![]() Boat Project Registry How to submit registry information
TNT / Terry Mortimore / Canada / / 7-10-97: Complete. TNT / Sean Wadsworth / Mississauga, ON, Canada / / 1-4-99: Frames on form, longitudinals installed, fairing. 5-30-99: Now installing bottom planking, almost ready to flip the boat over. 10-29-99: Completed the boat middle of August and had it painted. Launched it the last weekend of the summer. Handles great and is definitly an eye-catcher! Pics coming. Thanks for giving me a memory that will last a lifetime. Sean Wadsworth, age 18. TNT / Jeff Wilbanks / / 4-20-99: I received my plans and within three days I have already finished the frame work and chines. I am now trying to locate the plywood to begin planking & decking. Thanks Glen-L , for giving me something fun to build ! TNT / Cam Hansuld / Mississauga, Ontario, Canada / / 5-8-01: I built it in 1970 from a fame kit purchased locally ( I was 13 years old at the time and paid for the materials from my paper route), currently in storage with corner ply of middle frame in need of repair. 5-7-03: My son is getting close to cutting plywood for his TNT. Mine built circa 1970 will have to come out of storage soon. TNT / Chris Power / Email address not valid 5-6-03 / 6-20-01: I am constructing your T-N-T, The plan's are clear and easy to read. Currently we are completing the interior of the boat and I am realy looking to the day we will launch the boat! Thanks for designing such a beautiful boat. 9-5-01: I am now painting and finalizing the hull design now, my T-N-T looks great. I am planning on doing the interior French Blue and the exterior metallic black with some blue decal designs. The rear end of my boat has me slightly modified with a step up behind frame 3 and the transom, this should outline a more vivid "cockpit". I am also planning on adding a windshield and have a built-in gastank in the bow to stop porpoising. A subfloor with foam under it for flotation, and the bow has been filled with flotation, this will greatly improve the safety in case it capsizes. 10-10-01: All the woodworking is done, we are currently getting ready to fiberglass the hull. I picked up a 1975 40 H.P Mercury motor in Vancouver for about 800$. I am planning to get a C.D stereo for the boat... will see 5-22-02: Work on my TNT is almost complete, all woodworking is done, and I have started the Epoxy Fiberglass. The outside of the boat will be painted a hot racing yellow! To make the boat more fun, we installed a Clarion CD player, 2 speakers, a Sub-Woofer to give it a little kick, a tachometer, a speedometer, and a Depth-sounder since it will be used in a lake with vastly varying depths. All and all, it will be a great boat when its finished! TNT / Mike Blanchfield / / 7-29-01: I started buyilding the TNT (modified to 12 ft. long) in June of 1977 when I was 15 years old. It was launched that August and powered by an old (1958) 35Hp Johnson Sea Horse. I used the Glen-L galvanized fastenting kit and the fiberglass deck cloth covering kit. I used the boat for four summers with various improvements in each summer. It would run approx.30 mph and was a great experience that brought a lot of great memories. After my sophomore year in college I left for a summer job in Texas and realized that I wouldn't use the boat again like I had. My parents sold it for me while I was away. Now I have built my second Glen-L boat (Kingpin) which my family has used for the past 10 years. It sure would be nice if we could find the first boat I built. It was painted white on the bottom with a blue top with white stripes. We sold it in the summer of 1981 in Wilmington, DE for I think $300. 5-26-03: Email valid. I have been very pleased with your products. TNT / Matt Redmon / / 7-7-01: Cutting out frame pieces. 5-17-03: Thanks for reminding me about the registry. I have finished my freshman year of college, which has left me with little time to work on my tnt. My boat is near completion. The next step for me is to complete the interior. I expect it to be done by late August of this year and look forward to getting it on the water. TNT / Patrick Keegan / Tampa, Florida / 9-2-01: Project started. The building form is complete and the frame pieces are aligned and braced. 02-08-02: Finally back to work on it! Frame is complete and faired. Ready for Plywood. 5-9-02: Hull is planked and interior framing is complete. Passed a milestone yesterday by locating and purchasing a good used 30hp Johnson motor. 7-8-02: My TNT is finally done, no more E-mail questions! Seriously, I want thank Barry and everyone else at Glen-L for being so helpful over the past months. Now that it's on the water, all of the efforts have proven worthwhile. The TNT handles great and it accelerates like a rocket. I am running a stock 30 HP Johnson. 5-6-03: The project has been completed for almost a year. I am contemplating the Stilletto or the Tunnel King next. (see Customer Photos) TNT / Don Wickett / Oklahoma City, OK / Email address not valid 5-6-03 / 9-30-01: Project complete, titled and ready to go. Bought wood 5/5/01 by 7/03/01 was ready for painting and then adding seats. I installed three seats, opting out the motor well and only brought fore deck back to #3 frame. Might build a removable deck to cover the front seat, so it would resemble the original design. Thanks Glen L Marine.
