![]() Boat Project Registry How to submit registry information
TEMPEST / J. Leconte & John E. Talley/ / 7-13-98: Boat completed 4-10-96. Resides at Bluewater Bay, Destin Fla. Currently 362 Hrs. on Mercruiser 7.4L with no problems with systems or hull.
TEMPEST / Phil Harrison /
/ Benicia, CA / 9-14-02: I started the Tempest project in
April and have been taking my time working on weekends and
any spare time that I can get. I have finished the Stem,
Transom and Frames 1,2 & 3. I plan to finish the frames
by the end of October and begin the hull assembly around the
first week in November. I plan on building the boat in my
driveway that is approximately 45' long and 27' wide.
The driveway is on a 2% upgrade so the stem/bow will be
elevated quite a bit. I will probably reajust the setup
locations on the Frames and transom to attempt to lower it a
much as possible. I did't realize how big the boat would
be until I had completed the Transom and it stands about
5" above my head, I'm 6' tall. So I can imagine
trying to fiberglass the sides an bottom, I'll have to
build scaffaling. My son and I are also working on finishing
the Wild Thing project that we began last summer (2001). We
have just finished fiberglassing the bottom and will put the
first coat of Easypoxy paint on this weekend. We plan on
turning it over next weekend to begin installing the frames
and cowling. We'll send pictures shortly. We are enjoying
our Glen L projects. TEMPEST / Leon Dy / Australia / / 5-13-07: Almost complete except for gear drive and its a v-drive set up with 1" stainless shaft. Engine power: diesel 6-cylinder 185hp turbo @2800 rpm marinized mitsubishi engine. THUNDERBOLT / Andrew S. Jackson / / 9-23-99: Hull is righted, on trailer, completed aft decking, installed one layer of 1/4" for rear coaming, broke the piece for the 2nd layer. Bought ribbon strip sapele plywood for fore decking at Harbor Sales in Sudlersville, MD... real pretty stuff. My dad built the Rebel in 1967, still a showpiece and draws a crowd. Live in southwestern PA, not far from Susquehanna river. 1-10-00: I have added pictures of my project to my website: www.expage.com/page/andyontheweb, also includes pictures of my dad's Rebel. THUNDERBOLT / Rod Long / Frankston, Victoria-Australia / rodlong@aesmith.com.au / 8-13-02: Our project is finally underway. Having taken a month or more late last year(2001) to decide between building the Missile or the Thunderbolt), I finally decided to go with building the Thunderbolt. The plans & patterns were delivered early January and it has taken until now to really get started(June 2002). All Frames are now complete with the final encapsulation process being carried out. We have decided to build the boat with a vertical Transom and this also is currently awaiting a further coat of epoxy. Working mainly in the evenings, I have marked out and cut all frame sections and was amazed at just how many pieces were involved. All work to date has been carried out in my workshop under the house with the plan over the next month or so being to laminate the motor stringers and complete the building form. All materials are being sourced from a local supplier "Marine Timbers" in Mulgrave Victoria. Once the stringers and building form are done, the project will be transferred to our main garage. Having owned many skiboats over the years-(three of them older timber boats that required a lot of fix-up), I am very much looking forward to creating this boat from scratch. 9-6-02: The Stem & Breasthook are complete and the motor stringers have been laminated. We chose to build the stringers from the 6" x 1" timber option with a lamination of plywood on both sides. Unfortunately, the 6" x 1" timbers developed a bow over their vertical length after machining. To correct this, I made a jig up on our workbench that clamped the stringers straight and true before applying the plywood. Once the laminations of plywood had cured, they were removed from the jig and luckily enough, only a light planing was required to bring the stringers back to being near true. Next step is clear out the Garage and set up the building form. 4-22-03: As its been summer over here, much of our time has been spent camping and skiing so the Thunderbolt project went on hold. Even though we are now in Autumn, I have been very busy with sometimes only 4-hours a week available to work on the project. I am at the stage of finishing the fairing with only the Keel not done. As commented on in the Glen-L boat building book, I found the job of fairing to be my "buga-boo" and have spent countless hours messing around before actually getting stuck into it. Bottom Battens are fitted but not yet glued as I will lift these off to fit the side planking. Side and bottom planking has been ordered and will be delivered next week. My target is to have the planking on by middle of the year however I may be being a little ambitious given the limited available time I have. 7-13-03: Its been a while since the last update however I have been doing a bit here and there. This weekend, I gave the sides a fright and started to fit them up. The bottom sheeting has been cut and epoxy coated ready for the next big step also. As for the power plant, I spent a deal of time recently working on a Scarab rebuilding a 454 Chev. If I can find a way to trim some weight off such as Alloy Heads ect, one of these could well become the future power plant. 