![]() Boat Project Registry How to submit registry information
COASTAL CRUISER (Aluminum) / Patrick Green / Sexsmith,
Alberta, Canada /
/ 9-16-09: Built and setup frames welding in longitudinals
lenghtened to 29 feet. 75 hours so far but the pace is
picking up now. COASTER / Dave Foster / / 2-21-99: Hull, deck, interior built. Yanmar 2GM20 installed. Cabin in progress. COASTER / David White / / Hull and deck completed. Boat was trailered from Canada to Mexico. I have been sensitized to epoxy and would like help in finishing the boat next winter in Cetumal, 250 miles south of Cancun. Have large yard for RV also have converted bus available. Come spend the winter in the Carribean. 3-23-03: I am at a stand still on the Coaster. I have trailered it down to Mexico to finish but don't seem to have the time when I am here. I am sensitised to epoxy so I have to be carefull what I do. CONSOLE SKIFF / David Apple / Email address not valid: 03-24-03 / 11-19-98: Cutting out pieces. 5-8-99: Hull formed, stitched, buulkheads and stringers in. All interior seams and glassing done. Flooring in and taped. Working on a more compact center console and seat, really going fast, also a lot of fun!! Nice plans and good instructions. CONSOLE SKIFF / John Petersen / Sweden / / 12-27-98: Boat finished 1996 and has been used extensively with a 40hp long shaft. CONSOLE SKIFF / Pablo Lafontaine / / 1-24-99: Boat finished Jan'97 w.60HP. Excellent in offshore waters around Puerto Rico. CONSOLE SKIFF / Brent Harrison / / 2-24-99: Hull stitch, transom in, 25 hrs so far. 3-6-99: Breasthook, inner sheer and knee installed. Enjoying project. Intend to add a cabin. 3-29-99: Floors in, inner seams and joints fiberglassed, adding storage compartments, and starting console. 5-17-99: Cabin made, finishing cockpit and cabin now. 6-27-99: Moved hull outside to tape outer joints and fiberglass. Cabin painted. 3-11-00: Built a garage to work in. Now boat is high and dry. Working on fiberglassing outer hull. Put a ventilation skylight in the cabin, looking for suitable windows or portholes. Cabin is all fiberglass, no wood. 9-13-01: After almost a year away from my project I finally got back into it again. Have built two swivel chairs and added a roof section over the cockpit. I am building the windshield now. Getting into the finishing stuff, which is very enjoyable. CONSOLE SKIFF / David Rigoulot / Email address not valid: 03-24-03 / 4-17-99: Currently fiberglassing interior seams. Longbeams are in, bulkheads next, then I will be ready to turn boat. So far, so good. 7-19-99: Ready to get the gang together and flip the boat over. I am really getting excited now that I am getting close to fininshing her. 11-12-99: Hull fiberglassed and painted using InterLux Plus, Wow! Looks great! Boat turned and on trailer. Installed outer sheer/bumper. Still have a little preparation on interior before installing console. We have already named her SEARIG JR. Our cabin cruiser is named SEARIG II. 1-25-00: Center console in, finished, with steering. Made a bow pulpit from extra mahogany. Next, finish transom area, motor well and get an outboard. Used 72 qt. ice chest with seat cushion for the helmsman. Still a little work to do on trailer. If I must say so myself, she really turned out great. I have already received complements from friends and family on how she turned out. CONSOLE SKIFF / Kurt Ayres / / 5-3-99: Plywood finally arrived, and have begun cutting out plywood parts. Frame kit and engine on hand. 5-15-99: Hull formed. 5-25-99: Transom, motorboard, and keel installed. Making fillets. 6-13-99: Long beams installed, sanding, sanding, seams being fiberglassed, inner sheer installed. 7-18-99: Interior structure and cockpit sole in. Will be turning her over to fiberglass the hull within a week. 2-19-02: Hull exterior fiberglassed and painted. 40 h.p. engine installed and connected. Wiring, carpeting and other finishing details are being taken care of. She should be in the water as soon as the weather permits! CONSOLE SKIFF / Mike Erwin / Email address not valid: 03-24-03 / 5-23-99: I have recently completed the construction. Started the boat in January 1999. Found the plans very easy to follow and complete. I am planning on putting it in the water by the end of the week. CONSOLE SKIFF / Pat Walsh / / 6-25-99: Started boat 10/98, Launched May 16, 1999, but I never consider her finished. So much fun building the Console Skiff, it would be a disappointment not to spend time working on and adding to her. Or is it just time to start another boat? 3-21-03: My project has been finished for sometime now. The boat is holding up great and we have thoroughly been enjoying it's performance and comfort. We have been using her for knee-boarding and fishing. I would be working on another if my realworld job was not dominating all my time. (See photos in Customer Photos Archives) CONSOLE SKIFF / Greg Slakov / / 8-9-99: Started in May, now installing long beams. Moving console forward one foot to increase aft floor area. 10-10-99: Flipped boat over with help of friends. All decks and floors in. 12-14-99: I glued, taped and glassed the bottom of the boat and have painted to the approx waterline. Boat flipped rightside-up and have almost finished fairing the interior, which was tougher than the outside. I am ready to cut the console and seat. 2-20-00: Launched the boat yesterday; worked well in flat calm conditions. I have to install windshield, bottom paint, and nav lights and I will be done. A very exciting and satisfying day for me. I measured 20.2 knots over 1.6 miles with a Johnson 40 hp at about 80% power. (See Customer Photos) CONSOLE SKIFF / Al Walters / Summerville, SC / Email address not valid: 03-24-03 / 9-13-99: Started Oct 96 after attending wwoden boat show in Georgetown, SC, finished 7-99, will be entering finished boat in same show Oct 99. I was in no hurry, many 2 and 3 month periods where I did nothing. Biggest problem was rigging out. Contact me or one of other builders, we can probably save you headaches later on. CONSOLE SKIFF / Joe Luttrell / Huntsville, AL / / 2-13-00: Started