TNT / Don Slomke /
/ 11-2-01 Just received my frame kit. Built form today and
will move into basement for assembly. 11-9-01 Keel, battens,
and 1st lamination of sheer clamp on. 11-11-01 Sheer clamps
and chine logs on, ready to start plywood. (Hint for
installing longitudinals with sharp bends: wrap with bath
towel and pour boiling water on the towel and let sit over
night, works great!) 11-28-01: About 2/3 of hull / side
planking complete. ( I took some time off for deer hunting)
12-8-01: Began fitting final piece of bottom planking today.
I should be able to turn over and start topside next week.
12-12-01 Turned hull over and began topside construction.
Only about 40 hrs into it at this point. 12-21-01:
Topside planking nearly complete. I plan to varnish hull
inside this week and complete planking. I made some changes
to the deck, I will E-mail in process photos a.s.a.p.
1-13-02: All woodwork is complete. I will turn hull over and
begin fiberglassing 1-14-02. 6-23-02 After a long time off, I
finally got back to work on my T-N-T. Today I covered 1/2 the
hull with fiberglass cloth. I expect to finish the bottom and
be ready for primer by the end of the month. 7-21-02: All the
fiberglass work is done. The hull has been painted and
lettered and I will turn it over to paint the deck today. I
hope to have it in the water by 8-1. I will send photos
a.s.a.p. 7-27-02 The hull is completely painted and lettered,
the jackplate and motor are installed, I just need to build a
seat and finish my steering parts. I'm shooting for a
launch by 8-3-02. TNT / Thomas Nilsson / Enhörna, Sweden / / 1-30-02: Here are some pictures of my TNT equipped with a Kawasaki 440-engine and water jet from a jet ski. It's really safe and fun without any visible engine/prop. I made the water intake in fibreglass and I used all the useful parts I could from the jet ski, like gas-tank, exhaust, cooling, electric-start, steering cables and so on. Because of the jet it's easy to go all the way in to the shore even for the kids without having to worry about any prop. Thanks for good plans and frame kit. 5-8-03: I have made a new water intake to the waterjet so now the top speed is up from 12 to 30 knots. Right now I am about to dress the boat with one layer of glassfiber and gelcoat.(See WebLetter 34) TNT / Erling Svegre / Vangsvik, Norway / / 3-30-02: TNT Project finally started! Bought the drawings in 1997, so it's about time. All wood is bought, fiberglass also. At this time, March 30, Frame 1, Transom, Motor Board, Transom Knee, Stem and Breasthook are complete. Hoping to start on the building form the next week. I'll keep you posted, and hopefully with some pics next time. 4-25-02: Hello everybody! I had to slow down my building, the spring came a month earlier than usual, so lots of stuff to do outside the house. The keel is fastened, and now (April 20th) I am working on the chines. Not quite as easy as I thought, they tend to bend too much outwards, so maybe I have to use more strength to twist them a bit before I fasten them to the frames. Does anybody know this: Should the chine logs be level with the frame sides? (Yes) I would think so, but the chine logs seem to have a weird idea that they should be twisted and not at all level with the frame sides. Well well, let's see who's the strongest .....May the force be with me. Yeah, almost forgot, I just got the floatation foam. It's called ETHAFOAM, and is produced by DOW. Same stuff is being used in lifebelts, sailboards, in tunnels etc. Almost 100% waterproof, closed cells, and not too expensive. (Not cheap either....) It cost approx. $400,- for 1 cubic meter. And this amount will make 960 kilos floating. So I bought 0,33 cubic meters, should be enough for the TNT. I will also use this stuff to make soft seats....it keeps you warm also. 5-12-03: Chine logs are in place, sheer clamp also and battens. Hopefully will get plywood planking in place within the next month. (See Customer Photos) TNT / Michael Dean / Dayton, OH / / 08-20-02: The boat is complete. I have some pictures I would like to share (see Customer Photos). The only regret that I have is that I did not keep a log while I was building the TNT. I purchased the kit in '93 and finished it a year later, but just got around to painting it and finding a motor for it. Thanks for the fun. 5-6-03: The tnt is finished. Thx for checking...I am planning on a Rivera this summer. (see Customer Photos) TNT / Jean-Louis Houle and Marc Tremblay / / Montreal, Quebec, Canada / 11-28-02: We are in the process of attaching the keel and battens to the frame members. So far the project is going very well. We did have a little trouble understanding how the transom was lined up vis-à-vis members #1 and #2, a quick call to Glen-L, specifically Barry, and we were happily on our way again. We'll keep you posted and will soon be sending pictures. 