![]() Boat Project Registry How to submit registry information
PEE WEE / Mike Meis / / 3-22-99: Construction is completed, ready to install hardware. Really look's nice. 4-10-03: Thanks for your inquiry. My project is indeed complete. I will be doing some refresh work on the paint this spring and will try to update my project info as soon as the weather warms up. PEE WEE / Robert Fay / Richmond Hill, GA / / 09-26-01: I've built the hull and am in the process of fiberglassing it. That should be complete this week, and I'll begin to build the deck. I plan to modify the topside design to something like a classic runabout with a small cockpit and remote steering. Have to start looking for a motor. 11-24-01: Project complete. Took it out for sea trials, and it handles beautifully. Very stable, and extremely manuverable. 1-24-02: Using a 3.5 hp motor. (See Customer Photos) PEE WEE / Leo Weisman / St. Louis, MO / / 1-31-01: I started building the Pee Wee in 1999 or so with the frame kit. My plans were for a winter project and spring launching. Enthusiasm got me through setting up the building form, laying out the frames and attaching the stern, keel and breasthook. Then the chine log snapped during my heavy-handed bending. I was out of mahogany stock and had other things to do and so it sat. Jan 15, 2002 a friend asked if I wanted to help build a boat and I told him to help finish mine. With fresh energy and support, the chine logs and sheer clamp are bent and epoxied in. Now we start fairing. 2-13-02: Have just completed epoxying both the boat sides. After cutting the first side and dry fitting, I dry fit it to the otherside to make sure that it would serve as a patten. I stacked the side on the remains of the plywood from the first side and used a router with a flush trim bit with ball bearing pilot to cut it out. Disaster. Word of caution: make sure the screw or nut holding the bearing is tight. I'm learning to do a repair for that reason. Hope to have bottom complete this week. Should have photos soon. Note: The router method doesn't work well if you hit a void in the plywood either. brw) 9-2-02: Sort of finished my Pee Wee, at least enough to water test it. I built my own steering drum and installed forward steering. After talking with Stan Gozzi about his Pee Wee and difficulty getting enough weight forward to come up on to a plane, I chose to install the dash about 6" closer to the bow and mounted the drum steering between the dash and bulkhead and well to the right so I could get my weight well forward. I'm running a 2 cylinder 6 HP Johnson with forward throttle and shift controls purchased from eBay. To my amazement, with my 195 LB bulk, the little boat came up onto a plane. When the water got to be a little bit choppy, I had to lean forward over the deck a bit to level out the craft and operated it kneeling on a floatation device rather than in a seating position. A lighter person will be able to sit on the seat and still plane. My construction technique was less than perfect, meaning she's leaking a little. I've already applied a fillet along the stern which didn't take care of the problem. I'll have to flip it over and check the seams along the centerline. Then she'll be due for another coat of paint and proper naming - "Sand Flea" 4-10-03: Email address valid.(see Customer Photos) PEE WEE / Scott Gaskell / / 12-3-02: I rec'd my Pee Wee frame kit the other day and have just retuned from Home Depot with the stock to build the stand. 4-10-03: Pee Wee project is going well, although more slowly than I would like. Ski season is over, so I should be able to put more weekend time into it. I just finished shaping the chine logs, they are all fitted and ready for attachment. 