1-21-05: Just some photo's to update you on my progress. With the deck now fitted, the plan is to trim a number of area's and joins then compete the finish. Sides will eventually be an off white/cream colour with the deck and interior finished natural.(see Customer Photos) THUNDERBOLT / John Hume / Lexington, KY / / 12-28-02: I have built my building form and am working on laminating the motor stringers. I am awaiting my frame kit from Glen-L. I have purchased a quantity of Honduran Mahogany and am ripping and planing it down to size for longitudinals. I already have some of my V-drive components and hardware. I have built a couple of wooden boats previously (3-point hydros) but this is my first inboard and larger boat project. I hope to be finished for the spring of 2004 (very do-able). I am interested in talking to other builders of this design. My next project is going to be a Crackerbox just because I can, and they have a yearly race where that boat would be kept. I am currently building in Lexington, KY and the boat will be finished in NH to run on Lake Winnipesaukee. 4-23-03: The frames are attached and ready for chines and sheers. I will update as progress continues. THUNDERBOLT / Bob Atwater / Seneca, South Carolina / / Purchased plans 9-27-04. 11-23-04: I have essentially completed the seven frames and the transom, less plywood cover. I was tempted to purchase the frame kit from Glen-L until my wife reminded me that I was undertaking the project because I like to build things and needed a long-term challenge. Glen-L's construction suggestions are invaluable. I used a 4'x8' sheet of 3/4" sand ply plywood as a layout board. I traced four frames on one side and three frames and the transom on the opposite side. I am looking for a clean, all mahogany look on the boat's interior. Therefore, I used 3/8" mahogany marine grade plywood for the gussets and counter sunk and plugged the screws versus using nails. I may be the only one who knows. Phase 2 starts with trying to locate 1" white oak in lengths over 12' long for the motor stringers and keel. I will then order all of the plywood necessary to complete the project as shipping one or two sheets at a time is extremely expensive. 6-25-05: Major surgery and business have kept be away from the project since late December '04. Finally found source of white oak in 12' plus lengths. Laminated the motor stringers and keel. Have sealed all frames and stringers with a marine sealer and will follow up with several coats of marine varnish. I decided against the epoxy route because of the additional time and mess. Plus, the boat will not be in the water nor outside except when in use. My major dilemma remains the drive train - engine, transmission, v-drive, prop shaft, etc. Based on comments in the Boat Builder's Connection I elected to shift my attention to building a mockup of the last four frames and transom (only 4-feet wide). I intend to set up the entire drive train, engine to propeller, on the mockup and, after the Thunderbolt hull is completed, make the transfer with known measurements and locations. Hopefully, I can limit most of my mistakes to the mockup. 8-18-05: After ordering a V-drive, struts and associated hardware from Glen-L, I tackled a major concern, how to drill a 1 3/8" hole through the keel for the propeller shaft at exactly 12 degrees at precisely the correct location. I am working on a mockup of the Thunderbolt before moving on the the finished boat. I located and mounted the propeller shaft strut and the whip strut. (Note - I moved the location forward 1/2" from the drawings so that the bolts on the shaft strut would clear frame number one. There is a warning in the instructions on page 12, figure 30 - but it is frame 1, not frame 2, that's the potential problem.) I bored out the base of a 1 3/8" hole saw to 3/4", reversed an old 1" propeller shaft, inserted shaft through the strut and whip strut backwards, attached the hole saw with a 3/4" nut and drilled. Actual drilling time was probably less than 5 minutes. Cleaning out the plugs to advance the hole saw took another 55 minutes. Next step is to purchase the engine and transmission followed by fabricating mounts and trying to have every thing line up on the mockup. Slow but sure. (see Customer Photos) THUNDERBOLT / James Fisher / Tumbarumba, NSW AUSTRALIA / / 10-24-07: Boat is beautiful started out old looking started from scratch. send some pics soon. TINY MIGHT / Jerry Smith / / 6-17-99: Motor stringers, stem and breasthook, frames and transom machined. Prepping for sub-assembly. 