5-7-03: The project is coming along nicely, though a little slow. The frame is finished and has been faired. We are at the point where we are about to start planking. I haven't been able to devote as much time to the project as I would have liked because I have become sidetracked by another project, my wedding. I am getting married on May 10. I plan to shift the TNT project into high gear in late May. If all goes well we should be able to take the TNT out for a spin in late August or early September, that is the plan. Marc TNT / Jim Epp / Saskatoon, Canada / / 1-15-03: I began my TNT last spring(2002) but was pulled away to assist a friend with another project (building a log cabin). I've completed the framing and was nearly finished attaching the plywood. the project will continue again in Spring ('03). TNT / Keith / Oceanside, NY (Long Island) / / 3-17-03: After months of staring at the plans and thinking things out, our weather went from dead-of-winter to a balmy 68 degrees. With my wife out of town until Monday the 17th, I cleaned out the garage and started building the mounting frame. Made several errors, including cutting the main 2x4's too short (Don't ask me how I did that!). Picked up fresh 2x4's this morning at Home Depot and had the frame completed by early afternoon. I now have to go to the local specialty lumber yard and start buying some of the materials. I also need to order the fastener kit from Glen-L. I am trying not to think about the big picture and just take this project one step at a time! TNT / John Wilmot / Damascus, MD / / 8-6-03: Just finished our TNT and your plans were great. I am an architect, so I can attest to the accuracy. I used your fiberglass kit for the bottom and your steering kit for the helm. With a new 25 hp Mercury, she was clocked at 37 mph. I'm not sure whether I built this boat for me or the grand kids. Thanks for your help. (See Customer Photos) TNT / Steve Durham / / 9-23-03: So far, I have obtained lumber for frames and transom, and begun to cut parts out. I have also prefabrcated the building jig. The floor space I need will not be free for a few weeks yet, so I hope to get all the pieces ready by that time. I am thinking of building the 'stretch' version to slightly increase payload. 10-31-03: I am slowly getting started on my TNT. I have built the jig, and cut out most small parts, and frame parts. I used carbon paper to trace all the parts onto light cardboard (file folders)which I cut into templates. This was pretty quick and efficient for me. Then I used a combination of Band saw, Table saw, and Scroll saw, ..and presto!! time to begin assembly!! I will be building a 11' 9" version. I have an older 40HP Johnson for it. (I will reinforce the transom and use a beefier knee) TNT / Mike Harvey / Tampa, FL / / 9-30-03: My three sons and I are building the TNT. We live on a lake and in addition to our current armada of Malibu ski boat, Maverick flats boat, canoe and jet ski (one can never have enough boats) the kids felt like they needed a small speed boat... We ordered the frame kit, fiberglass kit and fasteners in August 03. As of this date we have built the frame and planked the sides and bottom. We are now filling and sanding many screw holes in preparation for turning over. We are using AB Douglas-fir and plan to paint the hull and use a mahogany veneer on the deck. 11-16-04: After a slight hiatus we are back at it. Painted the bottom and sides with Awlgrip. Turned over and are adding deck beams and planking. Bought a lift plate to provide more set-back and vertical height adjustment for the motor. TNT / Seth Gray / Cranberry Island, Maine / / 1-16-04: I am 14 and am building the TNT for summer use. I live on the island all year round and the winters get pretty boring. I