9-5-04: We have finally launched our Pee Wee "Periwinkle". She is powered by a 2005 Mercury 9.9 HP 2 stroke. This is the most HP I would put on this boat. She is very quick, and at full throttle she can be a little tough to handle. I wouldn't send an inexperienced child out in this with the 9.9 outboard. My 10 year old Annie has a lot of time at the helm of my 18 ft center consol, and I was still a little nervous. I made some minor modifications to the original design. I added deck combing to resemble a wind screen, and both the fore deck and side decks are packed with as much flotation as would fit. I also cut in the transom and curved the side decks using left over material from the sheer clamp. The seat cushion is a standard 96 qt. Igloo cooler pad from West Marine. My goal was for her to resemble mini a Donzi 18. PEE WEE / Berle Maxey / Sebastian County, Arkansas / / 1-28-04: Started Jan 3, 2004, frames cut out, building frame built, keel and battens laid, will be installing the sheer clamps and chine log this week. The purpose of this project is to determine if I like building boats and to provide a small craft for the grandchildren to use with a trolling motor in our pond. 8-21-04: Sides are on, Epoxies and screwed. Fairing completed and the bottom panels are cut out and ready to be applied. (see Customer Photos) PEE WEE / John Lynch / Sydney, Australia / / 01-05-05: After talking with a mate, I decided that it would be feasable to build a small boat (very cheaply) from recycled Oregon (Douglas-fir). I found the plans for Pee Wee and thought that it would be suitable. The hull and deck are now complete, with double diagonal bottom and single diagonal sides. The planks were held in place with staples until the glue cured and then they were removed. The deck is teak faced ply I had lying in the garage from another project, the transom is 15mm exterior ply, the stem and transom knee are both 2 laminations of 15mm ply. The rest is 2nd hand oregon. There are about 15 to 20 screws in the frames, keel etc, and about 30 Monel boat nails in the rest of the hull and deck. I only left the nails in because they were too hard to pull out without damage. The remainder of the vessel is held together with International brand Epoxy. The hull is dynel sheathed and the boat will be tiller steered. I plan to put a 15hp yamaha on it. (I have a history of owning boats considered by my parents and friends to be death machines). The boat is very stiff and I think it weighs about 25kgs. I am fairing and painting this week and plan to launch soon. Royal Blue topsides, Red Bottom, and Clear finished Deck and hull inside. I was going to make it White inside, but I think it will be OK clear.
PEE WEE / Mark, Mason & Cole Cooper / Markham, ON
Canada /
/ 1-10-08: I have built the building form, cut out frame
members and all pieces cut from ¾” plywood.
(transom, stem, breasthook, motor board, knee etc.). PEE WEE / John Myers / Lewisburg, Ohio / / 1-12-09: I started building the Pee Wee on 1-4-09 for my 7-year old daughter Julia. I plan on using a 1957 Evinrude 5.5 hp motor with remote hand throttle/shift and dash-mounted steering wheel. I bought Philipine mahogony and 3/4 fir for the frames and 6mm marine Marranti plywood from Homestead Hardwoods in Ohio. I finished the building frame in a couple of hours, and have started laying out the frames on the mahogony. I also have a Tiny Mite frame kit that I bought for my oldest daughter Margaret when she was 4 months old. That was in January 1997. So far all I have done for that boat is to gather all of the nessessary hardware and components. She is now 12 and is ready to start her boat. I told her that we would build her little sisters Pee Wee first so that we had an idea of what to do. My plan is to finish the Pee Wee by spring and start the Tiny Mite in the fall. P.S. my Dad (Gil Myers) built the Missile in 1960. PICKLEFORK / Kyle Crawford / email address not valid 4-10-03 / 9-19-98: I am repairing completed hull. (Northern Alberta) 8-18-99: I have completed the boat, I am currently running a 7.5 hp outboard, but 10-15 hp would be perfect. It's painted red with white racing stripes. (see Customer Photos) PICKLEFORK / Mark Johnson / / 9-11-99: Recently started, about done with installing the runner chines and runner sheers on runners and will begin fairing soon. 11-26-99: Runner assemblies are complete. Started on the main hull. 2-24-00: Just finished putting on transom. Next coamings and outer motorboard. 