12-19-99: Currently assembling the transom and frames; Stem, breathook, and motor stringers laminated, ready for trimming. TINY MIGHT / Robert Hankins / / 5-4-02: I've gotten a pretty good start on my Tiny Might. The upside-down part of it is finished accept for the prop shaft hole. The bottom is painted so that I won't have to turn it back over. The transom and deck are going to be walnut with a red, white and blue color scheme. The power I've chosen is an 120 H.P. Honda Civic engine. Right now I'm just finishing the deck battens. It's been a slow project for me as I've been on it for just over a year. 9-2-03: My boat is still in the process, but coming along. I made the rudder, turn fin and strut from stainless. The motor mounts are 1/2" 6061 alum. I rubber mounted the eng. using some mounts I found at Grainger. The engine is a Honda V-tech and is supposed to put out 125 H.P. @6500 RPM. I built the trailer from 2x3" Tubing and I used your "How TO Build A Boat Trailer" book as a guide. It came out pretty nice. I would like to have it done by next spring. I am sending you some pictures very soon. (See Customer Photos) TINY MIGHT / Tim Domes / Ft Lauderdale, FL / / 5-24-02: So far located and purchased an engine, Phantom 4-75, so I guess I have officially started the project. Hopefully it will work without having to modify the plans. Will be taking lots of pictures and hopefully setting up a web page. I made the trip, 2800 miles total... I picked up two engines the Phantom 4-75 which I mentioned, it is in great shape. I also picked another engine 50 miles away, though it is in bad shape, I got a bucket full of parts also. I am very happy with this find it just happens to be the Phantom 4-45. I will start to disassemble it this week, if it is salvageable I will get this one running and save the 75 for a larger boat. I think I did very well, both engines cost $350.00 for the 75,and $50.00 for the 45. I also got the factory instruments for the 75, with only 450 hours on the meter. The trip actually cost more than buying the engines. 4-17-03: I have found everything I needed to restore the Graymarine Phantom 4-45 and I have some of the wood for the hull. As soon as I move some stuff around and make room in my garage I am going to start building the hull. TINY MIGHT / Chris Kulseth / / 6-2-02: We just completed our Glen-L Tiny Might and are very pleased. My 12 year old son and I built a modified Tiny Might during the 2001 Winter. We used Tiny Might plans and a frame kit. We then modified the plans to create an outboard version. All went very well and the end result is stunning. The entire boat is West System epoxy and cloth covered. The motor is a Mercury 25 hp short shaft electric. Trim plates are Nauticus Smart Tabs which control bow rise and stability. Top speed is 32 mph and the boat is very stable and comfortable. I suspect the comfort comes from the aft seating position which also provides an aesthetically pleasing long foredeck. The boat was a project for my son but I can't help taking it for rides myself! 4-17-03: Yup, I am here. The project is done and wonderful! (See Customer Photos) TINY MIGHT / Larry Hinton / / 6-25-06: I have always been a fan of the Crackerbox. I recently went to check out a reported Crackerbox and found it to actually be a 12' Tiny Might with the Ford V8-60 engine installed. She's now sitting in my garage. I would like to hear from any other Tiny Might owners. Any help would be appreciated. TINY TITAN / Andy and Gary Shaffer / Pennsylvania / / 1-15-02: Construction almost completed. All steering and throttle/shifting installed. Emergency stop switch installed. All that's left to be done is painting. We chose epoxy encapsulation. An extremely fun boat to build, we will send construction photos soon. TINY TITAN / Ron Williamson and Brad / Calgary, Canada/ / 8-9-02: On March 23, 2002: we pulled the kit out of the Storage room. The plans were looked over and read through. On the 29th, we were half way done. We had the 2 frames on and were just putting on the transom. To get the angles of the wood flush on any piece we used a power plane. April 7, 2002: The boat was ready for paint. We painted it a brilliant red and white. For the Decal I made a Giant Devil's head and named it Little Devil. August 5th. Little devil was put into the water for the second time. The first time we tried a 5.5 engine and now we are trying a 9.9. The boat was a rush. Brad almost dumped it and his cousin Todd almost dumped. 