built this boat by myself with only a little help from my father who is a professional boat builder. I am almost done and only need to install stearing and the motor. I can't wait until summer to take it out. TNT / Mark Kimmerly / Queensland Australia / / 3-18-04: Starting on frames. It looks simple and complicated, but should be a challenge. Any comments or hints from other builders would be most welcome anytime. I plan to put a 30 or 35 HP on it. TNT / Wolfgang Weitzel / Friedberg, Germany / / 5-10-04: I bought the plans last winter and started building frames and transom. Now the frames and keel are mounted and have I started to bend the chine logs around. Bending is more difficult then I expected. Found a hint to wrap it with towels and put boiling water on it, hope to succeed this way. 7-16-04: Today I glued the bottom battens. All Framing is finished now. Begin with fairing and then planking. No real problems so far. It's always fun working on the boat. Thought it would go faster. Planned to go to the water this summer, we'll see. 4-25-05: Hurrah, it's finished! All woodwork and part of the finish is done, only some painting and minor details, then we go to the water. Have a 25 HP Yamaha outboard, soon I will give you info about performance. I think my TNT is a really nice and good-looking boat. 9-8-05: Well, not very soon, but here are the results from our first summer with our new TNT. With two adults the boat is going about 50 km/h, when I'm alone may be about 55 km/h. It's up on a plane in 3 seconds. Cornering at high speed is difficult. A keel-fin as specified on the plan is a must. I will put it on in wintertime. Our TNT is always an eyecatcher and we had many friendly discussions with other boating people. TNT / Ken & Karen Stock / / 8-16-04: I started my TNT on 1/15/04 and have just finished it. I loved building it. It has a 1969 20 HP Johnson on it, the first time out it would only go 22 mph. After some digging I found it to be a prop problem and have ordered the correct prop. I was very suprised at how stable it is for such small boat. I rounded the front deck and added a bench seat. I attached a picture of it in the water. We are looking foward to building our next Glen-L boat. (see Customer Photos) TNT / Ken Young / / 8-13-04: I have just started construction on my T-N-T. I have ordered stock, and built my form. Hopefully it will start taking shape very soon. TNT / Kingsfour / Milton, ON, Canada / / 8-29-04: My Dad and I made a TNT and we love it. We are located on Chandos Lake and while driving around found 3 more TNTs. I've raced one and talked to the another. If there is anybody with a TNT from Chandos, please contact me. We put a 35 hp. motor on it but are not getting full use of it until we buy a speed prop which is soon to come. It handles great and we love it. Thanks a lot Glen-L TNT / Adrian, Matthew, Eric, Dad / Toronto, ON, Canada / / 2-6-05: We started the TNT in the summer of 2000. We had received the boat building plans and got right down to work. Within a couple months, we had the frames all assembled and ready for the 1/4 inch plywood. After we had done that, we fibre glassed it, then covered the bottom with white gel coat. When we flipped it over we started to build the deck. Once the deck framing was completed, we covered that with 1/4 inch plywood and a layer of fibre glass. We rolled on the white gel coat to see were our imperfections were. After we did all that work we sprayed a blue endura over the deck and sides. (about 3 coats). In 2004 all we have left to do is install the seats put the steering together, and install our 1989 Johnson 25 hp, short shaft. Thanks Glen-L. (see Customer Photos) TNT / Michael and Michael Valparaiso / Indiana / / 3-1-05: We are still cutting out the pieces. We have cut out all 3 frames and are now on the motor board, transom, stem, breasthook, etc. As soon as we start building I will send some pics. 3-5-05: Today we cut out the stem, breast hook, motor board, and transom. Next step is to put together all the pieces and then we are on our way. TNT / G. Newbold / Ontario / / 6-7-05: Ready for bottom planking. (see Customer Photos) TNT / Robert and Andrew Malec / Sydney, Australia / / 8-30-05: So far we have put the whole skeleton together, and are half way through the beveling stage... and