6-2-00: Construction of boat is complete and have coated inside and out with 2 coats of epoxy, added flotation in runners and completely sanded the boat. Will start to prime and paint it next week. Have purchased a used Evinrude 15hp. motor for the boat. Hope to have done and in the water in early July. 6/29/00 Boat is finished. Putting it in the water this weekend for the first time. 4-10-03: I have finished my Picklefork and it runs very well. (see Customer Photos) PICKLEFORK / Chris Read / Washington State University-Pullman, WA / / 10-7-05: Just got done gathering supplies and starting construction this week. This is a final project for my Ag. Engineering 436 class. I am majoring in Agricultural Technology Managment Degree. It looks fun. I will update as I go. PICKLEFORK / David Munch / Glen Rock, PA / / 4-2-08: I am currently building a Picklefork Hydroplane boat. I have cut all the pieces out and plan on starting to assemble during the first part of April, finish the boat in May and have the “sea-trial” in June. PLAY N JANE / Albert Zerafa / MALTA / Email address no longer good 3-05 / 6-21-99: Hull is finished, have installed two engines and all necessary mechanical parts. Working on vee berth area, painting and varnishing the inside. Following this, I will start on main cabin. Tentative completion date, Nov this year. I am very pleased with the design and my work, and can't wait to see her afloat. 10-18-02: Hi Barry, Yes it did float, it performs beautifully and it is my joy and pride. Every where I go I am asked a hundred questions as it is different from the other boats usually built in Malta. I am attaching a photo of TONINJA together with some of the crew. (See Customer Photos) PLAY PEN / Verner Buchanan / / 7-25-99: Laid out frames, transom, stem, and knee and cut out pieces. Starting to assemble frames; building form mid August. This is my first attempt at boatbuilding, would like feedback from other Play Pen builders. 7-2-00: I am finally planking the hull and hope to be ready to turn it over in a couple of months. 5-28-01: Turned the boat over last weekend and placed it on the trailer. Completed the motor well and am starting on the seats. 4-20-03: You mean my never ending project? Actually it is all but finished. I am looking for a motor now and hope to have it in the water by summer. I'll send some photos soon. (See Customer Photos-Archives) PLAY PEN / Eric White / Courtice, Ontario, Canada / / 6-18-01: I have started a Play Pen. 4-10-03: Boat Frame is complete. Will have it done by fall. PLAY PEN / Dan Cruger / Eau Claire, WI / / 7-9-05: I have completed the hull and exterior. The hull has a beautiful natural mahogany gloss finish, and will be a great eye catcher. 11-1-07: I regestered my project in 2005, I finished it in the spring of 2006, and have been using it since then. POT LUCK - WD / Raul Diaz Langou / Alagoas, Brazil / / 7-6-99: I have finished the hull, turned it over and am currently working on the interior, motor instalation, tanks, etc...... 4-11-00: Plan to launch in July-Sep. 2-7-01: The boat is complete, in the water. 5-15-03: Email address updated. (See Customer Photos) POT LUCK - WD / Steve Putnam / Old Saybrook, CT / / 3-8-03: Started making frames. POT LUCK - FG / Raul Arce & Alexander Jimenez / email address not valid 4-10-03 / Started Sept. 2000: 1-29-01: We have completed the hull and turned it over and are working on the tail end of the cabin. The motor and floor have been installed. 3-13-01: We have finished the cabin and are working on terminations. We are about to apply the last coats of paint. We have had delays and expect to have her in the water by April 15 2001. If not previously mentioned, this boat is being constructed in Puerto Rico. (See Customer Photos)
POT LUCK - FG / Anton Blok / Aruba /
/ 4-19-02: We have started construction of our C-Flex Pot
Luck in Aruba. We will be changing the cabin design and
overall interior layout. We hope to complete the project by
October 31, 2002. 1-23-03: Well, October 31 came and went,
and we are still busy - finish work takes a long time!. We
have completed all major structures, the cabinetry of the
cabin is done, the outside surfaces are about one week away
from being painted, the engine is in the boat (Volvo
KAMD300), we expect to launch the boat in early March 2003.
