![]() Boat Project Registry How to submit registry information
TAHOE 19 / Bill Edmundson / Pelham, Alabama /
/ 3-20-07: Hull is complete, righted and working on
deck. TAHOE 23 / Bob Monk / North Reading, MA / / 2-5-08: I started construction in April of 2005. Have been at it since at a fairly slow pace, working around house projects, etc., but now have the frame complete and faired and have started the cold molding process. I have used white oak for the frames, sheers and chines and vertical-grain Douglas-fir for battens and motor stringers. The generous sharing of experience and knowledge through the forum has been very beneficial to me and is greatly appreciated. TAHOE 24 / Jim Kirk / Lake Arrowhead, California / / 6-29-10: I completed this project in 2003. The boat (NautiAnne) is in regular summer use and is currently on Lake Arrowhead, California. TANGO / Charles Austin / / 10-4-99: I have started building form. Frames cut and am setting up transom and centerboard trunk. TANGO / David Quick / / 6-16-00: Have made the building frame, and am in the process of positioning the transom, bulkheads, etc., and am ready to start adding the keel, etc. 7-12-00: The keel, chine, and sheer are installed. I'm in the process of final fitting for installation of the side and bottom planking... As of 09-15-00: The bottom is finished, and I am doing the final sanding in preparation for the fiberglass application. I should be able to begin the fiberglass tomorrow. Also, I have assembled a control panel for the boat. It contains 7 switches for the bilge pump, running lights, docking lights, depth sounder, horn, interior lights, and communications radio. It also contains a master switch, and AM / FM radio, battery condition gauge, and the depth sounder gauge and buzzer. I have completed most of the wiring bundle, and have most of these accessories ready to install when the time comes. 9-30-00: Applied fiberglass to sides today, and applied second coat of resin to transom. Am ready to fiberglass the bottom tomorrow. 10-29-00: All outer fiberglass work is done. Have finished sanding, and sanding, and sanding... Began painting hull today. By adding very fine sawdust to first coat of paint, and applying with a plastic spatula, I have found that this fills in any imperfections very well. After another coat or two, and a final sanding, the surface should be very smooth. 1-22-01: The hull is painted, and all that remains is to add the metal strips and finish up around the centerboard opening. The hull will then be ready to turn upright and onto the trailer. I have the rudder and tiller finished and assembled ready to install. I have made the bow sprit, assembled it's fittings and it is ready to install. Winter has me at a near standstill... but most of the little stuff I can do in the house is finished and ready to go when the weather warms up a bit. 06-09-01: Alleluia.... She is right side up and on her trailer!!! I used a come-along placed just inside the garage door, with the trailer inside the garage. With the hull at an angle (I had rollers on the building form so I could move the project around in the driveway as necessary) and the bow raised high in the air, I rolled her over on tires at which point she was lined up with the trailer. Then, I simply pushed the trailer back with it's tongue as high as possible, and lowered the hull onto it. Today, I am going to seal the inside.... Man I'm glad that's over... 7-30-01: The inside of the hull is painted, and the decking has been installed. Ready to install the bow sprit, floor, and begin building the cabin. 6-09-02: Work is finally underway again after a long rainy spell here in Indiana, and after my total knee replacement surgery. I'm finished with coating the inside bottom, and installing the decking aft, and now am ready to begin building up the cabin. 8-28-02: I have the cabin sides erected, and am ready to install the centerboard, flooring and decking, and basically working my way from front to back... 4-17-03: My Tango project is coming along nicely. The hatch is finished and ready to install. I am in the process of finishing the seats in the cockpit, and the beds in the cabin. The "head" is installed, as is the ice chest. The electronics panel is ready to install, and in general, the project should be finished, at least to the point of going into the water within a couple of months... (See Customer Photos) TANGO / Ted Coleman / WA / / 9-8-2000, Got the plans today, oh boy! 9-9-2000, Picked up the lumber for the form and frames this morning. Spent the day building the form and rough cutting the frame members to rough lengths, studying the plans. 9-10-2000, Cut out frames and sanded edges smooth to the lines. 9-11-2000, Picked up some plywood. Started transferring the pattern lines on to a piece of plywood for frame assembly. Ordered epoxy, fasteners and gloves. 9-22-00: The frames are complete and I cut out the stem last night. I'm going to build the transom this weekend and glue up some stock for the rudder and get that out of the way. I'll probably make a spare rudder while I'm at it. I found it very helpful to use a plate joiner for the frames; kept things aligned well, and by the time I glued up the second one got the hang of how to glue "neatly"; Allyn would be impressed! 2-18-2001: Bottom battons installed, scarf cut and glued up chines and shear caps. Built two handy jigs; one for the router to accuratly cut notches in the frames for the battons, and another to route scarf joints in 3/4" material. 