish the chines. It's starting to look like a boat, especially when covered. Having a great time working on it so far, and I managed to get my father, who is retired, to put in some help and keep him busy. 10-13-03: I started the project in September of 2002. Thanks to alot of help from friends and relatives, I managed to get the boat looking like a boat and well constructed. It still needs alot of work, but I am aiming to get it in the water around May of 2004. The boat has been made according to the plans but has been a bit modified as far as interior is concerned. Due to the fact that in Greece there are very few lakes (the nearest is about 5 hour drive) and the boat will be used in the ocean. Since I am planning on using a very powerful motor, along with a friend of mine who is a professional boat builder, we decided to use thicker and more reinforced motor stringers. I am now in the progress of getting a engine together, in order to give life to this Riviera. All electrical wiring has been completed and now I am Appling the final interior paint coat on the Hull before the motor in put into place. The hull of the boat has been made acording to the specification on the plans, but besides that we polyestered the boat using 3 layers of polyester, to give it additional strength. (See Customer Photos) RIVIERA / Tom Burch / Vancouver Island, BC, Canada / / 10-12-03: I received my plans 10/10/03. The patterns have been laid out on a sheet of plywood. Each piece has also been laid out on a 1/8" sheet and a pattern cut. The next step is to cut the actual pieces. I have just finished planing all my lumber and sorting for grain. Tomorrow is another day. 622-05: Hull planked, varnished and right-side up. Starting on decking. (see Customer Photos) RIVIERA / Martien Buist and Freddie Veltens / Nieuw Buinen, The Netherlands / / 12-28-03: We just started with the construction of two (modified) Riviera's. The frames are ready. Right now we are busy with the chine and battens. You can see all the picture's at www.veltens.nl. 1-17-04: The project is running smooth. Frames and longitudinals are ready for fairing. 5-2-04: The first two layers of bottom and sides are done. We've started with the final layer. (see Customer Photos) RIVIERA / Craig Strike / Victoria, Australia / / 3-31-04: Construction on the frame started in November 2002 and the first 2 layers of marine ply were finished by the end of march, then progress slowed somewhat due to other commitments. Then in October 2003 it got back on track with the application of the final layer of Brazillian Mahogany. The frame is made of Blue Gum and Messmate, which are both local eucalypts. Both have simillar strength, density and working properties to Mahogany,and have been used in boats here for many years. The plywood is Pacific Maple from Malaysia. The hull was turned over late november and the deck was started straight away. I have used Mahogany for the deck planks and Celery Top Pine from Tasmania for the striping, and the finishing boards and king plank is Blackwood (another stunning local timber). The final layer on the topsides and deck have been veneered without stapling or using any fastening through the timber. It takes quite a bit longer but the results are spectacular. (see Customer Photos) RIVIERA / Douglas Bywater / Vienna, Virginia / / 7-5-04: I have completed the boat. It took me about 2 years to complete RIVIERA / Monneke / Belgium / / 8-29-04: Hi sending this just to register, as I said I would do at the end of the summer. I'ts back to school for the kids and back to free-time for this dad. I am doing the frames in Cambarra wood, I do hope you approve the wood. It comes in one size only 13 feet 2 inches by 10 1/2 inch by 1 inch, so need to cut and glue all the needed sizes and lengths myself. Next week I shall update after completing the transom frame. Oh yes, I jumped in at the deep-end, starting with the transom. RIVIERA / John Robinson / Windsor, Ontario, Canada / / 8-10-05: Presently have transom, Frame #1 & #2 completed. I am using white oak for frames. Having a great time! My plan is to use a 327 Chris Craft engine which came out of my 1965 30’ Constellation. (What a great way to be reincarnated!!) RIVIERA / Nick Splix / Plymouth, Indiana / / 9-15-05: I have all the frame members mounted to the motor stringers. Have keel installed and working on the installation of the chines. Using white oak. Motor stringers are douglas fir. Started August 15, 2005. Added 12 inches to length and 3 inches to height for more room for motor. Hope to complete summer of 2007. Lots of fun so far. RIVIERA / Allan Hart / Sandford in Tasmania, Australia / / 11-14-05: I have commenced work on a Riviera, and having completed the building form and plan tables, I am now cutting out frames and laminating the motor stringers. I am using a local Tasmanian timber, Celery Top Pine, for the stringers and frames, and the longitudinals will be in the same timber. Will keep you informed of progress. 12-10-06: I’ve completed the transom, all frames, stem, etc and will shortly complete notching of frames and fixing to motor stringers. I will commence with longitudinals in the New Year. Everything is going according to plan, but slowly. It’s certainly proving to be a long term project. The side and bottom member on all frames are in celery top pine and laminated with okoume ply. Deck beams and motor stringers are in celery top pine. It’s proving to be a marvellous timber to work with. 11-3-08: 12 months off due to heart surgery. Frames are now mounted on motor stringers. Work with longitudinals now commences. (see Customer Photos) RIVIERA / Frank Leftwich / Columbia Falls, Montana / / 2-1-07: I am begining to build the frames for the Riviera. I live in Columbia Falls, Montana and plan to use my boat on Flathead Lake and Whitefish Lake. RIVIERA / Kelly J. Christ / LaPorte, Indiana / / 1-21-08: The constuction of the Chloe E, a Riviera from Glen-L Plans, started on January 23rd 2007 and I will have pictures shortly. I have a total of 253 hrs. to date, and the Riv. is completely framed and faired. We are now searching for the best price on 1/8 Okoume "Joubert" Plywood, 25 sheets to be exact.