the skiff in 94-95 time frame and worked off and on in spare time and launched her on Oct 16, 1999. Love the way she handles and looks. The 48 Special Evenrude pushes her faster than needed. I had so much fun building her, I'm looking for an old wooden sailboat to re-furbish. CONSOLE SKIFF (with raised bulwarks) / Tom McKinney / / 7-3-01: I have cut out the front panels and moving slowly to the rest of the hull. CONSOLE SKIFF / Chris McAnally / East Bernard, TX / / 4-18-02: In the process of laying the glass, and buying the rest of the rigging. I am looking forward to completion in early May. Very easy construction, and it was a enjoyable first boat project. I started the project in early March, and have about 10 full days into her. Can't wait to hit the bay!! CONSOLE SKIFF(with raised bulwarks) / Rich Bagley / Marlborough, MA / / 4-20-02: Purchased the plywood and started cutting out the panels. Ordered the epoxy kit. 5-30-02: Hull stitched together and transom is in. Building a cradle, then I'll start puttying the seams. 3-24-03: It's slooow going here in the Northeast. Over the winter I completed the support structure for the soles, cut-out the soles, installed quarter knees and motorwell. I have pvc conduits ready for wiring between motorwell and console and bow. Next step is to install flotation, decks and rope locker. CONSOLE SKIFF(with raised bulwarks) / James K. Chapman / Carlsbad, CA / JKChapman1@msn.com / 3-27-03: I began construction in early December and have kept careful track of my hours. I have 77 hours in and the hull is almost complete to turn over and fiberglass. I opted for the raised bulwark model and have ordered the outboard (Honda 40 hp 4 -stroke) and have installed an 18 gal below deck aluminum gas tank forward of the partial bulkhead. 5-30-03: I have 108 hrs into the boat since December and the hull interior is nearly complete with all seams fiberglass taped, all floorboards, long beams etc. in place. I am now dealing with details for running electrical, steering etc, prior to turning the hull. I will be putting positive flotation foam under the forward and aft sections and will also be completing some custom trim work. I basically work on the boat weekends and an occasional evening. I used red-oak for the inner sheer and I doubled it which resulted in a very strong construction. Will send pictures shortly CONSOLE SKIFF(with raised bulwarks) / Gary Watson / Conway, SC / / 3-1-03: Received plans as a Christmas gift from my girlfriend in 1994! Since married another gal and began building on 24 Mar 03. Making frames and a rolling dolly/frame to allow work outside small garage-shop. Plywood is ordered. Was very fortunate to acquire some high quality mahogany stock scrapped from a large building project. Ordered the Raised Bulwark plans last week, as I think it makes the boat look "saltier" and I want to venture offshore through rough tide/wind conditions. Obviously I've had plenty of time to study the plans. They are really good. Can't wait to get the hull shape going. CONSOLE SKIFF(with raised bulwarks) / Dan Hehn / Norfolk, MA / / From Glen-L, I have purchased the Console Skiff Frame Kit, 'Stitch and Glue kit', Stitch and Glue video and the Building the Console Skiff video. I have decided on using BS1088 Meranti plywood for the hull panels. 8-8-03: Designed and completed assembly of a simple cradle/dolly that will be used to hold the boat during construction. It is roughly 5' x 8'. I have pictures of it if any is interested in building one of these. 8-9-03: Hull panels transferred from patterns and all hull panels have been cut. I have found that a 7 1/2" circular saw to be the best for cutting out the hull panels. These are long cuts and the curves are gentle. I found that if you set the depth at a height just deep enough to cut the plywood, even the bow curve is easily cut. 8-10-03: Assembled hull panels and epoxy coated the hull panels. 8-11-03: Hull is fully stitched and it looks like a boat! At first I used plastic tie wraps (a.k.a. nylon zip wraps) for the stitching. I have used this approach before. Unfortunately, I was not able to get this hull fair using this method. I switched out the plastic tie wraps for wire and everything fell into place. Next steps: Transom installation and begin applying fillets. 9/2/03: At this time, I have completed the installation of the transom, applied the fillets along the chine and the bow. I have also completed the installation of the bulwarks, keel laminations, and batten laminations. The only problem I had was that I couldn't get the forward bulwarks to meet at the bow. I have about a 3/4" gap. I believe is this due mainly to the fact that I was working alone and I just couldn't keep everything lined up with only two arms. I will insert a piece of plywood into the gap and then apply epoxy putty. I should be able to shape this nicely. Before I did all of this, I decided to follow the recommendation in the instructions to install two 6' 2x4s temporarily on the bottom of the hull to insure straight panels. 12-12-03: Completed installation of partial bulkhead, motorwell sides, aft bulkhead, keel upright, aft decks, etc. Installed PVC piping from the center console to the bow for electrical runs. I modified the width of the motorwell and transom cutout to 30" assuming that I may need the clearence for steering components on my outboard. I don't know if I would do that again. It may be easier to make a small cutout in the motorwell side for the steering rod. Installed PVC piping, one on each side of the keel upright, from center console to aft bulkhead for steering, electrical and fuel lines. Forward sole panels installed. 03-08-04: Completed installation of all sole panels, the forward bulkhead, and forward deck. The boat is ready to be flipped. 4-22-04: The boat has been flipped. Fiberglass has been applied to all hull seems per the schedule. I am currently fairing the tape edges in preperation for the application of the hull fiberglass cloth. 