3-18-01/ Shear and chine installed, fairing members and getting ready for planking. TANGO / Rob Billington / Calgary, Alberta, Canada / / 12-23-00: Frames, stem, transom and centreboard trunk complete. Ready to install the keel, chines, bottom battens, etc. Great boat plans to work from. Things progressing well but it's a long-term project - likely another year and a half. 3-8-01: Chine logs, sheer clamps and battens all in. Fairing complete (not anywhere near as hard as I thought it might be). Nearly ready to start planking. 8-15-01: The planking is finished and the hull fairing is done! It's time to fibreglass & paint and then get on with the cockpit, cabin & deck. More and more like a boat every day... 5-28-03: My Tango is nearly finished - as finished as a boat ever is since they continue to change with time... She's painted & I'm attaching hardware for sailing & will make the mast/boom in the next couple of weeks. However, I just have to drop in the centreboard & she's ready to motor away right now. It's a great thing to have a new boat in my driveway! Can hardly wait to put her in the water. Thanks for the plans - it's been many, many hours of enjoyment. 6-2-03: Our TANGO is a now proper boat - she splashed for the first time on June 1, 2003. I took her to the Glenmore Reservoir in Calgary last evening to float her off the trailer for the first time. No mast yet & no motors allowed on the reservoir so we sat at the dock for a while just because... She's strong, stable and very comfortable to move around on. The centreboard trunk is well sealed and (we sat through three squalls) the homemade round portholes are also sealed well. My sails are waiting at Canada Customs so I'd better hurry up on that mast. More details & pictures soon. 10-2-03: The Tango splashed in the Pacific this summer! We spent about 5 weeks in B.C.'s Gulf Islands and on the Okanagan Lake. Great fun & great sailing. The boat is quite comfortable for camping (a few overnighter "mini cruises" already) and great for day sailing too. Lots of time spent in quiet coves and swimming from the boat at beautiful beaches. I'll modify the rudder this winter so it kicks up but other than that, it's been fabulous so far. The boat isn't as close winded as I'd like it to be BUT, when I add crew (one or more), she settles down a little deeper and points better. Maybe I'll add some more ballast for single handing to make her sit a little deeper... TANGO / Kevin Gough / / 6-14-01: Have assembled all frame members,stem & centerboard,dropkeel has been made - starting on building form. 10/22/01: The keel, chine logs, shear clamp and bed logs have now been fitted. 12-10-01: Side planking finished. 3-1-02: Bottom planking is finished, the hull is now ready for fiberglass. 4-15-02: The boat is glassed at last. I'd never done this before so I really had to take my time with it. I'm suprised how easy it turned out to be. 5-9-02: The bottom is now painted and has recieved a coat of anti-foulant,(white)the side planking has recieved an undercoat as well(red). On wednesday the 9th May I turned the boat using a wooden scaffold and a block & tackle everything went very smoothly and the boat is now upright. 7-17-02: The deck is now complete. 9-29-02: The floor supports and the floor are now installed, and the cabin and cockpit construction are well underway and almost complete. I have also purchased six portholes. 10-17-02: The cabin and cockpit are now complete. 10-2-03: Had to stop working on the boat for a while as it was raining for about six months.The cockpit drains are in.The hull and cockpit are now glassed.The hatch is finished.The portlights are installed.The bowsprit is attached. The rubrail is also attached and the boat has been fully undercoated and is ready for a third and last undercoat. The compass has been installed. I have salvaged a real nice timber mast from an old sailing boat and have milled out a boom to match it. 6-16-04: The keel has now been installed.Not having the facility to lift the boat I dug a pit beneath it and pushed the keel into it. I then spent the rest of the day levering it into position. 8-4-04: On saturday the 1st of August "Spirit" was launched and sailed up the harbour in Cork to her mooring in PassageWest. Everything is in working order and the boat performed beautifully... what a day! 8-25-06: See my Website. (See Customer Photos) TANGO / Marcelino Santos / Lisboa, Portugal / / 10-11-01: I have the hull almost finished. I am finishing the sanding and filling and I hope to start painting very soon! I am looking for trailers in order acomodate the hull after righting it. I am also in the brain storming of color shemes "black hull/wood deck" or "white hull/wood deck"... Pictures available in my home page: http://prosys.inesc-id.pt/~mabs/hobbies.htm. I am having a lot of fun and I will be glad if you drop me a line! 10-19-02: The hull was sanded, primer painted and rightened on the trailer. It was very nice to finally be able to look "inside". 4-17-03: The project is going much slower than I would like... for the moment I have too much work. I will update the information on the site when I have a significant progress. 