RIVIERA / David Lott / Branson West, Missouri /
/ 7-11-09: I restarted my Riviera two weeks ago and am
almost complete with the frames with about 30 hours into it
already. I had started the layout two years ago when working
on the Sea Kayak but had to put things on hold. Hey, life
happens!! Going full steam ahead now with the goal of
launching next Memorial Day. ROB ROY / Jim Butler / / 6-29-98: In process of cutting out planking from PW. 9-12-98: Have encapsulated wood and am "stitching & gluing" 9-13-02: After a long hiatus I am back at it. Inside seams are all filleted and taped and I'm ready to install breast hooks and flip and start glassing exterior. My goal is to be finished by next spring.
ROB ROY / Larry "Rehd" Brown /
/ 09-20-01: It's been a year since I ordered the
plans... Cut 4 sections out of 4mm Okoume plywood. Rough-cut
about 1/8" outside the lines and intend to stack/align
and plane/sand down to the lines to get exactly identical
pieces. With the exception of the gap between the bottom and
sides, which I cut carefully along the lines. I chose to cut
out plan and tape down to plywood, stacked two sheets high,
making sure that the sheets are laying opposite directions
(good faces together and not both up or down). After rough
cutting the first two I flipped this over on top of the other
side of plywood and marked outline to rough-cut the other two
pieces. When all 4 were cut out to rough shape, I sanded and
planed the stack (clamped together with C-clamps and scrap
wood) to the exact line. I used a Jig-saw for all cutting to
this point. (approx. 3 1/2 hrs., less soda
breaks.) ROUSTABOUT / Teddy Panganiban / Quezon City, Philippines / / 9-15-99: Ordered plans in Mar 99. Started building in May, installed keel 20 June. Applied plywood planking in August. Just completed painting the hull today. 10-17-99: Installed 115 hp Evenrude outboard. Completed flooring and added double wall using 3/8" plywood. I promised the kids that the boat will be launched by Oct monthend. 12-9-99: Finally went on sea trial today at Taal Volcano lake about 80 k south of Quezon City. Rains and humidity delayed painting. Trailer built from Glen-L plan worked fine. The boat reached speeds of 63 kph (@5000 rpm) for a few seconds since I'm still breaking in the Evinrude 115. I used a Magellan 2000 XL GPS to measure speed. Using a 14" x 19 pitch prop. Also tried 14" x 17 prop but there was a slight over-revving. The lake was choppy all day with about 2 feet waves. The V hull did a good job cutting through the white caps but felt like riding a galloping horse at the helm. Will officially pop the champagne this coming weekend and send you pictures. 4-13-03: The boat is now four years old. Since I keep it in a covered garage the boat is still good as new. I had problems with a homemade stainless steel fuel tank which leaked from time to time specially after using the boat in rough water. I bought a Tempo 19 gallon plastic tank and have had no problems since. The boat really goes fast with the Evinrude 115 hp. I can keep up with the jetskis in the Taal Lake and the fiberglass name brand production boats from the US cannot keep up with my Roustabout. Nice boat! (see Customer Photos) ROUSTABOUT / Fred Osborne / Spring Hill, FL / / Built 1975-1979. Power: 289 Ford V-8. Propulsion: Volvo I/O. 4-19-05: After several false starts on "Ski Boats", I settled on the Glen L Marine ROUSTABOUT 17' Runabout. We built the ROUSTABOUT in our garage in Rochester, NY, taking 2 years to complete the boat. We finished her summer 1979. We started with a Glen L. FRAME KIT (very wise decision). With propulsion guidance from Glen Witt - I purchased a good, used, Ford 289 small-block Marine V-8 2-barrel carb gas engine, based on Eaton Marine Inc., and it was coupled with a Volvo I/O, Volvo transom bracket and all that. Maybe a bit on the "heavy" side - the 289 small block V-8 and Volvo I/O drive did not prove too heavy at all. Rather it was an excellenet propulsion selection for this boat. We used 1/4 and 3/8 AB Marine Plywood, Resourcinal Weldwood glue, and all Glen L "galvanized Dipped wood screws". We covered the hull with fiberglass cloth, and resin. Painted the finished boat with epoxy (70's) paint. Paint never was all that good - light blue. Paint continually oxidized and required yearly heavy waxing. We kept the ROUSTABOUT on a trailer, most often inside in a