8-27-04: The hull exterior was completely faired, primed and painted by the end of June. I used S3 primer and paint. They are water based and are very easy to cleanup. The primer is hard as a rock once it is cured. This primer needs to be thinned per the instructions on the can in order for it to flow nice. The S3 topcoat covered well and was very easy to work with. The boat was flipped onto a trailer in early July. Since then, the sheer clamps and rubrails have been completed. The console has been built and installed. All of the electrical and mechanical cabling is complete. I have mounted a 1985 Mercury 50 hp outboard that I have owned since new. The interior has been primed. I plan to get her in the water soon and use her for the remainder of the short New England boating season. Final interior painting will take place as time allows. In the few times that I have been out with the boat (on the trailer), I have received many compliments. Next update will be after I have had her in the water. 8-30-04: The boat was launched for testing on 8/29. The boat performed extremely well. The 50 hp Mercury is more than enough power for this boat. In fact, I think it is too much power for most users of this boat. With 1, 2 or 3 people on board, I would say that a 35 or 40 hp outboard would be ideal. This boat pops right up on plane (even with 2 adults, 5 small kids and a dog) and handles well. 4-26-05: Throughout the spring, I have made some minor improvements including; installation of a 11.5 gal permanent fuel tank/fittings/gauge, filled under-sole cavities with foam, and completed the finish work on the console and the boat interior. The boat is now complete and ready for the 2005 New England season. CONSOLE SKIFF / Brandon Northroup / Orange County, CA / / 03-20-04: Bought the Marine Plywood, copied the plans onto the wood using carbon paper that I purchased also from Glen-L. Ready to start cutting. CONSOLE SKIFF / Mark Newman / Wilmington, DE / 3-22-04: Finished. See WebLetter 50 and Customer Photos. I would be glad to answer any questions. CONSOLE SKIFF / Gerardus Van Dellen / Drexel Hill, PA / / 10-15-04: Complete work shop set up just for boat building. Just got my wood and lining it up for pattern tracing. 10-21-04: Started to cut out front hull pieces. Boat motor arrived today. A Mercury 2005 40HP Electric Start, Remote Steering, with Power Trim for $3500 on Ebay. Found a great way guide saber saw for curves. 10-28-04: So much has been done in the last few days. I got the last of my plywood and mahogany from Boulter Plywood. Thank God!!! All the stitching is done. Crossing my fingers it wouldn't snap but I did use AA grade so it shouldn't. I could have used more stitching wire. I had no where near the length needed and still have enough to twist reasonably. That was two days ago. Yesterday I coated and mounted the motorboard to the transom. Today I mounted it and did the fillets for the transom and the chine. Tommorrow I'll do the battens and such and give it a long cure over the weekend since I have to go back to work for a few days. I'll be able to start back on it on Wednesday and install the long beams. See website for images:( http://www.geocities.com/boatbuilder_g/ ). CONSOLE SKIFF / Gary R Solmi / Oregon / / 3-23-05: I have basically finished the outside of the hull and have just turned it to the upright position. I formed a cradle while the hull was upside down. I will finish all the fiberglassing, fairing and sanding. Next will be the inside paint. I will then lower the transom to fit the engine. CONSOLE SKIFF(with raised bulwarks) / Andy Erskine / Ballina, NSW, Australia / / 2-24-06: I'm sending these photos of our recently completed Console Skiff. She started life as a Cabin Skiff but as the construction slowly progressed (over 15 years!) my family grew, to the point where they wouldn't all fit if I'd kept the cabin. So the cabin was done away with but the raised bulwark and deck were retained. I believe this keeps the boat drier than otherwise and the deck gives us a handy little area for rigging lines etc. "Ourway" is powered by a 50hp 2 stroke Tohatsu (fitted with hydrofoil) and performs beautifully. We plan a long life of exploring the rivers of Northern NSW and Queensland. I'd be happy to correspond with other builders and to share my experiences. Your patterns were easy to follow, a tip that I can share is to use a leatherwork stitching marker to roll over the plan lines, they will be transferred in a line of easily seen dots to the ply. (see Customer Photos) CONSOLE SKIFF / Bill Arnold / Fort Collins, CO / / 4-29-07: I ordered the boat plans and purchased the necessary supplies (e.g wood, brushes, containers for epoxy, and so on). On receiving the plans, I studied them in detail and made a list of sequential tasks to perform. I also purchased the DVD and watched it several times. On having a good idea of how to proceed, I plunged in. The whole process was easy. Maybe I have a slight head start over a rank beginner, having built or restored 16 airplanes and having previously built 5 boats, one of which was a Glen-L runabout. I did order the transom, breasthook, and frame as my shop consists of simple tools. At this point in the construction, I have installed the sole (two parts). CONSOLE SKIFF / Walt Corwin / Debary, FL / / 05-01-07: Ordered DVD; 'Building The Console Skiff'. 05-03-07: Ordered Plans and Frame Kit after visiting Ray Macke's incredible Cabin Skiff site http://egyptian.net/~raymacke/index.html. I am inspired!! 06-18-07: Interior complete thru long-beam and bulhead installation. Few more seams to glass and ready for floor. LOTS of epoxy has passed thru the entrance of my garage!! Lookin' good though. I expect to be turning the hull over within 30 days. That may be optimistic, we'll see. I know I've got a serious fairing job ahead... 