10-19-05: Now I am installing the deck and I am using trex instead of teak. 1-02-08: I called my boat “Noudar” and it is a Tango project. It is now finished. (see Customer Photos) TANGO / Ray Walker / Cincinnati, OH / / 11-3-01: received plans patterns and Boatbuilding With Plywood book. 11-12-01: Started layout of gusset members on 1/2" INTERIOR cabinet plywood for use as patterns only. My intention is to duplicate Glen-L's method of frame manufacture by creating "master" templates of each member to use as router guides with a flush trim bit after sawing close. Accuracy and smooth edges from part to part are my goal. 4-17-03: Had to stop on my Tango temporarily due to illness and getting ready to sell my house. Should be starting up again sometime this summer. TANGO / Bob Whitehead / / 3-8-02: Finished and sailing: pictures of parts of the construction process are at http://home.bellsouth.net/p/PWP-BestofBobsWorld I have received emails from all corners of the world--people building this beautiful design. Not one person has believed me when I told them I built the boat--they unanimously look at me like I'm trying to pull their leg. Wish I had more time to sail her! 5-2-03: My project was finished in 1998 and I've been sailing Into the Mystic ever since. Great boat, nice design. TANGO / Andre Elwin / St. Lucia (now living in Canada) / / 4-12-02: Hull is almost complete. Internal construction complete. Still to put on the rub-rail, toe rail hardware, hand rails ect. Expecting a quote on the Spar Kit, Sails and Rigging Kit from Glen-L. I was surprised to see that the inside of the boat is really quite spacious notwithstanding the centerboard trunk. It's turning out to be a truly worthwhile endeavour - not only the actual construction process but one learns alot about oneself. You need it all - hardwork, perseverance, patience, an ability to step back and ponder the possible outcomes of a particular action, a positive attitude, the ability to maintain a cool head and take corrective action when things go wrong and of course - money (and an understanding wife). I am happy I started the project - hope to complete the boat within six months or so, as I work on the project only on Saturdays. I live on the island of St. Lucia in the Caribbean. I am looking forward to sailing the Tango in the bright blue waters of the Caribbean. 4-7-06: Hull was completed. Family moved to Canada and so my project had to be put on hold. I have attached some pictures of my project for your customer photo section. Unfortunately it costs too much to transport my boat to Canada so I am considering starting another Glen L boat project here in Canada. I will be ordering one or two study plans for review. Thanks for all the help and good advice. (see Customer Photos) TANGO / Ed Vernon / Rio Rancho, NM / / 05-28-02: I have nearly completed the form for my TANGO. I have purchased a 10 by 20 ft. canopy from SAM's Club about 2 weeks ago. I drove 4 ft. anchors at both ends and roped the canopy down with 1/2" rope. The total cost for the canopy, ropes, form wood, and anchors was $300.00. I would have appreciated more specific plans for the forms, such as a dimension between uprights, but generally the plans are excellent. I did not realize that the centerboard & trunk needed fiberglass/epoxy so I did not order the kit when I ordered the frame & hardware. This was a mistake on my part. I have set up the canopy on my asphalt drive which is very uneven with a slope. I was able to compensate for the slope by cutting the form uprights slightly longer on the down hill side. I leveled the center support with shims and bolted it through the asphalt with 1/2 inch lead anchors. I am able to walk on the frame without detectable motion. 06-01-02: Forms are complete. I have started mounting the frames. I have the centerboard in the bed of my pickup. It is shaped nicely. I have not yet drilled the pin hole. The framing is moving slowly. The transom was easy to set at the correct angle and affix to the form. 06-13-02: All frames mounted to form. Centerboard trunk glassed, glued, assembled and mounted in frames. Centerboard awaiting airfoil shaping. Keel assembled & installed. 08-24-02: All planking glued and fastened. Beginning filling screw holes and seams with epoxy putty. 12-21-02: Winter is here and I can't do much. I have fiber glassed the entire bottom. It's now time for lots of sanding and 2 or 3 smoothing coats of epoxy. Too cold for that also. Looks like I will not be able to do a lot on my Tango until the spring. I think I will move the centerboard into my shop after the holidays and begin shaping the bull nose and tapered aft. I don't think I have ever enjoyed a project this much. 03-22-03: My Tango is still down-side up, but I have managed to sand a lot over the winter in preparation for a smoothing coat of epoxy. I ordered the metal to make the trailer this week and maybe I will get started on that next weekend. I have also started shaping the leading and trailing edges of the centerboard. I used a cutting torch to chamfer the edges and then shaped these with the grinder. The centerboard has occupied my hand truck since last May, this makes it easier to move around. I have missed being able to work on my boat over the winter. 