She is coming along very nicely, in the end the only things
we modified are the angle of the windshield to 45 degrees and
we extended the pilot house roof 2'. 3-11-08: It has been
a while, but find attached some pictures of the building
process of my Potluck, "Persistence." Still doing
very well here in Aruba. (See Customer Photos). POWER SKIFF 14 / Paul Trumbull / email address not current 4-10-03 / 8-4-98: boat is finished. 12-6-98: Tried 3 different motors on boat: 5hp, 9.9hp, 15hp. Works best with 9.9hp. Very nice little fishing boat. POWER SKIFF 14 / Henry Ross / / 4-9-99: Plywood cut, sanded, encapsulated. Butt blocks & transom assy glued. Sheers, keel, and skeg milled. 4-18-99: Boat stitched, keel installed. 4-25-99: Transom installed, seams filleted. 5-17-99: Seams taped, feathered; bulkheads, seat cleats installed; sheers, breasthook, corner knees, centerseat, skeg fitted and ready to finish. 5-23-99: Interior complete, ready to flip for exterior work. 6-13-99: Exterior taped, glassed and ready to paint. 6-27-99: It's done! POWER SKIFF 14 / Rudy Wissema / Fontana, CA / / 6-25-99: Hull formed and stitched. Transom installed. Epoxy fillets applied, beginning sanding. Used 9.9hp Mercury outboard purchased. 6/10/00 - Finally completed construction of boat. Added flooring, a storage well under the middle seat, and a gas tank well to replace the loss of floor space that the gas tank occupies. Ready to paint. 10-22-00: Pictures of completed boat. 4-10-03: This email address remains valid. I completed my PowerSkiff a few years ago. It peforms very well. The few personal extras that I built into the boat, as well as the building of the boat itself, have been a source of pride and enjoyment to me ever since. (See Customer Photos). POWER SKIFF 14 / James F. Marshall / Pasadena, CA / / 9-16-00: I just started this week. Starting with the kit, I have cut out most of the other pieces from 1/4" PW. 9-17-00: I glued the straps on the fore hull sections and resin-coated the inside of one of those sections. 9-28-00: In the middle of full epoxy encapsulation of cut parts. Strongly recommend reading Epoxy System Technical Manual. 10-2-00: Picked up West System 301-BC pumps; measure 5:1 ratio automatically. 10-8-00: Finished encapsulating all structural components prior to assembly. 10-15-00: Assembling the hull. Glued third and last butt block in place. Stitched the bow. Installed the form. She actually looks like a boat! 10-16-00: Moved hull onto underlying frame providing two 8' 4x4's one foot apart at centers. Screwed sole onto 4x4's to align straight. Finished stitching. Sides level and parallel athwartships at two places, amidships and forward. Erected temporary barricade to exclude curious bloodhound from open transom end. 10-21-00: Finished assembly of transom, sized and tapered mahog keel strip. Fastened transom knee to mahog keel strip. 10-22-00: Glued keel in place; applied temporary screws and weights. 10-24-00: Transom installed. Ordered floatation foam for bow and stern seats. 10-31-00: Inside filleting mostly done. Aft bulkhead installed. 11-4-00: Sanded inside fillets. Sealed inside with epoxy. Brushed away out-gassing bubbles. 11-7-00: Found substantial hook in hull. Installed downward brace and weights. Remaining concavity will require FG and resin-putty. 11-24-00: Bent hull to eliminate hook and holding with brace down amidships and jack up under bow; finished extra filleting, sanding, and sealing inside; FG taping inside. 12-7-00: Inside FG taping complete except for seats. 7-4-01: Feeling motivated; removed brace, weights, and jack; hook appears smaller. 4-10-03: I haven't worked on it lately, but I am planning to resume work soon. I have been very, very busy. The boat has been calling, though, and will soon get my attention. Thanks for the nudge. POWER SKIFF 14 / Aaron Held / Cape Cod, MA. / / 10-20-06: I began construction on my Powerskiff 14, "Blue Heron" in 2000 and launched her in August 2001. I modified my Powerskiff 14 with 5" extra freeboard, a center console, internal watertight compartments, underfloor positive floatation, electronics and an 18hp Tohatsu outboard. I use "Blue Heron" on Cape Cod's many rivers and protected bays. Photos of Blue Heron can be seen at: http://www.swanrivercustoms.com. POWER SKIFF 14 / Teddy Panganiban / / Quezon City, Philippines / 11-11-00: Just completed all epoxy and wood work and the boat is ready for painting. Started in last week of Sept. I used 3/8 inch plywood as the 1/4 inch marine plywood I was being sold was really 3/16 and I felt it was not strong enough for the boat. The result of a thicker plywood