08-21-07: Yes, that was a little optimistic. Haven't got her flipped yet, but she is sitting on her new trailer, floors, console, seats, fuel and steering systems installed, and I am getting real close to painting the inside/topside. I've obtained the Zolatone epoxy paint for the inside. It's supposed to nicely cover minor imperfections. Of which there are a few. Ok, a lot. And seems I've developed an intolerance to epoxy, and it's slowing things down a bit. Might need a haz-mat suit soon, but I'm gonna finish this boat! CORINTHIAN / George Hunter / / 10-27-98: Started 4 years ago, planking almost complete. CRACKERBOX / Mike D / / 6-24-99: Purchased frame kit 2 years ago, sheathed with 1/4" luan all around. Have begun planking with 1/4" cedar, will cross plank bottom for ttl 1" thickness. Have streched the boat 15% and increased beam 10%. CRACKERBOX / Scott and Hans Nelson / Minneapolis, MN / / 12-16-00: began fall '99. Fairing for deck of ply and cedar strip. Altered bow line, moved engine back 15" in to compensate for bow heaviness. 10-28-01: I said in my last registry that the motor had been moved back 15". I found this wasn't necessary so it now presides at 12". The Main construction is finished. Two opposing diagonal layers of okume 3\16 ply underneath 1\4 cedar plank the deck. The deck has 2 coats of epoxy on it now and gives us an idea as to what we will be looking at from the lawn chair at grandmas cabin. The cockpit now needs to be furnished all around with 3\4" mahogany coaming and the engine hatch raised 3". 5-5-04: Boat is nearing completion. Fabricated outboard rudder bracket from stainless plate. Cut hole in hatch for flame arrestor and air scoop. Using an old model-t steering wheel and minimal guages. Boat needs to be painted and varnished and outfitted with electrical and fuel fittings. Try us for pictures! CRACKERBOX / Tom Michaelson / Linclon, CA / / 10-18-01: Frames and moter stringers set up, installation of stem and keel will start next week. 3-23-03: My Cracker Box is still in the framing stage. We are going to install the engine and other hardware to check everything out before we skin the frame. We have designed an outboard rudder system which lets us move the eng back 6-8". CRACKERBOX / R. J. Smith / north Texas / / 8-27-02: I have just started the gathering of materials in anticipation of an 11-1 start......have completed the building of a 030 over 327 and am beginning to gather other components as time and $$$ permit. Would like any input that might be forthcoming from anyone who is also so involved. I am located in north texas and venture onto lakes in oklahoma as well......plan to do a little IHBA racing and a lot of river and lake cruising. One of my 1st concerns is with motor placement. I am considering the straight line configuration, i.e. sans transmission and wonder about the chain coupling hook-up to front of crank....what about balance concerns and the use (or not) of the harmonic balancer??? Has anyone been down this path?? any and all input is welcome and appreciated and look forward to a little crackerbox dialogue. CRACKERBOX / Tom Payne / Birmingham, Alabama / / 9-28-03: I received the frame kit for my Cracker Box boat and am about to start construction. I have a Chevy hi-performance 350 waiting in the wings to power the boat. This will be my first total boat construction project. I'll keep you posted on the progress. CRACKERBOX / Bob Londress / Decatur, AL / / 12-22-04: I ordered the plans about 2 months ago. The last 5-6 weeks have been spent studying the plans and locating materials sources and collecting hardware. During the weekend of 12-18, I assembled the building jig and attached the motor stringers. Plans call for a mild 305 SBC with no trans and outboard rudder system. I have been in contact with a couple of other Crackerbox builders. I am hoping for an April or May completion. 3-20-05: Finished shaping the sides and most of the bottom. I have both sides planked with 1/4" fir at this point. All went very well, an awful lot of screws involved. I was a little worried about the tumblehome at the transom but it bent very nicely and without any cracking. Both sides were done with 2 sheets of 4 x 8 with plenty of scrap left to trim. I am now getting ready to inset the longitudinal stringers and finish shaping the bottom. I am using 1/2" fir marine for the back 8' and 2 layers of 1/4" fir at the bow section. 1-10-07: Hull complete, wiring complete, Decking is half done. I wanted to get all the wiring completed before finishing the after deck panels. Driveline and engine rail mounts roughed in. All engine machine work is done, needs to be assembled. Shooting for an April or May completion, it's time to get it done. Name: 'PLUM CRAZY', Burgundy hull, yellow highlights on deck, yellow seats. 3-28-07: The deck planking is complete. Outboard rudder bracket complete but not polished; steering linkage complete. No, I am not really going to use a wood tiller ! its just a mockup Aluminum pieces need to be polished A lot of sanding to do before glassing the deck Engine is being built , 305 SBC .030 over. 9-22-07: I have all the wood and glass work done now. The hull has 2 coats of primer and now I am working it down in prep for the color coats. I have started on the upholstery to take a break from all the sanding. All the mechanical parts are made and now have to be painted or polished. See you at the gathering. CRACKERBOX / Peter Randall / Lemon Tree Passage, NSW AU / / 3-5-05: I have started my Cracker box, the engine stringers are Douglas-fir, the frames are of Australian hoop pine. The planned engine is a 4.9 litre Range Rover engine with three speed auto and an australian built out-drive that uses standard Mercruser props. 3-17-05: Battens are now on, looks more like a boat. Next are the chines and sheer and hopefully planking to stop the thing from sinking. 5-5-05: Planking complete. The "Red Dwarfe" The transom has alternating stripes of australian red gum and hoop pine. The motor plans have changed and now will be 350 Chev and outboard rudder. 10-15-07: Well it's finished... at least well enough to power, with only minor interior finishes to do. The boat goes really well, about 40 mph at 2000 rpm with an 8% step up in the gear box and a 12x15 three-blade prop. She rides quite flat so a little has been taken off the cav plate. She is a little skaty at hgher speeds, so the rudder has been trimmed and reshaped a little. Also I'm removing the tension springs from the steering and replacing them with turnbuckles to try and stop the rudder fluttering. All in all, I couldn't be happier. Now the red tape begins as I start to register it. Thanks all at Glen-L. (see Customer Photos) CRACKERBOX / Neil / Toronto, ON, Canada / / 10-8-05: The Boat is coming along, varnish work is complete and reassembly is taking place. 