04-07-03: For the past 2 weekends I have been building a trailer for my Tango. I ordered the metal delivered from a local supplier for $188.00 and I ordered a utility trailer kit from Southwestwheel for $351 including shipping. The kit included a 3500 lb axel, springs, bolts, hangar kit, 14 inch wheels & tires, fenders, coupler, jack, lights, wiring, and license plate holder. http://www.southwestwheel.com/traileraxles.htm They delivered the same week I ordered. The trailer is nearly finished. I have rough fit bunks to the trailer and I will pick up rollers for the keel this week. You can view pictures at the customer photo site. The axel is currently clamped to the frame. I will position it by tongue weight when I turn the boat onto it. I will then bolt these to the frame. I have not welded the fenders at this time since I have not permanently located the axel. Looks like I will come in under $600.00 for the trailer. This is hard dirty work but worth it in the end. The book "How to build boat trailers" by Glen L. Witt was a good investment for this project. 4-21-03: I finished painting the trailer this weekend. I also assembled the bunks. I will wait a few days for the paint to harden before I put the rollers on. I also put the final two coats of epoxy on my Tango. I hope to paint the bottom in the next 2 weeks. I have started making plans for turning her over. I just might have to have a keg party to get good plenty of help. 06-04-03: My Tango is right side up at last. I had always been concerned about this part. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be. I was able to do this by myself. I used two electric hoists. One overhead and the other at 90 degrees. I used a tow strap wrapped around the building form and up the starboard side to give it roll. I attached the other hoist to an upright of the canopy that I have been building under and as the boat approached 45 degrees I attached it directly to the building form. As the boat reached the tip over point I pulled the 90 degree hoist to avoid the jerk of tip over. Then I let her down gently. 3-8-04: I have been working on a design for a kick-up rudder all winter. Little I could do on my Tango due to cold weather. The centerboard is now installed and the weather turned nice this weekend so I took my Tango to the lake for a leak check before beginning the cabin construction. I put her in the water and tied her off at the dock and left her there all day while I sailed with a friend. At the end of the day she was bone dry in the bilge so I am a happy boat builder. I need to fiberglass the deck before starting the cabin. But if this warm weather holds that should go quickly. With any luck I will be sailing her sometime this summer. 04-30-04: Finally constructing the cabin for my Tango. I decided to line the inside of the cabin with insulation, mostly for added floatation up high. I decided to fabricate my own port lights. 12-14-04: I completed the cabin and cockpit this summer as well as painting. I have mounted and bedded the pivoting mast step. I have installed the companionway guides and bedded them in marine bedding. I cut and temporarily mounted the toe rails. Now to shape, sand, varnish and then bed them. The bow spirit is mounted and bedded. 1-26-05: All spars are mounted on my Tango. Sails are fit and tested. I have started wiring. I will run AC (shore power) circuits first, then DC circuits. I am looking forward to sailing this spring. I had allowed myself 3 years of weekends and occasional weekdays to complete this boat. I started in April of 2002 and it looks like I am right on target to finish in April of 2005. 10-31-05: We have sailed our Tango four times this summer. We are enjoying it very much. The wife and I are novice sailors but we learned a lot this summer sailing on a local no-wake lake that is known for surprising winds. I think we have gotten over the "heeling fear" now and we look forward to our next time out. I have purchased slugs for the mainsail. Dousing the main is slow without them and those "surprising winds" almost require being able to quickly lower the main. The interior is still in the rough but we have overnighted on the lake while rafted up with others. I hope to work on the interior this winter. I managed to break the tiller but the day was saved by friends who found a piece of drift wood that we were able to bolt to what was left of the original tiller and wrap it in rope. We are still having great fun with this whole sailing thing and we have made many new friends. (See Customer Photos) TANGO / Dennis McAtee / Costa Rica / / 6-16-02: Centerboard trunk & keel completed. 6-29-02: Its been two and a half months already and only the hull done. Got tired of sanding, sanding, sanding and more sanding! So I painted the hull. Now I need to find a strong-backed crew to help flip it. Can't wait to get back to working with wood. That fiberglass gets old fast. There will lots more of that later anyway. Raining alot here, its our winter. 2-27-03: Hi Barry, It's been awhile but I'm still pluging away on my Tango. I'm already living in it. Another coat of paint and bottom paint and I will be ready to launch (without keel or rigging). More later as the adventure continues. 4-16-03: Well Barry, it's wet (launched). Only a little more than expected. Seems to have a little leak around the centerboard somewhere. Once that's fixed things will be fine. I'm living aboard, and loving it! Trying to save for swing keel and rigging. (see Customer Photos)
TANGO / Richard Follette / Watkins Glen, NY /
/ 9-19-06: I have completed construction of the Tango and
launched on April 26, 2006. Construction took 400 hours that
I did over 2 ½ years. I had originally planned to have
it completed a year earlier but I wanted to pay for it as I
went and a couple of weddings for my kids slowed me down.
Total cost of construction was about $ 6,000 not including a
motor, which I already had, and trailer which I also
built. Te thru ZHome Page |