yea, so far really fun to build. Cheers. TNT / Nigel and Kenwrick Mayo / Brampton, Ontario, Canada / / 9-4-05: My son and I started construction of the TNT in October 2005, and launched at the end of June. We have a 35hp Johnson and we get about 35mph tops. We had many challenges along the way, though finished with a beautiful, exciting boat. I would highly recommend bolting on the motor (not just relying on the clamps) as we almost lost the motor when the whole boat came out of the water at 32mph and the prop hit the water again at 5500rpm. The motor rotated sideways about 20 degrees, leaving only one clamp on the transom. Our finished project weighs 282 lbs! This includes fiberglass bottom, seats, floor boards, teleflex steering, gas tank and full size marine battery. The motor adds another 131 lbs (1977 35hp electric start johnson).
TNT / David Ruff / Denton TX /
/ 10-17-05: Here is my TNT, I started it in Feb of last year
and took a 9 month break. It is getting glassed over now.
From there I will float test it, then build the cockpit. It
has an 18hp on it now but I will move to a 35 as I get the
boat's hull number and inspection done. Am loving this
build. Will be float testing the boat next week - just need
to glass the sides. Will update my site as those and other
pictures come in. I HIGHLY recommend this design to the first
timer. TNT / Kevin and MacKenzie Reid / Mattawa, ON, Canada / / 4-5-06: Just completed cutting out the frame pieces.
TNT / Chuck Stevens / Royal Oak, Michigan /
/ 9-10-06: I purchased the plans for the TNT about a month
ago. I have accumulated all the necessary lumber to make the
building jig. I have studied the plans. I am going to
increase the of the building form height 1.5 inches and mill
slots for the frames and add a 12 degree bracket on the rear
for the transom. Most of the parts for the frames, are
already cut out and only have to assemble them. I am going to
adjust the hull lenght to twelve feet so that I can move the
seat a bit forward. I plan on powering the craft with an
Evinrude 15 HP engine that is like new. TNT / Tom Lundquist / Portage, Michigan / / 8-1-07: The TNT was a really fun and rewarding project. I've done many construction projects around the house, but this was our first attempt at building a boat. We started in the fall of 2005 and worked through two cold Michigan winters in the garage. We launched it in June 2007, so it was a little less than a two year project, only being able to work on it some evenings and weekends. My son is now 13 and having a blast! Thanks for everything through the process. Your plans and products are great and the customer service and helpful hints along the way were awesome! I'd be happy to share our experiences with anyone who may be interested. TNT / Gary Dowsey / Perth, Australia / / 6-11-08: What a great design to build, very quick and straight-forward for a cabinet-making lecturer. l received my plans on May 22 and I have the hull built now and preparing it to take the epoxy and cloth, but our weather is in Winter mode here so I'm getting mad coz lm just idle for the time being. TNT / Andrew Bangsberg / Cumberland, Wisconsin / / 7-22-08: Started in Jan 2006, completed in July 2008. I slightly modified the TNT design by curving the top of the bow and adding a hatch cover behind the seats. She is painted with Interlux Perfection. I used a Taco Marine rub rail (I highly recommend you protect your boat with a rub rail). The engine is a 73 Merc 20 hp, with electric start. After 2 1/2 years she is finally in the water and a blast to drive. More pictures and details are available on http://www.bsehosting.com/get/tnt/bizweb.asp. TNT / Dan Brennan / Vancouver, Canada / / 10-10-08: Building the TNT - first project (total newbie) - just set up the garage and bought materials for the building form - going to get it done tonight and then out on the weekend to get the mohogany for the frames. Been reading tons of info on the forum, great tool!1-16-09: Frames and transom are finally completed. Stem laminating and breasthook ready to go, just waiting for a warm enough stretch to be able to glue it all together. Looking forward to finally getting the building form up and frames attached so it starts looking like a boat! 3-10-09: Finally looking like a boat! All frames, transom, stem, etc. all up