was great difficulty in stitching and in fact I broke one panel at the point where the strap was to be placed while assembling the hull and I had to prepare a new panel. It was going to break again so I thought of gluing a piece of 8 inch wide 3/16 plywood (like a butt block) at the part where the panel will break and it worked. I removed it later prior to fiberglassing the outside hull. In the pictures you will notice that I put rigid urethane foam underneath the seats in addition to the cavities fore and aft. Hope this will make up for the heavier weight. I will be painting it this week and probably have a sea trial by next weekend if it doesn't rain. I will use my old 30 hp Mariner outboard (Its really a souped up 25 hp)and see if it works . 11-19-00 Completed painting during the week. I used four coats of white marine epoxy (2 primer & 2 enamel) paint for hull and clear polyurethane for the seats. I used black epoxy for the sheer. I placed the boat on top of my Trail-A-Camp camper and motored to Taal Volcano lake about 80 km from Quezon City. The boat is heavier than the 125 lb spec. Needed three men to carry it down to the water. The boat handles well with two on board. I tried running it alone and the bow would rise even after planing. I am not sure if its the engine which weighs 135 lbs or me at 175 lbs. Maybe I should trim the outboard further. I have attached five pictures taken today 11-19-00 during the sea trial. (See Customer Photos) (Note: With one person, it is best to sit in the center seat with a tiller extension or shift other weight forward.) 4-13-03: The Power Skiff was completed two years ago. It is being used as a work boat in my tilapia fish cages in Taal Lake Batangas about 110 km from Quezon City. The boat is still good and only needs a new paint job. POWER SKIFF 14 / Dan Rullman / Canada / / 1-16-02: I have cut the planking out and butt joined the plywood. The boat is stitched together and I am waiting for a delivery of mahogany to mill for the other parts I need. It is amazing to see the flat plywood pieces transform into the shape of a boat with really nice lines. I have the transom temporarily installed, ready for the keel to be bedded in, then the filletting starts. I live north of Toronto in Ontario, Canada. I must say, it has been a good experience so far, a great way to beat the winter blahs. It is amazing to see the expressions on peoples faces when they come by to see the project, I guess they are expecting a boxy, crate like thing, most of them say "Wow". 3-25-02: Well, a lot has happened since my last post. I have finished filleting and taping the inside, the seats are in, breasthook and corner knees are in as well as the inner sheer and hull stiffeners. I changed the centre support a little bit, it is more like a mahogany "I" beam now. I was surprised how much using the epoxy putty inside was like drywall taping, I guess it is essentially the same technique. The transom was a little difficult to get installed, I guess I was too stubborn to ask for help... next time. I now have the boat turned upside down and just finished putting the first layer of tape on the bottom today. The hull looks good, very fair with no twist or lumps anywhere. Two layers of 6" tape and I will be ready to put the sheet glass on, still haven't decided on a colour for her yet, thinking of a navy blue for exterior and a buff for the inside. All in all it has been a great experience and a fulfilling one as well. 5-5-02: Well, I did it. This morning, Lu and I launched the boat and fired up the outboard, the 15hp Merc (just tuned up). I had Lu in the very front seat and me at the motor. Gunned her and was very disappointed at the way she ran. Asked Lu to move to the centre seat, gunned her....and WOW! Ran beautifully, just jumped up on plane, and ran very dry, no spash into the boat... and here is the best part... 22mph with both of us in it! Ran her for two hours up to the far end of the lake, twisting and turning just flying! She handles great, turns smooth, low wake, lots of freeboard. Had Lu driving her so I could check out the middle seat, and its warm, the wood doesn't seem to transfer the cold from the water as the aluminum did. The boat seems to draw looks of appraisal from the spectators, and I must admit, she is a fine looking craft. Took her out by myself, and again she just jumped up on plane, and I made 25mph! The best I ever got out of the old aluminum was 15mph. Lots of room, and very comfortable too. It seems unreal that I actually built it! I would like to thank Glen-L Design and Barry for great plans and support throughout the