1-25-06: Finished. (see Customer Photos) CRACKERBOX / Fran Matera / Palm Harbor, FL / / 9-28-06: Ordered plans on 12/17/03, launched on 09/24/06. I had a great time building this boat and have learned much in the process. I changed the bow lines a bit and moved the motor back about 10". I'm using a chain coupler with direct drive which seems to be quite fun. I left room to install some sort of in/out box as soon as I figure out how. I have an outboard rudder controlled by a outboard hydraulic steering system. The boat handled much smoother then I thought it would, this must be due to the rear seating arrangement. Now the boat is just a plain white but I plan to have some race numbers painted on the sides. (See Customer Photos) CRACKERBOX / Michael Wasserman / White Lake, NY / / 10-31-06: So far I'm in the gathering stages of the build.I have been purchasing parts: Velvet-drive trany, prop, shaft log, stuffing box, Chevy 350ci. engine w/ 330 hp., bellhousing etc. I've transferred the frame plans to a sheet of plywood and have started to cut up the wood for the frames. This is my first inboard build. I built the TNT about 30 years ago and now my son uses it. This will obviously take alot longer to get together but... I'm on my way! 3-27-07: Frames are almost done, just need a little sanding. Now I have to wait a month to open my country house to start building form and frame setup... I can't wait. Still collecting hardware. Spreading out the costs since I started has made the stress of spending less painful. "God bless Ebay". CRACKERBOX / Greg Fagen / / 11-29-07: started 12/06. Building 15' according to plans. I have converted this from an inboard powered boat to an outboard. Plan is to use 115 hp, maybe higher, based on some further research needed. Hull is glassed, sanded, and ready for paint. Plan on flipping hull by end of year. Also going to see if I can convert this from a 2 passenger to a 3 passenger seating configuration.
CRACKERBOX / Jim Patroni / Cape May, NJ /
/ Pictures at
http://s232.photobucket.com/albums/ee255/jtpatronimfg/ / Oct.
2006 ordered plans. Will be building to the 16-1/2 foot
length. Using a Velvet Drive 71C and 4.3L V6 with MPI so I
need the extra length to help balance the boat. The entire
hull will be planked with 1/4" x 4-1/2" mahogany. I
was impressed with the boat shown in the catalog and wanted
something very similar.
CRACKERBOX / Don Sanderson / Sutter Creek, CA /
/ 2-1-08: I have just ordered my materials. 4-1-08: After
several tries at getting my pattern right, (carbon paper,
pins, holes) I finally found a way that works well for me. I
marked my set up level, and my center line at the extremes of
my layout board using holes. I then cut holes along each
frame line, large enough to write the frame number on it. I
then used my razor knife to cut through the pattern into the
pattern board, leaving sufficient paper in between each cut
to hold it together. Removing the pattern sheet, I could
plainly see my cuts, and using a ball point pen, easily
followed the cuts for a very accurate line. They were close
enough together to fill in the blanks. This automatically
made an accurate "mirror" pattern for the other
side. The long set up level line and the long center line
indications were key in making sure my mirror pattern was
accurate. I then just followed the cut lines on my material
with the razor knife also. Finally was able to cut out
accurate frame members and lay them up cleanly. CRACKERBOX / Christian Hamblin / Washington, North Carolina / / 9-6-08: Just ordering material. CRACKERBOX / Ricardo de Hartog & Joey Koeckhoven / Amsterdam, The Netherlands / / 12-1-09: Started build in March, 2009. CRACKERBOX / Don Fischer / Muskegon, Michigan / / 3-17-10: Received plans; purchased fasteners and oak for frames. CRUISETTE / Ernst & Thomas Burkhard / Switzerland / / 1-17-00: Frames almost finished... beam had to be reduced to 179cm. 1-30-01: We've finished the hull. 3-31-03: Our Cruisette had her launch mid of March 2002 and received her seaworthiness certificate in May 2002. At the moment this beauty has been around 70 hours in use - most on lake Zurich but also some hours on river Rhine. (See Customer Photos) CRUISETTE / Rob Porter / Dallas, TX / / 10-16-01: Plans purchased 2001/08/16. Frames now completed. 3-23-03: I have just finished applying the keel strip(s) on the hull, and am about ready to start the final steps for the outside of the hull. I am planning to apply four coats of clear epoxy, sand smooth, then apply two more coats and final sanding before applying primer. That will make about 1.5 years for hull construction. (Obviously, I have lots of other stuff going on!). 12-10-06: Still working on outside of hull to prep for painting. CRUISETTE / Jeff TerBush /Monroe, Ohio / / 7-7-05: I started the build on July 7, 2005. I have the building forms assembled after Day One. CRUISETTE / Ron Porter / / 7-21-06: Don't ask me how, but somehow I missed the whole registry thing! We bought Cruisette plans in the early fall of 2005 and started construction on the 1st week-end of December, 2005. Shop space was graciously supplied by my employer, Crestline Coach Ltd (www.crestlinecoach.com). There are still a few things left to do, but she slid into the water for her maiden voyage on Thursday, July 13, 2006. She handles like a dream in both flat water and in the 'bouncy' stuff. Our builders' diary is at www.jadero.com. CRUISETTE / Dennis Harrington / Hobbs, NM / / 9-13-06: Building form done, transom drawn out". CS-20 / Archie Clark / Twin Cities area of MN / / 5-30-05: I am just starting to build the CS-20. CUDDY SPORT / Graham Lamb / Inverary, Ontario, Canada / / 12-19-09: Began construction in September 2009. Got all the frames completed before it got too cold to work/glue outdoors (early November). Lumber all ripped for chine and shear and will be glued up indoors over the winter. DELTA KING / John Higgins / Immokalee, FL / / 3-18-00: Hull ready for plywood. DELTA KING / Daniel Scott / Houma, LA / / 3-9-08: Started on January 12, 2008. Working on intermediate stems, all most ready for plywood on sides.DELTA Q / Joe & John Lapinski / / 2-8-99: Stems and bulkheads cut out. 4-5-99: Bulkheads set up on building form, longitudinals installed, ready for planking. 