on the form, both chine logs installed and actually very pleased with how it all turned out. All level and true. Sheer clamps are next and then battens. Should have those installed by the weekend and then begins the fairing process... Tons of fun, it's on my mind all the time and I love it. Thanks for all the online support you provide through your site (info, forum etc.) Also the phone interview was great, looking forward to the next one. TNT / Kevin Korell & Son / Lincoln, Nebraska / / 6-20-09: Hi, I am Kevin Korell, my son and I are building the TNT. We are born and raised in Nebraska, and not a lot of folks around here are familiar with boat building. TNT / Tim Mueller / Woodbury, Minnesota / / 1-26-09: My name is Tim Mueller and I am from Woodbury, MN. My kids and I are building a TNT. We started late Oct. and have the frames and transom done. We will move to the garage next to make the building form but we might not make too much progress until we start warming up a bit :-( 8-20-09: Progress has been slow because we are all busy, but we have got somewhere. We now are set up in the garage and the frames, transom, keel, and stem are all put together on the building form. I have the lumber (spruce) for the chines and sheers so that is next. (See Customer Photos) TOPPER / Robert Bruce and Robert C Rawlings / Seattle, WA / / 9-30-02: Plans purchased August 26 2002. Currently fitting the knuckles to the building form, stem and transom. Slightly confused as to how to do it at this point, however pending e-mail with glen-l, we should get through this. So far we have purchased the fastening kit and the fiberglass kit from Glen-l, saving a lot of time. 2-19-03: Well, we began the project back in October, and yesterday we turned the boat over and removed most of the building form. More updates and pics later. 5-6-03: The Topper is almost finished. 5-11-03: Deck varnished. (see Customer Photos) TOPPER / Marc and Alec Miller / Augusta, GA / / 2-15-04: Started construction last weekend. Have completed forms, started the stem and breasthook. Planning on starting the transom next weekend. Lot's of fun! 3-29-04: Completed the transom. Have cut out the daggerboard trunk and will assemble next week. Have also started the keel. Have ordered the fastening kit today--Wish that I had ordered it at the beginning! Found a local building supply company that can order the marine grade plywood. If I order it by Tuesday, I can have it by the weekend. I intend to build the form and have the chines in place by the end of April. So far it seems to be working out pretty well, however I haven't put it together yet! 5-31-04: So far, the hardest aspect (for me) has been the planking process. Making those planks fit adequately is tough and little bit slower than I thought. However, I think that the hardest part is behind me. I believe that I will be able to turn her over by June 15th. 7-10-04: I have completed the fiberglassing and painting. I turned the boat over and am now working on the inside. I used fiber-filler to reinforce the bow area. This boat will be used on a beach type setting hence I was interested in a very strong front end. This was probably overkill, but I will feel better! :) I used silica and microspheres for the rest of the boat (both inside and outside) to fill minor holes and gaps. You are correct: this mixture sands much better. Finally, I used Interlux Brightside paint all over. After about a week for drying and curing, I "tested" a portion of it with hammer to see if it would withstand scuffing. The result: PERFECT! I was surprised at how light the boat was after the form structure was removed. This ought to be a fairly fast little boat.( See my progress at http://mis.aug.edu/mmiller/boat.htm
TOPPER / Michael James / Wellington, New Zealand /
/ 11-18-07: Just started and loving it. I brought the plans
for the Topper and Glen-L 25 in the early nineties when my
family and I were living in England. Our circumstances
changed and we moved home to New Zealand. This unfortunately
meant that my plans for building a boat went on the back
burner for more years than I wanted. However all is under way
now, forms all marked out and ready to cut, building space
all sorted, local suppliers of plywood and bronze ware found,
and a method of providing cover during the build sorted.