project. I cant wait to build my next one. 4-10-03: Email address valid POWER SKIFF 14 / Ken Muenster / Albertville, AL / / 11-20-03: Boat is stitched and ready for the transom. POWER SKIFF 14 / Marc Bourassa / Wilmington, MA / / 2-25-04: Received plans & frame kit; laying our pieces and transferring patterns to plywood. POWER SKIFF 14 / Victor Bagley / / 6-3-04: I have just started cutting out the parts of the Power Skiff-14. It took a little bit of time to figure out how to read the plans. Once that was accomplished the layout seemed to go pretty smoothly. I hope to have all the parts cut out by the time the epoxy kit arrives at the house. POWER YAK / Bob Anderson / Edson, Alberta, Canada / / 4-10-02: I am building the "Power Yak" from plans purchased over the internet from Glen-L. I purchased the 4 mil Okoume plywood and other materials from Boatcraft in Edmonton, and got a lot of valuable advice from Don in the process. I started the project in July of 2000 and plan to put it in the water for testing this spring (2002). Other projects and activities have caused gaps in the boat building schedule, but I wanted it to enjoy the whole process so I only worked at it when I had "quality time". Where am I at? I have completed the hull and decking, and have fully covered the inside and outside with fiberglass cloth. I have attached the skeg, and the longitudinals inside and I am currently constructing the seats. I still have the hatch cover to construct, the fairing on the outside of the hull to do, and of course the final finishing and painting, but it's spring and I want to put it in the water and see if it floats before I begin those tasks (just kidding). In addition, because I chose to modify the design of the transom (I extended it up in a fan shape to allow for an externally mounted trolling motor), I need to work out my own method to control the speed and to steer from the cockpit. My choice to make this modification was based on my desire to have a boat that I could hand-launch into small, ecosensitive waterways. Without the motor and controls attached, the launching weight will be less than 100 lbs. The draft will also be reduced, making it suitable for exploring very shallow water bodies with "paddle power". I have really enjoyed my first boat building experience so far, and I am already looking at The Huck Finn, the Squirt, and the Cabin Skiff from Glen-L as possible future projects. I've learned a lot, and I'm sold on stitch-and-glue boat building. 09-25-02: I have worked out a way to steer the boat and control the speed from two positions (depending on whether I am out alone or I have a passenger). I am including a picture of the boat, and some pictures that show the modifications I made for seating, mounting an "outboard" electric trolling motor, and the steering and speed control system I am using. I think the hull is very efficient for eboating as it produces very little wake and is very quiet in operation. I took the PowerYak out for over two hrs. at full throttle and still had plenty of power left in my 12V battery when I got in. (See Customer Photos) POWER YAK / Steve Strang / St. Louis, MO / / 6-28-03: All stitch and glue completed, seams taped, now ready to rip and install the sheers. 7-30-03: Totally completed 7/30/03 after applying second coat of paint on 7/29/03. Now the fun part. (See Customer Photos) POWER YAK / Bill Harrison, Circle Pines, MN / / 10-31-04: I received the plans & patterns about two weeks ago. Made a build jig from (8) 2x4’s and (1) sheet of ½” 4x8 ply. It is mounted on lockable rolling casters. I ripped the ply lengthwise, using one 2’x8 sheet of ply for the work surface, and the remaining half for a catch-all shelf below. As the project progresses, I will attach the 2x4x10’ temporary stud directly to the work surface. I should mention I have very limited space, so being able to roll the boat around and out of the way is important. Purchased (1) 4mm Okuome and (3) 4mm Meranti 4x8 plywood sheets. Also picked up about ½ of the dimensional stuff needed (Red Oak & Spruce, I hope it works out well, appearance-wise.) Cut the (4) side panels, per the patterns, from the Meranti. Cut about half of the beams. POWER YAK / Tom Martin / West Hartford, CT / / 5-24-06: I purchased all of the items from Glen-L. Tonight I will be transferring the plans onto the panels and beginning the process. POWER-ROW SKIFF 11.5' / Chris Murphy / Victoria BC Canada / / 11-12-09: Strong back built, forms cut out, hardwood bought and ripped into appropriate sizes. Will start attaching keel, battens, chines, etc to forms in coming weeks. R thru ZHome Page |