8-13-99: Planking done, ready for fiberglass. DELTA Q / Greg and Dottie Rose / / 5-9-05: Greg has finally found some lumber for our sweet Delta Q. Yesterday, 5-8-05, he began working on the transom. I wasn't feeling well so I was in bed all day. I did get to see what he completed and it really looks good. We finally have a beginning. Will keep you posted. DELTA Q / Roger L. Grondin / Cable, Ohio / Email not valid 10-02 / 1-12-01: Currently building the Delta Q. 01/29/01: Completed: Transom, Bulkheads, Stem. Ready to lay it out on a frame for assembly. Having fun doing it. PS. Discovered an easy way to spread the Epoxy Glue. I started using a brush but quickly switched to a putty knife. 3/15/01: Hull ready for fairing and plywood. Have installed one length of side board for the h. of it. Much fairing remains to be done, especially in the forward section. Wish I had pictures of some one elses attempts. DELTA Q / Robert Taylor / Dublin ,TX / / 7-29-01: I am putting together small parts first. DELTA Q / Rick Wagner and 2 teenage sons / Foresthill, CA / / 12-16-01: After careful consideration we recently bought the Plan and Pattern set and the Fastening Kit for the Delta Queen and today we went to the lumber yard and bought the first batch of lumber. I am home schooling my 12 and 13 year old boys and we are going to make this a life skills lesson plan. I was wondering if any of Glen-L customers have any experience in making the building of their boat into a lesson plan for their kids? 3-27-03: It's barely off the drawing table. Found first I needed to build shelves in the shop and organize things. Thanks for the interest. Maybe this summer I will get to actually see some progress DELTA Q / Merle Walline / / 9-16-05: My name is Merle Walline and I'm part-time retired and have in the past built two Huck Finn pontoon boats. My first nearly 30 years ago when I was stationed in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba with the navy. I used my Huck Finn on the bay and off shore. That boat served me 3 years and I sold it there and I'm sure it had many years of service left. I now have started cutting out the sheer clamp and chine logs. Delta Queen: The Transom and the bulkheads are nearly completed. I just need to get nails, screws and bolts ordered since I want to use the Delta Queen on both salt water area's and fresh water lakes. I will make my Delta Queen hook up for an RV park while in transet from home to the lake. Any suggestions from any one? DELTA Q / Ken Andrews / Brenham, TX / / 12-3-08: I have been living aboard for 2 years; steering and throttle cables are the only things left to do outside of other interior upgrades. I still have fellow RVers walking by with their cameras. It has been a wonderful project. Thank you. (See Customer Photos)
DESPERADO / John Vanderzyde / London, Ontario, Canada
/ 3-31-10: Stem is cut out, frames are laid out. DINKY / Bill Lozano / / 4-14-99: I'm at the glue part. Rain, tornado, and sleet have driven me from barn (project area). Next week should glue roll boat over (all 7' of it) to begin fiberglass. DINKY / Ryan (age 13) and dad for help / Northern CA / / 4-5-00: Cutting out parts from M2 1/4" plywood. DINKY / E.L. (Andy) Anderson / / 3-3-03: All wired up and now the spreader and shears go in and then...gluing starts. Coming along pretty good (so far). She is a real breeze compared to my other projects. Like no butt blocks and only 7'. I like that!. DORY / Andy Anderson / / 6-30-00: Currently finished topsides and bottom and about to turn her over and do inside. Previously built the Row Me and the Bulls Eye but like this one best of all. Will send photo when I can. (See Customer Photos-Archives/Dory) DOUBLE EAGLE / J. Leconte & John E. Talley / / 7-13-98: Boat completed in 1988. Refurbished during last year, i.e. Mercruiser 4.3 LXH, all wood re-varnished and re-painted, minor frame replacement. DOUBLE EAGLE / Bernard Massé / / 7-20-00: Frame patterns transfered on 1/8 in. masonite and all components explosed to make tracing on wood easier. Just began cutting and assembling frames. DOUBLE EAGLE / Rob Bradley / Brisbane, Australia / / 3-13-02: Currently fitting chine logs and sheer clamps. Construction time to date, approx 450 hrs 12-7-02: Our hull has been sheathed in glass cloth and building time to date is 850 hours. All weight to this stage is 620 lbs (before fitting the skeg). 9-28-03: On the 9/13/03 our Double Eagle was rolled over. We had 15 guys on hand to help. No crane was used, the process being carried out on 10 car tyres. I am pleased to report that the process went perfectly with no creaks or groanes from the hull as we rolled it over. The rollover weight was 400kg and total time to get to this stage was approx. 1300 hrs. 1-31-04: The floors are now fitted but not as yet glued and screwed down. Mock up of fuel tanks has been made and work on two stainless steel fuel tanks will commence mid Feb. Rudder tube is ready for assy., and rudder blade ready for fitting. Total time on this project to date is approx. 1700 hrs. Quotes for a dual axle trailer are being arranged, expect to pay about $4,500. 4-24-04: Fitting the foredeck and in the next month, the superstructure should start to go up. To date the construction time has be 1830 hrs, cost to build using clear Oregon (Douglas-fir), marine ply and epoxy glue. To date, the cost is a little over A$ 9000. Total weight to this stage (I weighed everything except glue paint and screws) is 545 kg. DOUBLE EAGLE / We are three first time boat builders from Norway. Anders Tømmerbakke, Svante Tømmerbakke and Dag rune Skarstein / / 5-10-02: Our project is a modified Double eagle which we have increased the length with 10%. Also we have built the hull in the strip plank method. We are currently in the stage of installing the engine, a BMW 180 hp. diesel. We are really looking forward to getting this baby on the Water, hopefully at the end of this summer. At least for a test drive. 