I’m building the Topper first before the Glen-L
25. TOPPER / Jon Fisher / Dripping Springs, TX / / 5-12-08: Just wanted to submit a couple of pictures of Cherry Plum (aptly named by my daughter Sophia). I learned a lot building this boat and we are enjoying sailing her. I would like to design a kick-up rudder to make launching and retrieving a little less dramatic. Mast and boom are VG douglas fir, seats are yellow pine, stringers/rub rails are white oak, rudder and dagger board are mahogany, planks are Aquatek plywood. I need to take some sailing pictures, but we are both usually in the boat. Thanks for the support during the build. (See Customer Photos) TOPPER / Mike Basham / Oxford (Atlanta), Georgia / / 5-27-09: Hull complete, now finishing mast, dagger board, rudder, etc.
TOPPER / Gary Adams / Salt Lake City, Utah / / 11-12-09: I have finished the hull. I am now working on the mast, boom, etc. TORNADO / Mike Babin / / 9-6-99: Started project 6-12-99 from plans & patterns. Set up, framed, keel, chine, sheer installed. Most fairing complete. Will start side planking 9-11-99. This is for the most part a weekend project. My job gets in the way... go figure. This is a great stress reliever. 5-10-03: The project has come along very well, actually. It has taken me a long time, but that has much to do with my job and other priorities. I got into the project fully aware that it was going to be drawn out over a couple of years, so I'm happy with the progress. The boat building portion is complete. It was very straight forward. I've just completed the painting and graphics with House of Kolor Kandy Kolors and am rigging now. I hope I can stay in town long enough this summer to complete it all.TORNADO / Paul G. Miller / Memphis, TN / / 7-16-01: Began construction with plans-only purchase in September 1989. I've been rather slow in building, but I like to say that the "getting there" is as much fun as "arriving". As of July 2001: I have finished the bottom, complete with blood-red IMRON paint, and have just rolled it. Topsides and interior/rigging is beginning. I have purchased much of the hardware as I go and am planning on a 383 CID small block Chevy (stroked 350) in this boat. I have a Casale 12% overdrive v-drive or, alternately, will go "retro" with a Halibrand 15% v-drive that I've rebuilt to new condition. A Borg-Warner 72C will provide forward-neutral-reverse. As of April 2002: All wood and epoxy-glass has been completed. The final sanding of the deck and cockpit area is being done in preparation for painting. Blood-red Imron will be used to complete the topsides; light gray in the cockpit. Seats are bought and test fitted on custom-made stainless seat supports. Steering is in. An Ultraflex (U-Flex) rotary helm was selected over other rotary types for two reasons: 1) the U-Flex uses a three-gear planetary gear system that offers greater contact with the push-pull cable than other helms; 2) the U-Flex is only a little more than 3 turns, lock-to-lock. Teleflex items were used for all cable mounts and connections in the steering. The motor finally selected is a little larger in HP and Torque than originally mentioned - a 406 cu. in SBC. This is mated to a bracket-race Powerglide "shorty" transmission which will be operated without a torque converter, driving the pump directly from the crankshaft. The driveline is presently being fabricated, using 1350 Spicer components. The cavitation plate and adjustable controls are all in place. Finally, the prop selected is a steel 2-blade item from Menkens. As of July, 2002: The boat is fully painted in three coats of deep red Imron; the cavitation plate assembly is installed; the underwater gear is installed; instruments and switches are installed and wired; waiting for the rebuild of the Casale v-drive to complete installation of the driveline. Project pictures can be seen at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Glen-L-Builders (not affiliated with Glen-L other than we all build the boats). 5-8-03: I have completed my project and am waiting to get time to take off from work for a week to get it into the water. I anticipate some minor "adjustments" to the drive systems that I will have to attend to. Tu thru ZHome Page |