garage until we sold her, in 2003.At this time our ROUSTABOUT "Blue Boat", is somewhere in eastern NC, being refitted and probably re-painted. We skiied our 5 children for 23 years, never a single failure of hull, propulsion, frames or anything. Never a single glue joint failure. Amazing project.Fastest I ever had her up to was "51mph" on a quiet sunday morning on Keuka Lake in central NY. She would have gone considerably faster - but I chicked out, as the rear near transom, started to wander a bit. The ROUSTABOUT proved to be a safer-water boat, not a rough open-seas boat by any means. She takes chop OK, with our V-8 - our version had more weight mid hull, so probably handled better than a OB on stern version. Even with 289 V-8 in back 1/2 of hull, with a I/O - the ROUSTABOUT was a bit "light" on the front end - very light. And we tried to cancel this by putting the 10-gallon gas tank under the front deck area. Our version of the ROUSTABOUT became a very successful family boat - primarily by the monthly assistance and consults I was able to have (by phone) with Glen Witt. He knew the plans, he knew the boat. Great company! ROUSTABOUT / Ken Kett / Bayville, NJ / / 11-23-05: I have built: GlenL 15, Imp, Squirt and Jacknife. I am now starting on Roustabout. ROWME / Kurt Finlayson / / 3-29-99: Started yesterday, cut out bottom, tracing sides. 4-10-00: Sprinkler system and birth of a child delayed building. Currently working on breasthook, knees, and gunwales. 8-4-00: Finished the rowme and have run the Snake River in it. I have added an extra set of oarlocks on the opposite side for heavy water. However, I have not used it that way yet. The Rowme floats moving water very well. I have my grandfathers oars that are barely eight foot and it is still easy to manage. The only issue is that if I enter a main current from an eddy, the bow gets caught and swung around hard. The stern does not seem to catch as hard. The boat took me a long time to finish but it is a lot of fun. ROWME / Tom Dempsey / Greece / / 4-1-99: All pieces cut out, sanded, drilled. 5-12-99 Fiberglassing the hull now. The boat looks pretty good and I think I'll have it in the water in a couple of weeks - depending on the availability of painting supplies here on the island (Greece). 7-18-99: Boat has been finished for a couple of weeks. I await the necessary paperwork and safety gear to launch. I needed to go to the next island to get the proper oars and I am waiting for motor. (See WebLetter 13 for more about Tom's project) ROWME / Russ Heagle / / 6-12-05: Had the plans for a few months, I had rough cut one front and aft side. Today I cut out most of the 1/4" parts. 6-28-05: I have stitched the hull together and I'm taping the seams. I'm using woodflour for my putty mix, and letting it sit for a little bit then brushing on more epoxy then laying my layer of 3" and 6" tape. I'm using Okoume marine plywood and Honduran mahogany for the knees, breasthook and sheer clamps. My goal is to finish the boat "clear" to let the beauty of the okoume grain show through. 10-18-05: I've basically completed the boat, I used 2-part foam under the rear seat and under the bow seat. I made the middle seat with a hinged lid so I can put a battery for a trolling motor under it. I haven't used varnish on the boat yet. I'm going to let the epoxy cure 'til spring, then try to clean up the worst of the drips and sags and do a few coats of varnish for UV protection. It has about a 10' finish at this point, (stand back 10' and it looks great), but I built it for fishing in the small lakes around here (Seattle Area).
ROWME / J R Holder / North Pole, Alaska /
/ 7-31-07: Complete as of 22 July 07. I bought my Row Me
plans and epoxy kit in March. I thought from all I saw in the
ads and testimonials that it would be a quick project. In
relation to some of the others I see in the registry, I guess
it was. I modified the plans in three relatively small areas.
The shearwaters were split with sections of 3/8 ply x 1 5/8
added between the inner and outer shearwaters. The inner
shearwater was the same height as the outer and the outer was
milled with a round cope at the top and bottom. This gave me
places to tie ropes to at various stations along the
shearwaters. That was important to me since I will use the
boat to supply my cabin and need to tie large loads to the
boat on occasion. S thru ZHome Page |