3-28-03: Our project is coming along just fine. We are currently working on the house and decking (Teak). We have a small hope that the exterior will be finished by the time the summer vacation begins. Interior will probably be finished somewhat later. DOUBLE EAGLE / Gordon Groenevelt / Spring Lake MI / / 8-25-02: Just completed Stem, Breasthook and Transom. Looking forward to starting frames. Am happily surprised with the clear instructions. 9-9-02: Just finished frames. Will be building set up form. This work will be done outdoors. Hope to get planking and first coat of resin on before cold weather sets in. Have not decided if a temporary cover will be put up, may have to tarp and wait till Spring to continue. Really enjoying the project. 11-12-02: Boat is ready for planking but the snow is starting to fly in Michigan and its time to wrap things up until Spring. 3-27-03: The E-Mail address is still good. Well, the project is still under wraps. It's being build out of doors and it's just now warm enough to melt the snow still on the ground. Just today I traveled some distance to a hardwood supplier (Rare Earth Hardwoods) for some Mahogany for the sheer clamp and deck beams. So I'm gearing up for warmer weather and plan to get back into it as soon as I have the right temp for the glue. 12-24-03: Since my last update Summer has come and gone. Much progress has been made. I have build a shed made of 2x2 and tarp over the Double Eagle. It has been a must to allow the work to continue. I am at the point of F/G the skeg and preparing to prime and paint the hull. I hope to have the hull turned by Spring and ready for topside work when the weather changes. It seems that in Michigan everything turns on the weather, its true in my case at least. I have purchased a 4 cylinder turbo charged Cummins for the boat and am looking forward to see how this combination performs. DOUBLE EAGLE / Ken Schott / Richmond Hill, GA / / 3-15-03: Building frames, have power package on hand, gas inboard 140hp. Intend to build project as center console sportfisherman stretched 5%. 10-12-03: Frames set complete; White Oak frames with laminated Mahogany transom. 3-20-04: Frames, stem & transom setup and ready for longitudinals. 6/20/04: Roughed-in the stringers for a dry-fit prior to laying the longitudinals. I feel this aids in fitting in this early stage, so that the work is done upright, rather than on your knees, in the bilge, later. I made a triple-lamination Cypress 2" net member, extended to frame 1, to beef up for a standard cruiser strut. These will be removed and shelved to continue with the longitidunals. The sole beams are being fitted at this time also. The dimentions for sole beams & stringer notches are taken off the full sized patterns. 7-19-07: Finally getting good building time on the project after 2 years working & travelling. Have side planking on, battens glued down, bottom planking dry fitted. With good luck the rollover will be end of July 07. All planking is scarf joined 8' panels. The bottom is going on as soon as the screws arrive. I'll install both layers at once, scarfs and all. 9-4-07: Turned the hull. Launched the boat 10-26-07. Initial trials were 28 mph @ 3950 rpm on a 3.0L Chevy engine. Cruise of 3000 rpm = 21 mph, and the boat feels very smooth and effortless at that setting. (see Customer Photos) DOUBLE EAGLE / Kent Smith / Hixson, TN / / I have finished cutting out frames, transom, stem, etc. Looking for any help from other DE builders. 1-19-04: Frames and transom are built and set, keel is in place, working on chine & battens. I am extending the hull to 25' and adding the extra space to the cabin. DOUBLE EAGLE - Alum / William Zubko / / 6-22-06: Just started cutting the 1/4 5086 h116 for the frames. I made them 6" high and 48" long( for now). I also put a 1 1/2" I.d. radius at the 2" mark (length-wise), in each frame. 6-26-06: Cut the keel and chine angles in both sides of frame #1 and welded it together. I also cut (2) 1/4" x 6"x144" pieces for the keel. the front piece of the wheel was also cut out of 1/8" sheet, it will lean forward like the canadian north-west windsheilds. 4-7-07: Rear deck is welded down, front deck cut out and fit, my front deck has a 10" step in it around the walk around wheel house that will be welded down. (see Customer Photos) DRIFTER 14' / Ron Marani / / 6-17-01: 6-6-90 1st Drifter built with Glen L plans, with help from Boatbuilding Manual. I used white oak frames, Douglas-fir Marine plywood for sides, bottom and transom. white cedar for seats. Honduran mahogany for splash board and rub rails, west epoxy for hull coating with fiberglass cloth. all fasteners and cleats are bronze. my boat is now 10 years old and still looks great!. I have built 5 of these boats in the past few years. Great plans and a great boat. Thanks Glen-L. DRIFTER 14' / Tim Kerruish / South Island, New Zealand / / 3-20-05: Building form and frames made. About to get the ply for making the stem, transom, etc. Thankfully I have a good friend, Greg, who is a joiner and is helping with this, my first build. Never actually seen a drift boat apart from TV and photos, there are only 1 or 2 in NZ as far as we know, so looking forward to fishing from it next spring. DRIFTER 14' / Mark Thompson / on the Rogue River, Oregon / / 2-10-07: I am just getting started building my first 14' Drifter. I bought the plans close to twenty years ago and am getting brave now. I have got to the point I just need to glue up the chines and shear clamps this week and I hope to complete the boat in the next couple of weeks. I have every thing cut out and bought some great wood. I'm a long time woodworker but new to building boats. I live on the rogue river and hope to slay many fish with this gem.