4-20-03: My email is still good. I have tried out the boat and it is a rocket. By putting one fin on the inside of each runner the boat is more maneuverable and will have more grip in large waves. (large waves= 5 inches high). TINY TITAN / Stefan Sandberg / Stockholm, Sweden / / 1-14-03: I started building a Tiny Titan 2002-11-01 for me an my son. I've got limited time but so far I've managed to cut out the bottom planking and fit the runners. I've finished frame no 1 and now I'm finishing off frame nr 2. After that I'll start on the engine transom. I've mounted the boat at a suitable height on two wooden beams which are inclined at 45 degrees to the floor. In this way I get an adequate working position and I save valuable workshop space too. I intend to run the Titan with a 9 hp Suzuki engine. Won't have it finished this summer - summer of 2004 more realistic. 4-21-03: We've got summer here in Sweden right now and therefore thousands of things to do. The project is on hold for the time being but I'll pick it up during our autumn. TINY TITAN / Steve & Andrew Allen / Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario / / 7-17-03: Ordered plans for a Tiny Titan from Glen-L in May and actually began construction the weekend of July 12th, 2003. This my first experience in building a boat, and learning the parts names and boat lingo is an education in itself. We are at stage #2 gluing up the frames and attaching the bottom battens to the bottom planking. Since we bought only the plans and not the kit, I am amazed at how much cutting and ripping of lumber there to this project. It's not a problem though since my Son can cut out the pieces during the day and I can assemble them during the evenings after work. We have a 1962/ 16 hpr Johnson we are going to strap to the transom. Should be a lot of fun once we hit the water. TINY TITAN / Glen Wilcox / Oak Park, CA / / 8-11-03: Completed. I began building last fall and launched in January. The second outing was this month, August, '03. Both outings have seen water too rough for good planing. I'm disappointed that so many lakes near LA don't allow boats this small, presumably to avoid personal water craft. I deviated from the plans in only one area. I used a longitudinal batten (or carling) on the inboard side of the coaming from the dash beam forward, so that the forward decking could be mounted between the coaming instead of on top of it. This gives the coaming a nice clean line from stem to stern. Photos and performance info when available. TINY TITAN / Cameron and Peter Walters / Newmarket, Ont, Canada / / 8-26-03: My Son and I started our Tiny Titan project last winter and completed building this June. Thank you for clear and accurate plans which made this project very enjoyable for both of us. (See Customer Photos) TINY TITAN / Pat Larkin / Springfield, Pa. / / 11-16-03: Started project: 8/03, hull completed 11/03. Lots of sanding now. I will submit a couple of shots when it's finished. For the record, this has been a very fun project. I was lucky to find a 1987 Johnson 25hp. To be safe, I added some extra transon support and 7 yards of fiberglass tape to all the stress points. This is in addition to the full fiberglass covering kit, and 3 gallons of epoxy. This will be one tuff boat. I went with a tele-flex steering systen and the stock OMC controls. I will need to add a lanyard kill switch, and get a fin. TINY TITAN / Alfred Marshall / / 2-2-04: My son and I put together a Tiny Titan when he was 12 as I wished my Dad had done with me. My daughter; however, has enjoyed our Tiny Titan the most these last 7 years. The stock Evinrude 15HP pushes her along at 32mph. My son made the whale's tail (hydrofoil) out of 1/8 inch scrap aluminum. I highly recommend the tail as it helps the Tiny Titan to plane off flat AND settle off a plane flat. When running, the tail flies 3/4 inches above the surface. I also recommend using a control box and Glen-l's steering kit to control the boat running a 15HP motor. The adjustable seat not only contributes to control, it adds considerably to comfort. Great design and little boat! TINY TITAN / Bill Wright / Osterville, MA / / 6 Jun 2004: I completed the Tiny Titan last fall. I started my 13 year-old son out with a '50s classic Mercury Mark 5 outboard, set up with a dead man throttle and stock prop. He drives it easily, and has topped out at 23 mph. Not bad for 5 horsepower!! This was just to get him accustomed to the feel of the boat. We are now working on a classic Mercury 10 Lightening. TITAN / Doug Harrison / Cobourg, Ontario, Canada / / 5-19-2010: I am building the stretched version of the Titan in plywood. I started in the basement Jan 09 and got the frames mounted last summer (after completing a building to work in) and had to shut down for a while due to work commitments. Back at it again and just finishing the second layer of ply on the hull. Have the motor and trans. (a Kubota 29HP) I intend to run dry stack and keel cooling. Getting slowed down again as I'm building another house for move in this Sept. Really hoping to launch next summer and head up the Trent system to Georgian Bay for a month or two. Would be glad to answer any questions regarding the build so far. Tn thru ZHome Page |