DRIFTER 14' / Mark Mariano / Missoula, Montana /
/ 3-13-09: My name is Mark Mariano Jr. and I am currently
building your 14' Drift Boat. I am building it in my
carpentry class at the University of Montana, College of
Technology in Missoula Montana. I am a first time builder and
am a very lucky guy to be building my own boat for college
credit! So far I have built the hull and am now at the fiber
glassing stage. I am racing the clock to beat the spring
runoff on the local rivers and hope to have it on the water
by the end of the 08-09 school year. I would like to thank
everyone that has posted on the boat builder forum and the
Glen-L family for their help and support so far. The project
has stirred up a lot of interest within the school and
I'm sure that it will not be the last Glen-L boat that is
made in our shop. I have told everyone about all the help and
resources provided. I will send more pictures as the project
comes along. DRIFTER 16' / Mickey Wright / Georgia / / 11-12-99: Transom, stem, knees, seats, etc. cut. Now laminating plywood parts and assembling form. 3-27-03: Email addy is still good and Drifter is sitting unfinished on the garage floor. Life has a way of taking over sometimes but I hope to get back to it and finish it this summer. DRIFTER 16' / Matt Gebhardt / / 2-16-00: Plywood cut, laminated for stem and transom knee. Transom and transom bracing almost done (working the chine logs back from the stem). All forms, bracing done. 3-20-00: Fairing done, bottom planking installed, now putting on side planking. Expect to be fiberglassing within a week. 9/20/2000 Been a while but finally back to work. Fiberglass is done but have both cleanup and finish work to do. Still need to flip the boat right side up and sand epoxy smooth on sides, apply fillets between battans and then start the spar varnishing. Does look like a boat now though. Still need to put in the blocks for the oar locks (though have the locks and oars already). Then will flip it back and start the priming and painting. Modified my seats so that then can be moved up and down the sides of the boat to accommodate arm and leg length of the rower. Was hoping to be done this summer but looks like it'll wrap up this winter. 4-6-02: Done. Floating and fishing. Great project. 3-27-03: Got the msg. Floats and fishes great. Great project that now requires annual spar varnish but otherwise about everything I wanted. DRIFTER 16' / Peter Smith / Goodrich, MI / 10-11-01: Construction started 10-1-01: and building form done. Got the wood yesterday for all framing less 3/8 plywood($202.10), all Douglas-fir except white oak keel. Took 20hrs to build set up frame and cut/glue stem and transom. Back to work on it this weekend. 10-20-01: Pre-beveled chine logs 30 deg. --too much bevel. Glued up sheer clamps and chine logs this weekend. 10-22-01: Put "v" wedges at junctions of chine logs and sheer clamps at stem and stern knee. Wild cuts on transom framing and ends of sheers chines. Sanding and fitting for planking tonight. 10-27-01: Cut and fitting left front side planking. Had to put 1x6 across inside of inner sheer clamps to keep from collapsing while bending 3/8 plywood around bow section. Found out epoxy likes 75 deg. to flow out of can, very temp sensetive, good working time(45 min) no problem at 65 deg. 12-6-01: Finished side planking. tied down battens with hd fishing line then cut (from underneath) as screws were applied, good fit to bottom planking. Turning over for first time tonight. Hope to be glassing by Christmas. 12-25-01: Finished side planking with 2 sets of butt joints as 8ft plywood only available. Bottom on and boat upright with seats in. Finishing fit for deck and installing butt joint backers this week. Will use West Epoxy on hull and interior. Getting excited as it looks like a boat. Much bigger than expected, really roomy. 2-9-02: Well christmas came and went but the boat is all finished and looks marvelous with no paint. You can see all the wood right through the fiberglass. 4-30-02: Boat all done and what a dream to fish out of. Also enjoy rowing my bride around the local lakes. Found a 3.6 long-shaft and it works perfect. The boat is easy to tow on a snowmobile trailer. 3-30-03: Finished boat in 2002, Fantastic design and great project. Keep me on the mailing list. Mounted reg. shaft on the rear on a homemade drop sub. transom. Goes 12mph with 5 hp. DRIFTER 16' / Adam Doll / Ionia, MI / / 6-9-02: This is a boat I have wanted to build for years. My father purchased the plans in the early 80's and never built it. My kids want something different so I have now picked up the plans. I started May 15, 2002. Frames are built and set up, chines and sheers in place. I have a helper coming over tomorrow to install the planking and I will keep you informed as I go. 3-27-03: The boat is great I have logged over 15 trips in the boat and I believe it is one of the better drift boats I have run. (See Customer Photos) DRIFTER 16' / Cam Dickson / Grande Prairie, Alb, Canada / / 7-12-04: At the moment I'm nearing completion. I'm just about to flip the hull back upside down and give the outside a paint job. Once that is completed, I'll right the hull and start the varnish process on the inside. I expect to be finished by month end!!! I'll send some pic's once it's complete. (see Customer Photos) DRIFTER 16' / Skip Matthews / Heppner, Oregon / / 05-31-05: Have wanted to build this boat for awhile and finally got to it this spring. Have the hull off the frame and all the material to finish. Will finish the interior and then turn back over for fiberglass. Plans have led me well through the process. I have never built a boat before but I seem to be doing fine. Hope to launch in the river soon. This boat will be used floating on Class 2 and Class 3 rivers. DRIFTER 16' / Reg Lake / Thunder Bay, ON, Canada / / 3-2-07: Started the build of a 16' Drifter from plans purchased several years ago. DRIFTER 18' / Steve Magness / Kernersville, NC / / I have secured your plans, poxy-glue, and hardware kit to start the project. I ordered the marine grade plywood from my local lumberyard. 8-5-03: Roughly cut out transom, transom knee, stem, and breasthook pieces. Bond them together with epoxy. 8-6-03: Using my templates, make final cuts of bonded pieces and match to blueprints. Mount breasthook to stem. Du thru ZHome Page |